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A Time of Confrontation in this Time of Darkness

A Time of Confrontation in this Time of Darkness


March 6, 2012 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s
March 2, 2012 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

Pilgrims were on Apparition Mountain well before midnight, staking out the most prized positions for getting the best view of visionary Mirjana for her March 2, 2012 apparition. Many layers of clothing and blankets were helpful for those who brought them as temperatures hovered in the low 30’s during the night and into the morning. Rosaries were prayed and songs sung to Our Lady throughout the night in preparation for Her coming. As dawn broke over the mountain, some pilgrims could be seen sleeping, others praying, and many shivering in the cold of the morning.

A rosary was begun before Mirjana arrived, with each decade being prayed in a different language. When Mirjana came to the Blue Cross her mood was very somber, and as she knelt before the statue of Our Lady, she could be seen wiping tears from her eyes with a tissue.

The apparition rosary was begun in English by an American priest on pilgrimage from Texas and continued in other languages. When Our Lady appeared, Mirjana’s entrance into ecstasy was accompanied by gasps from the crowd, and her face turned instantly to joy and a big smile. Her joy did not last long, however, as she became very serious, with a pained look upon her face often. Though it appeared that Mirjana did most of the listening, she nodded and spoke frequently as though carrying on a conversation with Our Lady.

Joy returned to Mirjana’s face as Our Lady left at the end of the long apparition, after which Mirjana became quickly sad again and, bent low with her face to the ground, cried for a short while before recomposing herself to dictate the message.


Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2012 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

“Dear children; through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him – the High Priest. Thank you. ”


Mirjana also said that Our Lady blessed all those present and all the religious articles brought for blessing.


A Time of Confrontation in this Time of Darkness

by a Friend of Medjugorje

An “Epistle” is a writing, directed or sent, communicating intelligence to a distant person; a letter sent. It is rarely used in familiar conversation or writings, but chiefly in solemn or formal transactions. It is used particularly in speaking of the letters of the Apostles.- Caritas of Birmingham


From the early Church, we have the letters sent to believers in Christian communities, extolling the Christian life, taught and witnessed by Christ, learned and lived by Peter, John, Paul and the other apostles and disciples in the writings of the New Testament. In these letters, or epistles, sent by those who lived closest to the events of Christ, tell us how they incorporated the new message into life, what they lived, what obstacles befell them, what persecutions confronted them in their walk to be apostles of the divine light in their time. They struggled against great adversities, with patience and love, and walked in a time of trial in order to birth, evangelize and convert first, the people of Judaism which at its core was hardened by centuries of mounting legalism, and then the pagan world of the gentiles.


We are, as in the time of the first Great Evangelization initiated and led by Christ, in this time of the second Great Evangelization led by Mary. Today these writings to you are among the epistles resulting from walking with Mary in this Her time, a time of confrontation in this time of darkness and hopelessness; hopeless because there is a judgment against the world today, against everything not of God because the world has renounced Jesus. As Our Lady said in Her February 2 message last month:


February 2, 2012

“… (you) do not want to see where it (world) is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him (Jesus)…”


Therefore, the world, because of choosing this direction, has condemned and doomed itself, for it cannot have but hopelessness without Christ. This letter to you, little children, is to encourage you to decide now, not to delay in doing those things Our Lady is impelling you to do to change your life and the way you live. Our Lady is imploring you to reflect upon the way you are walking through this hallway of life to lead you to the great room where you will enter upon Eternal Life. But this is not resurrection time. It is the time we are on trial, and we will each receive a verdict rendered later by the sole juror, Jesus, who will pronounce “not guilty” or “guilty” of renouncing his free gift of salvation. The way people look at you and your life, are they raised to holiness, to sanctity, to want to know the Christ by how you live? Or does your life neutralize them into accepting that to follow Jesus is to live mediocrity, requires little, and that those who profess Jesus as their Savior can do as they please in their actions. If He is the Savior of those living mediocrity or a lazy Christian life, what kind of Savior would He be? A weak one who others would not be convicted enough to want. When you do not live a convicting Christianity, you confirm to others their way of non-belief or send them off to transcendental meditation, new age, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism or a host of other religions who do not profess that Jesus Christ is the One true God, One with the Triune God. There is a vast separation between Christians and all other religions and cults. This parallels the great separation between the sacred and the secular today. This division between sacred and secular has become so vast, so radical that on the side of the sacred, Christianity is lumped with all other faiths, all other forms of worship and devotions, while the secular world has, itself, become god. But there is a religion on the rise. There is a people who have not allowed their religion to be compromised. The Muslims are growing much faster than all other religions because they are holding to their convictions. This is a warning Our Lady has tried to get us to understand, as how important it is that we as Christians witness with our lives to lead others to desire Jesus, as Our Lady said today:


