Appendix To American Messages

Appendix To American Messages


Messages of Our Lady
American Messages


In order to stay with the short description format of Words From Heaven, some descriptions of Our Lady’s apparitions were shortened. The full descriptions follows:

The Apparitions of May 1998


Four years passed before Marija returned to Caritas. She came this time with her husband, Paolo, and her three young sons, all under the age of four. In those four years, not only had her own family grown, but the Caritas Community as well. The founder invited Marija and Paolo to come and see the life of the Community as Our Lady was inspiring it through Her messages. For this reason it was to be a private visit, and a week of rest and peace for Marija and her family. It was only after they arrived that the founder asked if Marija would consent to one public apparition. She agreed, and it was arranged for the final day of their visit, May 24. The first apparition took place Sunday morning, May 17, in the Bedroom of the founder’s home.

May 17, 1998

The founder and his family gathered with Marija’s family in the Bedroom at 11:00 a.m. for the apparition. The Caritas Community members met in the Field, and knelt facing the home, knowing Our Lady would be appearing there. After the apparition, the oldest son of our founder ran out to the Field and called the Community to meet at the lake down by the house. Coming down from the house to meet them, the founder then told them that he asked Marija to ask Our Lady to return this evening in the Field when the Community would be coming together for a prayer group meeting. Everyone was overjoyed when they learned Our Lady would have a second apparition. Marija said she had not had two apparitions in one day in many years. It was also a great joy for her.

It was a beautiful spring evening. The Community laid out blankets around Our Lady’s statue as music played and laughing children ran barefoot through the grassy field. They ran to greet Marija and Paolo and their children as they joined the Community in the Field that evening for the apparition. Everyone was excited knowing Our Lady would soon be present. The Rosary began and when Our Lady appeared, She prayed over everyone and blessed them and then said:

“Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you. Go in peace.”

These were the words Our Lady had left with them when last in the Field in Her visit in 1994. The Community was happy to receive Her words again, and the joy of Our Lady’s presence stayed with them the rest of the evening as they sang and visited while all the children ran and played around them. And so began a beautiful week with Our Lady and Marija’s family.

May 18-19, 1998

Each day of Marija and Paolo’s visit was dedicated to sharing with them different aspects of the life and mission Our Lady had actively inspired through the Community’s prayer inspired by Her messages. From the high-tech print shop in The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, to their agrarian life, a week didn’t seem long enough to show them what had transpired in just four short years. Each morning, the Community gathered in the Field at the normal time of day for their Rosary. On May 18 and 19, Our Lady appeared in the Field at approximately 11:40 a.m. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. On May 19, the Community had prayed the Patriotic Rosary. It was the first time Marija had heard this prayed.

May 22, 1998

All the wives and mothers of the Community were invited to attend the apparition today. They gathered in the living room where the apparition would again take place. Marija sat in the same chair, everyone faced the fireplace where the picture of Our Lady hung, and prayed the Rosary. At around 11:45 a.m., Our Lady appeared. Marija said that She hesitated for a moment before She prayed over everyone and blessed them. The founder had wanted to ask Our Lady, through Marija, if She would individually pray over each of the women present, but he hesitated in being so bold. Yet, he felt that when Our Lady had hesitated in the apparition, it was a sign to him that he should have followed the inspiration and asked Marija to present this request to Our Lady.

May 23, 1998

Our Lady returned to the Bedroom today. Marija still had to sit in a chair with her leg up, but they arranged for her to do so in the Bedroom. All the husbands and fathers of the Community, as well as the heads of the Single Consecrated men’s and women’s houses. The founder asked Marija to ask Our Lady to pray over everyone individually in the apparition. When Our Lady appeared and heard this request, She responded by immediately placing Her hands over each person individually in prayer. Though Our Lady had given no message over the past five days, today She broke Her silence and again said the words:

“Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you.”

May 24, 1998

This would be the last apparition of Marija’s visit. Upon Marija’s arrival at the beginning of the week, she had agreed to have one public apparition before she and her family returned to Italy. For the past several days, Community members manned the phones, calling everyone they could from across the United States to invite them to the apparition. Though they had only 3-4 days to decide, there were some people who immediately booked flights to fly in just for the apparition. The apparition took place in the Field. When Our Lady appeared, though She gave no message, Marija said She lovingly looked at each face present in the Field that day. Marija said that Our Lady makes this gesture only rarely, and the look of love on Our Lady’s face as She does this always touches Marija deeply.

One final note concerning this visit of Our Lady. The founder had written a special novena to Jesus that the Community prayed before Marija and her family arrived. The Community had spent weeks planting flowers around the grounds of Caritas, and Cosmos seeds had been sown along the walking path through the Field, leading to Our Lady’s statue and the Pine Tree. In the novena, the Community consecrated all the flowers to Jesus and asked, as a surprise to Our Lady, that each flower could represent 1,000 souls that would be saved through the Caritas mission, and that Jesus would keep this a secret from Our Lady until She arrived and saw them in full bloom. At the beginning of the week, though there were many buds on the Cosmos plants, not many flowers had bloomed out yet. This was the situation day by day, but towards the end of the week, the buds began popping open. On the final day, with Our Lady appearing in the Field, the Cosmos had come out in their full glory. They were dazzling to behold. Over 300 people had come in response to the invitation to be present. It was in the midst of this beautiful scene, when Our Lady had appeared and lovingly looked at each face present.

The Apparitions of December 8-13, 1999


Marija Lunetti, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje, came back with Our Lady to be with the Community of Caritas during their annual Five Days of Prayer for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Nation Back to God. Approximately forty to fifty thousand pilgrims participated during these special five days of prayer. Our Lady did many beautiful things while She was here with them. The following is a description of the apparitions and Our Lady’s messages given during these days.

December 8, 1999 Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Two Apparitions the Same Day

Close to five thousand people were present during this apparition which took place in the Field. At the moment of the apparition, Marija separated herself from the crowd and knelt in front of Our Lady’s statue. Our Lady appeared to Marija at 10:45 a.m. The following are Marija’s own words in describing the apparition:

“When Our Lady appeared, She came all dressed in gold. I recommended each of you and every intention of your hearts. Our Lady extended Her hands over all of us and prayed over us for a long time. I asked Our Lady to bless each and every one of us and to bless all the religious objects that you brought. Our Lady then smiled at all of us and prayed a moment and then She raised Her arm and blessed us with the Sign of the Cross. I then asked Our Lady if She had something that She wanted to tell us. Our Lady then looked at me and smiled and said:

‘Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you.’

“Our Lady then raised Her hand again (a second time) and blessed us and then left.”

