A Friend of Medjugorje originally published this on October 19, 2019 A.D.
Afghanistan, coronavirus, vaccine mandates, problems in Church – so many issues that can lead us to wonder, “Where is God in all of this?” The following writing from a Friend of Medjugorje was originally published on October 19, 2019. Given everything that has happened since then, it is an appropriate writing for this time. A Friend of Medjugorje’s writing below, was based on a message given through Ivan in October 18, 2019. Reading it now we see the prophetic nature of it, but also, we get more clarity on how to handle what is happening in the world – and where God is in all of it. – Medjugorje.com
A lone pilgrim prays at the “old” Blue Cross in Medjugorje. The old Blue Cross, rustic and simple, is a little behind and to the right of the new Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain. The newer Blue Cross was built to accommodate larger crowds of pilgrims.
On October 18, 2019, Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje. Read carefully Ivan’s words and description of the apparition, for it speaks to us more than what is seen at first glance. Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition during his prayer group at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain:
“Also today, Our Lady came to us very happy and joyful and She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’
“After that, Our Lady prayed especially over you who are sick present. Then for a while, She prayed, with Her arms extended, over all of us here. For a longer time, Our Lady prayed in a special way for peace, for peace in the world. She invited us as well, in a special way, in this time, to pray for peace.
“Then She blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing, and blessed everything you brought to be blessed. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way all of you priests and your intentions. After that, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us here, and She left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’”
Peace Comes at a Price
by a Friend of Medjugorje
October 19, 2019
When Our Lady says to pray for peace, it is because peace is threatened. One only has to look at the world around us to see that peace is constantly being threatened. First, it is threatened in our hearts, then in our families, then in the world. When we do not have peace in our hearts, because perhaps we are in sin, or out of God’s will, then we live without peace. Our Lady said on July 30, 1987:
“Many people now live without faith; some don’t even want to hear about Jesus, but they still want peace and satisfaction!”
When we are out of line with God, then we lose not only peace, but satisfaction. We begin to see things around us in an unsatisfied way. Because nothing will fulfill us like God, our whole life becomes unfulfillment, unsatisfaction, and in the end, strife. This translates out into our families. Our children then receive our strife, brought about through unfulfillment and unsatisfaction, which is brought about because we are not in line with God’s desires. This strife then travels out of our home with our children and manifests in the world as war and conflict.
The solution for the world is peace. But there is another aspect to this peace. Our Lady said on February 25, 1991:
“God is peace itself.”
If God is peace itself, then when you pray for peace, you are actually asking God to come into a situation. Whether it is your family or any other instance, God then comes to resolve the conflict with His presence, which is truth. When you pray for peace in your family, you are asking God to bring truth into your family and resolve any conflicts. There are many wars and conflicts taking place today which started long ago by an unforgived wrong.
Peace comes at a price: the price of forgiveness and the price of submitting to God’s desires.
Jesus lived a completely fulfilled life. Do we realize that there is only one time in Scripture where it is recorded that Jesus sang?
When was that?
It was moments before walking out of the supper room, to the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of Holy Thursday.
What does this tell us?
That Jesus went joyfully to His destiny of forgiveness, joyfully to His destiny of fulfilling God’s will, and winning for us peace.
Peace comes at this price. Is this a price we are willing to pay? In our lives? In our families? In our world? Our Lady tells us:
June 2, 2014
“I ask of you to unite with me in my Son and to be my apostles. For you to be able to do so, I am calling you, anew, to love. There is no love without prayer – there is no prayer without forgiveness; because love is prayer – forgiveness is love. My children, God created you to love and you love so as to forgive…”
If we unite with Our Lady and Her Son, then when Our Lady says to pray, this does not just mean to mouth words of prayer, but to pray by our very lives. Jesus’ work of redemption was not simply a verbal or mental prayer, but a physical action of His death. When Our Lady urges us through Ivan to pray for peace, do not just mouth words, but live peace. When you choose the path of peace by your actions and reactions, every war is diffused, and every conflict fizzles out.
Jesus relays in the Poem of the Man-God, that in every conflict, if the morally stronger of the two people in conflict will choose peace, even at the cost of being wronged, that person will always be right, and the situation will be better.
Are you willing to choose peace even at the cost of being wronged?
This has been our path at Caritas for over 30 years. One has to wage war to win peace, but one also has to choose which battles to lose, in order to win the war. It is not easy, but it brings God’s presence, and in the end it brings joy. Our Lady said on August 2, 2005:
“…without God you will never find peace. Therefore, little children, return to God and to prayer so that your heart may sing with joy…”
As Jesus sang leading up to His death on the Cross, obedient to His Father, so too you, being obedient to God, and of His authority in your life, will then find peace and your heart will sing with joy. The path to peace is one of action, and seeking truth and God’s will in your life.
And still, there is another aspect of peace.
Our Lady has said that Her Medjugorje apparitions are the last apparitions on earth. The entire future of the world is hinged upon what Our Lady is doing in Medjugorje.
And with the gravity and seriousness of this event – the greatest event since the death of the last apostle, one of the greatest events in the history of the world, and the greatest event for the future of the Church, what name does Our Lady give Herself in Medjugorje?
Queen of Heaven?
Mother of God?
Our Lady said:
August 6, 1981
“I am the Queen of Peace.”
What does it mean that Our Lady chooses this title for the last apparitions on earth?
Our Lady’s daily presence in Her apparitions as the Queen of Peace, is literally speaking peace into existence in our world by bringing the presence of God into every part of the world. Meaning, bringing truth to the world. Those who become Her apostles, choosing peace in their daily lives by de-escalating conflict in their families, workplace, etc., add more peace in the world, and bring peace to remote corners of the world that they may never see.
It is a mystery of grace.
The closer we come to this being fulfilled, the more we will see the manifestations of evil as it is pushed out into the open.
Do not be afraid when this happens, but sing with joy, for it is being replaced by truth and peace.
In hearing Our Lady’s call through Ivan to pray for peace, we can say emphatically, that the future of the world depends on your actions today in responding to Our Lady’s call to pray for peace. But, pray for peace by the way you live. Your life can change today. Your family will change, and the world will change.
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3 thoughts on “Peace Comes at a Price”
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Country: USA
I wonder why sweet Virgin Mother Mary is not going to appear any longer? Makes me sad, and sad for other generations coming into the world. She and her son, Jesus, have been in the most important roles of this world and in God’s kingdom in helping souls become a part of their intentions for us snd the world. None have played a more important role leading souls to Him and His kingdom. I wonder why she will not return to earth any longer. This puzzles me, because the world and it’s people needs her and Jesus. Unless Jesus will be the One and Only. She is bringing Him to us anew. He is coming, again. I think that He is coming. I truly believe this in my heart and “sooner than we may think”.
I just live her so much. I just adore our Lady the Queen of Peace. I have seen her and just think she is beautiful. The sweetest ever most magnificent Queen Mither of us all. She is beautiful. 💜❤️💜🕊💜❤️💜
City: McAllen
State: Texas
Country: USA
What takes more courage to do? To sin or to pray for peace?
City: Clovis
State: California
Country: United States
I came here late tonight to pick a random message and saw this new post. I can’t express how much it speaks to my situation. Praying for the grace to be peace even when I’m wronged. And I pray for the healing of any wounds I have caused due to my sinfulness. Queen of Peace please pray for us….Jesus please have mercy on us. Lord give us the faith and courage to SING your praises…no matter our situation. I pray for your intentions Mother and God’s plan of salvation for me and through me….despite my weakness, sinfulness, and nothingness. Please take my nothingness and make it …someday…glorify You my God!