It was a very misty and cool morning this morning. Several hundred pilgrims were already gathered at the Blue Cross by 3:00 a.m. this morning, with many having spent the night. By 4:30 a.m. there was a steady stream of pilgrims arriving to prepare their hearts to be with the Mother of God on this day in which we pray for all non-believers in the world. One could hear small groups of pilgrims praying and singing throughout the early morning. Around 6:00 a.m. the Rosary was begun, with singing and prayerful meditations prayed as well. By 8:00 a.m. there were tens of thousands of pilgrims up and around the Blue Cross as well as down below and on the streets. Mirjana arrived at the Blue Cross around 8:40 a.m. Our Lady appeared to her at around 8:47 a.m. and the apparition lasted around 5 minutes. The following are Our Lady’s words to Mirjana:
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s May 2, 2011, Message
on the day for non-believers through Mirjana
“Dear children; God the Father is sending me to show you the way of salvation, because He, my children, desires to save you and not to condemn you. That is why I, as a mother, am gathering you around me, because with my motherly love I desire to help you to be free of the dirtiness of the past and to begin to live anew and differently. I am calling you to resurrect in my Son. Along with confession of sins renounce everything that has distanced you from my Son and that has made your life empty and unsuccessful. Say ‘yes’ to the Father with the heart and set out on the way of salvation to which He is calling you through the Holy Spirit. Thank you. I am especially praying for the shepherds, for God to help them to be alongside you with a fullness of heart.”
Mirjana said that Our Lady blessed all of us and all our religious articles we brought for blessing.
Pilgrims in Medjugorje were wrapped up in raincoats and blankets as they waited for hours in the early morning of May 2, 2011 for Our Lady’s apparition by the Blue Cross. Though the Beatification of Pope John Paul II was going on in Rome this past weekend, this did not stem the flow of Italians coming to Medjugorje. Thousands began arriving several days earlier to be with Our Lady.
A mist and low clouds hung over the village of Medjugorje this morning, May 2, 2011, blocking out the view of Cross Mountain even while the sun rose and the darkness of the night faded away. It helped to set the scene and setting for a mystery that is impenetrable and untouchable except in the silence of the hearts gathered in faith to be near to Our Lady in Her apparition to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana. Our Lady’s call is always sweet, because as She says, She comes “to save you and not to condemn you.” But at the same time, She desires to see us to confess our sins and to change our lives. Grace is free, but we must renounce, get rid of, distance ourselves from everything that leads us away from Jesus. When we do, the fog lifts from our hearts, and we see things clearly—we see the Cross upon which our Savior died for us that we may have the gift of salvation.
Everyone has the hope of seeing, touching, and pleading Mirjana for her prayers for their individual needs. Mirjana’s demeanor is always so patient and consoling—giving great comfort to those who seek to have reassurance that God is near and that God hasn’t forgotten us here below, in our very troubled world. Even to the curiosity seeker, it is an impressive site, not full of emotionalism as some may expect, but rather the silence among this size crowd is amazing at the moment of the apparition. Who but God can command such silence in our technological world of cell phones and ipods, cameras and computers.
Out of six billion people in the world, Mirjana is only one of six individuals who were chosen to testify to what She hears and sees Our Lady say and do. For 30 years this testimony has been going on. Nations have risen and fallen, mankind around the world has suffered from tremendous tragedies that have steadily been increasing year after year of Our Lady’s apparitions, the world has become more dangerous, dark and full of troubles, and miracles and conversions have taken place through Medjugorje into the tens of millions—all the while these six individuals continue to give witness to Our Lady. Their story has not changed in all these years. And millions continue to follow and live the words of Our Lady that are relayed through these six visionaries.
Mirjana is seen here leaving the area surrounding the Blue Cross, this morning, May 2, 2011. You can see just the back of her blond hair, tied back in a ponytail. She slowly makes her way through the sea of people who are gathered on the base of Apparition Mountain and who flow down below into the streets, and who are also gathered on the balconies of nearby buildings.
A Friend of Medjugorje, with his wife, is in Rome for Pope John Paul II’s beatification and will be returning this week. The normal writing on Our Lady’s May 2, 2011 message will be posted later in the week. Also, A Friend of Medjugorje’s normal Radio Wave program on the Second of the Month has been postponed until Wednesday May 4, 2011. Be sure to listen in not only as he shares his insights on Our Lady’s message this month, but to hear of his experiences in Rome, as he was together with Medjugorje visionary, Marija Lunetti , her husband Paolo and, Our Lady in Her apparitions, throughout Divine Mercy weekend. mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 4, 2011 7:00 PM Central USA.
12 thoughts on “Pictures from Apparition May 2, 2011”
Please send this information to Fox News I do believe a show like Hannity would advance and research this issue also another anchor is Laura Ingram great show and they are Catholic this needs to be in the public and in our churches
I lived in a low income area, kept to myself, and am not racist by any means. The home I rented, that clearly stated no section 8, was affordable for me and surrounded by public housing. I lived there for 8 years with no problems. June 5, I come home to see all of my windows in the front and side of my home that I was renting completely broken out. My cat was gone and thank God my dog was at daycare and I was at work because I have a gun. Had I shot the kids, it would’ve been a huge problem. Apparently it was middle school kids that threw bricks, rocks, sticks and concrete through the windows. There is glass EVERYWHERE. I had to move. Thank God my aunts are allowing me and my animals to live in my grandma’s house. Me and my animals are now safe. I found the cat and 5 days later. I was starting to have more empathy, however, it’s hard now. I see God’s blessing in all of this, though. Me and my animals are safe in a better house rent free. God has my back!
Thank you for these much needed messages! Everything you are talking about I have felt the same way. When I discuss my views I’m called every leftist name in the book, especially racist and hateful. It is comforting to know that my views are not only supported by my conservative values, but by biblical perspective and Our Lady’s messages. Praise be God! I’ll always continue to pray, ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to fight the good fight!
Oh, Mother Mary, I Cried and tears were just flowing from my Eyes, from the second paragraph up to the end of the story. Please forgive me, for I am sick, with Prostate cancer and blind on my left eye a can not do anything but to Pray. Am a dependent on my son and his family. May Jesus thru Mother Mary, Help me and of the Caritas family. Amen. Cleto
What an inspiring and beautiful article. A most fitting prayer for our families and our country. We are truly blessed to know the community of Caritas and the friend of Medjugorje. The Lord works with and through the internet for His purpose. The messages we read from our Blessed Mother reaches millions. Christians worldwide are getting the truth from our Holy Mother’s own mouth to their ears. We decorated our Christmas tree and after turning on the lights we dedicated it to the Holy Family. Our lovely Christmas tree is now called the HOLY FAMILY TREE. Let others follow. Love you all. Carol Ann
Oh, Mother Mary, I Cried and tears were just flowing from my Eyes, from the second paragraph up to the end of the story. Please forgive me, for I am sick, with Prostate cancer and blind on my left eye a can not do anything but to Pray. Am a dependent on my son and his family. May Jesus thru Mother Mary, Help me and of the Caritas family. Amen. Cleto
Thank you. I think you are all luckiest people of the world. God bless.
I have been blest to follow your mission from 1993, and I can only say it has been and is a powerful blessing , including a visit to Caritas 4 years ago. We just pray that more and more people will be reached and touched by Our Mothers love, including our priests. happy and blest feast day for Thursdaypatthank you for your sacrifices and dedication.
Beautiful information.Thank you and God bless the world
It is awesome in writing a letter in two different places for the healing of our land. A place that is devastated by a typhon and a place so peaceful and calm.It shows that the land is now devastated but soon there will be peace. Praise God.