Ivanka’s Annual Apparition and Message 2012

Ivanka’s Annual Apparition and Message 2012

Our Lady appeared to Medjugorje visionary Ivanka today and gave a message…


June 25, 2012 A.D.

Medjugorje visionary Ivanka stopped receiving her daily apparitions of Our Lady on May 7, 1985. Ivanka, was the first of the visionaries to see Our Lady on June 24, 1981. It was Ivanka who pointed Our Lady out to Mirjana as they were walking by Podbrdo, which is now known as Apparition Mountain. When Ivanka received the 10 secret, which Our Lady confided to her on May 6, 1985, Our Lady appeared one more day to Ivanka, and then her daily apparitions ceased. Our Lady promised Ivanka that She would appear to her on June 25 every year, for the rest of her life. The following is what took place today, during Ivanka’s annual apparition of Our Lady, June 25, 2012:

Our Lady appeared to Ivanka at her home today for her annual apparition. Surrounded by her family, Our Lady appeared and stayed with Ivanka for 7 minutes. At the end of the apparition, Ivanka gave the following description:


Our Lady spoke to me about the 5th secret and at the end said:


“I am giving you my Motherly blessing. Pray for peace, peace, peace.”

For many years after Ivanka stopped receiving her daily apparitions, Ivanka did not speak publicly except on rare occasions, but recently has started to share her testimony of Our Lady. Below the messages, are a few of those testimonies.


Gospa mi je govorila o 5. tajni i na kraju je rekla:

„Dajem vam svoj majčinski blagoslov. Molite za mir, mir, mir“



La Vierge m’a parlé du 5 secret et à la fin, elle a dit :


“Je vous donne ma bénédiction maternelle. Priez pour la paix, la paix, la paix.”



„Die Muttergottes hat zu mir über das 5. Geheimnis gesprochen und am Ende sagte Sie:


„Ich gebe euch meinen mütterlichen Segen. Betet für Frieden, Frieden, Frieden.“



La Madonna mi ha parlato del quinto segreto ed alla fine ha detto:


„Vi do la mia benedizione materna. Pregate per le pace, la pace, la pace.“



Matka Boża mówiła mi o piątej tajemnicy i na koniec powiedziała:


“Daję wam swoje matczyne błogosławieństwo. Módlcie się o pokój, pokój, pokój.”



« La Virgen me habló acerca del quinto secreto y al final dijo:


“Les doy mi bendición maternal. Oren por la paz, paz, paz”»


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