After the apparition, Marija spoke to the crowd gathered and said she had brought miraculous medals that Our Lady had blessed. She wanted to personally hand out the medals to as many pilgrims as possible. She gave out more than twelve thousand medals that day in the Field to pilgrims. During the apparition, Marija had asked Our Lady what time She would appear the following day. Marija told the Community later that Our Lady changed the time of the apparition from the morning to 5:40 p.m. in the evening. This was a sign for them that Our Lady was “running the events there,” that She had come with special plans of Her own and had Her own schedule She wished them to follow. Unknown to the Community, Marija had also asked if Our Lady would appear again that evening, for a private apparition for the Community. Our Lady said, “yes, in the home, at a twenty ‘til six.” They knew clearly that “in the home” meant the “Bedroom” where Our Lady had appeared so many times before to Marija on previous visits. Later that evening, one by one, the Community gathered and found a small spot to kneel in the Bedroom to pray the Rosary. Our Lady appeared to Marija at 5:40 p.m. Our Lady stayed with them for several minutes, a longer apparition than normal. Marija said that Our Lady looked at each of the Community members individually, smiled, blessed them all and then told them the words She had spoken earlier in the day:

“Do not forget that I am your Mother and I love you.”

December 11, 1999

The fourth day of the five days of prayer was a special Christmas celebration, and the day that everyone looked forward to with so much anticipation. The Field was surrounded by luminaries. There were three bonfires on the edge of the circle of the Field. And right by Our Lady’s statue was a beautiful lit up Nativity. Our Lady had told Marija She would be appearing right in the middle of this special event. Every pilgrim was asked to bring a flower to present before the crib of Jesus to show their love and commitment to Him. Twelve thousand people came that night carrying their flowers and their hearts in their hands to Our Lady. The following is Marija’s explanation of Our Lady’s apparition that night in the Field:

“At the moment when Our Lady arrived tonight, She looked at each and every one of us. She remained in silence, and I understood that I was being permitted to be able to recommend all of us. As I began to recommend everyone and all the intentions that we have in our hearts, Our Lady remained in silence. Then I began to recommend all of the sick that are here. And Our Lady remained in silence and watched all of us still! I kept looking at Our Lady, and I smiled and said, ‘Well, I recommend all the little ones and the big ones.’ And Our Lady gave me a big smile in return. Then Our Lady began to pray over us. After She prayed over us, I felt in my heart that maybe Our Lady wanted to say something to us. And so I said, ‘Well, do you have something to tell us?’ And Our Lady said:

‘Thank you with all my heart.’

“But the thing that I wanted to leave as a surprise for the end was that Our Lady wasn’t alone. She came with three angels. Our Lady gave us a surprise even though it wasn’t Christmas. She celebrated with us by bringing angels.”

December 13, 1999

The Community gathered in the Bedroom around 7:00 a.m. to begin praying in preparation for the apparition. Marija and the Community prayed the Joyful mysteries of the Rosary, singing Christmas carols between each decade. The founder of the Community of Caritas had asked the Community to write out petitions and place them on the bed, from the oldest to the youngest. Of this apparition, all prayed in thanksgiving for such a beautiful five days and for this unexpected seventh apparition. For Our Lady to change the time of the apparition because of Marija’s flying out this day and come early was a great grace. As Our Lady appeared, they could tell by Marija’s face this apparition was special. They didn’t know why, but Marija throughout this apparition had a smile on her face. In ecstasy, Marija’s face is always serious. As the apparition ended, Marija’s eyes followed Our Lady back to Heaven for several moments. Marija then broke her constant routine of always saying the Magnificat and said in English, “Our Lady came with five angels!” She began then to pray the Magnificat as she and all of the Community wept. Following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Our Lady came with five angels today! Our Lady prayed over us and blessed us. She looked at each and every one of us.”

After the apparition, the Community asked Marija to describe the angels. She said they were small, like the size of a two-year-old. Two had black hair, two had brown hair, and one had blonde hair. Two were on each side of Our Lady and the blonde haired angel fluttered above Her head. Marija said that they were gazing at Our Lady, never taking their eyes off of Her. Marija also said that never, in all her apparitions, has she seen the angels look away from Our Lady even for a second.

The Apparitions of December 10 – 15, 2001


December 15, 2001

Marija left on this day to go back to Italy to her family. The founder of Caritas asked Our Lady through Marija during her apparition on December 14th, if She would appear early on Saturday so that the Community could be present for one more apparition and receive Her blessing once more. Our Lady said, “Yes.” The Community began to gather in the Bedroom at 6:30 a.m. They all wrote out their personal intentions and placed them on the Bed. They prayed the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition. Our Lady appeared to Marija at precisely 8:00 a.m. The following is Marija’s description of this apparition on Saturday, December 15, 2001:

“When Our Lady came, I recommended each of us and all our intentions in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time. I presented a private question to Our Lady. Immediately upon asking the question, Our Lady smiled and gave a private answer. Our Lady looked at each of us and then blessed us. She ascended back to Heaven, saying, ‘Go in peace.’ Our Lady was very happy and joyful during this apparition.”

The private question from the Founder was related to something that Our Lady had spoken to him about fourteen years before through Marija. Through the years he had asked Our Lady on several occasions, never receiving an affirmative message. He, along with the Community, was very happy that in this apparition Our Lady gave light of an affirmation to him.

In the development of the event of December 10th-15th, Our Lady had made a full circle, giving more than could be deserved. For months, the Community had worked around the clock, literally, and Our Lady spoke in many more ways than just words. For She gave a sign that She too is with them around the clock. Our Lady’s first apparition here for the December 8th-14th event was private and took place at 8:00 p.m. in the Bedroom; night-time. Marija was not told beforehand what time the apparition would be. Upon arriving at the house, they immediately began praying the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition, so the 8:00 p.m. apparition coincided precisely with the finishing of the Rosary. The December 15th apparition, the last apparition of the event, was at 8:00 a.m. in the Bedroom; morning time. Our Lady chose the time on both of these occasions, six days apart from each other. Our Lady, in these six days, made a full circle, a completion, which yet again speaks to all “through men, nature, and so many things…”(Her words on March 25, 1990). Her gestures are signs, their purpose to speak to all in order to lead all more deeply into conversion. Our Lady’s coming at 8:00 p.m. and finishing Her stay here, six days later at 8:00 a.m., shows how She wants to bring all from night into the day, from darkness to light, from the haze to a new morning – for Christianity…to the springtime. What made the Founder ponder this in the first place was Marija’s insistence immediately upon her arrival at his home, “that we must pray the Rosary now,” although Marija was not given a time. With more than 85 apparitions in the Community of Caritas, mostly in the Bedroom, over the years, Our Lady has never come at 8:00 a.m. nor 8:00 p.m. in the evening. Generally, the times She has chosen have been 10:40 a.m., 5:40 p.m., 10:30 p.m. These two apparitions that took place on December 10th and December 15th were spontaneous apparitions, uncommon. They were not planned and were at the discretion of Our Lady Herself. She chose the time and the place both times, and from Her actions, came forth the understanding of what She wished all to understand through them. The Community of Caritas is called to witness to others. Our Lady’s 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. gesture speaks of Her bringing all to a “new dawn.”

