
Major Announcement December 17, 2010

Major Announcement December 17, 2010



Five Apparitions of the Queen of Peace march 19-23, 2010


Medjugorje.com Mascot

Come to Caritas, Alabama for a momentous event
and be in the presence of five apparitions of
the Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace
when She appears to Medjugorje visionary Marija.
Consecrate yourself, your family and entrust all to Our Lady.
These five days will culminate in the consecration of
the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages,
and its work through you and the Community of Caritas,
to help transmit Our Lady’s messages to the whole world.



The preparation for these five days at Caritas will be based in the following message:

October 25, 2000

“Dear children! Today I desire to open my Motherly Heart to you and to call you all to pray for my intentions. I desire to renew prayer with you and to call you to fast which I desire to offer to my Son Jesus for the coming of a new time – a time of spring. In this Jubilee year many hearts have opened to me and the Church is being renewed in the Spirit. I rejoice with you and I thank God for this gift; and you little children, I call to pray, pray, pray – until prayer becomes a joy for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

This message, which was randomly picked during our morning prayer of December 16, after asking for the theme Our Lady would want for the Five Days to be based on. We were in wonder of how direct Our Lady was in telling us this theme of what Her desires were. Our Lady mentioned “fasting,” “renew,” “prayer,” “Jubilee,” (25th), and “new time.”

The March 19-23, 2011, apparitions falls in Caritas of Birmingham’s “Silver Jubilee” year, as it was birthed in 1986.1 Therefore, join thousands who will come to be in Our Lady’s presence—except, this time of Our Lady’s visitation, the thousands will prepare to be in Her presence in a new way for a new time to renew prayer with a fast, for the springtime of the spirit renewing the Church and renewing all the earth. All in the year of Jubilee. Join thousands of others who will come in preparation by:

Order the 54-Day Rosary Novena!

It is an old novena given by Our Lady in 1884. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote a new version connected to Medjugorje in March, 2000 but never completed it. It, therefore, was never released. He finished it on December 16, especially to release it for the March 19-23 apparitions. The 54-day novena will begin on January 23 with thousands praying it each day, united in prayer for Our Lady’s intentions, for her five apparitions. The intentions for the novena are for the renewing of all the earth for a new springtime, for the Holy Spirit’s renewal of the Church, for the consecration of the retooled and expanded Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, and for your own intentions for the Five Days. You can receive one free copy for the preparation of the Five Days with Our Lady, or order more for bulk pricing. Click Here to Order the 54-day rosary Novena Booklet.

1. Beginning a powerful 54-day Rosary Novena, beginning January 23, 2011, and ending March 17, 2011, two days before Marija comes. (The Rosary Novena booklet will be available Tuesday December 21)

2. A 9-day bread and water fast beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 9, and ending the same day as the 54-day Rosary Novena, March 17, 2011, two days before Marija comes.

3. All the thousands who will participate in this powerful preparation, their prayers and sacrifices will be presented to Our Lady directly during the apparitions for Her intentions. She spoke in the randomly picked message of October 25, 2000:

“…I desire to open my Motherly Heart to you and to call you all to pray for my intentions…”

4. During the five days, wherever on the grounds, everyone will kneel and pray three Hail Mary’s on the hour in a daily 9-hour novena for Our Lady’s intentions and their own personal intentions.

5. Throughout the 54-day Rosary Novena going on during Lent, many extra sacrifices should be offered.

Thousands praying a 54-day Rosary Novena (You can download on mej.com or see order form.)

Contemplate. Thousands fasting for 9 days on bread and water

Recollect. Thousands praying 9-hour novenas for Our Lady’s intentions

Meditate. Thousands offering renunciations and sacrifices through the 54-days of preparation to change our hearts, receive graces, offer petitions, and the consecration of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages as a tool to transmit Our Lady’s messages to the world.

All these actions of the heart are for the purpose of giving Our Lady all that She needs during these five days to grant those attending Her greatest desires and hopes for each of us. It is our hope that Our Lady can repeat to us the words from Her message during the Five Days, March 19-23, 2011:


“…I rejoice with you and I thank God for this gift…” October 25, 2000

A gift of a new time as springtime, a new and the final evangelization of the world. Our Lady’s visit during Lent, in spring, Resurrection time! Is it possible to comprehend the opportunity being given to us? To fast, to pray, to sacrifice is a privilege and to end it with the joy of the Queen of Heaven, in Her 156th visit here! And the first during Lent!

