BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages

BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages

BVM Caritas Pilgrims in Medjugorje

BVM Caritas Medjugorje pilgrims in Medjugorje.

People do not go to Medjugorje to see the priests, meet people, go to confession or to Mass. They have all these things at home, and there is no need to go to Medjugorje to experience them.


People go to Medjugorje because Our Lady is appearing there.


The founder of Caritas started BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages in 1986 for the purpose of helping people experience Our Lady. University of Alabama professor of anthropology Michael Murphy says:


“As one of the first Medjugorje-promoting groups formed in the United States, Caritas helped link Medjugorje and the United States…Caritas was instrumental in providing the infrastructure for pilgrimages to Medjugorje from the U.S.” 


The founder of Caritas, also known as a Friend of Medjugorje, has, for over 30 years, remained faithful to Our Lady’s presence in Medjugorje. Our Lady desires us to go to Medjugorje. Our Lady said on March 25, 1987:


“…I am grateful to you for your presence in this place…”


A Friend of Medjugorje’s deep understanding of Our Lady and Her messages in Medjugorje is shared with our pilgrims, making a very spiritually focused pilgrimage. BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages is not a tour group, but an encounter with Our Lady Queen of Peace. Her presence draws millions to this holy place, and it is Her presence that draws us to God.


“Thank you that you will not betray my presence here…”

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje January 25, 1991



More for your spiritual nourishment:

The Perfect Mix

Did You Know?

I would not travel to Medjugorje again…

Set Out With Her – Come to Medjugorje


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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