The Apparitions of August 8 – 25, 2003


August 10, 2003

The Community worked the next day setting up an altar for Our Lady. They had brought a large statue of Our Lady with them and set it upon a table that overlooked the ocean. They wandered through the house looking for decorations for the altar. Soon starfish began to be collected and arranged at Our Lady’s feet. When the last starfish was found in the house and placed by the others, all were touched to count a total of 12 starfish, 12 stars, for Our Lady’s crown. The apparition on this day took place at 3:35 p.m. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. Just after the apparition, a few of the children spotted dolphins swimming by. It took several moments for everyone to focus on them, as the dolphins were quite a distance away, but suddenly everyone began to realize that hundreds of dolphins were swimming by. It was a sight to see, really amazing. Everyone felt it was a special grace given by Our Lady. After yesterday’s apparition about being on vacation, finding the 12 “star”fish for Our Lady’s altar, and now the dolphins, there was a special sense of Our Lady’s presence felt by all. Our Lady continued to appear each day in the house at the time the Community prepared for the apparition in prayer.

August 11, 2003

Today, some left for the day to go fishing and didn’t return until late evening. It was decided, therefore, that the apparition would not take place until after dinner. Even though it was late, the Rosary was peaceful and the prayer was felt deeply. The apparition was very beautiful and peaceful. It was also a longer apparition. Marija said afterwards that Our Lady had prayed a long time over everyone, praying the whole time, until She ended the apparition with Her blessing.

August 12, 2003

This was another late night apparition. The Rosary began around 9:35 p.m. The rest of the Community from Caritas was driving to meet everyone in Florida. They had hoped that they could make it for the apparition, but were too late. The Rosary again was peaceful and prayer was deep. There had been a strong feeling of the presence of Our Lady each evening. In the apparition tonight, Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them.

August 13, 2003

A few Community members had stayed behind at Caritas but now joined everyone in Florida. They came with bunches of beautiful flowers to prepare Our Lady’s altar for the feast of Her Assumption that would take place in a few days. There was a special joy in the room having the whole Community together. As the altar was being prepared today, the founder suggested everyone write out petitions to Our Lady, he then asked Marija if they could present their petitions to Our Lady “during” the apparition. Marija agreed. When Marija went into ecstasy that evening, one by one, each person carried their petition up to Our Lady and dropped it into a small sailboat canister. It took several minutes for all of them to do so. All during this time, Marija gazed silently at Our Lady. When Marija came out of ecstasy she told us what had happened:

“The moment of apparition, I recommend all of us and our intentions and Our Lady pray over us and I recommend our special letters and Our Lady smiled and She said:

‘I wish to give you graces. Ask for them.’”

Having just spent nearly an hour writing down all their petitions, they were in awe of Our Lady’s words and realized that it makes Our Lady happy when people come to Her with all their problems and needs, their hopes and dreams.

August 14, 2003

The apparition took place later in the afternoon. The Community gathered around 4:00 p.m. to pray the Rosary. Immediately after the apparition the Community would leave for Holy Mass to celebrate the Vigil of Our Lady’s Assumption. It was the wedding anniversary of one of the couples in the Community, so they were placed up front with Marija, along with their children. The beauty of this time of day, with the sun positioning itself to begin setting, the rays on the water, the blue of Our Lady’s statue, the colors of the flowers, the open and bright room, the freshness of the air by the ocean, the little girls in their sweet summer dresses, and the pleasure of the coolness of the air after being in the hot sun all day, created a near perfect setting for Our Lady’s apparition. It was a little piece of Heaven. The Rosary was beautiful. When Our Lady came, Marija particularly recommended the couple on their wedding anniversary to Our Lady. Marija said Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them.

August 19, 2003

The founder of Caritas arranged to have several tractor-trailer rigs of salt delivered to the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, with the hope that Our Lady would bless the salt as She had done in the apparitions at Caritas in December of 2001, with the first loads of salt. The Blessed Salt has been used by thousands of people as a sacramental for protection and to call down God’s blessing. This would be the first apparition in The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, and though the salt was on the first floor, where the print shop is located, the Community desired to have the apparition in the writing office of their founder, where all the writings concerning Our Lady’s messages take place. Everyone was of one mind to the decision. The Community met at 6:00 p.m. to begin the Rosary, with Marija and Paolo joining them. Marija said:

“Our Lady blessed us, and She prayed over us.”

Marija asked Our Lady to bless the salt during the apparition. Marija said:

“Our Lady bless also, I ask for all salt, on first floor…She bless, She make Sign of Cross…I recommend all of our intentions, and what we have in our hearts, and I ask to bless all salt together. She make little prayer over us, and after She bless.”

August 21, 2003

This was the only public apparition during Marija’s visit. The apparition took place in the Field, with the cosmos flowers in full bloom, lining the path to the inner circle of the Field. Marija commented that the number of angels in the apparition on August 15th numbered like the Cosmos in the Field. They (flowers) added beauty and grace to the surroundings as pilgrims began gathering in at 5:30 p.m. to prepare for Our Lady’s coming. It was a very hot, humid evening, with record-breaking heat. Three Rosaries were prayed before the apparition. The air was still, the heat suffocating. As the third Rosary began, a large storm cloud covered the sun. At the same time, a strong, cool wind began to blow, and continued all through the Rosary up to apparition time refreshing everyone. It was beautiful to watch the expressions on people’s faces. There was not one person in the Field who did not recognize Our Lady’s presence in the wind. Marija described what happened in the apparition:

“The moment of apparition, I recommend all of our intentions, all that we have in our hearts. And Our Lady pray over us. And I ask also that She bless all objects that we have here. And Our Lady after praying, She blessed all objects with the Sign of the Cross, and I recommend in a special way all these people who are here and in a special way all sick people and Our Lady one other time, She open Her hands and She begin to pray, and She pray five minute, I don’t know (a long time). And after She give blessing like Sign of the Cross, and She say ‘Go in peace,’ and She leave. Today Our Lady is tranquil, and She watch all of us.”

When Our Lady “watches all of us,” She actually scans the crowd, looking at each face. Marija says it is a very endearing grace as it shows that each face is dear to Her.

August 25, 2003

Paolo, Marija and their children would be returning to Italy today. The apparition took place in Atlanta, from where they would be leaving. Today, also, Our Lady would give the monthly message to the world before their flight home. The founder and his family were present for the apparition. Not having much to make an altar for Our Lady, a very colorful quilt that had been in the car was used as a covering for a makeshift altar for the apparition. Though some thought it might be “too colorful” the founder said, “Our Lady likes color,” and so it stayed.

The Community back home was made aware of when the apparition would be. They went to the Field early to pray in preparation for Our Lady’s words. The apparition lasted 4 ½ minutes. The message Our Lady gave this day will always be a reminder to the Community of the special “vacation” they spent with Our Lady. When Marija knelt down, she said, “Let’s ask for a beautiful message today.” The message:

August 25, 2003—Monthly Message to the World

“Dear children! Also today I call you to give thanks to God in your heart for all the graces which He gives you, also through the signs and colors that are in nature. God wants to draw you closer to Himself and moves you to give Him glory and thanks. Therefore, little children, I call you anew to pray, pray, pray and do not forget that I am with you. I intercede before God for each of you until your joy in Him is complete. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

For those in the room who were involved in using the quilt on the altar, it made them think that Our Lady had “heard” their conversation about the color of the quilt. But also, there were so many beautiful memories from the past two and a half weeks, being with Our Lady in nature—the sea, the altar in the beach house, the 12 starfish, the beautiful flowers that surrounded Our Lady’s statue, the cosmos blooming in the Field, the cool wind the night of the 21st of August’s apparition…their whole time with Our Lady signs were given to draw them closer to Her heart and to the heart of God.

