
American Messages 2003

American Messages 2003


The Apparitions of August 8 – 25, 2003

Paolo, Marija and their four boys returned to Caritas for a personal visit and a time of rest and vacation. They arrived on August 7 to Birmingham, Our Lady appeared at Caritas on August 8, and then a week at a secluded Florida beach was planned with the Community from August 9-15. The following week they returned to Caritas.

August 8, 2003

The first apparition of Marija’s visit took place in the Bedroom at 11:44 a.m. Our founder, who was present with his family and Marija’s family, asked Marija to ask Our Lady two questions. The first, if She would come again this evening in the Field, so that the Community could be present (who were all gathered in the Field during this apparition) and secondly, if She would appear in the evenings, as She does in Medjugorje, rather than in the mornings.

After the apparition, Marija said that on both occasions when Our Lady was asked these questions, She smiled and agreed, by giving a nod “yes,” both times. She agreed to return again this evening in the Field, and She agreed to have Her apparitions in the evenings. Marija said Our Lady was happy throughout the apparition.

In the evening, Our Lady appeared in the Field, at 6:40 p.m., in the presence of all the Caritas Community. Marija said:

“Our Lady came. She pray over us and She blessed us.”

August 9, 2003

Early this morning the Community with Paolo and Marija’s family, left for Florida. Realizing that they would not make the beach house in time for the apparition, they pulled off on the side of the road, climbed over a rock barrier, knelt down in the sand as they took in their first site of the ocean, and began to pray the Rosary. Just before Marija went into ecstasy, the founder leaned over to ask Marija to ask Our Lady exactly what time the apparition would be each day. When Marija asked Our Lady this question, Our Lady smiled and gave the following message:

“Because it is your vacation, I will come whenever you pray.”

Everyone was stunned by this message. Being given the ability to have the apparition at their choosing made for a beautiful week in which each apparition was prepared for in a special way so that their hearts were fully prepared to receive Our Lady each time.

August 10, 2003

The Community worked the next day setting up an altar for Our Lady. They had brought a large statue of Our Lady with them and set it upon a table that overlooked the ocean. The apparition on this day took place at 3:35 p.m. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady continued to appear each day in the house at the time the Community prepared for the apparition in prayer. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 11, 2003

The apparition did not take place until after dinner. Even though it was late, the Rosary was peaceful, and the prayer was felt deeply. The apparition was longer than normal. Marija said afterwards that Our Lady had prayed a long time over everyone, praying the whole time, until She ended the apparition with Her blessing. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 12, 2003

This was another late night apparition. The Rosary began around 9:35 p.m. It was, again, peaceful and prayer was deep. There has been a strong feeling of the presence of Our Lady each evening. In the apparition tonight, Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 13, 2003

As the altar was being prepared today, the founder suggested everyone write out petitions to Our Lady. He then asked Marija if they could present their petitions to Our Lady “during” the apparition. Marija agreed. When Marija went into ecstasy that evening, one by one, each person carried their petition up to Our Lady and dropped it into a small sailboat canister. It took several minutes for all of them to do so. All during this time, Marija gazed silently at Our Lady. When Marija came out of ecstasy she told us what had happened:

“The moment of apparition, I recommend all of us and our intentions and Our Lady pray over us and I recommend our special letters and Our Lady smiled and She said:

‘I wish to give you graces. Ask for them.’”

Having just spent nearly an hour writing down all their petitions, they were in awe of Our Lady’s word. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 14, 2003

The apparition took place later in the afternoon. The Community gathered around 4:00 p.m. to pray the Rosary. When Our Lady came, Marija particularly recommended a couple on their wedding anniversary to Our Lady. Marija said Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 15, 2003

Today was the Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven. It was also the last day of the Community’s stay in Florida. Tomorrow they would return to Caritas. Still very moved by Our Lady’s message two days ago, the founder suggested that they again write out their petitions and with Marija’s approval, present them to Our Lady during the apparition. Our Lady continued to stay until the last petition was placed at Her feet. When Marija came out of ecstasy, she let out a happy sigh, then after pausing slightly, she said:

“Our Lady came with angels…thousands of angels.”

