Caritas Daily Prayer Schedule
Each Day (All Times are Central Standard Times):
Silent Prayer in the Field | 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. |
Morning Prayer | 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. |
Rosary in the Field for Medjugorje’s Daily Apparition Time | 11:00 a.m. (Daylight Savings Time) or 10:00 a.m. (Central Standard Time) |
Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Monday – Friday) | 3:00 p.m. |
The Anniversary of the Apparitions of Medjugorje in the Field of Apparitions.
The Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje, June 24 & 25
June 25th, is the anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje. Since June 1981, the Virgin Mary has been appearing daily and blessing the world with Her presence and blessing. In Medjugorje, Our Lady requested that June 25th be celebrated as the Feast of the Queen of Peace. Come pray in the Field of Apparitions, the holy site near Birmingham, Alabama, where Our Lady Queen of Peace has appeared to Marija Lunetti many times.
Our Lady’s Birthday-Field of Apparitions
August 4, Mary’s Eve and August 5th,
Our Lady’s Birthday
Though the Church celebrates Our Lady’s birthday on September 8, Our Lady revealed in Medjugorje that August 5 is Her true birthday. When Caritas’ founder, also known as a Friend of Medjugorje, invited Marija to come to Caritas for Our Lady’s birthday in 2005, he wrote several writings to help us understand the great significance and importance of God’s actions in wanting Our Lady’s birthday known in this time. If we are true followers of Medjugorje, then everything Our Lady says is important. It is not enough to simply know or believe that Our Lady’s birthday is August 5th. August 5th must become for all Our Lady’s children a special day in our lives in which we honor and celebrate this great feast in the Church one day and that we will celebrate it the way we celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day—that the two birthdays will parallel each other. The following writing from A Friend of Medjugorje in the August, 2005 issue of Words of the Harvesters, a Caritas of Birmingham publication, relays why he believes this so strongly. We also make available several other materials that will help you to understand the importance of August 5th and how to celebrate it with more thought and reverence. These materials can all be downloaded FREE, or ordered through Mej Mart or by contacting Caritas of Birmingham directly at (205) 672-2000.
The Cross on Penitentiary Mountain
The Feast of the Exaltation or Triumph of the Cross
September 14
It can be agreed that never before as much as today has our nation needed prayer, and to follow the mandate of God to come to the mountain to pray.
It was a Biblical mandate where God would call His people, the Israelites, to the mountain to encounter Him to receive His blessing and instructions. The difficulty of the climb, raised high above the valley of darkness, in the crisp clear air, near the clouds, near the heavens, to listen to the voice of God. It brought grace to their families and the tiny nation of Israel. The climb was God’s mandate 4,000 years ago, and it is the mandate today. We invite you to come and climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain on September 14 for the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross. One can easily encounter God on this mountaintop. The Cross overlooks the holy apparition sites at Caritas.
December 8, The Re-Consecration of The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages
The Five Days of Prayer for the Reconciliation of Ourselves, Our Families and Our Nation Back to God December 8-12
This is an annual event that began in 1993 when the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages was first dedicated. It coincides with the praying of the Seven Novenas for the same purpose, that begins in June and carries through to December. These Five Days of Prayer is also known as the “Dedication” as we re-dedicate Our Lady’s Tabernacle each year at this time. It is a beautiful experience for everyone, a favorite event of the community, and no better way to prepare the heart for Christmas. It is also a kid-friendly, family retreat.
Schedule of Events for December 8-12th
Five Days of Prayer
The following is the schedule of events for the Five Days of Prayer. If it is impossible for you to make it for all five days, then make a spontaneous decision to, at the very least, come for Christmas in the Field on Friday, December 11th. For those of you who are unable to attend these five days, we encourage you to be united with us in prayer throughout these days.
Exclusive to Each Day
December 8th
2:00 p.m. – The Re-consecration of The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages.
July 11, 2009
“It was like going home, being in the Field and at the Tabernacle again.”
Omaha, Nebraska
December 9, Climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain
Climb also to the Grotto La Pluie
December 9th
12: 00 p.m. – Climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain (Climb also to the Grotto La Pluie)
May 15, 2004
“I am 77 years old and starting to climb the steep and rocky mountain, I thought would be a great challenge. It was as if our Mother was with us all the way and the challenge never came. Her love brought us to the very top and at last we were at the grotto. We now feel like we can face any challenge that may come our way.”
Exeter, Pennsylvania
December 10, Pilgrims invited to The Bedroom of Apparitions
December 10th
12:30 p.m. – Encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje
2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Visiting the Bedroom of the Apparitions
July 15, 2009
“I had the privilege of visiting the bedroom. What a feeling!!!! I could feel the Blessed Mother’s presence and while on my knees I was brought to tears knowing that the Blessed Mother had been present in this room.”
York, South Carolina
December 11, Christmas in the Field
December 11th
2:30 p.m. – Encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje
5:00 p.m. – Christmas in the Field
January 3, 2002
“Christmas in the Field took me back 2000 years!! I felt the awe, wonder and joy of Christ’s birth as if I were experiencing it first hand! No words in the English language, or any other for that matter, could describe the beauty and the overwhelming feelings I had.”
Eagan, Minnesota
December 12, Patriotic Rosary and Consecration of Our Nation in Field of Apparitions
December 12th
9:20 a.m. – Patriotic Rosary: Consecration of Our Nation.
July 12, 2009
“My heart was called to be on the Holy Grounds and it was the most peace-filled place I have ever walked on earth. My heart aches to return there already. The Valley/Field of Peace is what I often envision in my mind…I find myself reliving the days over and over and pray that I carry the memories and experiences “alive” in my mind and heart forever.”
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Sherriff Richard Mack-New Communities Convention
Community of Caritas Eviscerating Chickens-New Communities Convention
New Communities Convention
The New Communities Conventions were birthed through the publication of a Friend of Medjugorje’s book, They Fired the First Shot 2012.™ In past New Communities conventions, no one could attend without first reading the book as the information presented was largely unknown at the time and what was presented and discussed in the conventions would not have been understood without first reading the book. Today, though it is highly recommended to read They Fired the First Shot 2012, in future conventions it will not be a requirement to read it before attending.
The purpose of the New Communities Conventions is multi-faceted. First, it is to expose the evil agendas that are making great headway to overthrow the Christian foundation of the United States, to educate people concerning the founding of our nation, its Constitution and laws, and to reveal the way out of a situation that has no exit. Second, it is to reveal through Our Lady’s messages, that small communities and the return to the agrarian way of life is what is coming in the future. A wealth of knowledge gained by the Community of Caritas in many areas of the agrarian life is shared to show that with just a small patch of land, one can begin to detach themselves from the fragile economic system that is ready to implode. Lastly, it is a place of the “meeting of hearts,” helping to connect people together interested in forming community together.
Friend of Medjugorje speaks at The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages.
A Friend of Medjugorje recieves many requests every year from those who desire to have him come to their city or town to speak about Our Lady, not only in the United States, but also in other parts of the world. To request A Friend of Medjugorje to come to your location, call 205-672-2000 for information about scheduling an encounter near you. (Because of the high demand, we cannot accomodate every request, but will make every effort to come to a location near you.)
More for your Spiritual Nourishment:
3 thoughts on “Caritas Events”
City: Hackberry
State: La
Country: USA
God Bless you all. I visited Medjugorje in 1989 at 19yrs old an it was magical. My Aunt visited after Mass last weekend and brought me readings of Caritas, tears of peace and joy rolled down my checks. I am drawn to visit and hope to come out to Caritas Birmingham soon. May God continue working throughout your community.
City: Amarillo
State: TX
Country: USA