The Apparitions of April 30 to May 6, 2004


April 30, 2004

Marija had arrived, with her youngest son, Giovanni, for five days with Our Lady held at Caritas in which thousands of pilgrims were expected, May 1-5, 2004. This evening, the Community gathered in the Bedroom to greet and welcome Our Lady in the apparition. Marija said:

“Today when Our Lady came She prayed over all of us and blessed us all. I asked Her about tomorrow and Our Lady answered:

‘Tomorrow morning, here, and the day after in the afternoon in the Field by the Tree.’

“She blessed us all and left.”

The Community was excited for two reasons. First, that Our Lady was letting us know Her preference for when and where the apparitions would be each day. And secondly, because She referred to both the Bedroom and the Field, adding the words “by the Tree” in Her message, showing them that She recognized these special places of prayer with Her words.

May 2, 2004

The apparition was in the evening in the Field just as Our Lady requested. The apparition took place around 6:40 p.m. Our Lady was crowned with a wreath of flowers the evening before, but a storm during the night had blown the crown off the statue. When Marija came out to the Field, she immediately noticed Our Lady had no crown and said we must make another crown. A new one was put together so that they were able to crown Our Lady just before Her apparition. It was beautiful. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Everybody sit down. I wanted to greet each and every one of you that are here tonight and have come to be with us. Tonight, when Our Lady came, She was very happy and probably because She saw all of you here. And when you prayed, Our Lady listened to you. I recommended each one of you and everything that you held in your heart. Our Lady prayed over us and She gave us Her blessing. In a special way I asked Our Lady to pray for those who are sick here. And Our Lady gave us a second blessing. And then I asked Our Lady to bless everything that you brought with you, your rosaries, your medals and anything else that you wanted blessed, and Our Lady, again, blessed everything. And then at the end, Our Lady spoke, and She said:

‘My dear children, do not forget that I am your Mother, and that I love you, and that I bless you.’

“And then She went back to Heaven…unfortunately. It would be a real joy for us to always remain with Our Lady.”

There was a large gathering in the Field. Many profound conversions took place in the midst of these apparitions. For tomorrow, Our Lady said the apparition would be in the Bedroom in the morning. The Community was again in awe to see Our Lady directing the events of these days.

May 4, 2004

In yesterday’s apparition, Our Lady said the apparition would be in the Bedroom again, in the morning. Today there were other pilgrims along with several priests with the Community who were present for the apparition. Marija’s description of the apparition:

“The moment of the apparition Our Lady came. I recommend all our intention. And Our Lady pray over us and She bless us all. She bless also all objects for blessing. Also Our Lady pray and bless also people who is in Field. She blessed two times. One for religious objects, one for people present. Our Lady said:

‘Same time. Same place.’”

Tomorrow is the last day of the apparitions for the pilgrims, and most everyone expected Our Lady to say the apparition would be in the Field, but they were surprised to hear Marija say that Our Lady wanted the apparition in the Bedroom once again. For the Community, we believed Our Lady’s actions were reconfirming the foundation of the Community and mission of Caritas by emphasizing the Bedroom. She was bringing the Community back to its roots.

May 5, 2004

Most of the Community was in the Field praying the Patriotic Rosary with the pilgrims. From the Bedroom, the patriotic songs could be heard sung over the loud speaker. Concerning the apparition, Marija said:

“Our Lady blessed us all. She prayed over us. She blessed all those in the Field. I ask in special way bless also those in Field and all the objects. Two blessings.” (objects and people).

The five days of prayer went quickly, but the grace was abounding to all those present. One priest said that his entire priesthood was renewed during his time at Caritas. Each priest who attended heard several hundred confessions during the week, and was amazed at how many hadn’t been to the sacrament for many, many years. It was quite a testimony to them of the grace that accompanies Our Lady. She won the hearts of many souls.

May 6, 2004

Marija had asked Our Lady to come early this morning, as she had to immediately leave for the airport after the apparition. Our Lady agreed. The Community gathered at 7:00 a.m. to begin praying the Rosary to prepare for the apparition at 8:00 a.m. The founder had a special request to make of Our Lady. As the Community and mission were experiencing heavy persecution, he asked Marija to ask Our Lady for words that would help them to endure any attack that would come, especially in light of all the conversions that had just taken place through the apparitions these last five days. Marija’s description of the apparition:

“Our Lady came and I recommended all of us, and She prayed over all of us who were present. She blessed all religious articles with a Sign of the Cross and in the end She gave a message (in regards to the question asked):

‘I give you my love. You give it to others.’

“And She left with a smile on Her face.”

Marija was visibly excited, and her voice was filled with joy when she told us Our Lady had given a message. Marija then went into the private bathroom adjacent to the Bedroom to write down the message. For several minutes, all those in the Bedroom knelt in silence, many in tears. When Marija came out, it was time for good-byes, but it was a sweet ending to a beautiful week with Our Lady.

The Apparitions of July 20 – August 8, 2005


July 21, 2005

Months of work were finally coming to an end as the Community neared the time of the five days of prayer, though there was still another week filled with many things that still needed to be completed. Perhaps because of all the work and very long hours, Our Lady gave the Community a very special grace upon Her return to their home. When Marija and her boys arrived, the Community had just enough time to say hello, when it was time to prepare for the apparition. Our Lady came at about 6:40 p.m. Marija said:

“I said to Our Lady, welcome here. Our Lady is smiling and She pray over us and give to us Her Special Blessing. She pray before, and after She give Special Blessing. She smiling.”

Our Lady’s smile and the gift of Her Special Blessing caused all those gathered to be happy and in smiles too.

July 31, 2005

The apparition this evening was in the living room of the founder’s home. This would be the last private apparition before the apparitions would be opened up to the public for five days of prayer in preparation for Our Lady’s birthday, August 5th.

After praying the Rosary, Marija went into ecstasy, as normal, but half way through everyone in the room knew something special was taking place. Marija, still in ecstasy, began to pray out loud, the Our Father and Glory Be. We knew she was praying with Our Lady in the apparition. The apparition lasted almost six minutes—a very long time for an apparition. By the time the apparition ended, everyone was excited to hear what had taken place. Marija, herself was excited, and began to describe the apparition:

“One special gift today when Our Lady come. She pray over all, one by one. I don’t know how long apparition was today? Very Long! Our Lady said to pray Our Father and Glory Be for Her intentions. I ask also for all those in Field. Our Lady said apparition, ‘will be in the Field tomorrow, same time.’