Marija went on to describe what she had seen. She initially said hundreds of angels, but later with her husband translating, she qualified that it was countless, thousands of angels. The angels were all baby angels. They were wearing something like roman tunics all in pastel colors. They were all behind Our Lady, not far in distance. When Marija was asked what the angels were looking at, Marija replied, “At us.” This surprised the Community because Marija said the angels, when appearing with Our Lady, always stare only at Our Lady (refer to the December 13, 1999 message). The apparition was shorter today, two and a half minutes, but Marija said that always on feast days the apparitions are shorter. Marija thinks it’s because Our Lady must get back to Heaven for the celebration. The Community ended their “vacation” with much to ponder and be thankful for. When they returned home, on August 16, Our Lady immediately returned to Her normal apparition time. The apparitions returned to the Bedroom. Our Lady continued to appear each day, praying over all those gathered and giving them Her blessing.

August 18, 2003

Today’s apparition was longer than usual. The Community gathered at 6:00 p.m. in the Bedroom. Our Lady appeared around the normal time of 6:40 p.m. Marija said of the apparition:

“Our Lady pray over us, and She blessed us. She pray long time over us.”

Marija was then asked if the apparition was long for her today because it was long for those gathered. She said:

“All the time She pray over us.”

August 19, 2003

The founder of Caritas arranged to have several tractor-trailer rigs of salt delivered to the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, with the hope that Our Lady would bless the salt as She had done in the apparitions at Caritas in December of 2001, with the first loads of salt. This would be the first apparition in the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, and though the salt was on the first floor, where the print shop is located, the Community desired to have the apparition in the writing office of their founder, where all the writings concerning Our Lady’s messages take place. The Community met at 6:00 p.m. to begin the Rosary, with Marija and Paolo joining them. Marija said:

“Our Lady blessed us, and She prayed over us.”

Marija asked Our Lady to bless the salt during the apparition. Marija said:

“Our Lady bless also, I ask for all salt, on first floor…She bless, She make sign of cross…I recommend all of our intentions and what we have in our hearts, and I ask to bless all salt together. She make little prayer over us, and after She bless.” [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 21, 2003

This was the only public apparition during Marija’s visit. It was a very hot, humid evening, with record-breaking heat. The air was still, the heat suffocating. As the third Rosary began, a large storm cloud covered the sun. At the same time, a strong, cool wind began to blow, and continued all through the Rosary up to apparition time refreshing everyone. Marija described what happened in the apparition:

“The moment of apparition, I recommend all of our intentions, all that we have in our hearts. And Our Lady pray over us. And I ask also that She bless all objects that we have here. And Our Lady after praying, She blessed all objects with the Sign of the Cross, and I recommend in a special way all these people who are here and in a special way all sick people and Our Lady one other time, She open Her hands and She begin to pray, and She pray five minute, I don’t know (a long time). And after She give blessing like Sign of the Cross, and She say ‘Go in peace,’ and She leave. Today Our Lady is tranquil, and She watch all of us.”

When Our Lady “watches all of us,” She actually scans the crowd, looking at each face. Marija says it is a very endearing grace as it shows that each face is dear to Her. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 25, 2003

Paolo, Marija and their children would be returning to Italy today. The apparition took place in Atlanta, from where they would be leaving. Today, also, Our Lady would give the monthly message to the world before their flight home. The founder and his family were present for the apparition.

The Community back home was made aware of when the apparition would be. They went to the Field early to pray in preparation for Our Lady’s words. When Marija knelt down, she said, “Let’s ask for a beautiful message today.” The apparition lasted 4 Ω minutes. The message:

August 25, 2003—Monthly Message to the World

“Dear children! Also today I call you to give thanks to God in your heart for all the graces which He gives you, also through the signs and colors that are in nature. God wants to draw you closer to Himself and moves you to give Him glory and thanks. Therefore, little children, I call you anew to pray, pray, pray and do not forget that I am with you. I intercede before God for each of you until your joy in Him is complete. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

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58 thoughts on “American Messages 2003”

  1. Thank you! I could never have written what you wrote and explained it any better! I will share with Family and Friends. It came to me truly as a gift. Thank you for helping so many people see the Truth/Light! May God continue to Bless you and the Community of Caritas!

