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JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly into Perdition

JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly into Perdition

May 6, 2013 A.D.
Updated February, 14, 2020





The writing is important to understand in a more full way Our Lady’s message of May 2, 2013, for the present and for the future.

In the late 1700’s a French soldier discovered a stone with an ancient writing all over it. The stone was discovered to have been covered with the same text, but in several languages. It thus eventually provided a way of decoding the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone as it became known was a simple rock used to unlock a lost language that took almost 2 millennia to re-understand.

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions and messages are events of Biblical proportions. It is important for the future that those ‘Words from Heaven’ are not lost on this world, but remain alive in the hearts of believers. Those who are connected to these events and who live the messages will be those who will be looked to in the future for guidance, to unlock the mysteries of the messages given in this time of grace, for a future time that will need to comprehend Heaven’s language for it’s then present time.

These epistles from a Friend of Medjugorje to the body of believers are often seen as prophetic in their application, though they speak to the present time. His words unlock and decipher Our Lady’s words. They are important for you as a believer to become the ‘stone’ of Heaven’s language by your life, so that Our Lady’s words will be always preserved. – Medjugorje.com/Caritas of Birmingham


Five Phases
Walking Recklessly into Perdition


Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s May 2, 2013 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

“Dear children! Anew, I am calling you to love and not to judge. My Son, according to the will of the Heavenly Father, was among you to show you the way of salvation, to save you and not to judge you. If you desire to follow my Son, you will not judge but love like your Heavenly Father loves you. And when it is the most difficult for you, when you are falling under the weight of the cross do not despair, do not judge, instead remember that you are loved and praise the Heavenly Father because of His love. My children, do not deviate from the way on which I am leading you. Do not recklessly walk into perdition. May prayer and fasting strengthen you so that you can live as the Heavenly Father would desire; that you may be my apostles of faith and love; that your life may bless those whom you meet; that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and my Son. My children, that is the only truth, the truth that leads to your conversion, and then to the conversion of all those whom you meet – those who have not come to know my Son – all those who do not know what it means to love. My children, my Son gave you a gift of the shepherds. Take good care of them. Pray for them. Thank you.”

JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly into Perdition

By A Friend of Medjugorje


Our Lady tells us today, clearly, do not judge.


Evan Todd, a fifteen-year-old sophomore, went routinely to school one April morning. His routine was like that of millions of school students across the land that did the same. Two of his classmates also did the same—Dylan and Eric. Todd was in the library with other students when Dylan and Eric walked in. At this point, Dylan and Eric began yelling at the students. The students, already having heard blasts going off before the two boys had walked in, were hiding under the desks. Todd was one of them. The desk he hid under was suddenly blasted with a shot gun and he was wounded. Dylan and Eric had begun their deadly rampage before entering into the library. It would take seven minutes before the two of them would find Todd. During that long period of time, the two killer students went throughout the library. They found Kyle, 16, under a desk and killed him. They fired the shotguns at a table injuring three more students. In another line of desks, they killed 14-year-old Steven, and then injured another student, a 17-year-old named Kasey. They then came upon Cassie hiding under a table. They asked her, “Do you believe in God?” She closed her eyes for a moment as though in prayer and then answered, “Yes,” at which time they killed her. They taunted the rest of the students. The killers then discovered three more students who were athletes. Two were killed while the other pretended he was dead, escaping death by lying in the blood of his friends. After wounding several more students, they then killed 18-year-old Lauren. They had shot 22 people thus far. No one received mercy. It was at this point that they discovered Todd, already wounded, who had moved from the desk he had been hiding behind. They put a gun to Todd’s head and taunted him, saying, “Why should we let you live?” Todd answered them by saying, “I’ve always been good to you.” In a small moment of hesitation, the killers then backed off, left Todd, and went on shooting and setting off bombs for the next 32 minutes. Finally, when swat teams began arriving, the two killers ended their lives. Our Lady said,


“…Do not recklessly walk into perdition…”


But Our Lady tells us not to judge. Does Our Lady also mean false judging will recklessly walk us into perdition?


