
American Messages: 2005

American Messages: 2005

The Apparitions of July 20 – August 8, 2005



Marija and her family returned to Caritas to spend a week of rest before the five days of prayer, August 1-5, in which thousands of pilgrims would return not only to be with Our Lady, but for the added joy of celebrating Our Lady’s birthday with Her, on August 5th. Marija arrived on July 19th with her four boys, Michele, Francesco, Marco and Giovanni. Marija’s husband, Paolo, would be arriving the following week.

July 20, 2005

The first apparition of Marija’s visit was with the founder’s family while they were out of town. Marija said:

“Our Lady blessed us and prayed over us with hands extended. Our Lady said apparition tomorrow would be the same time.”

Our Lady didn’t say where the apparition would be because no plans had been made yet for the next day. As it turned out, the apparition would be in the Bedroom with the Caritas Community gathered together to welcome Our Lady back.


July 21, 2005

Our Lady gave the Community a very special grace upon Her return to their home. When Marija and her boys arrived, the Community had just enough time to say hello, when it was time to prepare for the apparition. Our Lady came at about 6:40 p.m. Marija said:

“I said to Our Lady, welcome here. Our Lady is smiling and She pray over us and give to us Her Special Blessing. She pray before, and after She give Special Blessing. She smiling.”

Our Lady’s smile and the gift of Her Special Blessing caused all those gathered to be happy and in smiles too. [see Appendix to American Messages]

July 22-24, 2005

Each evening the apparition was in the Bedroom. Our Lady continued to bless and pray over everyone gathered.

July 25, 2005

Today Our Lady gave Her monthly message to the world, a big joy for the Community to receive that grace here, in the Bedroom. Also the message was a consolation as they had just before finished a nine day bread and water fasting novena.

“Dear children! Also today, I call you to fill your day with short and ardent prayers. When you pray, your heart is open and God loves you with a special love and gives you special graces. Therefore, make good use of this time of grace and devote it to God more than ever up to now. Do novenas of fasting and renunciation so that satan be far from you and grace be around you. I am near you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

July 26-30, 2005

The apparitions continued to be in the Bedroom, and Our Lady prayed over and blessed everyone each day.

July 31, 2005

The apparition this evening was in the living room of the founder’s home. This would be the last private apparition before the apparitions would be opened up to the public for five days of prayer in preparation for Our Lady’s birthday, August 5th.

After praying the Rosary, Marija went into ecstasy, as normal, but half way through everyone in the room knew something special was taking place. Marija, still in ecstasy, began to pray out loud, the Our Father and Glory Be. We knew she was praying with Our Lady in the apparition. The apparition lasted almost six minutes—a very long time for an apparition. By the time the apparition ended, everyone was excited to hear what had taken place. Marija, herself was excited, and began to describe the apparition:

“One special gift today when Our Lady come. She pray over all, one by one. I don’t know how long apparition was today? Very Long! Our Lady said to pray Our Father and Glory Be for Her intentions. I ask also for all those in Field. Our Lady said apparition, ‘will be in the Field tomorrow, same time.’[see Appendix to American Messages]

August 1-5, 2005 Apparitions

In Preparation of Our Lady’s Birthday

August 1, 2005 – Monday

Today was the first day of the five days of prayer with Our Lady. Pilgrims joined the Community in praying three Hail Mary’s on the top of each hour, offering a nine-hour novena each day for Our Lady’s intentions for Her birthday. The apparition was in the evening in the presence of thousands in the Field. Marija described what took place in the apparition:

“The moment Our Lady came, I recommend all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. And I ask also for blessing of letters
(petitions) that we have here, intentions, and objects for blessing and Our Lady smiling while She blessed and She said, ‘Go in peace.’

When Marija asked about the apparition tomorrow, August 2nd, Our Lady said:

“Same time. Same place.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]

August 2, 2005 – Tuesday

The apparition was in the Field, in the evening. Our Lady appeared at 6:45 p.m. Marija said:

“In the moment of the apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommended all of you, all your intentions. And Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us all.”

When Marija asked about the apparition for tomorrow, August 3rd, Our Lady said:

“Same time. Same place.”

