
American Messages: 1998

American Messages: 1998

The Apparitions of May 1998


Four years passed before Marija returned to Caritas. She came with her family for a private visit, with one public apparition at the end of the week.

May 17, 1998

The founder and his family gathered with Marija’s family in the Bedroom at 11:00 a.m. for the apparition. The founder had asked Marija to ask Our Lady to return this evening in the Field when the Community would be coming together for a prayer group meeting. Our Lady nodded “yes”. Marija said she had not had two apparitions in one day in many years. It was also a great joy for her.

It was a beautiful spring evening. The Community laid out blankets around Our Lady’s statue as music played and laughing children ran barefoot through the grassy field. They ran to greet Marija and Paolo and their children as they joined the Community in the Field that evening for the apparition. Everyone was excited knowing Our Lady would soon be present. That evening in the Field, the Rosary was prayed and when Our Lady appeared in the apparition, She prayed over everyone and blessed them and then said:

“Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you. Go in peace.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]

May 18-19, 1998

On May 18 and 19, Our Lady appeared in the Field at approximately 11:40 a.m. Our Lady prayed over everyone and blessed them. On
May 19, the Community had prayed the Patriotic Rosary. It was the first time Marija had heard this prayed. [see Appendix to American Messages]

May 20, 1998

Marija, Paolo, the founder and his wife had been on a horseback ride in the mountains above Caritas. They were making their way through the Field towards the statue of Our Lady where the Community members waited to begin praying the Rosary for the apparition. Suddenly the horse Marija was riding was kicked by another horse beside her. Marija received the full force of the kick to her leg. It was a serious injury, and she had to be taken to the emergency room at the hospital, accompanied by her husband and the founder and his wife. As they were driving to the hospital, at 11:40 a.m., Our Lady appeared to Marija in the moving vehicle. Our founder watched Marija’s face in the rearview mirror and saw that at the moment of apparition, Marija’s face that had been contracted in pain, immediately relaxed and there was no sign that she was feeling any pain during Our Lady’s visit. But as soon as Our Lady left, Marija noticeably winced as the sensation of pain returned. The apparition was short. Our Lady prayed over and blessed not only them, but also all the Community in the Field.

May 21, 1998

Miraculously, Marija’s leg was not broken, but the injury was still serious, and for the next few days she had to stay off it, which brought the apparitions back to the house. The apparition on this day was in the living room of the house in which only the family was present. Marija sat in a chair with her leg elevated, facing a beautiful picture of Our Lady hanging on the fireplace. It was here that Our Lady appeared. The founder asked Marija to ask Our Lady a question. It was a question that he had asked when Our Lady was present in 1988. At that time, ten years ago, Our Lady responded by saying on January 20, 1989:

“I will inform later.”

The founder had not questioned Our Lady concerning this since he first asked Her about it, but felt during this visit, to present the question again. When Our Lady appeared, the apparition was only a few minutes long. Our Lady came, prayed over everyone and blessed them. Our Lady indicated in regard to the question that:

“The time has not yet come.”

May 22, 1998

All the wives and mothers of the Community were invited to attend the apparition today. They gathered in the living room where the apparition would again take place. Marija sat in the same chair, everyone faced the fireplace where the picture of Our Lady hung, and prayed the Rosary. At around 11:45 a.m., Our Lady appeared. Marija said that She hesitated for a moment before She prayed over everyone and blessed them. [see Appendix to American Messages]

May 23, 1998

Our Lady returned to the Bedroom today. All the husbands and fathers of the Community, as well as the heads of the Single Consecrated men’s and women’s houses were present. The founder asked Marija to ask Our Lady to pray over everyone individually in the apparition. When Our Lady appeared, She granted the request and placed Her hands over each person individually in prayer. Our Lady gave a message. She said:

“Do not forget that I am your Mother and that I love you.”

[see Appendix to American Messages]

May 24, 1998

This would be the last apparition of Marija’s visit and the only public one. There were 300-400 people present. The apparition took place in the Field. When Our Lady appeared, though She gave no message, Marija said She lovingly looked at each face present in the Field that day. Marija said that Our Lady makes this gesture only rarely, and the look of love on Our Lady’s face as She does this always touches Marija deeply. [see Appendix to American Messages]


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4 thoughts on “American Messages: 1998”

  1. I really love your Radio Waves, very inspiring songs, words to follow makes you touched. I believe in miracles happened. Yes..do not judge…..is the truth. I needed change…..desire to be positive forgiving. Yes everybody needs somebody. Love to touch others…. Love is splendor.

  2. I appreciate your Radio Wave messages, they are so compelling and profound with so much truth! I wish more people knew the depth of God’s love for them and were aware of the difference between what is truth and what are lies. There are so many signs around us evident in all that is going on around the world. Blessed Mary, cover us with the mantle of your love and help us to fight the evil that is trying to take our souls. Jesus, my Savior, I trust in You!

  3. I appreciate your Radio Wave messages, they are so compelling and profound with so much truth! I wish more people knew the depth of God’s love for them and were aware of the difference between what is truth and what are lies. There are so many signs around us evident in all that is going on around the world. Blessed Mary, cover us with the mantle of your love and help us to fight the evil that is trying to take our souls. Jesus, my Savior, I trust in You!

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