  2. Thank you! I could never have written what you wrote and explained it any better! I will share with Family and Friends. It came to me truly as a gift. Thank you for helping so many people see the Truth/Light! May God continue to Bless you and the Community of Caritas!

  3. Twinabo Mugisa Vincent

    Thank you for sending me this write up by the Friend of Medjugorje. I have today taken good time to gain insight into what is imbedded in the 2nd May 2013 message. Not to be quick at understanding and fast forgetting what I have read, I have found it very helpful on the topic of Judgement in that I now understand what Our Heavenly Father meant when He said “vengeance is mine”. He is now to me that Warmly Father, and not a distant God who looks upon me waiting for my wrongs. The path to return to grace out of jealousy and its ills is now plain to me. May God our Father bless you and uphold your faith till the end as shed more light on His will, Amen.

  4. Thanks for sending this messages dear friends! Mother Mary, thanks for your Motherly affection and guidance. The day of judgement is so near I think. May the nonbelievers realize and get prepared. We all are sinners, but if we can repent and change ourselves according to God’s will, the world will change to a Heaven! My Lord Jesus, You said that no one will meet the Father not knowing you. Lord Jesus, look upon the world, and make the people understand God’s love. Have mercy my Lord, Amen!

  5. There is so much to reflect on here. While reading it I was reminded of the prayer that we recite in July when reconciling ourselves, families and nation back to God. In the Consecration to Jesus prayer it states…By means of your Sacred Heart, grant us that all men love one another; Cause hatred to disappear from among men. Hatred among men will only disappear when we learn to love with the heart of Christ. Lord hear our prayer!

  6. I am so happy to see this message! It’s true. I believe in the book ‘Poem of Man God’, and I was teased/criticized by some people for reading that book. But I am so happy and I remained strong in my belief. I am so lucky to be there in the apparition time on March 13 in Medjugorje. I am so happy to know that Mother Mary says about this book!!!!!!. Thank you Mother for strengthen me through Mirjana! I strongly believe and will do my best to follow you. Thank you Caritas for your effort to fulfill Her wish!

  7. I am so happy to see this message! It’s true. I believe in the book ‘Poem of Man God’, and I was teased/criticized by some people for reading that book. But I am so happy and I remained strong in my belief. I am so lucky to be there in the apparition time on March 13 in Medjugorje. I am so happy to know that Mother Mary says about this book!!!!!!. Thank you Mother for strengthen me through Mirjana! I strongly believe and will do my best to follow you. Thank you Caritas for your effort to fulfill Her wish!

  8. Thank you mother of Jesus and Friend of Medjugorje. The article is very touching where I picture myself as one of the culprit while reading this writing, I now see where I make mistakes and wrong doings. I know that thru prayer and fasting I asked the Good Lord to change me from who I am now. Mother of Jesus please help me.

  9. myrna bunquin

    Thank you for the wake-up call for us from Our Lady’s words on judging. I was really touched as you expound the message of Our Lady, it reminded me to always LOVE like our Heavenly Father who is ALL-Loving Father to us. If we LOVE we never judge others, no guilt of jealousy, or hatred in our hearts, by this we become apostle of LOVE and PEACE. Thank you again more power to you and the whole Community of CARITAS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  10. myrna bunquin

    Thank you for the wake-up call for us from Our Lady’s words on judging. I was really touched as you expound the message of Our Lady, it reminded me to always LOVE like our Heavenly Father who is ALL-Loving Father to us. If we LOVE we never judge others, no guilt of jealousy, or hatred in our hearts, by this we become apostle of LOVE and PEACE. Thank you again more power to you and the whole Community of CARITAS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  11. Sebastian Salamba

    Thanks a lot for this special writing. Sometimes when we read the messages form Our Lady, we don’t have a deep insight of what they really mean. Indeed every man has his own faults. Therefore we should not be quick at sporting weaknesses of others.

