American Messages: 2009

American Messages: 2009

On February 13, 2009, one of the young couples in the Community was married. In the midst of all the wedding preparations, two days before the wedding, one of the married women of the Community gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Just three weeks earlier, a baby boy was born to another Community mother.

The Unexpected Apparitions of February 11 – 18, 2009

(Compiled by the Community of Caritas)


On February 13, 2009, one of the young couples in the Community was married. In the midst of all the wedding preparations, two days before the wedding, one of the married women of the Community gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Just three weeks earlier, a baby boy was born to another Community mother. It has been a month of beautiful new beginnings in the Community. In preparation, as we do with all the marriages here, the Community began a 54-day Rosary novena for the couple being married that would end the evening before the wedding day. However, the last night the Community would be able to say it all together would be two days before the wedding, on February 11, 2009.

February 11, 2009

The Community gathered in the Bedroom at 5:00 p.m. The founder, having to be out of town that day, came late for the Rosary, but he stopped the prayer and asked everyone to close their eyes and think about the joys the Community was experiencing these days until their hearts were filled with thanksgiving for all the gifts God had been giving to them. He then told them to open their eyes. Gasps and cries of surprise and joy were heard throughout the room. They were shocked. While their eyes had been closed, the visionary Marija had slipped in at the foot of the Bed. It was almost like having an apparition themselves. Not only Marija, but her husband Paolo and their six year old son, Giovanni had also “appeared.” Several in the Community said it was “shock and awe.”

The Community learned that Marija and Paolo had come to attend the wedding, but it was kept a secret in order to add to the joy of the week. As if that surprise wasn’t enough, Our Lady had not appeared to Marija at her normal apparition time, but had waited so that the Community could be present in the apparition. Everyone was stunned with joy. The Community prayed the Rosary novena for the wedding couple and then Our Lady appeared about 5:55 p.m. The following is a description given by one of the Community members of the apparition:

At the moment of the apparition, Marija recommended to Our Lady the Community and Our Lady immediately smiled. After the apparition, Marija, with joy but struggling for words, said “I think Our Lady was surprised too.” Our founder, wondering why Marija said that, asked, “Did Our Lady look surprised?” And Marija tried to find better words to describe and relay Our Lady’s expression, because it wasn’t exactly surprise, but that Our Lady was reacting to our surprise in some way. It was an emotional expression we had never heard used to describe Our Lady before. Our founder then asked, “Was it like She was amused?” And while Marija happily nodded yes, she said it was like joy but different. After discussing Our Lady’s reaction, it was more like an emotion of joy, sharing of the surprise and amusement. Marija said Our Lady then blessed us.

The founder, knowing tomorrow would be a difficult day to get everyone together because of the wedding preparations, asked Marija to have Our Lady choose the time for tomorrow’s apparition. Our Lady would know what would be best when all the Community could attend Her apparition. Marija asked, and Our Lady astounded them all when She said:

“I will come when you pray.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]


February 12, 2009

Tonight the apparition was around 10:00 p.m. The wedding couple knelt beside the Bed where they had become engaged, also in the presence of Our Lady, seven months earlier. The apparition lasted approximately five minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“At the moment Our Lady come, I recommend all our intentions. In a special way, I pray for this young couple getting married and for little Victoria, the little baby that was born on the 11th. After, I recommend every one of us and Our Lady beginning to smile and She pray for everyone. She watch us all. She looked at each of us. She watch us, and after She pray all together and She give blessing. And in beginning when Our Lady just come, She stay…and She…like She have time, so I recommend many people in a special way.”

Marija asked Our Lady about the apparition for tomorrow and Our Lady said:

“I will come whenever you pray.”


February 13, 2009

Today was the wedding of the young couple in the Community. Our Lady’s apparition would be after Holy Communion when the couple would consecrate their marriage to Our Lady at the foot of Her statue in the church. While they knelt at the foot of Our Lady’s statue, the Ave Maria was sung. Marija then came up and knelt between the couple. They were also joined by four priests and a deacon who had concelebrated the wedding Mass. The apparition lasted two minutes and 40 seconds. The following is Marija’s description:

“In the moment of apparition when Our Lady come, Our Lady pray over bride and after Our Lady pray over groom and after She bless them together. After She bless all us and all that we have in our hearts, and Our Lady smiling. She make Sign of the Cross over everyone. Our Lady then said:

‘Tomorrow’s apparition will be in the Bedroom at 10:40 a.m.’”


February 14, 2009

The apparition today was in the Bedroom. The Community with many friends of the mission were present. The apparition lasted two minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady come, I have just time to recommend all us. Our Lady stay little bit. I said, today is St. Valentine’s Day, and I ask Our Lady in special way for all us, who is married and who is not married to have with Our Lady’s blessing, a good companion, is possible to say. And Our Lady smiling. After I recommend, we have little Victoria, she is first time for apparition and so I recommend also Victoria to Our Lady. Our Lady smiling, beginning to pray. She pray all time and after I say also people who is in Field. When Our Lady pray I also I recommend and ask blessing for all people in Field and Our Lady continue to pray. And after She bless us, and She go. In reality, Our Lady gave three blessings. Our Lady smiled whole time, and She watched us.”

