Our Lady’s December 2, 2012 message through Mirjana with pictures, and writing by A Friend of Medjugorje
December 2, 2012 A.D.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2012
Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers
The following is Our Lady’s message given today, December 2, 2012 on the day of prayer for nonbelievers:
“Dear children; With motherly love and motherly patience anew I call you to live according to my Son – to spread His peace and His love – so that as my apostles you may accept God’s truth with all your heart and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then you will be able to faithfully serve my Son and show His love to others with your life. According to the love of my Son and my love, as a mother, I strive to bring all of my stray children into my motherly embrace and to show them the way of faith. My children, help me in my motherly battle and pray with me that sinners may become aware of their sins and repent sincerely. Pray also for those whom my Son has chosen and consecrated in His name. Thank you.”
The great heresy today is that few are truly aware of their sins. This is because society does not accept God’s truth. Therefore, society is lost, unguided, because the Holy Spirit does not guide the societies of the world; a world who constantly justifies its ways and actions as the norm and, therefore, by a consensus of normalization, it is accepted, driving the society, all the while God’s truths are not accepted. Therefore, the great widespread prevailing heresy today is ‘rationalization.’ This heresy can only be broken by love, of which gives the power to the spreading of peace and, thereby, accepting God’s truth. The following writing, which was originally written in December of 2004, shows the path of love, and how truth is restored in a way of life, given by God through Our Lady, leading us in glorifying Her Son. And of who God’s chosen who do not love, destruction visits. The principle is cored into natural law. Lack of love will naturally be followed by discord, dissention, and in its final death throes, “destruction’ of that which or who does not love.
With Love,
A Friend of Medjugorje
December 25, 2004 – 10:40 a.m. CST – Prepare Yourselves
Our Lady said on October 25, 2004:
“…In prayer, learn to love everything that is holy. Imitate the lives of saints so that they may be an incentive and teachers on the way of holiness…”
November was a month to think more of the saints, to know them, imitate them and to understand what they represent for us. Our Lady wants this of us. Saint Faustina was a chosen soul whom Jesus used to speak to the world about His Mercy. It was through her testimony that the Divine Mercy devotion came to be known and spread. Through Pope John Paul II, Sr. Faustina was canonized and the Feast of Divine Mercy was established in the Church calendar. Our Lord wanted to teach the world about His Mercy through Sr. Faustina, during the 1930’s. Sometimes, that meant criticizing the chosen.
“One day when Sister Faustina had almost finished making the Stations of the Cross, Jesus complained to her about the lack of love in chosen souls. He told her, ‘I will allow convents and churches to be destroyed.’
“Sister answered, ‘Jesus, but there are so many souls praising You in convents.’
“The Lord responded, ‘That praise wounds My Heart, because love has been banished from convents…The great sins of the world are superficial wounds of My Heart, but the sins of a chosen soul pierce My Heart through and through…’
“Unable to find anything to justify those chosen souls, Sister Faustina began to weep bitterly. The Lord looked at her graciously and comforted her with these words: ‘Do not cry. There are still a great number of souls who love Me very much, but My Heart desires to be loved by all and, because My love is great, that is why I warn and chastise them.’” 1
Who are His chosen souls? At first thought, we might be tempted to say only the religious nuns and priests. And that would be true. But are you not His chosen souls as well, those who have heard, have responded to, and are following Our Lady’s call from Medjugorje? Our Lady said on November 15, 1984:
“Dear children, you are a chosen people and God has given you great graces…”
and on January 25, 1987:
“Dear children, I want you to comprehend that God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind…”
On May 25, 1983, Our Lady made a request for a prayer group to begin in Medjugorje, through Jelena Vasilj, the young interior locutionist. Our Lady was specific about Her requests:
“Assemble about twenty young people who are ready to follow Jesus without reservation. Bring them together within a month’s notice. I will initiate them into the spiritual life. There can even be more than twenty. Even some adults and children can participate, all those who will accept the rule. I will ask these people to do penance for certain intentions. They will fast and pray for the Bishop. They will give up what they cherish the most: drink, coffee, pleasures, television. It is necessary to have persons who wish to consecrate themselves to religious life. Others have to be ready to consecrate themselves specially to prayer and fasting. I will give them rules to follow. The persons who will follow these rules, will be consecrated whatever their state in life may be.”