Marija began searching for words to describe what else had happened. She said that when Our Lady was praying over each one of the Community, She was also blessing each person. Marija said as She went to each person in the room, that Our Lady was pressing up against Marija—Marija felt like she was something like a fence or a barrier to Our Lady who was trying to reach past Marija to reach each one of the Community and Marija’s own family. Marija felt like she should move out of Our Lady’s way. This had never happened to Marija in an apparition. It was moving to her and to all those in the room as she explained in more detail, her feeling. Marija said she did not see the individual when Our Lady was praying over each one. Our Lady prayed in silence. To Marija, the apparition felt like at least an hour and that Our Lady prayed something like five minutes a piece over each of the Community members in the room. When Our Lady first appeared, She came joyful, then She became serious when praying over each person.

In more detail, Marija said that it felt to her that Our Lady was too close, that she needed to move back. One Community member who was kneeling close to Marija, saw her eyes going back and forth throughout the apparition. Marija said it was something like the first days of the apparitions in Medjugorje when Our Lady said people could touch Her, and came up to approach Her.

August 1-5, 2005 Apparitions

In Preparation of Our Lady’s Birthday


August 1, 2005 – Monday

Today was the first day of the five days of prayer with Our Lady. All the pilgrims were joining the Community in praying three Hail Mary’s on the top of each hour, offering a nine-hour novena each day for Our Lady’s intentions for Her birthday. This prayer was in response to Our Lady’s July 25, 2005 monthly message, given in the Bedroom a few days before, in which Our Lady asked for novenas “so that satan be far from you and grace be around you.” The apparition was in the evening in the presence of thousands in the Field. Marija described what took place in the apparition:

“The moment Our Lady came, I recommend all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. And I ask also for blessing of letters (petitions) that we have here, intentions, and objects for blessing and Our Lady smiling while She blessed and She said, ‘Go in peace.’”

When Marija asked about the apparition tomorrow, August 2nd, Our Lady said:

“Same time. Same place.”

August 4, 2005 – Thursday – Mary’s Eve

This night was the eve of Our Lady’s birthday. Our Lady appeared at 6:46 p.m. The apparition was in the Field. Marija said:

“In the moment of apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommend to Our Lady all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time. After, I asked Our Lady to bless us and to bless all objects that we have with us. And Our Lady, with the Sign of the Cross, blessed all of us and our objects. And I asked about (tomorrow’s) apparition, and Our Lady said,

‘Same time, same place.’

“And Our Lady always says, ‘Go in peace.’

After the apparition, the pilgrims were asked to leave the Field. A very special event was planned for the evening, one that the Community had been excited to experience ever since they learned Marija would come for Our Lady’s birthday this year. The Community jumped into action. They had built a sweet little life size house to represent the house of St. Joachim and St. Anne, Mary’s parents. While tractors were busy moving the house in place, everyone in the Community began lighting the 2,021 candles for every year Our Lady had existed. On a back wall of the house was an enlarged antique picture depicting Mary’s birth. The picture was soon lit up with all the candles that filled the entire house. That night, pilgrims were allowed to re-enter the Field, they knelt before the image of Our Lady as a tiny baby, enraptured by the re-creation of that moment of Her creation.

A special Rosary had been written for this night, called the Mysteries of Mary and in between each decade a meditation was offered to bring the hearts of all those gathered back to the moment when the infant Mary was born. The 3rd Mystery of Mary spoke of a tremendous storm, according to several mystics who had visions of Mary’s birth, that suddenly descended just moments before She was born. Lightening, thunder, torrential rain and even hail rained down as if a huge battle was being waged in the Heavens over this tiny baby who would one day bring the world its Savior.

Our Lady’s Nativity had never been celebrated on August 4th like this before. It was profoundly beautiful, and many people remained in the Field the entire night, along side the Community, under a star-filled sky so that this moment of grace would not pass too quickly. Though it was August, it felt like Christmas. Those present sensed they were partaking in something mystical. Indeed, the first public celebration of the Eve of Mary ever held on August 4, in the history of the world. Our Lady, for the past four days was strangely silent, only saying “Same time. Same place.” But after the birthday apparition the next day, August 5, 2005, it became plainly evident that Our Lady was creating a craving, an anticipation in their hearts for Her words or action, that on Her birthday She would more than satisfy them.

August 5, 2005 – Friday – Mary’s Birthday

Birthday cake and milk from the Community of Caritas dairy cows were in abundance for the Birthday party the Community gave Our Lady joined by thousands of pilgrims in the Field in the morning. But the party they gave Our Lady was nothing compared to the party She gave that afternoon in the Field for Her apparition. Great anticipation was felt as pilgrims entered the Field that evening. The sky was partly cloudy, but also blue patches were scattered and the sun was shining. There was no rain and many left their umbrellas behind as there wasn’t a forecast for bad weather. All those in the Field gathered around Our Lady’s Nativity to begin praying the Rosary.

Rapidly, after beginning the Rosary with clear skies, the weather began changing. The wind picked up, gray clouds began to roll in, and thunder could be heard in the far distance. As each decade was prayed, the thunder became louder, lightning began appearing and rain could be heard and seen in the distance, but heading toward the crowd in the Field. The nearer to apparition time, the more severe the weather became. As Marija and her husband made their way up to Our Lady’s little house for the apparition, the storm suddenly broke out in full fury. Thunder so loud it shook the ground, lightning cracking down all around, torrential rain and wind pouring down so hard that umbrellas were useless, and then, amazingly, hail began pounding down on people in the open Field, where a lone pine tree reached up in the sky, where lightning bolts were everywhere.

Yet the reaction of all those who were present was of wonder, awe and yes, joy…because there was a realization that God was allowing a recreation of Our Lady’s birth in the storm that we were experiencing, just as we heard the night before in the 3rd Marian Mystery, when Our Lady was born. As the word “hail” was said, beginning the ‘Hail Holy Queen’, hail began falling upon the people! No one left the Field. Many were laughing out loud with pure joy, even while being pelted with hail. The prayers had to be shouted to be heard above the storm, and then just at the exact moment Marija went into ecstasy, a lightening bolt struck, coming out of the sky exactly down to the point where Our Lady appeared, just over the little house, so loud and so bright, yet without causing any harm. Our Lady appeared at 6:48 p.m. The apparition lasted nearly four minutes. Marija’s description of the apparition follows:

“When Our Lady came I recommended all of us and all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time, and She blessed us with Her Special Motherly blessing. Our Lady came with a gold dress, and there were three angels around Her. Then She said:

‘Dear children! Do not forget that I am your Mother and I love you.’”

Marija relayed Our Lady then said:

“I thank you for your novenas.”

Then Our Lady gave the final blessing and said:

“Go in peace.”

The joy of the storm, hail, lightning and then for Our Lady to thank the group for the 9-hour daily novenas for Her birthday was such tangible evidence that Our Lady was attentive in watching everything we did. This left the crowd in awe. Marija said that she thinks the sacrifice of being here, under the rain was just the candle on the cake. The 15-minute ride back to the hotels ended up taking 2-3 hours. Traffic lights and power lines were down from the rapidly moving storm that came from nowhere. Without power, people stayed outside their hotels late into the night, talking of this wonder. Many people relayed it as a Fatima miracle experience. The storm came directly out of the east, which no one in the valley had ever seen happen before, as storms always come out of the west and south. A neighbor three miles down the road said that he saw the biggest bolt of lightning he’d ever seen in his life over the Caritas area, though he’s not a believer in the Field. Eerily, the sun was setting in the west, causing it to cast its rays under the storm clouds; a phenomenon also never witnessed, as the storm came from the east.

