September 16, 2010 Medjugorje visionary Ivanka
Regarding the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, visionary Ivanka revealed today, “When it comes to the secrets, the six of us visionaries know one secret that is the same, and that is the Sign which will appear on Podbrdo.” After a pause she said, “The other secrets may be the same or not. I do not know.”
Medjugorje visionary Ivanka was the second of the six to stop seeing Our Lady on a daily basis. Ivanka has on several occasions been allowed by Our Lady to see her mother, who died a few months before the apparitions began in 1981.
Ivanka was given the tenth secret on May 7, 1985. This was the date of her last daily apparition. During her last daily apparition, Ivanka was again allowed to see her mother who died a few months before the apparitions began. In Ivanka’s last daily apparition, which lasted over an hour, Our Lady told her, “You have accomplished everything.” Now, Ivanka receives her annual apparition on June 25th, the anniversary of the apparition when the six Medjugorje visionaries saw Our Lady together for the first time in 1981.
The cloak of secrecy regarding the Ten Secrets is something Our Lady has asked all the visionaries of Medjugorje to maintain, even amongst themselves. Again, during Ivanka’s last daily apparition Our Lady told her, “What I have told you during these years on the secrets, do not speak to anyone about them.”
The Medjugorje visionaries always choose not to focus so much on the secrets, but to invite everyone to convert as soon as possible and not to delay. Our Lady’s apparitions, are for us a grace to convert now, while there is still time.
Ivanka ended her public testimony today by reminding those gathered that this time is a time of grace. She said, “Heaven opens every single day for us and speaks to us by Our Lady coming to earth.” She said we must now make the decision to respond to Our Lady.
For the most complete and comprehensive gathering of information on the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, visit the Ten Secrets section of
With the constant flow of pilgrims coming to Medjugorje these days, the visionaries are often speaking to the pilgrims about their experiences with Our Lady. These testimonies of the visionaries offer their glimpse of ‘Heaven’ through Our Lady, and bring hope to many throughout the world.
4 thoughts on “Visionaries May or May Not Have Same Secrets”
Dear Ivanka, You are great to be chosen by Holy Mother Mary, The God is Great, I will pray for our brothers and sisters of the world, Praised be to Jesus & Mother Mary, Thanks & Regards, Suresh
Thank you for the message. Whatever the remaining secrets would be, it will be revealed on the right time. In deed, the most important thing is to focus on the conversion of sinners. This is the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and was raised from the dead in 3 days to give life for eternity, and whoever believes shall be saved (John 3:16). Prayer is very important to help save our brothers and sisters who needs to see the Light of God and be saved from the fires of hell.
I to visit this site on a dayly basis. And would like to share with every one who reads these feed backs. on mothers day this year i was given a special gift from GOD,It was early morning and was praying on my knees to the blessed virgin Mary, out the 3rd floor kitchen window .my son came out of his room , said good moms up , i told him moms been in bed sleeping. he said he heard a womans voice talking to me . what a special gift to me for mothers day .Hail Mary ave Maria
Thanks for that article. My husband and I were just talking about and wondering if all the Visionaries had the same secrets that will be revealed to the world. I guess it still doesn’t explain if the secrets that are released by Marijana will be the same ones that others have gotten. But it does let us know that we know as much as they know regarding if the secrets are the same. I am here on this website so frequently and I am moved and changed by everything shared. Please keep on feeding us.