In this time, we do see convents being destroyed. Whole orders are destroyed just as Jesus said He would do. These orders and convents were supposed to be families, but love did not reign. So purification and destruction are the order of the day. But this purification affects all who are consecrated as chosen souls. Marija, the visionary of Medjugorje, once said that each family is a little church. The family is particularly chosen and as a little convent, a little church, holds a unique power of having God dwell in it to protect it, especially when it does His Will. For those families who do not do His Will, there is strife, hatred and destruction, as we see today, everywhere. Many families are being destroyed. The family’s protection is to foster and live love, a profound love toward God. Jelena said Our Lady spoke of families where everyone in the family does not follow God. She said that even if only one person is praying in a family, it will help.
In this time of grace, this time of Mercy, Our Lady has come to tell all those who follow Her rule that they are especially consecrated to the religious life and chosen by God. With that privilege also comes a responsibility. That responsibility is “to love.” Many of you have gone through the steps and stages of holiness where you have increased prayer, increased acts of virtue and kindness and are striving to imitate the holiness of Our Lady and the saints. And yet, the more you choose holiness, the more things seem to come unglued, the more struggles you are confronted with, the more persecution comes to you. Jesus once told St. Faustina that it is at the times when things seemingly are being destroyed all around us that the greatest advancements are being made for His Kingdom because satan’s attacks actually consolidate our efforts, making us more concentrated in our prayer and effort. We actually, then, become stronger to bloom out, even while at the time it looks as if we are being destroyed. Jesus told St. Faustina, in regard to satan’s efforts to thwart and destroy:
“No matter if there are times when the work seems to be completely destroyed: it is then that the work is being all the more consolidated.” 2
Our suffering is for a purpose, if there is love. Just when everything looks destroyed, it’s at this moment that God is building up. We call it, here in the community, “growth through destruction,” and it has been the path of Caritas even before the community was established.
What does all this have to do with Christmas? We could have chosen a lighter subject so as to escape the reality of what is being “destroyed” in your lives by the cross of love, and what is being “constructed.” But out of rubble comes rebuilding. Christmas is about rebirth. Creation has stood still, throughout the centuries, on Christmas night. Even raging battles between nations would stop, and soldiers would pause and recollect while the guns fell silent on that Holy Night that comes once a year. Christmas is a time for man to take his eyes off the destruction and crosses and look with joy and love upon the Infant in the manger. It is a time of love. Babies are easy to love, and each year, since 1981, Our Lady has come on December 25, with Her baby Son, Jesus, in Her arms, physically present in the Flesh, no different than when He was here 2,000 years ago. We, of the present generation, have had what centuries passed have not; the little Infant Jesus, for the past 23 years (31 years as of December 2012), every Christmas appears upon the earth. Nothing is more endearing than meditating upon the Nativity scene. Marija’s heart was pierced through with joy one Christmas early in the apparitions, when little Jesus turned His head, looked at the six visionaries, and winked. Knowing an infant does not have the capability of doing that, it wounded her heart as She realized the Baby was truly Jesus, God Himself.
The one thing needed at Christmas time, more than anything else, is love. While the world goes towards materialism seeking to fill their emptiness, there is the need to bring love, be love, and spread love. There are people in the world who wish evil for you, who wish you to be hurt, and even while doing evil, deceive themselves that they are doing good, be they a family member, neighbor or enemy. Yet, we are called to love. One day, Jesus spoke to Sr. Faustina about this love:
“…Have great love for those who cause you suffering. Do good to those who hate you…You will recognize that you have love if, after having experienced annoyances and contradiction, you do not lose your peace, but pray for those who have made you suffer and wish them well…” 3
“… strive to make your heart like unto My humble and gentle Heart. Never claim your rights.(This does not mean not to exercise rights. Jesus did so when He taught in the synagogue, etc.) Bear with great calm and patience everything that befalls you. Do not defend yourself when you are put to shame, though innocent. Let others triumph. Do not stop being good when you notice that your goodness is being abused. I Myself will speak up for you when it is necessary. Be grateful for the smallest of My graces, because your gratitude compels Me to grant you new graces…” 4
Our Lady, with different words and in a different way gives the same advice in the present of what Jesus gave St. Faustina in 1938:
July 31, 1986
“Dear children, hatred gives birth to dissensions and does not regard anyone or anything. I call you always to bring harmony and peace. Especially, dear children, in the place where you live, act with love. Let your only instrument always be love. By love turn everything into good which satan desires to destroy and possess…”
It is simple: Our Lady wants construction, satan wants destruction. Those who really follow Her, their fruit builds up; identify them as children of light. Those whose deeds tear down; identify them as children of darkness. Many who go to church, who are Christians, are in darkness. We, therefore, should approach the birth of Jesus and celebrate this Christmas with hope and prayers for renewal of all creation. There have only been two times Our Lady has used the word “creation” in Her messages over the past 23 years (31 years). The two times She used it happened to be in the same message, and it happened to be given here, at Caritas, in the Bedroom of Apparitions, on Christmas Day.