Let’s consider our circumstances…

The United States is very sick, as well as the whole world. The consecration of the United States July 1-5, 2008 and July 1-5, 2009 fostered large numbers of fruitful conversions in the Bedroom of Apparitions and the Field of Apparitions at Caritas. This is medicine for the nation and thereby, for the whole world, because as goes America, so goes the world. John Paul II said, in regards to Our Lady about America:

“She, whose intercession was responsible for strengthening the faith of the first disciples, will by Her intercession guide the Church in America, obtaining the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as She once did for the early Church, so that the New Evangelization may yield a splendid flowering of Christian life.” America “is called to extend their missionary efforts beyond the bounds of the continent. They cannot keep for themselves the immense riches of their Christian heritage. They must take their heritage to the whole world and share it with those who do not yet know it.” 1

John Paul PP II

John Paul PP II

The work through Caritas, from the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, is just such, for the purpose of transmitting Our Lady’s messages, evangelizing them to the whole world. Our Lady said:


February 25, 1995

“…little children, I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to ‘transmit them to the whole world’…”

Flashback Story 2009 with Marija

While some pilgrims and community members were standing on the front porch of the founder’s house, waiting for the Rosary time of the apparition, Marija came out and joined their conversation. Shortly after, the founder opened the door and said it was time to come in and begin the Rosary. Marija, smiling, said she had just stepped out to get a little fresh air. One of the community members said to Marija, “Well, Marija we will stick with you because wherever you are that’s where Our Lady will be.” But Marija responded in more of a serious way, even though it had been a joking remark, “No, we go to Bedroom. Our Lady chose Bedroom.” It was striking to hear Marija say this so clearly and it also confirmed to us in the community what Our Lady has done through the Bedroom for the rebirth of the family to renew our nation and to renew the world.

Your coming to Caritas, Alabama is part of another step of world history. To be in the presence of the Queen of Peace, March 19–23, 2011, when She appears to Marija Lunetti, visionary of Medjugorje, one must be with a heart that is open. You will receive graces, blessings and the healing of your hearts. Come to consecrate the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages with Our Lady which has for two years been undergoing a complete retooling in anticipation of the Great Moment for the New and Final Evangelization of the world. We are still in the process of trying to finish the retooling in order to “be ready” for when Our Lady can profoundly put it to use. Our Lady said:

April 2, 2010

“…Be ready…”

Be ready for what? Our Lady said:

June 25, 2007

“…you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje. God desires to convert the entire world…”

For those of you who come with your children, March 19-23, your children will one day tell your grandchildren, “I was there.” We live in a moment of man’s history, unique and like no other. Even if you must rearrange your schedule for March 19-23, do not let anything keep you from coming to be in Our Lady’s presence. Your children’s schooling, work, other obligations, etc., are not comparable to being in Our Lady’s presence. Let no obstacle block you. Make a decision that will not only change your life, but help change the world. You are called and chosen individually, to be a part of the preparation for a second Pentecost that will take place sometime in the future. Our Lady said on January 25, 1987:


“…I want you to comprehend that God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you…”

Use you for what? Our Lady continues:

“…to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind…” January 25, 1987


But you think, who am I? I can do very little. Our Lady continues:

“…You are not able to comprehend how great your role is in God’s design…” January 25, 1987

Has God really chosen me for a great role? To use me in a great plan for the salvation of mankind? How am I suppose to know what role God has chosen me for? Our Lady continues in the same message of January 25, 1987:

“…pray so that in prayer you may be able to comprehend what God’s plan is in your regard…”

Our Lady will be here “with you,” March 19-23, not only to help you learn and know your role in God’s design, but to help you to fulfill it. Our Lady continues in the same message:

“…comprehend what God’s plan is in your regard. I am ‘with you’ in order that you may be able to bring it about in all its fullness…”

Quake, o’ man, because of what opportunities God grants to you. Our Lady says:

May 16, 1987

“…Dear children, when God calls men, it is really a great thing. Think about how it would be sad to let pass those opportunities that God allows without taking them…”