In the early 1990’s, during the Balkan War, a young Croatian man who had been a guide in Medjugorje from the early days, was captured and put in jail by Serbian soldiers. He was beaten, front teeth kicked out, and like all the prisoners, had to bow on his knees with head to the ground never being allowed to look up at his prison guards. If you looked up you got kicked in the face. One day, the guards decided it was time to kill the Croatian. They typically would take the prisoner out, kill him and dump him somewhere. Another Serb, hearing the guards’ plans, relayed he wanted the pleasure of killing him. They said okay and the soldier took his prey, bound and blind-folded, and put him in a car. The last trip for this guide from Medjugorje. The Serb stopped the car after awhile and got out to carry out the evil deed. Was the guide cursing the Serb? Was he filled with hatred before he would be killed? How, before such a situation, could the one condemned not judge the one who was about to become his murderer? Could we judge what was in the heart of the guide, being that we did not talk to him before he was to die? Our Lady tells us not to judge. Is this even logical in such a situation with such a clear telling of the physical circumstances? When the Croatian guide was pulled from the car and unbound, he knew not to look up, having repeatedly in the past been kicked in the face when he did so. Yet, this is exactly what he was told to do. He was, however, reluctant to obey. Was he going to be kicked when he looked up? Was he going to be kicked if he didn’t obey? Was it another game to taunt him to have his mouth kicked in? Being told to look up, he eventually did so. He was shocked at what happened next. The soldier told him he knew him from going to school with him. The guide barely recognized him and could hardly remember that he had gone to school with this Serbian soldier. The soldier had been keeping an eye on him in prison, trying to find a way to help him. When the decision was made to end his life, he feigned wanting to kill him to have the opportunity to help him escape. The guide is alive today.


Medjugorje visionary, Marija, asked Our Lady about the writings of mystic Maria Valtorta, The Poem of the Man-God. Our Lady told Marija, “One must read them.” In these writings, Jesus tells Peter:


“…it is not right to judge our brothers, because every man has his faults and his faculty of knowing and judging is so limited that seven times out of ten his judgment is wrong…”

Poem of the Man-God, Vol. 4, pg. 190

Did the Medjugorje guide judge he who would kill him? Or did he forgive him as Jesus said from the Cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” At least a few on Calvary really thought they were killing a guilty insurgent, a criminal named Jesus. Would they not be judged for killing the Messiah? We do not know what was in the hearts of the two murderers of Columbine High School in Colorado. Why did they turn out to be such heinous murderers? Are they the only ones responsible for what they did? Certainly, they are responsible for their actions! But do we know if they are solely, the only ones guilty before God? What kind of parents did they have? Did they ever experience the love of God which comes through the parents first and the witness of others? Were they odd and out-casted? Did today’s educational systems undermine their belief in the existence of God and eternal life, take their hope away, lead them to believe that there are no consequences to their actions outside of this world that we live in? Our Lady said,


May 2, 2013

“…live as the Heavenly Father would desire; that you may be my apostles of faith and love; that your life may bless those whom you meet…the truth…leads to your conversion, and then to the conversion of all those whom you meet – those who have not come to know my Son – all those who do not know what it means to love…”


Killers Dylan and Eric did not know what it means to love. They were merciless that horrible day at Columbine High School. But even in their evil, even in their mindless rampage, a tiny sliver of love remembered, affected the most beastly hearts of killers in action. That’s how powerful love can be. But, what love? It is love to show good to someone. Todd responded to the question put to him by the murderers, “Why should we let you live?” Todd had recalled some things he had done in his past that was done in the name of good to these loner outcasts or whatever they were to their fellow students. Todd responded, “I’ve always been good to you.” That good, ‘remembered’ by those he did good to, spared his life. Did the guide show goodness to the Serb in high school, good enough to be remembered that the Serb risked his own well-being to allow the guide to escape? Our Lady wants us to realize that goodness, which is love, always comes back to you. In the Redwood Forest in California, in the midst of these giants, stands a national park sign which in part relays that even the most beastly man cannot stand in front of these giant redwoods and not be in awe, moved and gentled by them. Our Lady said,


“…the Heavenly Father would desire; that you may be my apostles of faith and love…”


You are the giant redwoods, the apostles, that are to gentle the beastly world, as you encounter hearts one by one, who come across your path, be they the Dylans, Erics or some like the Serbian soldier. Our Lady said today, to you,


“…that your life may bless those whom you meet…”


Our Lady has relayed that when we pray for nonbelievers we are praying for our own future. Did not Todd’s action of always being good to the two future killers, and the guide’s past positive experience in school come back to them? Yes, but what of those who died in such situations? The good still rebounds. Cassie must have experienced unimaginable joy that will continue for eternity from her one action of goodness in saying “yes” after being asked the question, “Do you believe in God?” How much good has come and will come from Cassie’s good witness of that one word of hers, that “yes” said for all of us? Good expels evil. Evil expands evil when not confronted with good. You giants, the apostle redwoods, are called to love when hated. Even when those who judge you, judge you wrongly.