  12. Sebastian Salamba

    Thanks a lot for this special writing. Sometimes when we read the messages form Our Lady, we don’t have a deep insight of what they really mean. Indeed every man has his own faults. Therefore we should not be quick at sporting weaknesses of others.

  13. Dear Friend of Medjugorje,I was moved by the message and your writing. After reading your letter, I went to mass and the reading and gospel for today, May 7, 2013, tell us the same thing! Thank you always for expounding on the messages of our Lady. God bless your community.

  14. Thank you. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus and Our Lady, thank you. Our Lady’s messages have inspired me. Through the interpretations and straightforward words of Friend of Medjagorge. Thank you, I am praying to visit Caritas, sounds like an ideal place to be, live and be a part of a blessed community. Thank you.

  15. Thank you. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus and Our Lady, thank you. Our Lady’s messages have inspired me. Through the interpretations and straightforward words of Friend of Medjagorge. Thank you, I am praying to visit Caritas, sounds like an ideal place to be, live and be a part of a blessed community. Thank you.

  16. Babes Tiongson

    Last July 2012 gathering, the story of Francesco, Visionary Marija’s son, was told to us by the Friend of Medjugorje. It stuck in my heart, that every time I wish for somebody whatever occassion , would say, “May God give you His Best”. And when I pray to Our Lady for someone’s behalf, My prayer is,” Please, Mama Mary, give him Your Best.” in Maria Valtorta’s book, Longinus, the centurion who pierced Jesus’ side with his lance, was given the grace to be converted because Our Lord read his heart that he did it because he was commanded to do it, he was a Roman soldier but of good will.Tradition has it, that Longinus was half blind, and the blood flowing from Jesus’s side, fell on this blind eye and he recovered his eyesight. Later on he was baptized Christian and died as a Christian Martyr. Jesus came to save him and not judge him. Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ Thank you for this indepth reflection of Our Lady’s message. I pray that many many hearts will open and be converted.

  17. Babes Tiongson

    Last July 2012 gathering, the story of Francesco, Visionary Marija’s son, was told to us by the Friend of Medjugorje. It stuck in my heart, that every time I wish for somebody whatever occassion , would say, “May God give you His Best”. And when I pray to Our Lady for someone’s behalf, My prayer is,” Please, Mama Mary, give him Your Best.” in Maria Valtorta’s book, Longinus, the centurion who pierced Jesus’ side with his lance, was given the grace to be converted because Our Lord read his heart that he did it because he was commanded to do it, he was a Roman soldier but of good will.Tradition has it, that Longinus was half blind, and the blood flowing from Jesus’s side, fell on this blind eye and he recovered his eyesight. Later on he was baptized Christian and died as a Christian Martyr. Jesus came to save him and not judge him. Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ Thank you for this indepth reflection of Our Lady’s message. I pray that many many hearts will open and be converted.

  18. As I am and have been the object of many peoples hate thru the years, I have prayed often and for a long time to the Lord, as to how to react towards them instead of totally backing away from those who act out their hate towards me. This and the last messages since May 2, have been the ONLY responses that gave me the answers to those years of prayer….this is going to be a new challenge for me to respond as our Lady says to….thank you Lord, thank you all and in particular Friend of Mejigore

  19. ThIs is something i read!i” Is THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD” SIMPLY A BAD NOVEL? Maria Valtorta’s multi-volume life of Jesus flirts with heresy and exhibits bad taste. Its claim to authenticity have been rejected by Rome. by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. “The Poem of the Man-God” is a five-volume “narrative” of the life of Jesus written in the 1940s by a sickly Italian woman named Maria Valtorta. “Poem” purports to fill in the details of Jesus’ life left blank by the four Gospels. Such narratives have been produced since the second century A.D. Some were written by gnostic heretics. Some by New Agers and occultists. And some were produced by pious Christians who made up stories about Jesus to edify their readers and listeners. The four Gospels do not give a biography of Jesus–or of anyone else in His life. Their purpose is evangelical and theological–to proclaim the Good News that human beings need for their salvation. Thus,