“…a desire to come to know Him (Jesus)…”


Muslims are much stronger in their faith, the secularists respect them more than they do Christians. In fact secularists spit on Christians while repeatedly apologizing to the Muslims for offending them. What will this lead to? Our Lady answers this today:


“…I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son…I am imploring you…repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him…”


It is Our Lady who comes to the whole world to move you, to warn you, that you are to witness to Muslims the love of the Son, to overcome them when they look at your life, to desire Jesus. Not only to Muslims, but we are to witness this to all people. Mirjana said on November 14, 2006:


“Our Lady asks that we put into our daily prayer, in the first place, our prayers for unbelievers because Our Lady says that when you pray for them, you pray for yourselves and your own future… She asks us not to preach…but to talk with our own lives so that unbelievers can see God and God’s love within ourselves…We live in the time of the great decision.”


Our Lady has taught us to love all peoples of other faiths. There are moderate Muslims as well as those who hate Christians, but it is Our Lady who said:


November 25, 1991

“…dear children, pray that from your heart would flow a fountain of love to every person both to the one who hates you and to the one who despises you…”


The reality that we live today is that society is breaking apart. The sacred and the secular are in agreement with this. The truly sacred see that only God, and our return to Him, can bring healing to the world to fix it. The secularists see Christians as the culprits and the cause of society’s fall. Getting rid of Christianity, the secularists see, is the fix for society. As society tumbles apart, denying the Sovereign power of Jesus Christ to bring healing and peace, in this void another religion will rise up with strength. Secularism is a religion that is strong when religion stands aside and lets it be. Yet, in reality, secularism is so weak, it cannot compete with a strong religion lived with conviction. So what religion will rise up? Our Lady said:


…I am imploring…I am…repeatedly warning you…help others…come to know my Son…through your conviction…impressed within you…apostles of the divine light… giving light not darkness…


We are to show hope, rather than reflect the hopelessness that prevails with secularism. Secularism will be replaced, but will it be replaced by Christ through His Christian principles or by another religion? We are faced with how we are to spread our faith, how we are to spread Medjugorje to all whom we meet. Our Lady has often cautioned in Her messages not to rely on words, but to witness with our lives.


August 1984

“Your responsibility is to accept Divine peace, to live it, and to spread it, not through words, but through your life.”


February 25, 1993

“…I wish that each of you decides himself for a change of life…not through words and thoughts but through example, so that your life may be a joyful testimony for Jesus…”


September 20, 1985

“…If you shall bear and live the messages in your heart, everyone will feel it so that words, which serve those who do not obey, will not be necessary. For you, dear children, it is necessary to live and witness by your lives…”


Our Lady has come to teach us that words have no power to convict on their own if our lives have not first undergone conversion and transformation. In fact, words hurt conversion because they are often filled with hypocrisy that is easily detected by those who are “looking at you and your life”, as Our Lady said today. When the actions in our lives do not measure up to the words we speak, there is hypocrisy. Our Lady is calling us to witness by our lives, to change, to convert, to choose to live differently than the world based on the principles of Jesus Christ, and when we begin to do so our words carry power and conviction to change others—because they are not “words” but they are “life”.


So, if we are not to preach and not depend upon words to witness to others, how do we gain the traction to convict with such overwhelming odds against us in our culture today? How do we answer Our Lady’s call today “that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you,” and that the people we meet daily be “overcome by a desire to come to know Him (Jesus)”. We must create the culture of Our Lady’s messages within us, within our families and within the world around us.


In Noah Webster’s Dictionary of 1828, the word “culture” meant to “cultivate”. “Cultivate” is defined as: to improve by labor or study; to advance the growth of; to refine and improve by correction of faults, and enlargement of powers or good qualities; to labor to improve or advance; to study; to improve or to labor to make better; to correct; to civilize; and finally, to till; to prepare for crops, to manure, plow, dress, sow and reap; to labor on. “Culture” is defined as the act of tilling and preparing the earth for crops; cultivation; the application of labor or other means to improve good qualities in, or growth; the application of labor or other means in producing; any labor or means employed for improvement, correction or growth. It is not coincidental that “culture” and “cultivate” are tied to the soil. When we look at today’s culture does it lead us to think of richness, of growth, health, fruit of our labor, correction of faults, advancement of good qualities? No. It is a culture of death, not life.