You are chosen, individually. You have a great role, a part in a great plan. God gives you an opportunity, indeed, a privilege. You must plan, open your hearts and seize the opportunity to be lavished in the grace of these five glorious days, March 19-23, and pray that Our Lady will awake in you God’s design for you, for the salvation of the world. The consecration of the expanded Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages and the equipment installed to retool it is for you to use as your tool, to transmit the messages to the whole world. The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages will produce every type of material and spiritual project support to evangelize Our Lady’s plans. You are the apostles who are the evangelizers. That is the purpose of the new Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, to equip you with the messages of Our Lady for the world’s conversion. Our Lady says:

August 25, 1992

“…open yourselves completely to me, so that through ‘each’ of you I may be enabled to convert and save the world…”

Medjugorje comes to you!! Medjugorje visionary Marija has said Caritas is like Medjugorje in its beginning days. The Five Days of Prayer will give you a picture of Medjugorje’s beginning days. Simple, holy, profound, where one falls into conversion. Those who longed for and who could never afford to go to Medjugorje can have the grace now. This is a very exciting time for those who wish to be in the work of spreading conversion to the world! Yet, we are not finished with the retooling. Caritas of Birmingham’s Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, operated by the Community of Caritas, is not, at this point, finished and the retooling is still in need of funds. So, we have a lot of work still yet to achieve. We ask for your prayers and Masses to be offered for its successful completion, especially that we can meet the dates of March 19–23. We have yet a lot to accomplish.

Testimonies from July 2009, the last time Our Lady was with us for five days of prayer, are similar for the thousands who attended.


“Thank you so much for the awesome week once again! The Bedroom is like Heaven on earth! Many want to go with me next year—hope Mary comes in July again!”

B.P., Coppell, Texas


July 8, 2009

“I have just spent the best week of my life. Your community’s five days of prayer for our nation from July 1-5 was by far the most moving, faith building experience I have ever had.”

P.P., Orange, Texas


July 5, 2009

“I cannot help but thank you for the profound shift I feel in my whole being. Words cannot express the profound peace I feel and the opening to God present in my heart. It was very difficult to leave today, wanting, as my heart did to stay and savor the delicacy and love of the experience here. I cherish the years of day-to-day preparation and love and prayers that have gone into making this event even possible. I feel as if a whole new world has opened up for me. Thank you for bringing Mary into our hearts through your love and your extended hands.”

L.D., Nashville, Tennessee

2011 Silver Jubilee of Caritas of Birmingham


It can be no coincidence that the opening of the new expansion and re-equipping* of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages fell in Caritas’ 25th year anniversary, our Silver Jubilee. Many signs accompany this Silver Jubilee, such as the introduction of the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje ‘Silver’ Round through the book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen. We are in joy at the opportunity to profoundly give to Our Lady the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, Caritas, and its work, with and through you, to help in the conversion of the world. To help Our Lady, to be with Our Lady, to be in the actual work of Our Lady in preparation for the coming of the Great New and Final Evangelization is incomprehensible in the grace and privilege afforded to both you and us as Her followers. What does it mean to be a part of this Great New and Final Evangelization?


The Great Evangelization


“The foundation for this spiritual revival is already being formed through the fire of tribulation for the Second Great Full and Final Evangelization of the world. Final because, led by Our Lady, it will be complete, a “full” Evangelization capable of enduring until the end of the world. Who will be its apostles? Those who withstand the trial; those who will lay their job on the line; those who will do small and great acts of charity, despite possible negative results; those who are willing to live martyrdom when death would be a relief, but live on day in and day out; cross-bearers voluntarily, when it would be easier to lay the cross down. Men, in this glorious time, this season of holiness, this time of joy, are beginning to recognize, who they are and Who is calling them for the second most glorious time in the history of the world.” 2

Spread this news everywhere. Many have come to Our Lady’s apparitions here at Caritas simply by finding a brochure at the back of a church, in an Adoration chapel, at a grocery store counter, or mailed to each person from your parish directory, etc. One look at a brochure and many make an immediate decision. “Be ready.” Be active in spreading news about the five apparitions, March 19-23. To order, free, as many brochures as you want, paying only the shipping cost, see the yellow order form below.

Remember—mark your calendars. Join the Community of Caritas and thousands of others who will prepare for Our Lady’s coming.

  • On January 23, 2011 begin the 54-day Rosary novena. (Will be available Tuesday December 21, 2010)

  • On Ash Wednesday, March 9, 2011, begin 9-day bread and water fast.