It is only natural that evil would oppose such a force of good that Our Lady’s messages bring to so many through the graces the Heavenly Father has blessed the world with in this special time in which we live. satan wants us to judge and condemn and this is often grounded in jealousy. When circumstances deems one to judge someone, he should bear in mind Leviticus 19:15, “In righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” When one is condemning another because of things they themselves are jealous of, the judgment, in essence, arises from hatred. It becomes a tree which grows until it produces deadly fruit. Jealousy is the root, satan its soil, hatred the trunk, disillusionment the branches, misperception which becomes perception the leaves, and victimization the final fruit. How is this to be understood? How does the one who is jealous end up the victim? How does the one who is envied become the persecutor and oppressor of the one who is envious of him? Jealousy becomes hatred, hatred becomes disillusionment, disillusionment becomes misperception, and misperception which metamorphoses to false perception becomes victimization.


1. Jealousy
2. Hatred
3. Disillusionment
4. False perception
5. Victimization


The one who envies another without checking the jealousy, in the end will see himself as a victim. How? By his inability to judge correctly according to what God sees. The Bible teaches how evil jealousy is and that it begins with making a judgment on another. Jealousy will not stay in the character of jealousy, it ferments in the heart if not removed and will build into resentment, where one will come to despise the one they are jealous of, which will eventually metamorphose into hatred. The Bible teaches us that hatred causes one to become blind. Why? Because one who hates has no grace. One who has no grace can no longer see truth. For the one whose jealousy metamorphoses into hatred, at best, truth is blurred. At worst, one becomes completely blind in his discernment as he can no longer discern truth on his own. Our Lady said,


July 31, 1986

“…hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything….”


Every individual wants to believe he is in truth. If one hates, he will bend things to his own way of thinking without being able to distinguish what is truth or what is falsehood. This personal truth is called relative truth; a false realization of truth vs. divine truth. Divine truth is beyond the thoughts and opinions of that which flows from the human part of man. We gain divine truth through the Holy Spirit through praying and studying sacred scripture, Our Lady’s messages, God’s creation, the lives of the saints, Church traditions, etc. When one arrives from jealousy to hatred he will begin seeking his own truth apart from God. “Judging” through the lens of hatred, hatred that causes blindness in the person, will lead the person to become disillusioned. Again, the path taken is via jealousy, to hatred, to disillusionment. The one in this state grapples to see what he cannot see as he is blinded to what is truth. Being humble, rejecting jealousy in one’s heart, repenting, realizing jealousy is destructive to one’s clarity of vision of seeing what is good in every one, one can arrive back at grace, at divine truth which is love. Not to reject the jealousy in one’s heart and repent, one will go through disillusionment not knowing what is true, false, good or bad. All will blur with all sorts of beliefs, judgments and ways which will prevail over divine truth. In this state the human desire not to be in disillusionment results in one coming out of the phase of disillusionment and arriving at a false perception that is adopted so to be able to hold on to his own relative or personal truth—in order to perceive what is right in his own eyes. The 4th phase, then, is grounded in misperceiving, thereby adopting a false perception, via jealousy, hatred and disillusionment. Not having a true perception leads to bad judgments of what is right and what is wrong. Many people walk the earth today who have clung to their false perceptions of what is truth according to their own relative truth, which is influenced by others, bad doctrines, faulty educational systems, a bad family life, a bad marriage, a bad society, etc. Not having the grace to see, blinded by hatred that was birthed by jealousy, one comes from disillusionment to a warped perception. Phase 4 is the pivotal point of reversing the situation. Once beyond this, they then will begin to false perceive that they are victims of those they are jealous of. The one who is jealous is wronged in some way by the one who they envy when, in truth, the opposite is the case. This was Jesus’ problem with the Sanhedrin and Doctors. Jealous because of all the people they watched following Jesus turned them to hatred, so much so that they could not even see real miracles as from God because they saw them through their own eyes blinded by hatred. They then became so disillusioned they did not know what to do. They deceived themselves in their disillusionment coming up with a misperception. Jesus became a demon to these great doctors of the Sanhedrin who falsely thought of themselves as His victims! Jesus became the persecutor, the tormentor of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Yet, as we all know, it was Jesus who was the victim. Those who arrive at this 5th phase, however, do not see their own jealousy as its source, rather they see and ‘believe’ their state is a result of wrongs that other’s committed against them and they become in their own eyes the victim. They judged. In this case, the Sanhedrin judged very badly to their own detriment.