Our Lady has come to begin a new culture, a culture of life based upon Her Son and His principals to re-Christianize the world in the 2nd Great Evangelization. As Our Lady’s “apostles of divine light” we are called to begin establishing this new culture, right now “in this time of darkness and hopelessness.” How are we to do this?


Twenty-five years ago, the same question was asked of Our Lady when She indicated to Medjugorje visionary Marija in 1988 that a community was to be established during Our Lady’s apparitions that took place in Alabama on a daily basis over a three month period. The Community of Caritas materialized, through God’s grace, on its own. Its foundation was already implemented and being lived for several years before the apparitions in Sterrett, Alabama had taken place. From the beginning of the first foundation, Our Lady had given a message through Marija that gave instructions to be a witness. Later when Our Lady indicated the birth of a community, the foundation naturally followed the first witness—which was the witness Our Lady had given in the origin of Caritas. As Caritas community members began to be called, they followed the witness of the way and the life from the one who was first called, who was the first to follow. From there, with the community established, its witness is known and followed throughout the world. Our Lady said to the Community of Caritas:


May 31, 1995

“…Get as many hearts as you can close to my heart and lead them to God, to a way of salvation.”


As an alternative to city, this community became a small village, a tiny village that has witnessed “its way” of life to the societies of the world which are breaking up, while the Community of Caritas builds up, as Medjugorje was in the beginning. This has matured to the point that requests come in every day to help others start these village communities of Our Lady where the lines between Heaven and earth become seamless. These barriers are to disappear and Heaven is supposed to be close. Our Lady said:


November 25, 2000

“…Today when Heaven is near to you in a special way…”


When there is no radical division between what is sacred and what is secular, a place will become permeated with the sacred in every aspect of life, where everything becomes a holy vessel, even tools, tractors, plows, printing equipment, natural resources such as water, etc. All, including buildings, are treated with the same respect as the sacred vessels of the altar because they are from God. Because they are from Him and are consecrated to bring us closer to God, these tools are to be held sacred in service of holy work. These tools are not to be secularized as something separate from the sacred. The separation of Church and state is secular, the mantra of evil, designed to give the basis for evil to come to rule the societies of the world. Take special note of the dates in the following messages as well as what Our Lady is saying:


“August” “2” 1981

“…A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”


Exactly thirty years later to the day, August 2, 2011, a victor begins to emerge:


“August” “2” 2011

“…evil that wants to begin to rule in this world…”


February “2” 2012

“…pride has come to rule…”


We are called, commanded to build a life, not out of the present culture and societies, but out of the messages, a new way of life in a new time. We are the future, the rest is dead. Its wickedness condemns itself. Our Lady continually calls us out of it, not to be condemned, just as Lot and Abraham were called out of Sodom:


March 18, 1996

“…Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted…”


The Community of Caritas, led by Our Lady, was formed through 25 years of living and incorporating Our Lady’s messages, looking to no other source as its guide. Without hesitating, we did what Our Lady said:


February 2, 2012

“…You listen to me…”


Even when we failed, we never quit listening to or believing what She told us—that She will guide us.


February 21, 1982

“…I will guide you on a sure way.”


We have been both encouraged and chided by Our Lady, made Her happy and disappointed Her, but we have never stopped listening to Her. And Our Lady never stopped encouraging us towards a holy way of life. By wanting this guidance with our hearts, Our Lady did what She promised. A life bloomed out into what could not be seen at the beginning of “setting out” with Our Lady.


July 25, 1987

“…Dear children, pray and accept all that Jesus is offering you on a way which is bitter. But at the same time, God will reveal every sweetness to whomever begins to go on that way, and He will gladly answer every call of God…”


It is “a way” of life grounded in our home place, organized and guided by Our Lady. Dominic Milroy O.S.B., a Benedictine monk from Great Britain, wrote of the origin of Benedict’s role and how their life is structured…


“ a way that works with maximum efficiency and minimum frustration.”


The Community of Caritas, already impressed in its heart “a way of life” has become without realizing it until recently, what evolved with St. Benedict from his beginning model.