August 3, 2005 – Wednesday

Just as on the previous two days, the nine-hour novena continued to be prayed by the Community and pilgrims for Our Lady’s intentions for Her birthday. The apparition was in the Field, in the evening. Our Lady appeared at 6:41 p.m. Marija said:

“At the moment when Our Lady came, like always, I recommend to Our Lady all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. Our Lady extended Her hands and prayed over us. I then asked Her to bless all objects with Her blessing. And Our Lady blessed. And I asked Our Lady for tomorrow, and Our Lady said:

‘Same time. Same place.’”

August 4, 2005 – Thursday – Mary’s Eve

This night was the eve of Our Lady’s birthday. Our Lady appeared at 6:46 p.m. The apparition was in the Field. Marija said:

“In the moment of apparition, when Our Lady came, I recommend to Our Lady all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time. After, I asked Our Lady to bless us and to bless all objects that we have with us. And Our Lady, with the Sign of the Cross, blessed all of us and our objects. And I asked about (tomorrow’s) apparition, and Our Lady said,

‘Same time, same place.’

“And Our Lady always says,
‘Go in peace.’

After the apparition, the pilgrims were asked to leave the Field. A very special event was planned for the evening. A special house had been built to represent the house of St. Joachim and St. Anne, Mary’s parents, and brought to the Field. Two thousand twenty-one candles, one for every year of Our Lady existence were lit inside. On a back wall of the house was an enlarged antique picture depicting Mary’s birth, lit up with the candles. That night, pilgrims knelt before the image of Our Lady as a tiny baby, enraptured by the re-creation of that moment of Her creation.

A special Rosary had been written for this night, called the Mysteries of Mary. The 3rd Mystery of Mary spoke of a tremendous storm that suddenly descended just moments before She was born.

Though it was August, it felt like Christmas. Those present sensed they were partaking in something mystical. Indeed, it was the first public celebration of the Eve of Mary ever held on August 4, in the history of the world. Our Lady, for the past four days was strangely silent, only saying “Same time. Same place.” But after the birthday apparition the next day, August 5, 2005, it became plainly evident that Our Lady was creating a craving, an anticipation in their hearts for Her words or action, that on Her birthday She would more than satisfy them. [see Appendix to American Messages]

August 5, 2005 – Friday – Mary’s Birthday

Great anticipation was felt as pilgrims entered the Field that evening. The sky was partly cloudy, but also blue patches were scattered and the sun was shining. There was no rain. All those in the Field gathered around Our Lady’s Nativity to begin praying the Rosary.

Rapidly, after beginning the Rosary with clear skies, the weather began changing. The wind picked up, gray clouds began to roll in, and thunder could be heard in the far distance. As each decade was prayed, the thunder became louder, lightning began appearing and rain could be heard and seen in the distance, but heading toward the crowd in the Field. The nearer to apparition time, the more severe the weather became. As Marija and her husband made their way up to Our Lady’s little house for the apparition, the storm suddenly broke out in full fury. Thunder so loud it shook the ground, lightning cracking down all around, torrential rain and wind pouring down so hard that umbrellas were useless, and then, amazingly, hail began pounding down on people in the open Field, where a lone pine tree reached up in the sky, where lightning bolts were everywhere.

Yet the reaction of all those who were present was of wonder, awe and yes, joy…because there was a realization that God was allowing a recreation of Our Lady’s birth in the storm that we were experiencing, just as we heard the night before in the 3rd Marian Mystery, when Our Lady was born. As the word “hail” was said, beginning the ‘Hail Holy Queen’, hail began falling upon the people! No one left the Field. Many were laughing out loud with pure joy, even while being pelted with hail. The prayers had to be shouted to be heard above the storm, and then just at the exact moment Marija went into ecstasy, a lightening bolt struck, coming out of the sky exactly down to the point where Our Lady appeared, just over the little house, so loud and so bright, yet without causing any harm. Our Lady appeared at 6:48 p.m. The apparition lasted nearly four minutes. Marija’s description of the apparition follows:

“When Our Lady came I recommended all of us and all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time, and She blessed us with Her Special Motherly blessing. Our Lady came with a gold dress, and there were three angels around Her. Then She said:

‘Dear children! Do not forget that I am your Mother and I love you.’”

Marija relayed Our Lady then said:

“I thank you for your novenas.”

Then Our Lady gave the final blessing and said:

“Go in peace.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]

August 6, 2005 – Saturday

The apparition was in the Bedroom this evening. Marija said it was a short apparition today,

“She come, She pray over us, and She go. Tomorrow:

‘Same time, same place.’”