Judgments, when based in jealousy that form in one’s own mind, independent of knowing or even wanting all the facts, never end in good fruit. Jealousy will cause a judgment in one’s own mind to distort the facts to justify the condemnation. Man must make judgments to decide the penalty for various crimes, violations of law, etc., but to judge a heart is a different matter. It involves having to gather information on the reason one acted, the way he acted, when and with whom he acted, how he acted, the circumstances surrounding the action, etc. This does not mean man cannot condemn sin when there are evil efforts to try to rearrange marriage, etc., passing laws to normalize sinful abominable behavior. Man can oppose this with all his being in that he has the responsibility and obligation to protect society. However, man does not have the capacity to have all the facts or know the organic spiritual disease a soul may have. Much of the make-up of man that would shed light on the “whys” are known only to God, and only God can judge what is in the heart, and only God can judge the acquittal of the soul or its condemnation. Jesus assured the Pharisee that tax collectors and prostitutes would enter Heaven before they would.


Matthew 21:31

“I tell you the truth, corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you.”


Our Lady also wants us to know that even if our judgment is correct, we must not discount that in addition to one who may not be good, they may respond towards conversion with love from us, more than they would by being judged by us for their sin. In many ways Our Lady telling us, “…I calling you to love and not judge…,” can be difficult to understand. It can best be understood in what Our Lady Herself has done through a situation with Medjugorje visionary, Marija’s son, Francesco. Marija’s third son, Francesco, did something bad. He was supposed to take a report home from school, have his mother, Marija, sign it and then return it back to the teacher. All of which he did except when he brought it to the teacher, the signature on it was not Marija’s. Francesco had forged his mother’s name. The teacher condemned his action and showed it to Marija, who, being the visionary, was not very happy to see what her son had done. Marija, and Francesco’s dad and brothers were all not happy with him. This was on a Friday afternoon. The next day was Francesco’s birthday. Of course, Francesco wasn’t happy. He was brooding and dreaded now going before Our Lady in the apparitions. For the birthdays of Marija’s children, Our Lady never gives any kind of salutation or any kind of special recognition during the apparition to them. Marija just recommends her children and Our Lady blesses them and that’s it. On this occasion, everybody knew that Francesco went into the apparition knowing this sin he committed in forging his mother’s signature would be a problem for him. Since it was his birthday, Marija did what she always does and recommended Francesco to Our Lady. After the apparition, Francesco was still wearing his brooding face knowing now it will be Our Lady who will be disappointed in him. Marija then explained that when she recommended Francesco to Our Lady, Our Lady did something She had never done before with her children for their birthday. Our Lady said, “Give Francesco my best.” Upon hearing this, Francesco lit up and all were amazed about this, because while everybody else was down on Francesco for doing this wrong that he did, Our Lady comes through love and lifts him up, more to change him than anybody else.


We cannot judge, as Our Lady said today, because we do not have the attributes of God to understand all things, therefore we rely on judgment by appearance. And because of that, it is as Jesus told Peter in the Poem of the Man-God, out of ten judgments we make only three are relatively accurate. Even if we are accurate, what is our reason for judging? Proverbs states that a just man falls seven times a day. Is one of our greatest avenues to sin false judgments then? Who, therefore, is all seeing to judge Dylan and Eric, the Serbian guard, the Croatian guide, the saints, the Hitlers’, the holy, the unholy? Our Lady said today,


“…My Son……………….was among you to show you the way of salvation, to save you and not to judge you…”


“My Son did not come to judge you.” But, what of God? Is He ready to judge us for what we’ve made the world into? The missing words above the dotted line in the message above tells us the answer. Our Lady clearly tells us the intent of God.


“…My Son, according to the will of the Heavenly Father, was among you to show you the way of salvation, to save you and not to judge you…”


Take note, Our Lady did not say, “God the Father”. Our Lady said, “the Heavenly Father”. Why did Our Lady say this? Our Lady highlights “Father” without diminishing Him as God, but rather diminishing in our mentality God as “Judge” and that He is there to judge us. Our Lady shows us by saying “Heavenly Father,” He is there to “father” us, to love us, not to condemn us. He wants to be known in the ideal of our mentality as a warm, loving heavenly Father who is as near to us as a father who comes home every day after work, not some cold mighty God off in a distance who is looking for reasons to judge and punish us.