  • Both the 54-day Rosary novena and the 9-day fast will end on March 17, 2011, two days before Marija arrives and Our Lady’s apparitions.

In Preparation and in the Hope of All You Coming and Giving Your Prayers and Fasting Directly to Our Lady,


A Friend of Medjugorje

*Retooling the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages began in 2008 in order to update and expand all the departments of the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, including the print shop (cutting, folding & book binding departments), shipping, pre-press, CD production and mail management, Caritas’ effort is for the purpose of making this mission ready for the time of the Great New and Final Evangelization that will come about through the release of the 3 admonitions. For more information contact Caritas of Birmingham at 205-672-2000.

1. Our founder began Caritas of Birmingham in 1986. Our Lady asked for a community to be established in an apparition in the Bedroom in 1988. He formed the Community of Caritas as Our Lady had formed him. The Community of Caritas’ formation came as a result of grace through a message Our Lady told our founder, through Medjugorje visionary, Marija. Our Lady relayed to him, through this message, that She would help him understand many things.
2. “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation The Church in America”, John Paul II, Pauline Books & Media, Boston 1999, p.116.
3. “Quietism,” A Friend of Medjugorje, Caritas of Birmingham,2003.

A Rose For Our Lady & A Candle for Your Intentions

Do you have a special prayer request you would like brought to the Bedroom and/or the Field during the March 19–23 apparitions?

Have a Rose placed in the Bedroom of Apparitions
Have a seven-day Candle lit in The Field of Apparitions and placed before the statue of Our Lady

in your name or the name of a loved one’s intentions during the March 19–23, 2011, prayer gathering.

A special gift card will be sent to you for each candle or rose donation if you request it. Click Here to have a rose placed or a candle lit.

You Can Charter a Bus!

We encourage you, or you and a friend, to charter a bus for the March 19-23, 2011 visit. For many who cannot afford to fly, coming by bus is less expensive. It provides you with transportation from the hotel to Caritas each day, and coming with a group can bring you to a deeper pilgrimage experience, as you are journeying and praying together with many who are longing for a deeper relationship and experience with God. In a group setting, often the sharing of faith, hearing other people’s walk in conversion, is a powerful tool in the hand of God to bring forth stronger conversions in each other. If you need advice about how to go about chartering a bus and organizing a pilgrimage, call 205-672-2000, ext. 218.

Want to Help?

We need extra help in preparation for hosting the Mother of God for the thousands who will pilgrimage here. It will require a lot of preparation. If you have time or talent, we and Our Lady could use you here, even if just for a day or a week during the next three months of time of preparation. We immediately need helpers with minimal skills, those who can help in many different capacities. Consider volunteering for a Mission Day or week or more, whatever your talents. We have immediate needs for any skilled craftsman or trades. Call 205-672-2000 ext. 334.

Come March 19-23

Hotel Listings

Our Lady’s return to the Bedroom and Field this coming March 19-23, 2011, will generate a great deal of excitement around the country. We encourage you to book your hotel rooms for the March 19–23, 2011 apparitions (book for March 18th to the 24th or later because 5 days are full days on the grounds) as soon as possible. Many hotels will fill all their rooms. We are expecting large numbers to attend, as always when Our Lady comes, which makes tighter availability for pilgrims desiring to attend the apparitions to find rooms. Even if you are not sure you can come, make reservations. You can always cancel. So, don’t delay in making your arrangements. For more information call Caritas of Birmingham 205-672-2000.

Based on location, traffic, and proximity to Caritas, hotels 1-16 listed below on Hwy 280 are suggested FIRST CHOICE hotels. They are arranged from those closest to those farthest from Caritas.

WARNING! You can check out hotels but do not book through the Internet, you will not get the discounted price. Ask for group reservations and call directly to the hotels for discounts under the name Caritas of Birmingham Group.

