
Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on May 5, 2004

Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on May 5, 2004

What Happened on May 5, 2004


Our Lady appeared to Marija Lunetti on Wednesday, May 5, 2004. The apparitions lasted over 2 and half minutes. When Our Lady appeared, She greeted Marija by saying, “Praised Be Jesus.” Marija said that Our Lady came with deep peace. The Patriotic Rosary was prayed by several thousand people in the Field today while Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom. It was beautiful for those in the Bedroom hearing in the background the patriotic songs being sung between each decade while the Rosary was being prayed in the Bedroom. Marija said that Our Lady blessed all those present in the Field and blessed all their religious objects. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:


Our Lady blessed us all and She prayed over us. She prayed over us with Her arms extended. I also asked Our Lady to bless all the religious objects. Our Lady blessed everyone in the Field. She gave two blessings – one blessing for us and one for all the religious articles. Today again Our Lady was in a deep peace.

Just before, as Our Lady ascended back to Heaven, She said, “Go in peace.”

The Patriotic Rosary was very very moving and beautiful for all those who participated in it out in the Field. The year before, the Caritas Community had requested that anyone who wanted to send in the names of any of our military who were being sent to Iraq to Caritas, they would place their names out in the Field and pray for them each day, especially during Rosary and apparition time. Those names were brought out to the Field today, and the Caritas Community asked the crowds of people to come up and pick one of the names to pray for during the Rosary. There were so many people who wanted to participate, that there were not enough names for all the people who wanted them. The Community then announced that anyone who never had the chance to send in the names of family and friends in the military who were stationed in Iraq and in other countries throughout the world, that they write their names down now and place them in a container at the foot of the statue of Our Lady. Then anyone who wanted to come up and pick a name could do so, and all the soldiers would have a special person praying for them.

Before the Rosary started, a beautiful song was played, dedicated to all the military over in Iraq and in other countries throughout the world. Many of the several thousands out in the Field were openingly crying, as thoughts and prayers were lifted up for those loved ones, family, and friends who were over in Iraq right not, or of those who bravely gave their lives in this war, or of those who may be sent over soon. As this song was playing, a woman came up to one of the Caritas Community and asked for prayers for her father, who was killed over in Iraq in December 2003. As the Community member put her arm around this woman, they both wept for the pain this woman was carrying in her heart. The whole Rosary was filled with emotion, as one looked around at all the thousands of people, whose whole hearts were reflected on all their faces in praying for our country, and in a special way our military and their families. When it was time of Our Lady appeared, all the thousands of people turned toward the house, where Our Lady was appearing and knelt down. For over 5 minutes, all one could see was the crowds of people on their knees lifting up their hearts to Our Lady. It was a beautiful and moving sight for all those to gaze upon.

Our Lady also revealed that She would appear to Marija tomorrow morning in the Bedroom for the Caritas Community before Marija left to go back to Italy.


A Testimony of Conversion told by One of the Caritas Community Members:

During the 5 days, a couple came up to me and thanked us for using their flowers to make the crown for Our Lady. Our Lady was crowned on May 1, but the following day, when we were all out in the Field, praying the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition, Marija noticed that Our Lady’s crown was missing. She turned to our founder and told him that another crown needed to be made for Our Lady from the flowers that were around the statue.

Three to four people worked throughout the Rosary to make a new crown for Our Lady, and they recrowned Her right before the apparition. The couple said that when their son saw us use his flowers out of all the other flowers around۬ the statue, it really touched him and he made a decision to go to confession before he left. They said that their son had done many terrible things in his life ( he was 21), and when he saw his vase of flowers used, when any of the other ones could have been used, it really meant a lot to him.

The evening of the last day of the 5 days, the son came to us and asked where a priest was because he had to go to confession. The priest was found, and the young man was able to go to confession. Right before Father had come across this young man, he was helping a Caritas Community member catch a few baby pigs that had gotten out of their pen. His hands still had the smell of pig on them, as he had not be able to wash them off. Father told this young man that this is what his soul smells like right now. The young man started crying and saying, “I know. I know.” He was able to really open up his heart and seek complete reconciliation with God.

When Father came home a little while later, he said, in regard to this young man’s confession, that God had not only caught a big fish, but a whale. Father told us that he had only one confession that he could compare to this one, and it was from a man that had been in prison since he was 14 years old. This man had not been to confession since he was put in prison, and when Father heard his confession, he was 68 years old. Father said that as he watched the young man leave, after his confession, he saw him leap into the air. His gesture from the freedom of sin really touched Father. Father said that just this one soul was worth coming for these five days.

Crowds in the Field May 5, 2004

Looking out from John Jacob Cemetery, the Caritas Community Cemetery, towards the Field of Apparitions at the pilgrims gathered for Our Lady’s apparition.

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