July 1, 2012 Day of Repentance

July 1, 2012 Day of Repentance

July 1, 2012 A.D.

While record heat brought the day to sweltering temperatures over 100 Degrees F, today, July 1, 2012, was the day dedicated to repentance. The heat provided an opportunity for all to offer a sacrifice for the purification of their hearts. Earlier, A Friend of Medjugorje spoke to the pilgrims gathered and he told them:

“We’re called to sacrifice now, in the time of invitation. Our Lady said last year, ‘Do you permit me to purify your heart?’ Our Lady didn’t say She was going to purify your heart. Because if you don’t accept Her invitation now, you can forestall it, but do you want to wait? Do you think it is going to be comfortable then (in the future)?”Â

A Friend of Medjugorje told the pilgrims that now is the invitation to be purified, and that while it is not pleasant in the midst of purification, it brings clarity and joy later, when the time of invitation is over.

Last night, June 30, 2012, Our Lady told Marija that She would appear in the Bedroom tonight at 6:40 PM. The Rosary was begun in the Bedroom around 6:00 PM, while those gathered in the Field prayed as well. The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary were prayed, and part of the Sorrowful Mysteries. Shortly before 6:40 PM, Marija made her way to the foot of the bed in the Bedroom of Apparitions. Marija told those gathered that she would pray for those pilgrims gathered in the Bedroom and the Field, as well as all those who were in our hearts, the sick who were unable to be present, our families. Marija then began to pray the seven Our Father’s, Seven Hail Mary’s and Seven Glory Be’s. Our Lady appeared at 6:41 PM and the apparition lasted 3 and a half minutes. Following is Marija’s description of the apparition of July 1, 2012 in the Bedroom of Apparitions at Caritas:

“During the moment of the apparition I recommended all of us, all of our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all; also those who are in the Field.”

Also, all religious articles were blessed. Marija said regarding tomorrow’s apparition, that it would be at the same time, same place. So, tomorrow, Our Lady will appear to Marija in the Bedroom of Apparitions at 6:40 PM Central Time USA. For all those unable to make it for the apparitions, you can join in from your homes and pray in a united heart for Our Lady’s intentions. Please know, that each of you are remember in prayer during these days.


In the Love of Our Lady,

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

P.S. Again, a reminder, to submit your petitions to be presented to Our Lady. You can send as many petitions as you like. Those petitions that were sent in today were placed before Our Lady in the Bedroom of Apparitions. To submit your petitions, please click to visit here.

Pilgrims facing the house July 1, 2012

Here, pilgrims gathered in the Field of Apparitions can be seen turning and facing the house and Bedroom of Apparitions, during the moments that Our Lady appears. What an incredible reality, that the Field represents the conversion of the nation, and the Bedroom represents the conversion of the family. It is only by the nation, turning and facing the family, that the nation can find its healing, through individual hearts. A beautiful way in which Our Lady teaches us.

Below you will find the daily updates for July 1-5, 2012


June 30, 2012 Update
July 1, 2012 Update
July 2, 2012 Update
July 3, 2012 Update
July 4, 2012 Update
July 5, 2012 Update
July 6, 2012 Update
July 1, 2012 Brochure


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

12 thoughts on “July 1, 2012 Day of Repentance”

  1. I was in the bedroom of apparitions on this day. I wasn’t actually chosen, I asked to go in. I felt horrible. I thought it was only to view the room, I didn’t know it was for an actual apparition. I cried because I felt someone eles should have been there instead of me. The only thing is I do not hear good. I have had hearing problems since age 2. So I was surprised that I heard the field angel ask the person next to me. The next day me and my mom went to view the room…I couldn’t stop crying because I knew that it was ok for me to be in the room this time. During the apparition on the 3rd…I was in the field, my mom lost our belongings…we couldn’t find them before the rosary started. So I told my mom don’t worry, we will find everything after the rosary. ( the apparition was at 10:00pm pitch dark except for the awesome moon). I have so much to tell you from this weekend. I found our belongings after the rosary. I stood up and walked straight to them.

  2. I was in the bedroom of apparitions on this day. I wasn’t actually chosen, I asked to go in. I felt horrible. I thought it was only to view the room, I didn’t know it was for an actual apparition. I cried because I felt someone eles should have been there instead of me. The only thing is I do not hear good. I have had hearing problems since age 2. So I was surprised that I heard the field angel ask the person next to me. The next day me and my mom went to view the room…I couldn’t stop crying because I knew that it was ok for me to be in the room this time. During the apparition on the 3rd…I was in the field, my mom lost our belongings…we couldn’t find them before the rosary started. So I told my mom don’t worry, we will find everything after the rosary. ( the apparition was at 10:00pm pitch dark except for the awesome moon). I have so much to tell you from this weekend. I found our belongings after the rosary. I stood up and walked straight to them.

  3. Praise the Lord and thank you Mama Mary for the gift to join with Marija and the friends at Caritas during these 5 days. More and more I know that Our Lady is helping us to rededicate ourselves to Her so that we may strive to do the Will of God. We join with all of you, in prayer, for the non-believers, lukewarm, the suffering souls, the clergy and our family members and relatives who have left the Catholic Church. On my own I was really struggling to return to prayer but through Medjugorje.com I have felt the encouragement to keep on trying.. MERCI -THANK YOU! The Lord truly loves us and He is so merciful! How wonderful He is to send His Mother to gather His children to come back home!

  4. My two daughters are present there at the moment and the rest of the family is in spirit. We join in spirit and soul and hope that our Holly Mother bless the humanity and protect us from all evil in the world.

  5. Oh how I wish I was there. I prayed together with you in prayer from my home. Thank you Blessed Mother for visiting us, praying for us. Thank you medjugorje.com for sharing her with us. My heart is with you this week and I will keep constant vigil of prayer for all pilgrims this week.

  6. May the peace of Christ Be with you! Thank you for the wonderfull work that you do, to let the world know what our Heavenly Mother is asking us to do. We will be dedicating ourselves, our family and our country to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and to our Heavenly Mother, at the times, that you gave us. God bless you all, and may Our Lady be with us in our future journey, and may Her Immaculate Heart triumph over satan soon.

  7. Margaret Monteiro

    Thank you so much for these postings! I am sorry for I can not be there for the apparition in persons, I am happy to receive this postings messges which I belive and happy to know that Mother Mary loves us so much that she comes to see Her children. God Bless you.

  8. I will be praying at the apparitions occurs than our Hoy Mass other my bless the United States. We need to be bless for the freedom of our nation to religious things. God bless America we need His love and intrercesion.

  9. May God Bless You Marija, and all in Caritas. I can not express my feelings, what a grace we all humans in this world receiving. Our Father in Heaven love us, still our Lord trying us to save through the Motherly intercession of our God Mother. My friends, there are lots of none believers. We have to pray, pray and pray for them. Lord have mercy on us!

  10. Thank you, Mother Mary for your messages and to Caritas and Medjugorie family for sharing your messages with us. Love the Two Hearts, always.

  11. Christine Taglialegami

    I so much wanted to join you at Caritas in person again for these Consecrations but it was not possible this year. I am so grateful to be able to participate from home. Many Americans are realizing that the only way to take our nation back to the Christian nation it was founded as, is through prayer. Thank you for guiding us to Our Lady who leads us to Her Son. Knowing so many of us are united in these prayers is very inspiring. Christine T.

  12. Thank you so much for these postings! We spent the time before the apparition in silent prayer and will be with you again tomorrow. We will be there in person on the 4th and 5th. Blessings to all there and throughout the world in celebration of our Holy Mother’s appeareances. Blessed are we!

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