**Rates subject to change without notice.*

Closest Hotel: Hampton Inn and Suites, approx. 10 miles, $99.00 Standard, King or 2 Queen Rooms, 205-981-0024

1. Oak Mountain Lodge, approx. 11 miles, $39.95/Night or $189.95/Weekly, 2 Twin or 1 Full, 205-991-0100, www.oakmountainlodge.com

2. Homewood Suites by Hilton, approx. 13 miles, – A favorite by the pilgrims
$99.00/night, 205-995-9823, www.homewoodsuites.com

3. Residence Inn, approx. 13 miles, $109.00 Studio/Night, 205-991-8686, www.residenceinn.com

4. Candlewood Suites, approx. 13 miles, with kitchens $59.95/Night 205-991-0272, www.candlewoodsuites.com

5. Wingate Inn, approx. 13 miles, $59.00/Night
205-995-8586, www.wingatehotels.com

6. Fairfield Inn, approx. 14 miles, $75.00/night
205-991-1055, www.fairfieldinn.com

7. Days Inn Mountain Brook, approx. 14 miles, $79.00/night, Continental breakfast provided, 205-991-9977,

8. Hyatt Place Inverness, approx. 14 miles, $94.00/Night,
205-995-9242, www.hyattplace.com

9. Studio Plus, approx. 14 miles, 205-408-0107, Queen $49.99/Night, www.extendedstay.com

10. Holiday Inn Express & Suites Birmingham, approx. 14 miles, $94.00/night 205-776-6370,

11. Comfort Inn and Suites Colonnade, approx. 15 miles,
$90.00/night, 205-968-3700, www.choicehotels.com

12. Courtyard by Marriott Colonnade, approx. 15 miles, $96.00/Night, 205-967-4466, www.courtyard.com

13. Hampton Inn Mountain Brook, approx. 20 miles, $94.00/night, 205-870-7822, www.birminghammountainbrook.hamptoninn.com

14. Courtyard by Marriott Homewood, approx. 19 miles, $109.00/night, 205-991-8686, www.marriott.com

15. Drury Inn & Suites Birmingham Southeast, approx. 15 miles,
205-967-2450, $79.95/night, www.druryhotels.com

16. Hilton Birmingham Perimeter Park Hwy 280/I-459, approx. 15 miles, $114.00/night, 205-967-2700 www.birminghamperimeterpark.hilton.com

17. La Quinta Inn – Hwy 280, approx. 15 miles, 205-995-9990

Based on location, traffic, and proximity to Caritas, hotels 18–35 should be considered SECOND CHOICE hotels:

WARNING! You can check out hotels but do not book through the Internet, you will not get the discounted price. Ask for group reservations and call directly to the hotels for discounts under the name Caritas of Birmingham Group.

18. Fairfield Inn and Suites – Pelham, approx. 20 miles,
$89.00/Night, 205-987-9879, www.fairfieldinn.com

19. Best Western at Oak Mountain, approx. 18 miles, refrig. & micro. in rooms, 205-982-1113, www.bestwestern.com

20. Hilton Garden Inn Liberty Park, approx 20 miles, 205-314-0281

21. Days Inn South, approx. 22 miles, $52.00/Night,
205-822-6030, www.daysinn.com

22. Days Inn Galleria, approx. 22 miles, $65.00/night, 205-985-7500, www.daysinn.com

23. Quality Inn Vestavia, approx. 22 miles, $60.00/night 205-823-4300.

24. Baymont Inn & Suites Birmingham/Vestavia, approx. 22 miles, $55.00/night, 205-822-2224, www.baymontinns.com

25. Travelodge, approx. 26 miles, $49.00/Night, 205-987-2233, www.travelodge.com

26. Howard Johnson Homewood, approx. 26 miles, Single/Double Occupancy, Continental breakfast, 205-942-0919

27. LaQuinta Inn & Suites Birmingham/Homewood, approx.
26 miles, 205-290-0150, www.lq.com

28. Quality Inn Homewood, approx. 26 miles, $59.49/night,

29. Comfort Inn Homewood, approx 26, $69.00/Night, 205-916-0464

30. Residence Inn Homewood, approx. 26 miles, $109.00/night, 205-991-8686, www.mariott.com

31. Microtel Hotel Homewood, approx. 27 miles, $39.95/night,
205-945-5550, www.microtelinn.com

32. Roadway Inn & Suites – Homewood, approx. 27 miles, $69.99/night, 205-942-2041

33. Homewood Lodge, approx. 28 miles, $49.99/night, 205-942-1263.

34. StudioPLUS Wildwood, approx. 26 miles, 205-290-0102, www.extendedstays.com

Based on location, traffic, and proximity to Caritas, hotels
35–42 should be considered THIRD CHOICE hotels:

WARNING! You can check out hotels but do not book through the Internet, you will not get the discounted price. Ask for group reservations and call directly to the hotels for discounts under the name Caritas of Birmingham Group.

