December 9, 2011 A.D.
What Happened on December 9, 1999
The apparition of December 9, 1999 led to a very endearing tradition between Our Lady, the community and the pilgrims who joined us for these days in December in 1999. The Rosary began at 4:30 p.m. out in the Field on December 9, 1999. There were close to eight thousand people present. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“I would like to describe how Our Lady arrived tonight. She arrived tonight on a cloud like She usually does in Her gray dress, covered with a white veil. Her head was crowned with twelve stars. Tonight Our Lady was happy. She looked at each of us present, and I recommended each and every one of you and all of your intentions. In a very special way, I recommended all of the sick. Then Our Lady extended Her arms and began to pray over us. I asked Our Lady to bless all of us, to bless all of the things we ask to be blessed, and to bless our petitions. Our Lady blessed all of the things and then She said, ‘Go in peace.’ At the end, I asked Her, ‘What time are you coming tomorrow?’ and Our Lady said, ‘At the same time as tonight and in the same place.’ Then She smiled and left. That is everything.”
Marija’s last comment brought a surprised exclamation from the crowd. Did Our Lady actually say, “Same time, same place?” This is a common expression in the States, perhaps in other countries as well. There was something so endearing to hear that Our Lady used a “turn of phrase” in our language. She, Who is the Queen of Peace, is truly the Mother who comes from the people, as She once said.
August 29, 1982
“…I am the Mother who has come from the people…”
In May of 2004, when Our Lady mentioned that She would appear by the tree in the field in speaking to Marija in the Bedroom, our founder asked Marija if Our Lady specifically said the word “tree” and “field.” When she responded “yes,” he showed amazement that Our Lady would use these words in reference to these sacred and dear places of our home. Marija smiled and responded, “Our Lady knows our language.” Though Our Lady is the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God, Her manner and language assures us that there is no barrier, no class distinction, no reason that we cannot approach Her—that She is one of us, our dear Mother, a Mother who knows our language, a Mother who knows our heart.
December 9, 1999, Marija received Our Lady, once again, in the Field surrounded by thousands of pilgrims who came to be present for the evening apparition. When Our Lady came in 1999, it brought rejuvenation to many who had gone to Medjugorje and started living the messages, but through time grew distant from it. When many learned that Marija was coming for five days to bring Our Lady to be with all those who desired to be with Her, they called Caritas and admitted that they didn’t even realize that the apparitions were still happening. Others were hearing about Medjugorje for the first time. This was an amazing thing to us, that in this day and age where news travels at the speed of light across the world—the greatest story of the century, and among the greatest events of all time was happening without most of the world taking note. And even among those who knew of the apparitions, the busyness and responsibilities of life took precedent to such an extent that they completely lost interest or the other things simply crowded out Our Lady. And yet, day in and day out, the apparitions continued, Our Lady continued to bless the world every day. So many people experienced a reconversion during these apparitions at Caritas and were so thankful for a second chance.
Just as in Our Lady’s apparitions of 1988-89, Our Lady was very happy throughout the apparitions at Caritas in 1999. She came happy, She smiled, and She even demonstrated a little playfulness in saying “Same time, same place.” This affected the spirit of the people. There was a joy in the simplicity of the events and in the rediscovery of God and His love for His people, through Our Lady coming in our midst.
See more of the apparitions of December 1999 below:
December 8, 1999 – December 9, 1999 – December 10, 1999 – December 11, 1999 – December 12, 1999 – December 13, 1999