August 6, 2005 – Saturday

The apparition was in the Bedroom this evening. Marija said it was a short apparition today,

“She come, She pray over us, and She go. Tomorrow:

‘Same time, same place.’”

The Apparitions of November 24 – 25, 2005

November 24, 2005 – Thursday, Thanksgiving Day

Marija returned to Caritas for a very short visit in November 2005. Though it was a short visit, it was during a very beautiful and significant time in the Community. Thanksgiving Day is a feast day celebrated in the Community, not only because of what that day is for our Nation, but because it marks the very first time Our Lady appeared and blessed the Field. It was Our Lady who chose November 24, 1988, Thanksgiving Day, to be Her first apparition in the Field. She told Marija that She invited “everyone” to come to the apparition, and She gave a message that day inviting us to live Her messages and that She would intercede for everyone who came to pray here. Through reflecting on Our Lady’s actions through prayer, the founder of Caritas realized that Our Lady chose to appear in the Field for the purpose of calling the United States of America back to its religious and historical roots. This site had been consecrated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart for the intention of our Nation’s conversion. As She owned the Field, through this consecration, She decided to make use of it for our Nation’s future. In this year of 2005, Thanksgiving Day fell on the exact date of this apparition, 17 years ago.

Pumpkins, flowers, corn stalks and hay bales decorated Our Lady’s statue in the Field, along with messages of Our Lady and words from the pilgrims who first made their way to this continent. The Community had much to reflect upon in this Rosary, and much to be thankful for, especially this day when Our Lady was with them to celebrate. The apparition took place at the normal time of 10:40 a.m. Our Lady came on the 3rd set of 7,7,7—on the 3rd Hail Mary. Marija said:

“Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us.”

Our Lady was strong in the wind today.

November 25, 2005 – Friday

Another big grace awaited the Community during Marija’s short visit. They were in the presence of Our Lady when She gave the November monthly message to the world through Marija. The apparition took place in the Bedroom. The apparition lasted 4 minutes, 28 seconds. Marija immediately left the room after the apparition to write down the message. After relaying the message to the parish in Medjugorje, she came back to translate the message for the Community. These were the words Our Lady gave on this day:

“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

The Apparitions of July 1-21, 2008


July 1, 2008 – Day of Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness

More than 35 pilgrims were randomly chosen to attend today’s apparition in the Bedroom, while the Community joined all the other pilgrims in the Field. Marija asked everyone to kneel down and pray in preparation for the apparition. She said to pray for all those who are not here, for those who are in the Field, as well as those we recommend in our prayers and in our hearts. In a special way, she prayed for all sick people, because, as Marija said, what is impossible for man is possible for God. We ask Our Lady, who is here present, for the grace of healing. Our Lady appeared during the fifth Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. The apparition was three minutes and forty-five seconds long. The following is Marija’s description of today’s apparition:

“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. I recommended also all religious objects to be blessed. Also, people who are in the Field. And Our Lady blessed also all the people there.”

Marija asked Our Lady where and when the apparition would be the following day on July 2. Our Lady responded, “Same time, same place.”

July 2, 2008 – Day of Individual Consecrations

Today’s apparition was in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. It was on this day that all those present made an individual consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The crowds had grown since the day before, filling the inner circle of the Field as well as the outer edges of the Field where people were finding a bit of shade from the trees. There was a deep prayerfulness among those who were gathered.

In the midst of about 50 people, kneeling tightly in the Bedroom, Our Lady appeared to Marija over the Bed. The apparition lasted almost three minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended, like always, all of your intentions. Our Lady prayed over all of us and She blessed us all. I recommended all the sick people, and in a special way I asked also to bless all religious objects, and all the people who are there in the Field. Our Lady then prayed over everyone for a short time and She made the Sign of the Cross in a blessing. And I asked Our Lady for tomorrow. I said tomorrow is a special day, the Vigil for the 4th, and Our Lady smiling, said that the apparition would be at 10:00 at night in the Field.” (Immediately upon hearing this, several in the room wanted Marija to repeat what she had just said as they were shocked to hear Our Lady’s choice for a vigil apparition in anticipation of honoring God for the birth of our Nation on the 4th of July.) “She said, not here, but in the Field, tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. Our Lady said [the apparition is] for everybody. These days Our Lady appears always here (in the Bedroom), saying ‘Same time, same place.’ And I think all other people are a little bit jealous of us. So thank God. So not two times will there be an apparition, but only tomorrow night, in the Field for everybody. You go out now and tell everyone this beautiful news. And God bless you all.”

July 3, 2008 – Day for Consecration of Our Families

Prayer for tonight’s vigil began around 8:00 p.m. Not since the apparitions in 1988 had Our Lady appeared in a night time apparition. Everyone was moved by this uncommon gesture of Our Lady. As pilgrims gathered in the Field, the scene that greeted them was stunning, as a special platform had been built around Our Lady’s statue with thousands of red, white, and blue candles lit to light up Our Lady’s image. That night Marija’s face was intense during the long apparition that lasted more than eight minutes. Afterwards, Marija surprised the thousands gathered in the Field by saying for the July 4th apparition, Our Lady again said She would appear in the Field at 10:00 p.m. Knowing that this was something out of the ordinary, and feeling that Our Lady was giving everyone another day to spend in prayer for our Nation’s conversion, joy swept through the crowd. Marija then asked the pilgrims, “Would you rather sleep or would you rather pray?” and then she said, “I think we must pray very much in these next 24 hours for your Nation.” Marija stayed in the Field until well after midnight with everyone who wanted to stay, praying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be over and over again, with songs sung intermittently.

July 4, 2008 – Consecration of Our Nation

Prayer in preparation for the apparition began around 8:00 p.m. Just moments before Our Lady’s apparition, everyone together prayed the Solemn Consecration of Our Nation to Our Lady. Small lights lit up the entire Field from flashlights of people turning their eyes to this prayer, but though the light was from flashlights, the effect was more like candlelight. Everyone then, in one voice, prayed this beautiful prayer to Our Lady. You could hear the words echoing through the Field. Everyone was intense in their prayer. It was the most beautiful scene, as the love for our country could be seen on every face, and heard in every voice. Marija then began to pray the seven Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s, and Glory Be’s, and suddenly Our Lady appeared. Marija’s face was serious throughout the apparition that lasted for five minutes. At the end of the apparition, Marija said that Our Lady had come with three angels tonight. She prayed over everyone present, blessed them and blessed all their religious articles. Marija recommended all those present and in a special way all the sick. Our Lady gave the following message:

“Thank you for all your prayers, be my extended hands in this peaceless world.”

Our Lady said, “Tomorrow’s apparition will be in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m.” And Our Lady finished, saying, “Go in peace.”

