
Caritas July 6: She is With Us

Caritas July 6: She is With Us

Our Lady appeared to Medjugorje visionary Marija at Caritas this morning around 8:45 AM and gave a message…

July 6, 2012 A.D.

The Community of Caritas gathered early at the founder’s house to write out their personal intentions and to quietly prepare for the last apparition with Our Lady before Marija would leave to fly back to Medjugorje. The Community gathered in the Bedroom of Apparitions, placing their petitions on the bed, and began the Rosary at around 8:15 AM. Our Lady appeared to Marija around 8:45 AM and the apparition lasted almost 5 minutes. After the apparition Marija described what took place during the apparition:

“I asked Our Lady if She had something to say to us and She said:

‘I am with you.’

I asked for a blessing for all of us and all the people who are in the Field, and She prayed over us and She blessed us. And I presented all our intentions and all that we have in our hearts, and Our Lady gave a blessing and She left.”

After the apparition, Marija spoke to the Community for awhile and then said her good-byes to each one before she began her journey back to Medjugorje, bringing with her the beautiful memories of the past Five Days of Prayer which were filled with many graces and blessings.

*Also, as a special note to all those who sent petitions, your petitions were printed out and presented everyday to Our Lady during Her apparitions to Marija here at Caritas. And to all those who did not get your petitions in time for the July 5 apparition, your petitions were presented in this morning’s apparition so that no one was missed.

Marija in ecstasy at Caritas July 6, 2012

Medjugorje visionary Marija, today, July 6, 2012 in the Bedroom of Apparitions in the founder of Caritas’ home. Our Lady said today that She is with us. What a consolation to know that we are not left alone, to ourselves, but that She sees and guides every event, everything that we encounter. With Our Lady’s mandate of July 3, 2012, when in the Field of Apparitions, She told us to form prayer groups, and pray for the healing of ourselves and this nation, we are commissioned by Her to do so, and with that, Her blessing and words that She is with us. Let us go together, united in one mind, one heart, with Our Lady leading us.

Below you will find the daily updates for July 1-5, 2012


June 30, 2012 Update
July 1, 2012 Update
July 2, 2012 Update
July 3, 2012 Update
July 4, 2012 Update
July 5, 2012 Update
July 6, 2012 Update
July 1, 2012 Brochure


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

22 thoughts on “Caritas July 6: She is With Us”

  1. lourdes belarmino

    I would like thank Marija for taking the time to come to Alabama. Thanks to the community for a heartfelt welcome. Mostly, thank you Mother Mary for being with us, praying for us and changing my husband and my life. Our experience in Alabama humbled and brought us much closer to God. I was in tears the whole time I was there. Now we know our purpose in life. We will pray pray pray as you requested Mother Mary for the salvation of all souls and I am planting seeds as fast as I can with excitement to get everyone I know to do a pilgrimage to Our Lady Queen of peace be in Alabama or Medjugorje. I know my husband and I are now making plans to go to Medjugorje with our two dear friends. Help us realize it with your prayers. Love and Prayers, Lourdes Belarmino

  2. james roscher

    Arrived at your place June 30 in the evening. Had to leave July 3 after the morning mass. Cried like a baby. I had three evenings, two days, and three mornings there at Caritas. Awesome to know that somehow I am in the “group” to intercede for my family, my country, those that don’t know God’s love, and myself! It is hard to remember everyone in my morning prayers. Returning home was not one of those most exciting things to do, but I am praying as often and as much as I can. Hopefully, I will get to praying always. Maybe next time I will get to attend an apparition with Marija. Thanks so much for opening up your place for all of the people that week. AWESOME is God!!!

  3. Thank You dear Mother for assuring us once again that You are with us. We know that we are children held close by a Loving Mother who cares for us always! WE LOVE YOU !

  4. Our Lady’s messages are comforting and appropriate for our present time and situation in the world. They give me confidence that our preparations are in order. Constantly reminding us that we have the greatest weapon in the universe at our disposal, The Holy Rosary. Thanks to all at Caritas for the great service you render on our behalf.