And now Our Lady comes and says in her March 2, 2012 message that She wishes us to impress others with what has been impressed upon those who want Her Son within them. With the coming destruction of life as we know it, Our Lady’s call for the Community of Caritas offers a window to look through to the future of how people are to live in the future. It is why these writings are epistles of Our Lady to those alive now, as well as to a whole people not yet born, who we will never meet in this life. They will look at our life as it has repeatedly convicted hearts leading them to conversion in the present time If this happens in the present, so too in the future will hearts be “overcome” with “desire” to imitate that which was “impressed within us,” the apostles of the latter days who walked in the time of grace, in Her time of the divine light, during the time of darkness and hopelessness.


As the original call at Caritas was to go out to the wilderness*, Monk Dominic writes of Benedict seeking to go to the wilderness to find God and by accident changed history and the world. He did so through using a typical farm with its “related buildings”, its “local industry”, based in “agriculture” and “its traditional management of resources like water, livestock and plants.”


The Community of Caritas, under the management and guidance of Our Lady and Her messages, evolved alongside the mission to spread Our Lady’s messages. We built a beautiful Mother House, equipped with all the tools to print, propagate and distribute materials, while many spiritual projects were conceived to inculturalize Our Lady’s words throughout every aspect of life. All who visit the community who are of good will, leave not only impacted by this witness, but also impressed. Impressed with amazement, yes, but also “impressed” with what Our Lady said today:


“…for my Son to be impressed within you…”


Traction was gained not with words, not with preaching, but through the witness, by what and how we live our lives on a daily basis. The Community of Caritas, through its establishment through living Our Lady’s messages has become a guide book for new communities. Monk Dominic writes:


“The rule of St. Benedict became over a period of some centuries, the standard guide book for the builders of new communities…all over Europe.”


Our Lady comes now to give the rule. Benedict and his rule lived in a radically different time than we do today. Our Lady came in our time, to give a rule for modern man, giving the Community of Caritas as a model, a witness that She has continuously guided. She uses us as normal people to be an example that it can be done, even though it is difficult to achieve in modern times, and despite what Our Lady said on May 25, 2010:


“…satan, too, does not sleep and through modernism diverts you and leads you to his way…”


Now, after 25 years since Our Lady indicated the establishment of the community of Caritas She comes and says:


September 25, 2011

“…You, who live in the love of God and have experienced His gifts, witness them with your words and life that they may be for the joy and encouragement to others in faith…”


When the future apostle, Paul, converted, Scripture says that 8-11 years passed before he began to publicly witness for Christ. What was he doing during all those years? He was learning how to be a Christian. He was learning to establish the teachings of Christ into his life. Only until he was schooled through experience in this, did he have the power to convict with his life and with words. The fact that Our Lady has not, up until this time, encouraged the use of “words” in a public message indicates that Her children must also pass through a time of formation, a time when it is all-important to establish the “way of life” of the messages into our daily living. To the extent that one does this, the greater the impact one’s words will have in “overcoming” with desire those you share and witness your life with—the “way of life” of Our Lady.


With the demand on our Mother House, the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, in its propagation of Our Lady’s messages, Our Lady enlightened us to the virtue of not wanting to burden the mission of Caritas with the community’s needs. How could we meet our needs and at the same time be kept free to serve in the commission of propagating Our Lady’s messages around the world? What evolved from embracing the virtuous goal of trying to save the mission money so that as much funds as possible would go to spreading Our Lady’s messages in print, etc., was agriculture. An agrarian way of life, filled with its own industries—a pottery shop and blacksmith shop, sawmill operation, logging for lumber, carpentry shop, equipment for the fields including tractors and plows with all implements, a welding shop, machine shop, trucking operation for all the needs of the mission and many other capabilities, all done with effectiveness, using minimal funds because much of the labor is free.We have the capability of producing many things out of wood and steel with little to no cost. Add to a small village a dairy for milk, chickens for eggs and meat, beef cattle, hogs for pork, growing our own oats and wheat in fields while growing vegetables in our gardens and canning them, etc., all with our labor, threaded with prayer throughout. The principle behind it all is: We grow grass. Cow eats grass. We eat cow. One can then understand how so much material and projects about Our Lady’s messages has been produced with very efficient use of expenditures relative to the volume produced. Of course as cows eat grass, they also give birth to give more cows, some of which we eat, while an adequate number are kept to replace what is eaten, all sustained from growing grass! Wealth comes from the soil. God made the soil. Whether it be cows, grain we grow, equipment, all are tools, all came from the soil. All, therefore, come from God and are held with the respect shown to the sacred vessels of the altar.