35. Econolodge, approx. 27 Miles, located off Hwy 65 Exit 256-A, 800-228-5150, $52.95/night, 205-941-0990, www.choicehotels.com

36. America’s Best Value Inn – East, approx. 29 miles, $38.00/night, 205-956-3650, www.americasbestvalueinn.com

37. America’s Best Value Inn – Leeds, approx. 17 miles, $59.99/night, 205-702-2700, www.americasbestvalueinn.com

38. Double Tree Hotel, approx. 22 Miles, Downtown Birmingham, Double room, $109.00/night, 205-933-9000

39. Quality Inn Irondale, approx. 24 miles, $69.99/night,
205-956-4100, www.qualityinnbirmingham.com

40. Rime Garden Inn & Suites, approx. 25 Miles, Located off I-20 in Irondale, $79.00/night, 205-951-1200, 888-828-1768 www.rimehotel.com

41. Americas Best Value Inn – Irondale, approx. 25 miles, 205-956-3650, www.americasbestvalueinn.com

Based on location, traffic, and proximity to Caritas, hotels
42–50 should be considered FOURTH CHOICE hotels:

WARNING! You can check out hotels but do not book through the Internet, you will not get the discounted price. Ask for group reservations and call directly to the hotels for discounts under the name Caritas of Birmingham Group.

42. Hampton Inn & Suites – Hoover approx. 23 miles,
$110.00/Night, 205-380-3300

43. Fairfield Inn in Fultondale, Alabama, approx. 24 miles,
$89.00/Night, 205-849-8484 www.marriot.com/bhmbf

44. Best Western Carlton Suites Hotel, approx. 26 miles, starting at $95.00/night, 205-940-9990, www.bestwesternbirmingham.com

45. Courtyard by Marriott Hoover, approx. 23 miles, $89.00/night, 205-988-5000, www.marriott.com

46. Drury Inn & Suites Southwest, approx. 26 miles, $89.95/night, 205-940-9500, www.druryhotels.com

47. Park Inn Birmingham, approx. 30 miles, 205-951-0700

48. Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites – Birmingham East, approx. 25 miles, $75.00/night, 205-957-0555

49. America’s Best Inn & Suites–Airport, approx. 27 miles, near airport $50.00/night 205-592-6110. www.americasbestinnandsuites.com

50. Holiday Inn – Airport, approx. 27 miles, $85.00/night, 205-591-6900, www.holidayinn.com

Very Important, remember when you call the hotels, to mention that you are coming for the March 19–23 prayer gathering at Caritas. You should arrive on or before the 18th of March and leave on the 24th or later to be in the presence of all five of the apparitions.

To Help Spread March 19-23, 2011, please see below what you can do to help spread the Good News of Our Lady’s Coming to Alabama

March Billboards March Signs March Bumper Stickers March Cards

Please be advised of the guidelines to visit Caritas.

1. No Immodest Dress 5. No Cameras
2. No Cell Phones 6. No Smoking
3. No Video Cameras 7. No Lounge Chairs/Other Chairs
4. No Gum Chewing 8. No Pets

Guidelines to be Allowed on the Grounds.

♥ The following modesty rules will be strictly adhered to on the Caritas grounds, including parking areas. All violators will be turned away. No sleeveless or low cut dresses. No sleeveless or low cut shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Dresses and skirts must be below the knee. Only knee-length shorts will be allowed for both men and women. Capris may be worn. No gym shorts or other short clothing. No mid-drifts or clothing that exposes the back or stomach. No see-through clothing or clothing that has inappropriate writing or pictures on it. Casual dress, jeans, etc., is OK. We are speaking about modest dress. Please remember that you will not be going to the beach or out sunning. Dress appropriately for the day in preparation to go before the Holy Event of Our Lady’s apparition and other prayer times. Please save yourself the embarrassment of being turned away from the grounds of Caritas because of dress. It is important to inform all, so that no one will have to miss the apparitions. We do not want anyone to miss Our Lady’s apparitions to Marija, so repeatedly inform others and help make sure all are informed of this.

