June 19, 2020 A.D.
Special Mejanomics Airing Today
Airing at 8 PM Central – Read More Below
Thirteen years ago, Our Lady gave a message which could be taken to heart today. Her words of July 2, 2007:
“My Son could have won with strength, but He chose meekness, humility and love. Follow my Son and give me your hand so that, together, we may climb the mountain and win…”
An important question to ask: What if these words were followed by everyone?
Regardless of which side one takes on the current explosive issues in the world right now, what if people did as Our Lady said, and chose meekness, humility and love? What if the accusers chose meekness, humilty and love? Protestors? What a Friend of Medjugorje has exposed this week, is how a lack of meekness, humility and love, escalates situations to a greater danger than if one choses the way of Jesus. Jesus won His struggle. Right now, no one is winning except satan. But, Our Lady wants us to win. Hear about why this is important.
Be sure to tune-in to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje today, at 8 PM Central, as he shares more about what we need to hear on these topics. It is good to look at this from every angle, not only to be well-versed in the truth, but, how to go about arriving at the truth. You can listen online here. Spread this to all your family and friends, to all your prayer group members, mail lists and social media. Following is this past week’s broadcasts:
Transcripts will be available shortly after the broadcast each night. Also transcripts are available in 61 languages. (Pick your language at the top of the screen.)
Monday June 15 – Part 1, airing at 12 Noon and 8 PM Central. Listen Here With Transcript…
Tuesday June 16 – Part 2, airing at 12 Noon and 8 PM Central. Listen Here With Transcript…
Wednesday June 17 – Part 3, airing at 12 Noon and 8 PM Central. Listen Here With Transcript…
Thursday June 18 – Part 4, airing at 12 Noon and 8 PM Central. Listen Online here…
Friday June 19 – Mejanomics, airing at 8 PM Central. Listen Online here…
Again, spread these broadcasts to everyone you know.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
2 thoughts on “No One is Winning”
There’s nothing wrong, letting people know, your’e human, in fact, trying to lead them on, that you’re somehow superior to them, because you’re Christian, ends up with results, where no one wins. When we succeed in taking blows, for Christ, we open Heaven for the opportunity of the only Real Important Win, that being, Conversion, Repentance, & another Soul in Paradise. Though I fail at everything, I offer up all my failure & mistakes to God, asking Him to use everything that I am, especially my mistakes, since I’m so prone to them. When your journey requires, More Mercy, than you think you can endure, imagine the faces of whomever’s causing you difficulty, as being beside you, at the Very Moment, they as well as You, are welcomed into Heaven. Imagine the Ecstasy on their faces, and the upswell within your heart, as your Heavenly Mother, let’s you know, you played a part in their Redemption. When others cause distress, imagine Baby Jesus in their arms & remember not to make Him cry.
There’s nothing wrong, letting people know, your’e human, in fact, trying to lead them on, that you’re somehow superior to them, because you’re Christian, ends up with results, where no one wins. When we succeed in taking blows, for Christ, we open Heaven for the opportunity of the only Real Important Win, that being, Conversion, Repentance, & another Soul in Paradise. Though I fail at everything, I offer up all my failure & mistakes to God, asking Him to use everything that I am, especially my mistakes, since I’m so prone to them. When your journey requires, More Mercy, than you think you can endure, imagine the faces of whomever’s causing you difficulty, as being beside you, at the Very Moment, they as well as You, are welcomed into Heaven. Imagine the Ecstasy on their faces, and the upswell within your heart, as your Heavenly Mother, let’s you know, you played a part in their Redemption. When others cause distress, imagine Baby Jesus in their arms & remember not to make Him cry.