Monk Dominic writes what happened in the beginning of Benedict’s community:

“It grew organically out of the normal shape of an ordinary farm, with its varied concerns for self-sufficiency, for good management of light and shade, and of resources like water and for an efficient grouping of buildings with different purposes.”


These circumstances were crucial building blocks for the history of monasticism and the concepts of the cloister which came much later. This gradually led to what happened next. Dominic writes:


“…these rudimentary and practical features became ‘sacralised’ by the nature of the communities living in them. In a very significant phase Benedict had insisted that the ordinary tools…should be treated with the same respect as the sacred vessels of the altar. This implied a thoroughly holistic attitude to the varied aspects of monastic living with no radical division between sacred and secular. The central act—the celebration of Mass–permeated every aspect of life.”


A close living community, depending upon God through subsistence living, working together with minimum frustration and maximum efficiency is what is to result. How is this achieved? Dominic echoes of Benedict’s time what Our Lady has shown us through Her messages. He writes:


“…the management of conflict and the art of good leadership. It is at once idealistic in its inspiration and deeply realistic in its recognition of the realities of social life.”


With Medjugorje, Our Lady’s children often look for an immediate ready-made solution or answer to problems, conflicts and other needs in Our Lady’s messages. While the messages upon discovery are to be immediately applied to one’s life, results can sometimes come immediately, or in a week’s time, or after months, or even years have passed. The messages are the building blocks for a new society, and as the messages and their way of life become inculturalized into the world, we will be led to a springtime for the Church, bringing us to a renaissance of the beauty of life.


Dominic writes:


“When people live together in the same place for a long time, they tend to use the varied skills to make the place as congenial and as beautiful as possible, especially in key areas…Thus by a natural and organic process…the rudimentary farm was slowly…transformed into an echo of the city of God.


The architecture of Caritas, its layout, was done not solely for efficiency, but also beauty—that it be an aid to Our Lady’s way of life. Children in their daily playing and growing up within this life, once they reach adulthood, will hold onto the cherished memories made as children. And when they have children of their own, their children will discover and replay this same holy “way of life” of play, work and prayer.


The results of living Our Lady’s messages as a rule of life will bloom forth a beautiful way of life just as in St. Benedict’s time. Dominic writes:


“…Features of daily living were enhanced by art. Popular music, songs of celebration or praise…sacred books were treasured and adorned. The management of water for irrigation or fish-farming was exploited in ways that were pleasant and beautiful (fountains). The cultivation of plants was lifted into the art of landscaping and garden-making, and became a means of celebrating the relationship between the solid and inorganic bulk of buildings and the shifting and organic life of plants. Thus the combination of good husbandry and the art became, over the centuries, a source of beauty.”


What does all this tell us? Hope. Yes, hope, for Our Lady will triumph. But who will be with Her in this triumph? Those who join Her now, who willingly accept the trials, persecution and other difficulties. There are those who want to see the resurrection of this present way of darkness the world is living now, a resurrection that won’t take place because there is judgement upon it for its destruction.


Our Lady has given the Community of Caritas a lot. It has given us the ability to give a lot. Her words of March 2, 2012, say to “overcome” those who do not believe so that they will believe and change. Medjugorje depends on the witnesses to accept God’s grace, as its apostles, to prevail with Christianity being the dominate religion, which will bring about the destruction of the present secularism prevailing. Our Lady’s messages are opening the door for new communities to enter a fresh new time of life, a springtime for the Church. When it comes, will the springtime last for centuries? No. Man has learned a new knowledge of modernism that moves at a quicker pace, and he will not let go of it forever, but for only an interim or a period of time. He will resurrect the present that is doomed by Our Lady, a “fatal blow to the head of the serpent” who as Revelation says, will come back to life. How? Why? Our Lady says we have a possibility for peace for this century. Will the springtime last only a century? We don’t know. But what we do know is that while man will enter into a springtime for the Church, he will taste the fruit from what evolved from the farm and he will again build up the city of God. But man, then, will start self-indulging and that city will become once again a city of secularism and wickedness. If you haven’t read the writing Thirty Years of Apparitions, in reading it you will see that Our Lady has come to tear down the present Towers of Babel that are advancing us prematurely to the anti-christ time. Our Lady will usher in, through much trial, a springtime, a period of peace for the world and the Church. It will not continue for centuries as man will have the memory of the anti-christ’s time that Our Lady interrupted in Her triumph. Man will pine for the forbidden fruit that will lead once again to his destruction. Our Lady says these are the last apparitions on earth. Why? Because through the apparitions we are given the completeness of everything man needs to aid him in conversion until the end of the world. The messages Our Lady brings a completeness to help, just as now in the present, Christians through the final anti-christ period to help man know how to hold on to their salvation after modernism is brought back to life by the anti-christ. We witness to you with our life. It is up to you to pray, seek, grow in holiness and love of God. The original message Our Lady gave to be a witness was October 6, 1986.