♥ No video cameras; no cameras, and absolutely no cell phone cameras are allowed. Violations will result in confiscation. You are on the grounds by invitation. Please remember, do not violate other pilgrims and the spirit of what is happening here. This is a serious violation of the spirit and reverence of the event and the grounds here. As a one day exception, and not for the apparition, photos, not videos, and not cell phone cameras, will be allowed on Sunday, March 20, on the grounds. However, no cameras will be allowed at the time of the apparition even on this one day exception. Please remember this is allowed for your own personal mementos of the pilgrimage. Be discreet and respectful to others, when taking pictures, so as not to disrupt prayers.

♥ No lounge chairs, three-legged portable chairs, or similar chairs allowed in the Field. If one must sit, wheelchairs or electric motor chairs are to be used. It is your responsibility to make provisions for wheelchairs. This is a five-day offering of sacrifice, self-denial, and spiritual growth for your soul, not your flesh. As many have testified from their past experiences of the apparitions, the Bedroom, Field, Grotto, and other sites at Caritas, they relay that they were some of the most spiritual, moving, holiest moments they have ever experienced. Cameras, cell phones, etc., are all a distraction which inhibits the grace; the convenience of lounge chairs, etc., blocks sacrifices, which results in a loss of grace one could have received. Prayer is spontaneous and often throughout the day. Gum chewing is extremely irreverent during prayer or in the midst of others who are praying. Gum chewing is not allowed on the grounds. If you see someone doing it, please inform them to stop.

♥ Our Lady answers any objections to these rules, to be allowed on the Caritas grounds, by appearing on a rock strewn mountain in Medjugorje which is difficult to walk up, much less sit down comfortably once you are at the apparition site. For a peace-filled five days, please be reminded that Caritas has these guidelines for your benefit. The world may allow these things, but you are entering a world and a life, here at Caritas, created by Our Lady and Her messages.

Parking – Anyone parking on the road must be off the white line or police will tow away your car. For safety of pedestrians, there is no parking on the road in front of the Field.

Priests – Invite your parish priest. There will be a need to hear Confessions in the Field throughout the event. If you are a priest, we make a special invitation for you to come. The event promises a great grace for priests who come and hear Confessions. Priests experience conversion just as you will.

Home Schoolers – Notify all home schooling friends, we will open our school during the days of March 19 through March 23. This school, Our Lady of Victory’s School, is a community effort, evolved from home schooling, that has inspired other home schoolers with many ideas based on Our Lady’s messages. It is always one of the highlights for those who visit here to see Our Lady of Victory’s ‘One Room’ Schoolhouse. Already other schools have been inspired by it. Walkthroughs will be scheduled throughout the 5 days.

Evangelize the Apparitions – This material you are reading can be spread by you to promote Our Lady’s coming. Spread it to your family, friends, parish, etc. Click Here to order FREE. Just help us with shipping and handling costs. Get your church directory and mail to everyone.

For the Elderly – In the past, some elderly have paid the way for a friend to accompany and help them. It is a good way to come, and a good way to evangelize the one who is accompanying you, for Our Lady to convert them. “So be wise as serpents and innocent as doves,” (Matthew 10:16) to convert one who comes to help accompany you.

Prayer Groups – Ivan once said that satan hates prayer groups. Come with your whole prayer group to be with Our Lady. With your group being in Our Lady’s presence, She not only will bless you during the apparitions, but strengthen your group as well. It is Her desire to foster your prayer group. Our Lady said on September 25, 2000: “…Renew prayer in your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you will experience joy in prayer and togetherness…” Rent a van, bus, or meet up separately, whatever is necessary to answer Her call.

Free primitive camping in a tent or self-contained camper is available for all who wish to come or who cannot afford to stay in a hotel. Primitive camping is no electricity or water. Portolets will be available. Free firewood is also available, but bring your own grill. Caritas camping and parking is TV free, radio free, cell phone free, smoking free, and alcohol free. Violators will be asked to leave immediately. Some campgrounds and service stations are available for showers and septic dumping call 205-672-2000 ext 382 for locations and phone numbers along with other primitive camping information.

The Gift Shop will be fully stocked with beautiful items to have blessed by Our Lady. the Gift Shop will be closed Sunday, March 20.