July 7, 2008

The apparition took place in the Bedroom. It was a special apparition for the Community as beforehand, it was announced that one of the young couples in the Community had just become engaged to be married, just moments before the Rosary. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“When Our Lady appeared, I recommended everyone to Our Lady and their intentions. In a special way, I recommended this young couple. Before giving Her blessing, Our Lady looked at the couple and smiled and then blessed everyone in the Bedroom. Our Lady also blessed all the pilgrims in the Field.”

When Marija asked Our Lady where and when the apparition would be the following day, Our Lady said it would be in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m. Our Lady had chosen to appear at 10:00 p.m. on two different nights during the Five Days of Prayer, July 3rd and 4th, but the next three days (July 5, 6, & 7), the apparitions were in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. Not since the first apparitions in 1988-89, twenty years ago, has Our Lady chosen to appear at 10:00 p.m. in the evening. Everyone was surprised at Her actions of appearing July 8th, also at 10:00 p.m.

July 8, 2008

It was a beautiful, star-filled night for the crowd who had gathered for Our Lady’s apparition. Light from the half-moon flooded the Field, giving enough light to see the surrounding pilgrims that circled Our Lady’s statue. When the Rosary began at 9:00 p.m., everyone knelt and faced the house where Our Lady would appear. Just before 10:00 p.m., Our Lady appeared to Marija in the Bedroom. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady also blessed everyone in the Field. When Marija asked about tomorrow’s apparition, Our Lady said, “Same time, same place,” in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m.

July 9, 2008

Though the five days of prayer were over, several pilgrims, knowing Marija was still here, traveled long distances to be here tonight. Several of them were randomly selected from the Field to be present in the Bedroom for the apparition. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition that took place in the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m.:

“When Our Lady appeared, She prayed over and blessed all of us and also everyone in the Field.”

Our Lady told Marija that the apparition would be “the same time tomorrow, at 10:00 p.m.,” but did not say a location. Marija would be leaving for a week of family retreat with the founder’s family, so this was the last apparition until she returns to Caritas.

July 19, 2008

Tonight the apparition in the Bedroom was indescribably beautiful. The Bedroom was filled with roses, numbering 4,000, all of which represented those souls from across the Nation who wanted to be represented during Our Lady’s apparitions. For two days several girls worked to arrange the flowers in vases. While several of the Community women were discussing where all the vases would go, Marija took some of the roses and formed them into a heart on the Bed, with the Community girls helping. What developed was too beautiful for words. What flowers couldn’t fit on the bed, were left in vases and arranged around the Bed. Nearly 100 small tea-light candles were added in and amongst the flowers on the Bed. When it was finished, the whole room was breathtaking. Added to the setting of the flowers, the simple adoration music from Medjugorje was played during the beginning of the Rosary and between each decade. The candles were lit on the Bed and Bed stand, filling the Bedroom with a soft glow. Different pilgrims praying in the Field were randomly selected to come to the Bedroom for the apparition. As they entered the room, they could not help but be visibly moved. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady all of our intentions, and in a special way I asked Our Lady to bless all people who is present here and in the Field. And I also offered Our Lady the soul of little Sebastian (a little boy who had died early this morning) and asked help for his mother and father. I asked Our Lady to give Sebastian peace and to carry him in Her heart. She immediately begin to pray. I ask also to Our Lady to bless all candles and all the roses present from all people across the United States. And Our Lady, She stood with Her hands extended and prayed over all of us. She pray over also all these people (who gave the candles and roses). And after She give blessing. She go. And tomorrow: ‘Same time, same place.’

The Unexpected Apparitions of February 11 – 18, 2009

(Compiled by the Community of Caritas)


February 11, 2009

All members of the Community, from the youngest to the oldest meet every Wednesday and Friday evenings for prayer group. We gather at various places. This Wednesday night prayer group on February 11th took place amidst the busyness of preparing for the wedding on Friday. Our founder was gone half of the day but specifically had given instructions to have prayer group in the Bedroom at 5:00 p.m. He had said if he was not back, to not delay but go ahead and begin the Rosary. He had stressed, though we were very busy preparing for the wedding, we would not be Martha, but rather her sister, Mary Magdalene, who took the better part and was with Jesus; that our prayer group would not neglect our time in prayer with Our Lady. After the first decade, he finally arrived and stopped us. He told everyone that he wanted us to momentarily get our thoughts away from the wedding preparations and everything that still needed to be done, and to enter into prayer with all our thoughts on Our Lady. He asked us to close our eyes and to meditate on the gift of these new babies born into the Community as well as the wedding taking place in the next days. He said it was almost like we were experiencing Christmas all over again this week with so many special gifts and celebrations.

Before he left, earlier that day, he had prearranged to have a Christmas song played in the Bedroom during the prayer group. He relayed it was to help us realize we are gifted with the presence of Our Lady in our midst when we pray. He told us to close our eyes and meditate on all the gifts we received through Our Lady. After a while, he told us, “Open your eyes.” Gasps and cries of surprise and joy were heard throughout the room. We were shocked. While eyes were closed meditatively, without notice, the visionary Marija had slipped in at the foot of the Bed. The founder, while the song was still playing, said, “Open your eyes.” Marija Lunetti and her husband Paolo came into view before us. Our founder had picked them up at the airport and they stayed in the kitchen while the founder came on into the Bedroom. Their cue to come in was when they heard the music. When they came in, Marija then tiptoed in through the Community members and knelt in her normal place at the foot of the Bed when she is there for the apparitions, and several Community members commented that it was almost like having an apparition themselves. They closed their eyes – they were not there. They opened their eyes – and Marija, Paolo and Giovanni, their six-year-old son, suddenly had appeared before them. Seeing Marija as if from nowhere, kneeling, where she has had one hundred eleven apparitions over the last 21 years, brought forth many emotions amongst the Community. To say it was a very joyful reunion cannot describe what everyone felt. Several in the Community said it was “shock and awe.”

Amidst the joy and hugs, we learned that they had come to attend the wedding, but it was kept a secret from everyone in order to add to the joy of this week. As if that surprise and that joy wasn’t enough, the Community learned that Our Lady had not appeared to Marija at her normal apparition time, but had waited so that the Community could be present in the apparition. The Community was stunned with joy. There are not many words that can describe such a moment when on an ordinary day, a day with no hint of anything coming, there suddenly comes the news, and within 30 minutes of Marija arriving, you are bowed before the Queen of all creation. Before Our Lady appeared, She allowed us to pray the entire Rosary novena which included two long prayers for the wedding couple, and it was when we had finished these prayers that Our Lady came. She appeared about 5:55 p.m. The following is a description given by one of the Community members of the apparition:

“At the moment of the apparition, Marija recommended to Our Lady the Community and Our Lady immediately smiled. After the apparition, Marija, with joy but struggling for words, said ‘I think Our Lady was surprised too.’ Our founder, wondering why Marija said that, asked, ‘Did Our Lady look surprised?’ And Marija tried to find better words to describe and relay Our Lady’s expression, because it wasn’t exactly surprise, but that Our Lady was reacting to our surprise in some way. It was an emotional expression we had never heard used to describe Our Lady before. Our founder then asked, ‘Was it like She was amused?’ And while Marija happily nodded yes, she said it was like joy but different. After discussing Our Lady’s reaction, it was more like an emotion of joy, sharing of the surprise and amusement. Marija said Our Lady then blessed us.”