December 25, 1988
“Dear children, I call you to peace. Live it in your heart and all around you so that all will know peace – peace which does not come from you but from God. Little children, today is a great day! Rejoice with me! Glorify the Nativity of Jesus through the peace that I give. It is for this peace that I have come as your Mother, Queen of Peace. Today I give you my Special Blessing. Bring it to all creation, so that all creation will know peace…”
We believe that Our Lady spoke the word “creation” because it was Her plan for the creation of a new way of living life in a new time; a way of life, here at Caritas, that She established, that carries the blessing of God and that is very attractive to many people. Even Marija, herself, who sees the Mother of God, finds the “way of life” here, at Caritas, very appealing and is attracted strongly to it. While she was alive, so little was understood and known in regard to St. Faustina’s mission by most of the world. Just as during St. Faustina’s life, we see here, even while living here, that there is much for us to still understand; that Our Lady’s creation of our way of life is a window for the future to look back upon, of how those closest to the apparitions manifested Her messages into their daily lives, a living testament. The whole Universal Church, with its one billion people, is rooted to what is seen viewed through the window of the written Word of the first Christian communities. Our Lady, Herself, has shown by Her actions here and what She has manifested at Caritas, that the Universal Church will one day look back upon this community of what She did with it, in order to show countless millions in the future how She led and showed us how to live our lives…Love. Love of God over one’s own interest and above all things. We do not mind if one believes this or not. It does not upset us if one rejects or thinks this is not humble. Because in our hearts we know and believe we are but dust. But we understand through an illumination of Our Lady’s words and actions that out of this dust She will form a window for the future Universal Church of what Her hope is for Her messages to be lived out for the future Church. St. Faustina relayed that the more beautiful the work of God, the more struggle it will be to establish it, and the more opposition it will face. This gauge of spiritual measurement has proven throughout the centuries, and identifies the measure of how important a work of God is.
We pray for you, and we encourage you to bow before the humble manger and contemplate the Wonder of Creation. Go out and look at the stars and, in wonderment, think about what generations before us could only dream of. That reality of the Queen of Heaven being with us for 23 years (31 years), and this Christmas again, She will bring the Center of Creation to the earth to bless it. May peace come to you as you ponder this grace. Prepare for it on your knees at 10:40 a.m. CST, December 25th, when the Infant Jesus, while in His Mother’s arms, will raise His hand to bless all upon the earth, both the good and the bad. But sadly, as it was 2000 years ago, peace will come only to the “men of good will,’ as the angels herald it. May all creation be blessed and renewed. This Christmas, remember us as we remember you, and that all that Our Lady wants birthed for the new year may be realized. Have a merry and blessed Christmas!
In the love of the Little Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
On behalf of Caritas of Birmingham
And the Community
1 The Life of Faustina Kowalska, Servant Books, p. 258
2 Ibid., p. 250
3 Ibid., p. 245
4 Ibid., p. 259
Remember Radio WAVE Live with A Friend of Medjugorje, tomorrow night, Monday December 3, 2012 at 7:00 PM Central Time USA, discusing Our Lady’s message today. To listen live, or for your local online broadcast time visit here…
The sun rises over the village of Medjugorje. Another year, nearly over, and still the Mother of our Lord descends down from Heaven to be with Her children. The year 2013 will mark the 32nd year of apparitions in Medjugorje. More than 10,000 days, 10,000 sun rises, that God has sent His Mother to earth to call His children back to His heart. Psalm 84:10 says, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” When one is in the presence of Our Lady, this feeling penetrates many hearts—that time stands still, that they are in a place somewhere between Heaven and earth, that they have entered into the court of Heaven and that there is no better place to be than with Our Lady at this moment.