Making Reservations – Many hotels can book up early, so we recommend that you make reservations now. Listed on mej.com are select hotels in which most are offering discounts for those coming in March. We are expecting that many hotels will book up, so it is necessary to make reservations as soon as possible to assure your rooms. Please state this is for the BVM/Caritas group for Our Lady’s Apparitions of March 19-23, 2011 when making reservations. We encourage you to come all five days to spend time in prayer in preparation for each day’s apparition. Our Lady’s apparitions are a source of great graces for those who gather. By being on the site for March 19 and staying through March 24th, your experience will be greatly heightened. Even if circumstances at this moment do not seem possible for you to come – remember, prayer brings about miracles. So book your plans and pray, pray, pray, and Our Lady will work out the details. Whether it be lack of funds, job, family, etc., surrender to God the problem and give to Our Lady your desires. Pray short, ardent prayers and do novenas to be here. She will take it from there, trust Her. Call Caritas at 205-672-2000 ext. 330, twenty-four hours for more information. This information will not be available until Wednesday, December 22.

See Map Below or Click to visit this page to find directions

Map to Caritas

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

15 thoughts on “Major Announcement December 17, 2010”

  1. My Caritas Family, Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this! I was one of the pilgrims there in the field when Our Lady gave the message to form prayer groups. Our family came home and started immediately. We were not perfect but we continued to strive and it was beautiful how our lives were touched by this. Our prayer group has had struggles especially over the last 2 years just barely staying together. Just the night before this radiowave our troubles peaked and I was really praying for help. Thanks for your encouragement. God Bless You all!

  2. Rev.Fr.PaulDass OMI

    This is a miracle i see in my faith life. It strenghthens the faith of millions in the world wide. I want yo subscribe this magazine for me to know more about mother mary’s appartitions

  3. This is amazing.How can we take these massages for granted. Many here in Africa dont know anything about Med.com. Iam willing to pay for liturature on Medj. to be distrubuted here freely., but how do i send the money

  4. How amazing!! I was awaiting the big announcement but wasn’t expecting this. What a wonderful surprise! We said we’d come for sure the next time Marija came to Caritas and so we are. 🙂 We will be preparing and fasting along with you all. JOY!

  5. Thank You CARITAS for that info. I’m VERY sad that i can’t go there and be with OUR LADY. Though i can’t go there physically, I am with you in prayers.May the BLESSED MOTHER remember me and my family and bless us. Please pray for me and my family and also our country the PHILIPPINES. I’ll be informing my sisters who are there to join you in that wonderful event. GOD Bless you all. To GOD be the Glory, Amen and Amen!

  6. Having Marija come to Alabama, and Our Lady appearing to her there, is probably the most important thing happening in the United States or anywhere! Everything else seems mundane in comparison. What an Honor and Blessing for the United States, and particularly Alabama!! I am reading, ‘It Aint Gonna Happen’. What a superb book. Smart smart smart!!

  7. Fiat! Our Lady, dear Gospa, I am coming. Send your graces upon my country and upon all the faithful souls in the world.

  8. How blessed you are indeed. May God grant you all the grace to obtain the maximum graces for America and the world during this time and may He give great blessings to you and to your families.Please pray for us in Ireland where our long time pro-life stance is severely threatened after a European ruling a few days ago.God bless you

  9. Thank God for the Community of Caritas. Without your “YES” to Our Lady, most would be lost as to the deeper understanding of Our Mother’s messages; and how to proceed with what She is asking of us. God bless you for all that you do.

  10. I am amazed as I know you are about how perfect the message you selected for your random daily message matched the events that you have put together. Even down to the Jubilee statement. God is so all knowing. He knew how that message would be used by you before it was created. I can only imagine what it will be like to be in his presence one day. Will call to offer some volunteer time now that I am a retiree.

  11. Thank you Brother. Thank you so much for the information. Gods plan never go in vain. I am so happy. My every little joy and pain let it be for Mary’s intention. I do not know but we might be meeting on this blessed day. thank you . My work is to now spread to whom ever I know. God Bless your work.

  12. This is truly a miracle announcement for me. I was supposed to go to the 5 day retreat in December and my trip was cancelled on the day I was supposed to leave. I was so upset and have been ever since then. I now feel it happened because Our Lady did it for this purpose, so I could try and attend while she is appearing. I would not have been able financially to go twice.

  13. I’m jealous :), really more for my country than anything else. You guys in the US are blessed to have a Caritas there who always seem to come up with something beautiful like this. Maybe a Friend of Medjugorje could come to New Zealand?

  14. Simply beautiful! I will be there with my mom and brother who are coming from Montreal, Canada. Thank you so very much for this opportunity Caritas of Birmingham. See you all in March with the love of Our Heavenly Mother!

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