These writings are written to you as epistles, letters from one who has walked the path, weathered the storms, lived through the lessons, suffered the persecutions, and gained insight into Our Lady’s words through years of experiences after answering Her call to be a witness to “Her way.” A whole village here, at Caritas, is dedicated solely to the living and transmitting of Our Lady’s Medjugorje messages, through the production of the written word, to a spiritually impoverished world. Our Lady’s May 2, 2013, message is a wakeup call to reconcile. Your responsibility is to insure those who need these epistles receive the life-giving words of Our Lady. This mission has its fair share of calumnies, slanders and false judgments against it, birthed from the kind of jealousy that led down the path discussed in this writing. Truth needs no defense as God is truth and perfectly capable of His own defense. Truth, however, does need protection. Protect Our Lady’s plans and this mission from judgments which condemn it.

With Love to All,,

A Friend of Medjugorje


JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly Into Perdition

JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly Into Perdition

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Unforgiveness is the root of sin? What about jealousy? A Friend of Medjugorje covers five phases that lead to a point of no-return. Find out where you are on the scale of walking to perdition.



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Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

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29 thoughts on “JUDGING: Five Phases Walking Recklessly into Perdition”

  1. Twinabo Mugisa Vincent

    Thank you for sending me this write up by the Friend of Medjugorje. I have today taken good time to gain insight into what is imbedded in the 2nd May 2013 message. Not to be quick at understanding and fast forgetting what I have read, I have found it very helpful on the topic of Judgement in that I now understand what Our Heavenly Father meant when He said “vengeance is mine”. He is now to me that Warmly Father, and not a distant God who looks upon me waiting for my wrongs. The path to return to grace out of jealousy and its ills is now plain to me. May God our Father bless you and uphold your faith till the end as shed more light on His will, Amen.

  2. Thanks for sending this messages dear friends! Mother Mary, thanks for your Motherly affection and guidance. The day of judgement is so near I think. May the nonbelievers realize and get prepared. We all are sinners, but if we can repent and change ourselves according to God’s will, the world will change to a Heaven! My Lord Jesus, You said that no one will meet the Father not knowing you. Lord Jesus, look upon the world, and make the people understand God’s love. Have mercy my Lord, Amen!

  3. Thank you! I could never have written what you wrote and explained it any better! I will share with Family and Friends. It came to me truly as a gift. Thank you for helping so many people see the Truth/Light! May God continue to Bless you and the Community of Caritas!

  4. There is so much to reflect on here. While reading it I was reminded of the prayer that we recite in July when reconciling ourselves, families and nation back to God. In the Consecration to Jesus prayer it states…By means of your Sacred Heart, grant us that all men love one another; Cause hatred to disappear from among men. Hatred among men will only disappear when we learn to love with the heart of Christ. Lord hear our prayer!

  5. I am so happy to see this message! It’s true. I believe in the book ‘Poem of Man God’, and I was teased/criticized by some people for reading that book. But I am so happy and I remained strong in my belief. I am so lucky to be there in the apparition time on March 13 in Medjugorje. I am so happy to know that Mother Mary says about this book!!!!!!. Thank you Mother for strengthen me through Mirjana! I strongly believe and will do my best to follow you. Thank you Caritas for your effort to fulfill Her wish!

  6. Thank you mother of Jesus and Friend of Medjugorje. The article is very touching where I picture myself as one of the culprit while reading this writing, I now see where I make mistakes and wrong doings. I know that thru prayer and fasting I asked the Good Lord to change me from who I am now. Mother of Jesus please help me.

  7. myrna bunquin

    Thank you for the wake-up call for us from Our Lady’s words on judging. I was really touched as you expound the message of Our Lady, it reminded me to always LOVE like our Heavenly Father who is ALL-Loving Father to us. If we LOVE we never judge others, no guilt of jealousy, or hatred in our hearts, by this we become apostle of LOVE and PEACE. Thank you again more power to you and the whole Community of CARITAS. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  8. Sebastian Salamba

    Thanks a lot for this special writing. Sometimes when we read the messages form Our Lady, we don’t have a deep insight of what they really mean. Indeed every man has his own faults. Therefore we should not be quick at sporting weaknesses of others.