“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire it. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”


The message of Our Lady specifically given to the Community of Caritasnine years later for its commission:


May 31, 1995

“Little children, I desire that through your lives you are witnesses, that you are my extended hands, my instruments. Get as many hearts as you can close to my heart and lead them to God, to a way of salvation.”


We give and labor for your conversion with our hearts.


With Much Love,
A Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?


*The location where Caritas is, was settled nine years before with the desire to be away from the city life, in peace and in nature. The location was chosen even before the Medjugorje apparitions began.

*“St. Benedict and Beauty,” Dominic Milroy, OSB, L’Osservatore Romano, March 23, 2011, #12



Woman of Revelation Series: This Show’s Not for Saints, But for Sinners… By a Sinner


P.S. Be sure to listen to the Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje titled, “This Show’s Not For Saints, But For Sinners… By A Sinner” Listen online here [Original Broadcast].


Pictures from the March 2, 2012 Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana


March 2, 2012 Pilgrims praying with Priest

Bundled up on this cold Friday morning in Medjugorje, are those who attended Mirjana’s apparition today, March 2, 2012. An English priest from Texas leads the final Rosary leading into the apparition, as Mirjana had just arrived. Month after month, new faces gather around the Blue Cross, the site of Our Lady’s apparition every second of the month—old and young, healthy and sick, the fervent and the tepid of faith. Every heart carries its own questions, concerns,regrets, sufferings, and heartaches—and hope that Our Lady will answer, heal and console.

Woman with cancer crying

This woman, who attended Mirjana’s apparition this morning, March 2, 2012, is dying of cancer. She broke down in tears when Mirjana came this morning just a few minutes before Our Lady appeared. Her trial led Her to the feet of Our Lady. When the world can offer no remedy, no easy fix to our problems, it is then that many hearts opens to God. How many have come to Medjugorje through the years, from all over the world, facing crisis in their lives and seeking the comfort of God’s presence? Our Lady is still coming, giving us sweet words that our burdened hearts long to hear, “…I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son…” For so many, Our Lady has made their trials possible to endure by Her reassuring presence and Her loving words.

March 2, 2012 Mirjana in Ecstasy

Mirjana, smiling, greets Our Lady while those around her are still unaware that Our Lady has arrived. But it is only seconds before a wave from this center, ripples out among the immense crowd and a profound silence settles like a blanket upon everyone present. Today, Our Lady calls the time we are living in as “…time of your trial…” In the writing, Confession of a Big Sin, A Friend of Medjugorje speaks to the witness that is required of Our Lady’s children, regardless of what trials we are experiencing:

July 25, 1989

“…Open yourself to God and surrender to Him all your difficulties and crosses so God may turn everything into joy…”

“These trials which Our Lady has told us of, come our way many times by the Father’s hand, and they will strengthen and protect us when one is of a good attitude with good will, wanting to change, but on the other hand, will damage us if we are of a bad attitude, with a bad will…one must be willing to change, accept a way that will many times will go against what one would want for their lives today, but by making a decision in the present will lead to a better future…There are two paths, two ways of looking at everything which can bring us to satisfaction or discontentment. It is not the surrounding or others who determine this, rather your own heart. All of us could use a big change of heart.”