  20. ThIs is something i read!i” Is THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD” SIMPLY A BAD NOVEL? Maria Valtorta’s multi-volume life of Jesus flirts with heresy and exhibits bad taste. Its claim to authenticity have been rejected by Rome. by Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. “The Poem of the Man-God” is a five-volume “narrative” of the life of Jesus written in the 1940s by a sickly Italian woman named Maria Valtorta. “Poem” purports to fill in the details of Jesus’ life left blank by the four Gospels. Such narratives have been produced since the second century A.D. Some were written by gnostic heretics. Some by New Agers and occultists. And some were produced by pious Christians who made up stories about Jesus to edify their readers and listeners. The four Gospels do not give a biography of Jesus–or of anyone else in His life. Their purpose is evangelical and theological–to proclaim the Good News that human beings need for their salvation. Thus,

  21. I was reflecting on this article whilst reading Maria Valtorta’s writings and my eyes were opened “..consider this carefully, Judas, little will be debited to him who is a murderer, but believes he is doing justice, and he believes it because he does not know the Truth: but a great deal will be debited to him, who knowing the Truth, not only does not follow it, but becomes its enemy’. [Valtorta, 2012, p.412]

  22. I was reflecting on this article whilst reading Maria Valtorta’s writings and my eyes were opened “..consider this carefully, Judas, little will be debited to him who is a murderer, but believes he is doing justice, and he believes it because he does not know the Truth: but a great deal will be debited to him, who knowing the Truth, not only does not follow it, but becomes its enemy’. [Valtorta, 2012, p.412]

  23. So much wisdom and understanding in your words! I am beginning to understand now what Our Lady means when She says do not judge. From now on I will think twice before I think or speak unkindly of another. Thank you for sharing Our Mother’s messages and for your valuable insight!

  24. So much wisdom and understanding in your words! I am beginning to understand now what Our Lady means when She says do not judge. From now on I will think twice before I think or speak unkindly of another. Thank you for sharing Our Mother’s messages and for your valuable insight!

  25. Awesome stuff! As soon as I catch myself judging, I know it is a reflection of my own spiritual condition and have found that most every judgement and resentment stems from my own fear and pride. Forgiveness is the removal of resentment towards someone or something and only accomplished through love, a grace given to me from God. Henceforth; to err is human, to forgive is Devine. Thanks be to God for our Savior and His and our Mother. Not to mention the feet of the people whom blesses us with these messages.

  26. First time reading,so much to take in,but a wonderful insight into this months message,I dont know if it is just me ,but i think our ladys message for so called non beleivers has more relivance to me than the message given on the 25th of the month .I always draw so much more from this message.Reminding me how far i still have to go.GOD BLESS,will pray for you all ,as i ask that you all will remember me and my family in yours.

  27. Love is needed most where it is deserved the least. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

  28. Teresa Nevells

    This writing speaks volumes of wisdom, beauty, and truth and most importantly love. I will soon be moving from a small Southern town that has 20+ churches across the country to a place with less and different view on church. I plan on witnessing with my life. This writing will be tatooed on my mind.

  29. Jennifer Brake

    This is exactly what I needed to hear at this moment in my life as I try to convert. I now see where I have been wrong and where improvement is needed. Thank you Mother! And thank you Friend of Medjugorje for your writing. God bless you all.

  30. patrick dalton

    I Think this is a wonderful article on this months words of Our Lady. I only wish that the whole world would see and digest its contents. My congratulations and best wishes to you. May God bless your team. Patrick

  31. Thank you for this explanation. This is a wake up call for me. I judge too much without even realizing. I know that through prayer and fasting, I can love better to everyone.

  32. violet madden

    Thank you for your wonderful writing on being judgmental. I ask Our Lady of Medjugorje to help me stop being too quick to judge people. I think when I hear or know of someone doing wrong that I am fit to judge them but I should look for the plank in my own eye. Oh how much I have to learn. Blessed Mother help me.

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