2006 – Medjugorje Messages for Nonbelivers

2006 – Medjugorje Messages for Nonbelivers

January 2, 2006

“Dear children, my Son is born. Your Savior is here with you. What prevents your hearts from receiving Him? What all is false within them? Purify them by fasting and prayer. Recognize and receive my Son. He alone gives you true peace and true love. The way to eternal life is He – my Son! Thank you.”

March 2, 2006

Our Lady did not give any message, but Mirjana shared the following:

Our Lady was very sad. Sadly She said:

“Praised be Jesus!”

She blessed all the religious articles and all of the people present during the apparition. Our Lady was talking about the situation in the world with special attention on those who have not yet come to know God’s love. She said:

“God is love! God is love! God is love!”

Mirjana says that she was asking some questions about the sick people and she got answers from Our Lady, but she can not share with us anything else.


April 2, 2006

The following is the message Our Lady gave to Mirjana during her apparition on April 2, 2006:

“Dear children, I am coming to you, because, with my own example, I wish to show you the importance of prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God. You ask yourself if you are following me? My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them? Come follow me. As a mother I call you. Thank you for having responded.”

July 2, 2006

“Dear children, God created you with free will to comprehend and to choose life or death. I as a Mother, with Motherly love, desire to help you to comprehend and to choose life. My children, do not deceive yourselves with false peace and false joy. Permit me, my children, to show you the true way, the way that leads to life – to my Son. Thank you.”

August 2, 2006

“Dear children, in these peaceless times, I am coming to you to show you the way to peace. I love you with an immeasurable love and I desire for you to love each other and to see in everyone My Son – the Immeasurable Love. The way to peace leads solely and only through love. Give your hand to me, your Mother, and permit Me to lead you. I am the Queen of Peace. Thank you.”

Mirijana added:

Again, after a long time, I saw the sky opening and then a sign of Cross, heart and the sun.

September 2, 2006

Our Lady did not give the usual messages but started with the following words:

“You know that we have been gathering for me to help you to come to know the love of God.”

She then spoke about the future and said:

“I am gathering you under my Motherly mantle to help you to come to know God’s love and His greatness. My children, God is great. Great are His works. Do not deceive yourselves that you can do anything without Him, not even to take a single step. My children, instead set out and witness His love. I am with you. Thank you.”

Our Lady also spoke of the blessing from priests, that it is the greatest blessing we can get on earth, as it is a blessing from Jesus, Her Son.

October 2, 2006

“Dear children! I am coming to you in this your time, to direct the call to eternity to you. This is the call of love. I call you to love, because only through love will you come to know the love of God. Many think that they have faith in God and that they know His laws. They try to live according to them, but they do not do what is the most important; they do not love Him. My children, pray and fast. This is the way which will help you to open yourselves and to love. Only through the love of God is eternity gained. I am with you. I will lead you with the Motherly love. Thank you for having responded.”

Our Lady added:

“My children, priests hands are blessed hands of my Son, respect them.”

November 2, 2006

“Dear children! My coming to you, my children, is God’s love. God is sending me to warn you and to show you the right way. Do not shut your eyes before the truth, my children. Your time isshort time. Do not permit delusions to begin to rule over you. The way on which I desire to lead you is the way of peace and love. This is the way which leads to my Son, your God. Give me your hearts that I may put my Son in them and make my apostles of you, apostles of peace and love. Thank you!”

Afterwards, in conclusion, Our Lady said for us not to forget our shepherds in our prayers.

December 2, 2006

“Dear children, in this joyful time of expectation of my Son, I desire that all the days of your earthly life may be a joyful expectation of my Son. I am calling you to holiness. I call you to be my apostles of holiness so that, through you, the Good News may illuminate all those whom you will meet. Fast and pray, and I will be with you. Thank you.”

Our Lady blessed everyone present and all the religious items present for blessing. She again accentuated the importance of priestly blessing.



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49 thoughts on “2006 – Medjugorje Messages for Nonbelivers”

  1. Elizabeth Moran

    I enjoyed listening to someone talking about the Blessed Mother. NJ is a very atheistic environment so I seldom hear any mention ever of the Blessed Mother. Thank you!

  2. I enjoyed listening to someone talking about the Blessed Mother. NJ is a very atheistic environment so I seldom hear any mention ever of the Blessed Mother. Thank you!

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