Mirjana in ecstasy, March 2, 2012

As Mirjana is receiving Our Lady’s message of March 2, 2012, a tear can be seen rolling down her face. Total concentration is evident in Mirjana’s expression. Our Lady said today, “…Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they (nonbelievers) are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him…” In 2003, A Friend of Medjugorje wrote “Quietism” to address the aggressive move in today’s world to silence Christian speech. His call to Christians was to be courageous in speaking out for the faith in the public square and not to bow down to the cultural and political pressure to keep Christians silent. It is not only that we have a moral obligation to speak, but also we will be judged by God for the souls we could have helped save, but chose not to through our silence. He writes,

Quietism strikes against charity, telling us not to share the most beautiful gift we have, our Christian faith. Be it through parents or new found conversion, faith is a gift from God. Because each Christian has been given the gift of faith, it is not his to keep locked up. The Christian who does so, will be judged by God as preventing souls from being saved. The Christian has been given the choice grain, not just to eat it, but to spread it around to feed others. What will God say to those who did not distribute what He gave them? While particularly in this age, the faith has grown weaker and weaker; Christians themselves cause God to suffer. Many who could have been touched are not, and they are kept from finding God and, therefore, lose salvation through Christians whose behavior practices quietism.”

The vineyards, March 2, 2012

The final moment before Our Lady ascends back to Heaven. What brought this joy to Mirjana’s face. Could it be Our Lady saying, “…I am leading you towards Easter in my Son…” brought a smile to Mirjana’s face even though just before these words Our Lady spoke of trials?

“Sorrow leads to joy. Joy leads to sorrow. With Jesus ascending into Heaven, help us, Mary, to always remember: before the good-bye, there is always the warm hello. Life cycles in sorrow, which brings joy. The greater the sorrow, the greater the joy if we accept and give our sorrow to Jesus. Mary, we know that you wish for us to be in joy, so thank you for witnessing to us how you accepted sorrow…”

A Friend of Medjugorje

From The 54-Day Rosary Novena Booklet

Lone Pilgrim, March 2, 2012

The crowd begins to descend down Apparition Mountain from the area of the Blue Cross after Mirjana’s departure. A lone pilgrim stands on a rock wall surveying the scene. With more than 30 years of daily apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we must always reflect upon Who is speaking to us and what is Her purpose in coming to the world—otherwise we will fall into complacency, look to the messages only out of curiosity, not grasp the importance of Our Lady’s call, and not heed Her warnings to us. Our Lady is looking for Her children to respond whole-heartedly to Her messages. We are Her apostles. We are Her evangelizers.

“Christ, through His Mother, His Mother through us, will evangelize. An awakening of the spirit is already beginning. The foundation for this spiritual revival is already being formed through the fire of tribulation for the second Great Full and final Evangelization of the world. Final because, led by Our Lady, it will be complete, a “full” Evangelization capable of enduring until the end of the world. Who will be its apostles? Those who withstand the trial; those who will lay their job on the line; those who will do small acts of charity, despite possible negative results; those who are willing to live martyrdom when death would be a relief, but live on day in and day out; cross-bearers voluntarily, when it would be easier to lay the cross down. Men, in this glorious time, this season of holiness, this time of joy, are beginning to recognize, who they are and Who is calling them.”

A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing, “Quietism”

The vineyards, March 2, 2012

Walking home from the apparition, one could see that the pruning process in the vineyards has already begun, cutting off the unproductive, inducing overgrowth and dead branches to prepare the vine for growth for more abundant fruit. That’s the purpose of trials in the spiritual life. Trials help to prune from our life complacency, distance from God, sinfulness, wrong paths taken—to lead us towards a springtime for our faith, renewal, new life, Easter.

Prayer for Nonbelievers

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Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

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14 thoughts on “A Time of Confrontation in this Time of Darkness”

  1. Henrietta (Retta) Masloff

    I am so thankful & grateful for reading this right now. I am one of God’s faithful disciples. Who in my loss of my 25yr old daughter Ashley on 12-24-11 and My 35 yr old daughter Crystal, who had a bilateral mastectomy 02-27-12. No cancer in her lymph nodes. The Holy Trinity and Mother Mary have comforted me & I know the Joy of sorrow. I know Ashley is in Heaven. I have been given several spiritual messages. I now know what I am to do on earth is to tell of my love, faith, hope and peace that has been given to me. I thank the Trinity, Mary, Angels & Saints for this. The Divine Intervention is my testimony of complete faith as a believer in Heaven and eternity. I know I will be in Heaven for Eternity as I serve the Lord. I trust God with everything I am. I know He is with me and giving me strength, I praise Him with my whole being. For Without God we can do nothing…with God Nothing is Impossible…I believe this with all my heart. Retta

