February 11, 2014 A.D.
Medjugorje visionary Marija spoke in Medjugorje this past November. During the course of her testimony, she tells us about what Our Lady says prayer does for us.
“From the beginning days of the Apparitions Our Lady is praying with us. She has said that each prayer said with the heart is dear to God and He loves this prayer. That is why She says, “Pray, Pray, Pray!” You must pray until prayer becomes a joy for you. Yes, we can pray while we are driving or cooking or working, but Our Lady is asking for more. She asks that with active prayer we become a better person. With prayer we will become better parents, better businessmen and better in whatever we do in our lives.
“Our Lady wants more! She says, “I want each of you to become a saint.” Our Lady has shown Purgatory to Vicka, Jakov and on one occasion to Ivan. She did this so we would be sure of an afterlife. Our Lady invites us to live Heaven on earth. She wants us to live Heaven among our family members. Our Lady has told us that through prayer and fasting, wars can be stopped. Oh, how many wars we have in our families! Through prayer, I have come to recognize that prayer and fasting can bring peace to destroyed families.
“Our Lady invites and calls us back to God. Convert! Attend the School of Prayer with Our Lady like we did in the early days of our prayer group. It was difficult in the beginning because we were not used to praying so much. Our families always prayed together, but with Our Lady we discovered prayer anew. We watched our grannies praying the Rosary and that was normal, but Our Lady taught us to love to pray the Rosary.”
– Medjugorje visionary Marija
November 2013
A flower growing on Cross Mountain in Medjugorje, in the midst of a bunch of rock. When we actively pray, we become much like this flower, which grows up in the midst of the world around it, attracting people to us by our beauty, not so much by the words we say in conversation with others, but rather by the words we say in conversation to God. Prayer changes us into something more beautiful. As Medjugorje visionary Marija said above, in active prayer, we become a better person. Our Lady in Medjugorje said on January 27, 1986:
“Every second of prayer is like a drop of dew in the morning which refreshes fully each flower, each blade of grass and the earth. In the same way prayer refreshes man. When man is tired, he gets rest. When he is troubled, he finds peace again. Man renews himself and can, once again, listen to the words of God.
“How the scenery is beautiful when we look at nature in the morning in all its freshness! But more beautiful, much more, is it when we look at a man who brings to others peace, love, and happiness. Children, if you could know what prayer brings to man! Especially personal prayer. Man can thus become a really fresh flower for God. You see how drops of dew stay long on flowers until the first rays of sun come.”