  5. Thank you for providing us information daily describing events there! I was there last March and LOVED it. I cried when I left. I desperately wanted to be there this time but it didn’t work out financially. I am going to try to start a prayer group with extended family and hopefully branch out from there. Please pray that this is successful!

  6. Did She just promise to stay with me DESPITE my sins? She is truly awesome! Thank you, Mother of Mercy! Blessed be your Holy and Immaculate Conception!

  7. Rev. Harry Peterson, s.d.b.

    I praise God for His goodness to let our dear Blessed Mother come and speak to us, bless us, guide us on the road to sanctity. GOD BE PRAISED for the wonderful fidelity and holiness of the seers. May ALL take advantage of this immense Grace and help save souls, in Jesus’ name and with Mary.

  8. Know that I was with you all in spirit. What a comfort to know that by God’s grace, Our Lady, Queen of Peace is staying with us for so long. The “Medjugorje of the US” is, sadly, the best kept secret. In these trying times, we all must return to God, be reconciled and converted. Politics and programs alone will not help us. God bless and love in Jesus living in Mary

  9. Thank you so much for all the updates during Marija’s visit to Caritas. Perhaps I missed it, but I’ve been looking for the explanation of the formula with the solution that The Blessed Mother gave for the healing of the United States during these dire times. God Bless you.

  10. What more relevant and comforting words could a Mother say to her anxious children than ‘I am with you’? What a wealth of love, protection and serenity in those few simple words. As God so frequently tells us in the scriptures, ‘Be not afraid’. So long as our Blessed Mother remains with us we are safe and have nothing to fear.

  11. Katie and Pat

    I could not help but check the site every few hours to catch all the updates which I then shared. Your pictures (please post more! especially of our candles and roses) made me re-live our earlier July 1-5 visits and Our Lady whispering to our hearts. Thank you so much for all you do. We are reading, praying and hoping in Her and Jesus.

  12. Thanks for sending messages. May God Bless You All! It is so happy to hear that all our petitions were offered to Our Lady. She said that She will be with us. Thank You Mother, all my sorrows were gone. Be with us Mother, we will fulfill your intentions by loving each other, always do as Jesus want us to do.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing Our Lady’s messages with us .You were truly blessed these last five days and through you so were we God bless you all .

  14. Oh what a comforting message I am feeling so comforted and have nothing to fear .Thank you dear Mother this message will be always with us comforting .

  15. Thanks for your article and the great updates over the last week..!! I have looked forward to them daily..!! Mh goi saai..!!!

  16. Though I could not attend, the chronology and the messages given here during these 5 days plus to me strongly impress the importance to pray now (and with others regularly) and that time is less for here than say for instance Europe. Why else would Our Lady have an early apparition. It seems to me a Motherly way of suggesting urgency without alarming us.

  17. georgina cini

    Thank you for sharing it is nice, to know that Our Lady is with us, may She lead us all into Gods arms amen

  18. I cannot believe this~!! These 4 words in Mary’s message is the answer to my petition I sent !! This is the 2nd time in the past 2 months my prayers have been answered!! Never give up !! Keep praying and Mary will see that your prayers are answered if it is God willing. I have been attending Adoration every week and I feel this is very strong. Thank You Mother Mary & Jesus!! Keep the prayers going!! I feel a miracle entered into my life.

  19. Thank you so much for sending us the messages from Our Blessed Mother. I sent in my petitions three times and it is quite consoling to know that they were blessed by Her. I wish I could have been there in person, but financial issues preventing that from happening. I was there in spirit though. I have only been able to afford to go to Medjugorje one time in 1994, but I know the peace that is present when Our Lady appears. I can still feel that peace when I pray. Thank you again and may Our Lady continue to bless you and your wonderful work of spreading Her messages. Love in Jesus & Mary, Cathy

  20. Thank you kindly for sharing especially those of us who were not able to attend. My family and I have been so blessed Thank you Blessed Mother and Our Lord Jesus .

  21. What a consoling message! May we always be reminded of this beautiful truth. Thank you, dear Mother! Our hearts are bursting in love for you!

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