August 7, 2005 – Sunday

A surprise awaited all the Community who gathered in the Bedroom for the apparition this evening. One of the young couples of the Community became engaged. A big deep joy filled the room as the Rosary began. Marija asked Our Lady to bless the couple, which Our Lady did by making the Sign of the Cross. Marija said,

“I recommend all our intentions. Our Lady begin to pray over everyone. I make special recommendation of these two. Our Lady make sign of cross. She was tranquil today. Apparition tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.”

August 8, 2005 – Monday

Caritas had chartered a plane to fly to Medjugorje with 200 pilgrims leaving today. The pilgrimage was titled “Birth to Assumption Pilgrimage” and invited people to come to Caritas to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday, and then to pilgrimage to Medjugorje to celebrate Our Lady’s Assumption. For this reason, Our Lady appeared early this morning. The Community gathered at 7:00 a.m. to begin the Rosary. Marija said:

“Our Lady blessed us and prayed over us. And I asked Our Lady to bless those in the Field. Our Lady make sign of cross (in response to Marija’s request).”

The Apparitions of November 24 – 25, 2005

November 24, 2005 – Thursday, Thanksgiving Day

Marija returned to Caritas for a very short visit in November 2005. Thanksgiving Day is a feast day celebrated in the Community, not only because of what that day is for our Nation, but because it marks the very first time Our Lady appeared and blessed the people in the Field. It was Our Lady who chose November 24, 1988, Thanksgiving Day, to be Her first apparition in the Field. In this year of 2005, Thanksgiving Day fell on the exact date of this apparition, 17 years ago.

The Community had much to reflect upon in this Rosary, and much to be thankful for, especially this day when Our Lady was with them to celebrate. The apparition took place at the normal time of 10:40 a.m. Marija said:

“Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us.”

Our Lady was strong in the wind today. [see Appendix to American Messages]

November 25, 2005 – Friday

Another big grace awaited the Community during Marija’s short visit. They were in the presence of Our Lady when She gave the November monthly message to the world through Marija. The apparition took place in the Bedroom. The apparition lasted 4 minutes, 28 seconds. These were the words Our Lady gave on this day:

“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]


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8 thoughts on “American Messages: 2005”

  1. Thank you for sharing the recording of the two women from the UK. Please share many more recordings of visitors to the Mission House in Medjugorje.

  2. Thank you for sharing the recording of the two women from the UK. Please share many more recordings of visitors to the Mission House in Medjugorje.

  3. What a wonderful testimony from two ladies who also reside in the UK where I live. They confirm everything my friend and I believe through listening to Friend of Medjugorje broadcasts over the years.There are many organisations who serve the New World Order,the United Nations, NATO, the EU and individuals such as Obama, Soros the Clinton’s and many others throughout the world. They serve satan for the temporary rewards of this life. Thank God for President Trump who was put into the office of the President by Divine intervention, and Caritas who brings so much clarity to what is happening in the world. I also agree every country needs someone like President Trump. In the UK the will of the people to leave the EU has been subverted by globalists. May God bless Caritas, President Trump and all who work for the Kingdom of God, so we may live godly lives.Maria

  4. Brenda Ahmann

    Oh my goodness, thank you for sharing this interview with these women from The UK. We are not so “United” anymore. This really shows the evils of our time and how we are being attacked by satan through coups and socialist thinkers who want to rid the world of Christianity. I’m going to send this to my democrat sister. Please pray for her to see truth and to accept it and to be converted.Brenda Moscow, ID

  5. Crissy Corpus

    Wow! To hear the unity of heart of Her apostles! It doesn’t matter where we are, the Holy Spirit unites us, leading us all to the same Truth! Praying for Trump, praying for Francis and all our shepherds, praying for all who seek to do what is good and right and just and holy…that they will be given the power of the Holy Spirit and armies of angels to accomplish God’s Will on earth! Praying for blind eyes to be opened! Praying for evil to continue to be exposed! Praying for all those in posession of miraculous medals! Praying for all those rejecting Truth! Praying for continued conversion for all of us! Praying for all unbelievers! Praing for Caritas, it’s mission and its founder! Praying Our Lady’s plan’s and God’s Will on earth as it is in Heaven! Amen!

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