Our founder knew tomorrow would be a difficult day to get everyone together because some would be cleaning and decorating the church for the wedding, others would be preparing food and decorations for the reception, the wedding party rehearsal was to take place, etc. So he asked Marija to have Our Lady choose the time for the apparition the next day. Our Lady would know what would be best when all the Community could attend Her apparition. Marija asked, and Our Lady astounded us all when She said:

“I will come when you pray.”

Knowing how hectic the day would be with wedding preparations, the wedding rehearsal and dinner, and everything in-between, She allowed the founder to find the time of the day that would be best for everyone, when we would all be together, so no one would miss the apparition.

February 17, 2009

Our founder and Marija’s husband, Paolo, were out of town early yesterday morning before apparition time. It was a sacrifice to be gone from his home with Our Lady here still appearing. They were scheduled to be back Tuesday morning, but it would be impossible to make it back for the apparition. Their flight was scheduled to arrive in Birmingham at 10:15 a.m. It is normally a 55 minute drive from the airport to Caritas but can be much longer if traffic is bad, and late morning the roads are usually filled with cars. Our founder had told his wife, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, to pray for a long apparition, because it would have to be a “really” long apparition if he had even a slight change of making it, especially since Our Lady said in yesterday’s apparition, “Same time. Same place.” Though we knew Our Lady could do anything, it was thought to be wishful thinking of any chance of getting back for Our Lady’s apparition today.

Rosary began in the Bedroom at 10:00 a.m. with mostly Community members and some pilgrims present. As the time approached 10:40 a.m., Marija got up from kneeling just outside the doorway, entered into the Bedroom, and knelt at the foot of the Bed. The Rosary continued, with different people praying each decade. We were surprised. It had almost reached ten minutes past apparition time (10:50 a.m.) when we began to notice that Marija gave no sign that apparition time was approaching.

At this point, some in the room began to wonder if Our Lady meant to wait until our founder arrived. Two full Rosary’s were prayed, and Our Lady had not appeared! A third Rosary was started while we waited for Marija to go into ecstasy. Some of us began to take notice, began to wonder, questioning ourselves. The daughter of our founder decided to try and call Paolo to see where her dad was. When she reached him, our founder was shocked to find out that Our Lady had not yet appeared. It was 10:55 a.m. He was approximately 15 minutes from home. The third Rosary, remarkably, continued up until the fourth Glorious mystery, when Marija began to pray the Hail Holy Queen. Suddenly Marija interiorly felt Our Lady was coming and that it was time for the apparition. Some of the Community were praying silently that Our Lady would wait, but as Marija began praying the 7-7-7, they knew that after one or two sets Our Lady would come as it was way past the normal time of the apparition, and after all, She had said the day before, “Same time. Same place.” Still they hoped for many sets to be prayed. Their hearts grew hopeful again when still after 3, 4, and 5 more sets, Our Lady hadn’t come. But then suddenly, Marija’s voice disappeared. Our Lady was present. One to two minutes went by and then in the silence of the apparition, everyone heard the kitchen screen door open and slam shut and unbelievably, our founder came running in. He was motioned to come forward. He stopped outside of the Bedroom to kneel down, but was motioned to go into the Bedroom where an empty spot waited for him beside Marija. Our Lady was still appearing and continued to appear for the second half of the apparition. Our Lady waited for 30 minutes after Her normal apparition time, which allowed our founder to be present. He, as the rest of the Community, were all very moved. The apparition lasted 4 minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In the moment of the apparition, I recommended all of us. In a special way I recommend this couple today on their wedding anniversary and I said and all families of the Community. And Our Lady beginning to smile. And I then recommended all families of all present and Our Lady beginning to pray, and She pray long time. I recommend all people who is in Field, and I pray. Our Lady give blessing, and She go.”

When Marija asked Our Lady about tomorrow’s apparition, Our Lady said, “I will come whenever you pray.”

February 18, 2009

Today was the last apparition, as Paolo and Marija would be leaving. Rosary was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. The Community began arriving around 9:30 a.m. and began writing petitions to Our Lady. Our founder told Marija that if, today, Our Lady gives time to ask a question in the apparition, he would like her to ask Our Lady to give some sweet words to end Her visit with the Community. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:

“In moment of apparition, when Our Lady come, I recommend like always all us in special way, everyone present today. I ask Our Lady if She has some words to say to us. And Our Lady beginning to smile, said:

‘I give my love to you, you give it to others.’

“And after She beginning to pray over us and after She make blessing and She go.”

The surprise visit ended as quickly as it had begun, but with so many joys in-between, and a beautiful message in which Our Lady gave to us Her love. Marija, Paolo and son Giovanni, after saying their good-byes to everyone left for the airport to return to Italy. The Community remained in the Bedroom to say some final prayers in thanksgiving for Our Lady’s goodness to us through Her surprise visit.


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

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4 thoughts on “Appendix To American Messages”

  1. Leedell Scott

    There’s a story on concerning a Bishop Thomas Paprocki Of Springfield Illinois performing a public exorcism concerning the same sex law signed by Govenor Pat Quinn. I pray this will be checked out by Caritas. It seems that 1. This Bishop is “heading into the Ambush” and 2., as was mentioned in this latest radio wave programs, there does seem to be a Demonic preasence across our land. A Bishop deems it necessary to have a public exorcism. Thank you, Mary for coming everyday to Bring peace to unpeaceful hearts.

  2. Reene Terrell

    I would like to direct one more comment to the person who questioned Our Lady’s May 25 message. While no one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ (He opened the gates of heaven for us), each of us must choose to walk through that gate. How we live our lives (our works) shows God and our brothers that we have decided for God, as Our Lady has said. Jesus also said there are many mansions in heaven and that He goes to prepare a place for us. Our works will merit where we will be in heaven. I believe this is what Our Lady was referring to in Her message. Not that we could possibly merit heaven on our own but rather where our place in heaven will be according to our merits. We know Our Lady is at the top (at the side of Her Son) and then there are the Apostles and Martyrs. So there is evidence that each soul’s place is determined by its works or rather by how much that soul has loved. If I am off base, will someone please correct me?

  3. I would like to direct one more comment to the person who questioned Our Ladys May 25 message. While no one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ (He opened the gates of heaven for us), each of us must choose to walk through that gate. How we live our lives (our works) shows God and our brothers that we have decided for God, as Our Lady has said. Jesus also said there are many mansions in heaven and that He goes to prepare a place for us. Our works will merit where we will be in heaven. I believe this is what Our Lady was referring to in Her message. Not that we could possibly merit heaven on our own but rather where our place in heaven will be according to our merits. We know Our Lady is at the top (at the side of Her Son) and then there are the Apostles and Martyrs. So there is evidence that each souls place is determined by its works or rather by how much that soul has loved. If I am off base, will someone please correct me?

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