
American Messages: 2004

American Messages: 2004

The Apparitions of April 30 to May 6, 2004


April 30, 2004

Marija had arrived, with her youngest son, Giovanni, for five days with Our Lady held at Caritas in which thousands of pilgrims were expected, May 1-5, 2004. This evening, the Community gathered in the Bedroom to greet and welcome Our Lady in the apparition. Marija said:

“Today when Our Lady came She prayed over all of us and blessed us all. I asked Her about tomorrow and Our Lady answered:

‘Tomorrow morning, here, and the day after in the afternoon in the Field by the Tree.’


“She blessed us all and left.”
[see Appendix to American Messages]

May 1, 2004

Our Lady had said that today’s apparition would be in the Bedroom this morning, so as the pilgrims gathered in the Field, many of the Community members were gathered in the Bedroom. Our Lady appeared around 11:40 a.m. Marija told them that Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. She said that she recommended everyone’s intentions and all that they have in their hearts. She also asked Our Lady to bless all the pilgrims in the Field. Our Lady responded to that request by blessing them with the Sign of the Cross.

May 2, 2004

The apparition was in the evening in the Field just as Our Lady requested. The apparition took place around 6:40 p.m. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Everybody sit down. I wanted to greet each and every one of you that are here tonight and have come to be with us. Tonight, when Our Lady came, She was very happy and probably because She saw all of you here. And when you prayed, Our Lady listened to you. I recommended each one of you and everything that you held in your heart. Our Lady prayed over us and She gave us Her blessing. In a special way I asked Our Lady to pray for those who are sick here. And Our Lady gave us a second blessing. And then I asked Our Lady to bless everything that you brought with you, your rosaries, your medals and anything else that you wanted blessed, and Our Lady, again, blessed everything. And then at the end, Our Lady spoke, and She said:

‘My dear children, do not forget that I am your Mother, and that I love you, and that I bless you.’

“And then She went back to Heaven…unfortunately. It would be a real joy for us to always remain with Our Lady.”

For tomorrow, Our Lady said the apparition would be in the Bedroom in the morning. [see Appendix to American Messages]

May 3, 2004

Today there were several priests present for the apparition in the Bedroom, along with a few pilgrims and the Community. Marija’s description follows:

“Our Lady blessed us and prayed over us. And I recommend all our intentions and Our Lady blessed one other time. I ask Our Lady to bless us and all those in the Field. She pray over us a long time.”

Marija said that Our Lady, once again, requested the apparition to be in the Bedroom tomorrow, “Same time. Same place.”

May 4, 2004

In yesterday’s apparition, Our Lady said the apparition would be in the Bedroom again, in the morning. Today there were other pilgrims along with several priests with the Community who were present for the apparition. Marija’s description of the apparition:

“The moment of the apparition Our Lady came. I recommend all our intention. And Our Lady pray over us and She bless us all. She bless also all objects for blessing. Also Our Lady pray and bless also people who is in Field. She blessed two times. One for religious objects, one for people present. Our Lady said:

‘Same time. Same place.’”

[see Appendix to American Messages]

May 5, 2004

Most of the Community was in the Field praying the Patriotic Rosary with the pilgrims. Concerning the apparition, Marija said:


“Our Lady blessed us all. She prayed over us. She blessed all those in the Field. I ask in special way bless also those in Field and all the objects. Two blessings.” (objects and people). [see Appendix to American Messages]

May 6, 2004

Marija had asked Our Lady to come early this morning, as she had to immediately leave for the airport after the apparition. Our Lady agreed. The Community gathered at 7:00 a.m. to begin praying the Rosary to prepare for the apparition at 8:00 a.m. The founder had a special request to make of Our Lady. As the Community and mission were experiencing heavy persecution, he asked Marija to ask Our Lady for words that would help them to endure any attack that would come, especially in light of all the conversions that had just taken place through the apparitions these last five days. Marija’s description of the apparition:


“Our Lady came and I recommended all of us, and She prayed over all of us who were present. She blessed all religious articles with a Sign of the Cross and in the end She gave a message
(in regards to the question asked):

‘I give you my love. You give it to others.’

“And She left with a smile on Her face.”
[see Appendix to American Messages]


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1 thought on “American Messages: 2004”

  1. I loved reading the 1st three days of the apparitions and the thought came to mind that it would be nice if those days were put into a book form. It could be titled as The Glorious 104 Days At Caritas. or what ever title that you would like better.

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