Tonight at 7:00 PM Central time, Part 4 of the Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping will air live online on’s Radio WAVE. Though the media is not reporting it, overwhelming scientific information that refutes the claims that global warming is a threat to the future of the earth is surfacing through many sources. Our Lady said on September 25, 1986, “…I am calling you, so that by your prayer and your life you help…uncover the deception that satan makes use of…”
Hear from a respected scientist, our special guest live, Arthur Robinson, of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, as he uncovers the deception being used by global warming alarmists. A Friend of Medjugorje will speak on how global warming is being used to create an atmosphere of fear and control in our coming age as well as how it will be used to persecute the church. You will not want to miss this special broadcast, tonight, Thursday, Nov.14, at 7:00 PM central USA on See chart below for your local time.
5-Part Series Available to Order Now!
The 5-Part Series on Radio WAVE, about Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping is now available to pre-order. It is a total of 10 CD’s for a value of $50.00 that we are offering at a discounted rate to get into as many hands as possible. The discounted price is $19.95. Click Here to place your order for the 5-Part Series of Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.
Click Here to listen to the 5-Part Series of Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.
Click Here to order Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.