February 2, 1997
Mirjana continued to see Our Lady monthly for the next seven years. There was no emphasis on making people aware of these important second of the month apparitions until Our Lady finally broke it open. Many have been waiting for this for years.The following is Mirjana’s account of Our Lady’s visit with her on February 2, 1997:
“Please tell everyone that Our Lady’s apparition to me on the 2nd of the month will now be like the regular apparitions to Vicka, Ivan, Jakov, and Marija. Our Lady said that whoever wants to be present at that apparition can come. Our Lady said that much prayer is needed for those who have not yet come to know the love of God. This is all.”
March 2, 1997
On March 2, 1997, Mirjana received her apparition at the Blue Cross for about four minutes, surrounded by several hundred people. She was serious and stated that Our Lady wept from beginning to end. Our Lady gave the following message:
“Dear children, pray for your brothers who haven’t experienced the love of the Father, for those whose only importance is life on earth. Open your hearts towards them and see in them my Son, who loves them. Be my light and illuminate all souls where darkness reigns. Thank you for having responded to my call.
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18 thoughts on “1997 – Medjugorje Messages for Nonbelivers”
hi my beloved commiunity, i am sorry i write about some things.i dont want you to be in the middle. OUR LADY is our anchor through this time. i orded the miraclous key chain in dec. i didnt hear about the beatiful gift, from the ones i gave to. i did contact caritas as beauitul gracious told me was sent. i open the next morning , i opened the words from heaven, it said that to pray for the ones who carry this special gift. i never have read that message on my own.i was very excited OUR MOTHER HEARD What is in my heart. what a blessing to read this. in love of TWO HEARTS john ps. what a gift caritas is to us children of MARY
hi bless to be a small part of this gift. i was in saudia in 90-91.also kuaiat. its no small meaning to these messages. i been in a very diffcult place. the message of peace was given. i truly didnt understand, until later at 8.00 a.m. a place where i was was there want no one to be in. then that gift was felt, without any meds. cause of a blood test taking latter in the day.i was standing for what ,and only caritas promotes the sunday.i was free of anxiety , my freedom. thank you for explantion of these messages.i pray every morning for church,secular leaders. also open the message for the day .more commiing in the mail. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU also in love of two hearts john
Our Lady’s message March 18, 2002 Dear Children! Particularly in this time of penance and prayer, I call you to make a choice. God gave you free will to choose life or death. Listen to my messages with the heart that you may become cognizant of what you are to do and how you will find the way of life. My children, without God you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a single moment. For what are you and what will you be on earth, when you will return to it again. Do not anger God, but follow me to life.
I long to go, to be in the Presence of divine Mother…come to me Mother