  9. Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I was moved by the message and your writing. After reading your letter, I went to mass and the reading and gospel for today, May 7, 2013, tell us the same thing! Thank you always for expounding on the messages of our Lady. God bless your community.

  10. Thank you. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus and Our Lady, thank you. Our Lady’s messages have inspired me. Through the interpretations and straightforward words of Friend of Medjagorge. Thank you, I am praying to visit Caritas, sounds like an ideal place to be, live and be a part of a blessed community. Thank you.

  11. Babes Tiongson

    Last July 2012 gathering, the story of Francesco, Visionary Marija’s son, was told to us by the Friend of Medjugorje. It stuck in my heart, that every time I wish for somebody whatever occassion , would say, “May God give you His Best”. And when I pray to Our Lady for someone’s behalf, My prayer is,” Please, Mama Mary, give him Your Best.” in Maria Valtorta’s book, Longinus, the centurion who pierced Jesus’ side with his lance, was given the grace to be converted because Our Lord read his heart that he did it because he was commanded to do it, he was a Roman soldier but of good will.Tradition has it, that Longinus was half blind, and the blood flowing from Jesus’s side, fell on this blind eye and he recovered his eyesight. Later on he was baptized Christian and died as a Christian Martyr. Jesus came to save him and not judge him. Glory be to Our Lord Jesus Christ Thank you for this indepth reflection of Our Lady’s message. I pray that many many hearts will open and be converted.

  12. As I am and have been the object of many peoples hate thru the years, I have prayed often and for a long time to the Lord, as to how to react towards them instead of totally backing away from those who act out their hate towards me. This and the last messages since May 2, have been the ONLY responses that gave me the answers to those years of prayer….this is going to be a new challenge for me to respond as our Lady says to….thank you Lord, thank you all and in particular Friend of Mejigore

  13. I was reflecting on this article whilst reading Maria Valtorta’s writings and my eyes were opened “..consider this carefully, Judas, little will be debited to him who is a murderer, but believes he is doing justice, and he believes it because he does not know the Truth: but a great deal will be debited to him, who knowing the Truth, not only does not follow it, but becomes its enemy’. [Valtorta, 2012, p.412]

  14. So much wisdom and understanding in your words! I am beginning to understand now what Our Lady means when She says do not judge. From now on I will think twice before I think or speak unkindly of another. Thank you for sharing Our Mother’s messages and for your valuable insight!

  15. Awesome stuff! As soon as I catch myself judging, I know it is a reflection of my own spiritual condition and have found that most every judgement and resentment stems from my own fear and pride. Forgiveness is the removal of resentment towards someone or something and only accomplished through love, a grace given to me from God. Henceforth; to err is human, to forgive is Devine. Thanks be to God for our Savior and His and our Mother. Not to mention the feet of the people whom blesses us with these messages.

  16. First time reading,so much to take in,but a wonderful insight into this months message,I dont know if it is just me ,but i think our ladys message for so called non beleivers has more relivance to me than the message given on the 25th of the month .I always draw so much more from this message.Reminding me how far i still have to go.GOD BLESS,will pray for you all ,as i ask that you all will remember me and my family in yours.

  17. Love is needed most where it is deserved the least. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

  18. Teresa Nevells

    This writing speaks volumes of wisdom, beauty, and truth and most importantly love. I will soon be moving from a small Southern town that has 20+ churches across the country to a place with less and different view on church. I plan on witnessing with my life. This writing will be tatooed on my mind.

  19. Jennifer Brake

    This is exactly what I needed to hear at this moment in my life as I try to convert. I now see where I have been wrong and where improvement is needed. Thank you Mother! And thank you Friend of Medjugorje for your writing. God bless you all.

  20. patrick dalton

    I Think this is a wonderful article on this months words of Our Lady. I only wish that the whole world would see and digest its contents. My congratulations and best wishes to you. May God bless your team. Patrick

  21. Thank you for this explanation. This is a wake up call for me. I judge too much without even realizing. I know that through prayer and fasting, I can love better to everyone.

  22. violet madden

    Thank you for your wonderful writing on being judgmental. I ask Our Lady of Medjugorje to help me stop being too quick to judge people. I think when I hear or know of someone doing wrong that I am fit to judge them but I should look for the plank in my own eye. Oh how much I have to learn. Blessed Mother help me.

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