Our Lady said concerning the apparition tomorrow: “Same time. Same place.”

February 15, 2009

The apparition was in the Bedroom at 10:40 a.m. It lasted one minute and 20 seconds. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In moment of apparition when Our Lady come, I recommend all our intentions, and Our Lady pray over us and She blessed us. Our Lady said tomorrow’s apparition would be: ‘Same time. Same place.’

February 16, 2009

The apparition took place in the Bedroom today. In addition to the Community and all the Community children, there were several families present for the apparition today with many children. Marija presented all the children to Our Lady in the apparition today and Our Lady immediately smiled. The apparition lasted 4 minutes and 17 seconds. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady come, I recommend to Our Lady all of us, in special way all kids. And Our Lady beginning to smile. She pray for long time over us and after She give blessing and She said, ‘Go in peace.’ And She leave. Our Lady said for tomorrow’s apparition: ‘Same time. Same place.’

February 17, 2009

Our founder and Marija’s husband were out of town early yesterday morning before apparition time. They were scheduled to be back Tuesday morning, but our founder knew it would be impossible to make it back for the apparition, especially since Our Lady said in yesterday’s apparition, “Same time. Same place.”

The Community met in the Bedroom and began the Rosary at 10:00 a.m., with the anticipation that Our Lady would appear at around 10:40 a.m. However, in today’s apparition, Our Lady refrained from appearing at this normal time. They had prayed two full Rosaries and had started a third and still Our Lady had not appeared. As time passed without Our Lady appearing, some in the room began to wonder if Our Lady was purposely waiting to give the founder an opportunity to make it back for the apparition. Finally, almost 30 minutes past the normal apparition time, Our Lady appeared. For those who had been hoping the founder would make it, there was a little feeling of disappointment, knowing that it had been so close. But then, in the silence of the apparition, they suddenly heard the kitchen screen door open and shut, and the founder came running in. He knelt beside Marija, and as the apparition was long, lasting four minutes, the apparition was only just half over. It was a big joy for everyone to see this unfold. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition, I recommended all of us. In a special way I recommend this couple today on their wedding anniversary and I said and all families of the Community. And Our Lady beginning to smile. And I then recommended all families of all present and Our Lady beginning to pray, and She pray long time. I recommend all people who is in Field, and I pray. Our Lady give blessing and She go.”

When Marija asked Our Lady about tomorrow’s apparition, Our Lady said, “I will come whenever you pray.” [see Appendix to American Messages]

February 18, 2009

Today was the last apparition, as Paolo and Marija would be leaving. Rosary was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. The Community began arriving around 9:30 a.m. and began writing petitions to Our Lady. Our founder told Marija that if, today, Our Lady gives time to ask a question in the apparition, he would like her to ask Our Lady to give some sweet words to end Her visit with the Community. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady come, I recommend like always all us in special way, everyone present today. I ask Our Lady if She has some words to say to us. And Our Lady beginning to smile, said:

‘I give my love to you, you give it to others.’

“And after She beginning to pray over us and after She make blessing and She go.”

The surprise visit ended as quickly as it had begun, but with so many joys in-between, and a beautiful message in which Our Lady gave to us Her love. [see Appendix to American Messages]

The Apparitions of June 29 – July 6, 2009


June 29, 2009

Marija Lunetti arrived at Caritas at 9:40 p.m., directly from Medjugorje, after celebrating Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s 28th anniversary. After a brief greeting from the Community, Marija and the Community entered the Bedroom to begin a Rosary. Marija had not yet had her apparition of Our Lady that day. Our Lady appeared in the middle of the Rosary and appeared for several minutes. Marija said that when She came, She prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady told Marija that She would appear the following day in the Bedroom, in the evening, at 6:40 p.m.

June 30, 2009

The Rosary began in the Bedroom at 6:00 p.m. The Community of Caritas, along with fifteen to twenty pilgrims who were randomly picked from out in the Field, were present in the Bedroom for the apparition. After the Rosary was prayed, Marija began praying the 7 Our Father’s, 7 Hail Mary’s, and 7 Glory Be’s in Croatian. Our Lady appeared in the middle of these prayers. The apparition lasted 3 minutes and 15 seconds. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady come, I recommend all us, all people who is in Field, and I recommend in special way…(Marija stated different people whom she recommended to Our Lady in prayer). And after I said I recommend all people who is coming. And I see Our Lady stay more, so I beginning to recommend more people, some people that I said I specially pray these days. And Our Lady after little time, when I’m beginning to pray for other people, She begin to pray, like cut (Marija begins to laugh), like I no stop, She no stop. And after She smile, She pray over us and She blessed us all. And She blessed all people in the Field and objects for blessing. And then She said:


“Tomorrow, same time, same place.”

