February 1, 2018 A.D.
Our Lady in Medjugorje calls us to become saints. She said on October 25, 2015:
“…Little children, decide also today for holiness and take the example of the saints of this time and you will see that holiness is a reality for all of you…”
Holiness is not something for others to accomplish in another time, but is right here for each of us.
Our Lady’s call in Medjugorje is for holiness, which is not something for someone else, but is a call for everyone. Medjugorje visionary Marija said:
“…She [Our Lady] asks that with active prayer we become a better person. With prayer we will become better parents, better businessmen and better in whatever we do in our lives. Our Lady wants more! She says, “I want each of you to become a saint.”1
Begin with prayer, and become a better person in everything you do, whether as a parent, student, business owner, or the president himself. Becoming a saint is a reality for each one who follows Our Lady. Our Lady wants this for each of us, to become “saints of this time.”
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Remember the special Medjugorje pilgrimage sale which begins on February 12, 2018, and lasts for only 72 hours. Visit here for more information…