The Apparitions of July 1-21, 2008
Marija arrived in the United States on Saturday, June 28, 2008. The Five Days of Prayer, July 1-5, with visionary Marija Lunetti, was a solemn event in which thousands of pilgrims from all 50 states came together to be with Our Lady. The purpose of the gathering was to formally make a solemn act of consecration of the United States of America on July 4th, the birthday of our Nation, to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
June 29, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Marija in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. The Community of Caritas was present. After the apparition, Marija told the Community that Our Lady did something special. She started on one side of the room and slowly looked at every face present before Her, scanning the entire room of faces, finishing at the other side of the Bedroom. As if She was marking each face in the Community, Marija said Our Lady moved Her head to peer around those who were blocked by other Community members as if to show or emphasize how each one is important to Her. In response to Marija’s question about the apparition the next day, Monday June 30th, Our Lady responded that the apparition would be “Same time, same place.”
June 30, 2008
The apparition today was in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. There were already many pilgrims who had arrived for the July 1-5 events and were praying in the Field during the time of the apparition. Marija asked Our Lady to bless them. At this request, Our Lady turned towards the Field and extended Her hand in a blessing. Marija asked Our Lady about the apparition tomorrow, and Our Lady responded again, “Same time, same place.”
July 1, 2008 – Day of Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness
More than 35 pilgrims were randomly chosen to attend today’s apparition in the Bedroom, while the Community joined all the other pilgrims in the Field. Marija asked everyone to kneel down and pray in preparation for the apparition. She said to pray for all those who are not here, for those who are in the Field, as well as those we recommend in our prayers and in our hearts. In a special way, she prayed for all sick people. The following is Marija’s description of today’s apparition:
“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us all. I recommended also all religious objects to be blessed. Also, people who are in the Field. And Our Lady blessed also all the people there.”
Marija asked Our Lady where and when the apparition would be the following day on July 2. Our Lady responded, “Same time, same place.” [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 2, 2008 – Day of Individual Consecrations
Today’s apparition was in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. It was on this day that all those present made an individual consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
In the midst of about 50 people, kneeling tightly in the Bedroom, Our Lady appeared to Marija over the Bed. The apparition lasted almost three minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended, like always, all of your intentions. Our Lady prayed over all of us, and She blessed us all. I recommended all the sick people, and in a special way I asked also to bless all religious objects, and all the people who are there in the Field. Our Lady then prayed over everyone for a short time, and She made the Sign of the Cross in a blessing. And I asked Our Lady for tomorrow. I said tomorrow is a special day, the Vigil for the 4th, and Our Lady smiling, said that the apparition would be at 10:00 at night in the Field.” (Immediately upon hearing this, several in the room wanted Marija to repeat what she had just said as they were shocked to hear Our Lady’s choice for a vigil apparition in anticipation of honoring God for the birth of our Nation on the 4th of July.) “She said, not here, but in the Field, tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. Our Lady said [the apparition is] for everybody. These days Our Lady appears always here (in the Bedroom), saying ‘Same time, same place.’ And I think all other people are a little bit jealous of us. So thank God. So not two times will there be an apparition, but only tomorrow night, in the Field for everybody. You go out now and tell everyone this beautiful news. And God bless you all.” [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 3, 2008 – Day for Consecration of Our Families
Prayer for tonight’s vigil began around 8:00 p.m. When Our Lady appeared, Marija’s face was intense during the long apparition that lasted more than eight minutes. Afterwards, Marija surprised the thousands gathered in the Field by saying for the July 4th apparition, Our Lady again said She would appear in the Field at 10:00 p.m. Knowing that this was something out of the ordinary, and feeling that Our Lady was giving everyone another day to spend in prayer for our Nation’s conversion, joy swept through the crowd. Marija then asked the pilgrims, “Would you rather sleep or would you rather pray?” and then she said, “I think we must pray very much in these next 24 hours for your nation.” Marija stayed in the Field until well after midnight with everyone who wanted to stay, praying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be over and over again, with songs sung intermittently. [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 4, 2008 – Consecration of Our Nation
Prayer in preparation for the apparition began around 8:00 p.m. Just moments before Our Lady’s apparition, everyone together prayed the Solemn Consecration of Our Nation to Our Lady. Marija then began to pray the seven Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s, and Glory Be’s and suddenly Our Lady appeared. Marija’s face was serious throughout the apparition that lasted for five minutes. At the end of the apparition, Marija said that Our Lady had come with three angels tonight. She prayed over everyone present, blessed them and blessed all their religious articles. Marija recommended all those present and in a special way all the sick. Our Lady gave the following message:
“Thank you for all your prayers, be my extended hands in this peaceless world.”
Our Lady said, “Tomorrow’s apparition will be in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m.” And Our Lady finished, saying, “Go in peace.” [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 5, 2008 – A Day of Thanksgiving
The apparition was in the Bedroom today with just the Community of Caritas present. There were several thousand pilgrims gathered in the Field, praying the Rosary in unison with the Community present in the Bedroom. Before the apparition began, the founder asked Marija to ask Our Lady if it would be possible for Her to give Her Motherly Special Blessing to all those gathered in the Field. Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom of the Apparitions at 11:48 a.m. The apparition lasted three minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“Our Lady blessed us all. Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us. She also blessed all those gathered in the Field. She also blessed all of our religious articles. I recommended all of our intentions, especially I recommended all the sick people. And afterwards I said, ‘Terry asked me about the Special Blessing.’ Our Lady smiled and said:
‘Today I give you my Motherly blessing, take it to your homes, to your families.’”