Marija said, “She no give some special message. But I think most beautiful gift is Our Lady’s presence.”

July 1, 2009

The apparition took place in the Bedroom of the Apparitions at 6:40 p.m. Several thousands pilgrims were out in the Field, where the Rosary was begun at 6:00 p.m. Both the Caritas Community, along with the extended Community members, were present in the apparition in the Bedroom. Before the apparition, two members of the community became engaged to be married. Marija was very involved in the preparations with a couple of other community members, including a surprise party that happened immediately after the apparition. The following is Marija’s description of Our Lady’s apparition:

“In the moment when Our Lady come, I recommended all our intentions and Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us. I ask special blessing for this Rosary and for these people who make us work today (everyone laughs). I ask Our Lady to pray over all those in Field. Our Lady pray over us and also She pray over us in Aramaic. I don’t know for what reason She pray over us in Aramaic.”

How long did She pray in Aramaic?

“Long. And after Our Lady blessed us. I ask for special blessing over this Rosary and for this Scripture, to become sign for this new family. Our Lady was tranquil. Our Lady said of the apparition tomorrow:


“Same time, same place.”

July 2, 2009

The apparition took place in the Bedroom of the Apparitions at 6:40 p.m. There were several thousands pilgrims in the Field, praying in union with those in the Bedroom, in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Today, Our Lady no give message. I always say the most beautiful message is Our Lady’s presence. I recommended all of us, not only there [in the Bedroom] but also there [in the Field] who is here at Caritas, and all people who are in our hearts. And in a special way I prayed for all sick people. And Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. And I think tonight Our Lady had good excuse and said apparition [will] no more in Bedroom, but [will be] outside. I think all this people who come and want to be near to Our Lady. Our Lady not have other choice, so Our Lady go outside. Apparition tomorrow night is at 10:30 p.m. So we are…we need to prepare, pray for the Vigil.”

What Marija was jokingly referring to above is the fact that it was so hot in the room of the apparitions with so many people present in the apparition.

July 3, 2009

The apparition tonight was in the Field of Apparitions at 10:30 p.m. The apparition lasted 7 minutes and 38 seconds. The following is Marija description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady come, I recommended each and every one of us. I offered Our Lady also all of our prayers for this nation. And Our Lady extended Her hands over everyone of us. She watched us all and She prayed one Our Father and then She blessed us all. Our Lady stayed with us a long, long time. When I offered our prayers for this nation, for conversion, to come back to God, Our Lady answered and said:


‘Thank you. I need your prayers. I need, dear children, everyone in this world be my extended hands.’


“And Our Lady began one other time to pray. And before Our Lady blessed us with a final blessing, I asked Our Lady for tomorrow and Our Lady said:


‘Same time, same place.’


“And Our Lady blessed us all. Our Lady was happy. She’s happy tonight.”

Marija said that when Our Lady came tonight, She was facing her directly, but at the moment when Our Lady began looking at everyone present, She actually turned Her body around to the left to see everyone on that side of Her, and then turned Her body to the right to do the same on the other side, which was a beautiful gift for all those present at the apparition.

July 4, 2009

The apparition tonight in the Field was a very solemn event. It began at 10:24 p.m. and lasted 3 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady come, I recommended all you present in the Field. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. She prayed a long time over us. She did not give any special message, but I think the message from yesterday is enough for us. The apparition tomorrow is not for everybody, but just for the community. Thank God for Our Lady’s presence. Thank you in the name of Our Lady, when Our Lady says, dear children, thank you for your response, for you also. So in the name of Our Lady, I thank everyone of you for all your prayers, all your sacrifices, for all your intentions you give to Our Lady during these days. God bless you all.”

Marija said that during this apparition Our Lady wasn’t smiling so much. Marija could see that Our Lady was happy in the apparition, there was a feeling of joy coming from Our Lady, but at the end of the apparition, Our Lady became very serious.

July 5, 2009

The apparition was in the Bedroom of the Apparitions. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us. She blessed also people who are in the Field. And tomorrow I asked Our Lady for the time of the apparition. She said She will come when we pray.”

July 6, 2009

Today Marija would be traveling back home. The Caritas Community gathered in the Bedroom for the Rosary at 8:15 a.m. Just before the Rosary, the community wrote out petitions to Our Lady and placed them on the Bed. Our Lady appeared to Marija at approximately 9:00 a.m. The apparition lasted for 3 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended all of us and our intentions, and all the people who are in the Field. I make many recommendations. Our Lady began to pray. She prayed over us and She blessed us all. And after, She stayed in silence, and I recommended in a special way (Marija named several community members including a community child, a community member who is in the hospital, and one of the community mothers who is in her ninth month of pregnancy). And Our Lady smiled and She gave Her blessing and said: ‘Go in peace.’”

Marija said that Our Lady left with a smile on Her face. This ended these five days of prayer in which thousands of pilgrims experienced conversion of their hearts.


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