  2. Henrietta (Retta) Masloff

    I am so thankful & grateful for reading this right now. I am one of God’s faithful disciples. Who in my loss of my 25yr old daughter Ashley on 12-24-11 and My 35 yr old daughter Crystal, who had a bilateral mastectomy 02-27-12. No cancer in her lymph nodes. The Holy Trinity and Mother Mary have comforted me & I know the Joy of sorrow. I know Ashley is in Heaven. I have been given several spiritual messages. I now know what I am to do on earth is to tell of my love, faith, hope and peace that has been given to me. I thank the Trinity, Mary, Angels & Saints for this. The Divine Intervention is my testimony of complete faith as a believer in Heaven and eternity. I know I will be in Heaven for Eternity as I serve the Lord. I trust God with everything I am. I know He is with me and giving me strength, I praise Him with my whole being. For Without God we can do nothing…with God Nothing is Impossible…I believe this with all my heart. Retta

  3. Winds of change are blowing, the earth stands still waiting for your voice echo through the darkness. Your love to distills the blindness of those who do not know you come for like the springtime rain. Cover us with the tears of mercy itself. As the universe pours forth with your grace to only be mirrored in the souls of those who love you. We stand waiting in your love to bring the springtime of our faith.

  4. Just excellent article, after its reading I feel strongly the need to build the God’s city no matter the trials I have to face. Thank God!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Tuus totus ego sum et omnia mea tua est !!

  5. I have to download today’s message as I want to read it with focus. Also, after reading a few lines about our Muslim brethren, I did call a friend of long acquaintance and said ‘hello’. Yes, let us speak CHRiST to others through the way we live, through the way we love. Thank you, Our Lady, for teaching us.

  6. Thank you for this and indeed all of the information which comes to us via Truly, this website is a gift of God to Our World. You keep myself and so many countless others strong in their faith. Your inspiration and honest to God goodness and care and concern for souls gives me great hope! I cant find the words to express my deepest gratitude to you all. The Good which you are doing and the light which shines from you in these dark, rebellious and sinful days is really encouraging and so uplifting. Thank you so much! Patrick

  7. Blessed Mother Mary! I needed so desperately to hear your March 2, 2012 message. I have read it but now it is beginning to be clearer. I pray for us all to go to confession and begin seeking your Son with our whole heart! Thank you, I love you!

  8. Thanks a million Mother Mary for speaking to us, Your children. Thanks to for bringing us the Mother’s messages. Thank You Mother for telling us the urgency of the need to bear witness and to grow closer to Jesus . It is indeed a call for us to reflect Jesus through our life. I pray God and Mother Mary lead us all in the path that they have destined for us, in being witnesses to this aimless world searching for meaning and direction.

  9. As a core member and also an Anglo/Catholic I cherish this epistle but needed to go to my Bible to find this Springtime of the Church,and eventual resurrection of AntiChrist. Revelation 20 vv1-10 seems to me to be the place. I am not a bible scholar but simply one who venerates Our Lady and adores this website. With much love and gratitude.


    This message brought tears to my eyes. Reading these messages for the second time.brings hope to us. Our country is going though a bitter trial, Power,power is all our leaders think of.They have removed Christ in the goverment and hence we will see a rise of another religion,which is so eminet. They are controlling the world. Christains ,rise and be a witness.We LOVE OUR LADY.

  11. Oh! Thanks my friends, May God Bless you all! Mother you said that ” Iam leading you towards Easter in my son” Thank you Holy mother I will spread your message to many I can, How can we survive without you mother,These are our Lord’s Holy plans. Mother please pray for Andreana and the infant in her womb. at Medjugorje. We will try our best to full fill your intentions mother, we love you so much. Please pray for us.

  12. Barbara Downer

    Thank you for this aricle, it has been most informative, so much has been explained, its a blessing indeed. May Our Blessed Mother continue to assist us to become the cherished and humble children of God. Thank You Loving Mother

  13. Dear Caritas, Yes, it seems to me the whole world is living in “trials”. Even in my own country it is very apparent. Though we are a developing economy, the people here are being tempted into the false promises of modernization. Basically a catholic country but our faith is being tested. We are sttruggling against a passage of the RH Bill which if enacted into law will allow legalization of contraceptions (thanks to the influence of the west!). But many of us still hope and pray that amidst the poverty many Filipinos experience now, our love for our Lady as shown in our devotions will perhaps give us the necessary grace from God to withstand the trials. Indeed I am inspired by your community. Thank you always for your generosity in sharing the faith.

  14. I am praying for the young woman in the photo, who is terminally ill. I hope and pray she received great comfort from being so close to our Heavenly Mother.

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