Everyone was thrilled, in awe and moved that Our Lady gave Her Special Blessing.
July 6, 2008
The apparition took place in the Bedroom. It was a special apparition for the Community as beforehand, it was announced that one of the young couples in the Community had just become engaged to be married, just moments before the Rosary. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“When Our Lady appeared, I recommended everyone to Our Lady and their intentions. In a special way, I recommended this young couple. Before giving Her blessing, Our Lady looked at the couple and smiled and then blessed everyone in the Bedroom. Our Lady also blessed all the pilgrims in the Field.”
When Marija asked Our Lady where and when the apparition would be the following day, Our Lady said it would be in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m. Everyone was surprised at Her actions of appearing July 7th, also at 10:00 p.m. [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 7, 2008
The Rosary began at 9:00 p.m. Just before 10:00 p.m., Our Lady appeared to Marija in the Bedroom. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady also blessed everyone in the Field. When Marija asked about tomorrow’s apparition, Our Lady said, “Same time, same place,” in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m. [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 8, 2008
It was a beautiful, star-filled night for the crowd who had gathered for Our Lady’s apparition. Light from the half-moon flooded the Field, giving enough light to see the surrounding pilgrims that circled Our Lady’s statue. When the Rosary began at 9:00 p.m., everyone knelt and faced the house where Our Lady would appear. Just before 10:00 p.m., Our Lady appeared to Marija in the Bedroom. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady also blessed everyone in the Field. When Marija asked about tomorrow’s apparition, Our Lady said, “Same time, same place,” in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m.
July 9, 2008
The following is Marija’s description of the apparition that took place in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m.:
“When Our Lady appeared, She prayed over and blessed all of us and also everyone in the Field.”
Our Lady told Marija that the apparition would be “the same time tomorrow, at 10:00 p.m.,” but did not say a location. Marija would be leaving for a week of family retreat with the founder’s family, so this was the last apparition until she returns to Caritas. [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 10 to July 17, 2008
Marija was on family retreat this week. During this time, Our Lady still continued to appear to her at 10:00 p.m.
July 18, 2008
Upon Marija’s return, the apparitions continued in the Bedroom. The Rosary began at 9:00 p.m., and the apparition took place at 10:00 p.m. Following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“Tonight when Our Lady came, I recommended all our intentions, in a special way those present here (in the Bedroom) and Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. I asked also blessing for those in the Field and Our Lady blessed also those in the Field, and Our Lady blessed them and all objects brought for blessing.”
Marija said that Our Lady told her the apparition would be at the “Same time, same place,” tomorrow night.
July 19, 2008
Tonight, the Bedroom was filled with roses, numbering 4,000, all of which represented those souls from across the nation who wanted to be represented during Our Lady’s apparitions. Marija took some of the roses and formed them into a heart on the Bed with the Community girls helping. When it was finished, the whole room was breathtaking. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady all of our intentions, and in a special way I asked Our Lady to bless all people who is present here and in the Field. And I also offered Our Lady the soul of little Sebastian (a little boy who had died early this morning) and asked help for his mother and father. I asked Our Lady to give Sebastian peace and to carry him in Her heart. She immediately begin to pray. I ask also to Our Lady to bless all candles and all the roses present from all people across the United States. And Our Lady, She stood with Her hands extended and prayed over all of us. She pray over also all these people (who gave the candles and roses). And after She give blessing. She go. And tomorrow: ‘Same time, same place.’” [see Appendix to American Messages]
July 20, 2008
Sunday, July 20, was the last public apparition of Marija’s visit to the United States for the July 1-5, 2008 consecrations. The apparition was at 10:00 p.m. in the Bedroom. It lasted over 4 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended all your intentions, and Our Lady prayed over us and blessed us. She prayed over us a long time with Her hands extended. She also blessed the people in the Field.”
Marija said that Our Lady had chosen the time for tomorrow’s apparition, Monday, July 21, and that it would be in the morning before Marija’s departure.
July 21, 2008
Today’s apparition was a private apparition for the Community in the Bedroom. The Rosary began at 8:00 a.m. Our Lady appeared to Marija around 9:00 a.m., and the apparition lasted over four minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, She immediately began to pray, and She prayed a long time over us with Her hands extended. She prayed the whole time [of the apparition] and in the end, I just have time to recommend all your petitions, and She gave blessing and left.”
Marija explained this with joy and said, “Our Lady does this, but not often.” Our Lady’s words before the Father in this last apparition cannot be more than what is best, so we were left with this joy and contentment.
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6 thoughts on “American Messages: 2008”
Moved by this broadcast to tears! Well done!!
Moved by this broadcast to tears! Well done!!
Oh my goodness… this writing was such a positive confirmation of how our one Hail Mary or one full Rosary, if offered up for Our Lady’s Intentions, can, with Her Immaculate blessing. bring about such great miracles. Caritas is a miracle because one man dared to pray for Her Intentions and boldly demanded 4 Graces from Our Lady… and birthed Caritas… and drew hundreds of hundred millions to Her thru the writings and “way” of Caritas. She especially draws those who say I am nothing and I have nothing to give Our Lady… Thanks be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen
There are so many things that seem so very inconsistent. How can someone so insignificant, inconsistent, sinful and low life as I am be of any help with my puny efforts to pray be of help to the most Holy Powerful, Magnificent Woman who ever existed? I am old and weak and sickly and don’t even always have a way or make it to Mass. Are even my puny prayers of any use to her at all??