What guides a spider to make a masterpiece of art in nature, for the sole purpose of catching his daily sustenance for his survival? What gives it the patience to tediously work to make his web, which is so fragile that a strong wind, or a human hand can wipe it away in a moment, regardless of the long hours it took to thread it together. What makes the spider, then, immediately set out to start again, without thought to its wasted labor? Our Lady said:
March 25, 1990
“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things…”
This spider web on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje speaks to us of Our Lady—of Her patience, of Her slow, tedious work in the souls of man to save them and to lead them to eternal salvation. And even after seeing Her children fall again and again, She untiringly calls to us—without thought as to how many times throughout the centuries She has labored to save men’s souls.
“…With motherly love and motherly patience anew I call you to live according to my Son – to spread His peace and His love – so that as my apostles you may accept God’s truth with all your heart and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you…”
Thanksgiving Day, 2012, at Caritas. A surprise visit from the pilgrims and Indians of long ago at our Rosary time in the Field brought a smile and joy to the community. The Rosary had already begun, when suddenly we heard whooping and hollering from a distance. Out came the pilgrims, being chased by the Indians, from nearby woods. Their destination was Our Lady’s statue, and taking some time to line up straight, with much laughter and blushed faces, delivered their one line altogether—a big, joyful shout of “Happy Thanksgiving!” The true life experience of the pilgrims and Indians from the distant past that was the beginning that set forth the foundation for the United States to be created, speaks as a witness to the message Our Lady gave today. Take some time to meditate on the Thanksgiving story in light of Our Lady’s words. There is much the Holy Spirit will speak to you. Download free an excellent audio drama of the first thanksgiving, titled, The Legend of Squanto. A must listen to for the entire family. Gather around tonight with pleasure in listening to the audio drama.
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11 thoughts on “December 25, 2004 – 10:40 a.m. CST – Prepare Yourselves”
My heart is burning with love when I read Our Lady’s messages. But when I turn back and see the world around me I am always upset. If Our Lady is always present by our side, only then I think I will win.
My heart is burning with love when I read Our Lady’s messages. But when I turn back and see the world around me I am always upset. If Our Lady is always present by our side, only then I think I will win.
Thanks very much dear friends for sending this messages from Heaven. Mother Mary! from the moment Our Lord Jesus handed over us poor sinners to you at the foot of the cross at Calvary, you were there for us. Still you are persuading the world to come and get the salvation. Mother, now the time getting closer, as your request, I am praying for the non-believers. In my family and in whole world. God our father in Heaven! Please give the wisdom to understand God’s love for them and have mercy!
My one “present’ contact of Heaven’s news to us mortals. Very much appreciated and read with an open heart.
Before the July, 2012 Apparitions in Alabama, I picked the “May 25, 1983” Message from Words From Heaven. (see above) I was trying to live the messages I picked. (Encouraged by Caritas Pilgrimage 2009) I tried several ways to form this group. It wasn’t until I chartered a bus filled with 57 People and attended the July Apparitions that I realized this is what Our Lady wanted! It is only through Prayer that we will hear God and it takes Prayer to comprehend the messages (Prayer from the Heart) Experience Christmas from the Heart this Year! Give Love!
JM+JT Dear Friend of Medjugorje and Family, My deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear father, grandfather. In Jesus, Mary + St. Joseph, Mary Rowe
Thank You for bringing us the Message of Our Blessed Mother. Thank you for telling us as to what the apostles can or should do. Thanks for the writing by A friend of Medjugorje. It would have been good to see Mirjana. May God continue to shower His blessings on all!
Dear Caritas, Thanks you so much of sending these messages of Our Lady. I was a chorister of Mater Dolorasa’s Church in my home town.I continue to pray the Holy Rosary. News we hear from this sinful world are not that good. Wishing you Our Lady’s Blessings, sincerely yours, Ireneus.
I will be waiting for Jesus this Christmas and preparing for celebrating His birth like never before. Oh how He loves us and wishes us to receive His love openly, often, and humbly. How truly blessed we are who believe!
Dear Caritas, Thank you for the message to contemplate for Christmas. Thank you to the community for being so generous to us the rest of the world. You are also in my prayers because I have been following Medjugorje for sometime now and I know the grace comes from Our Lady’s intercession to God, through your prayers as well. 🙂
PLEASE send the little pilgrims and Indians up my way!! I’d love to experience the joy of seeing that also. How happy I am for you all at Caritas – you must have a million little joys like this happening all the time. Actually now that I think about it, more pictures of these other joys posted on Mej.com would be most appreciated.