October 3, 2024
Special World Report

Part 4 of 6 – Empirically Proven: “Absent of Deceit”

[Podcast] (18 Minutes) – This is part 4 of 6 from a Friend of Medjugorje’s series on the suppression of Medjugorje. Do we need political solutions or spiritual solutions? In the wake of the Doctrine of the Faith’s recent document on Medjugorje, a Friend of Medjugorje gives the one, singular, truthful thing you can count on in today’s world – and it’s Absent of Deceit.

Episode Transcript


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[Radio Wave Theme]


[Friend of Medjugorje]

It is incredible what is happening to the whole world.  We have, maybe in history, the biggest hurricane, and we know at least 160 people who have died.  The latest numbers, 600 people are missing.  I heard today a couple of stories.  It is very sad.  There was a mother on a roof with a 7-year-old son and the water was coming up.  And he got where he couldn’t hold on.  And he said, “Jesus, save my mother.”  He was swept away.  The mother testified that she felt something surround her and she was saved.  She had, but my son, Jesus entered that.  The stories are incredible, both miraculous and tragic.  This happened hundreds of miles from the coast.  How does that happen?  Why is it happening?  Yes, we have always had these storms like this, but this is out of the norm.


Another thing that is happening is Israel invaded Lebanon.  Iran attacks Israel, with hundreds of missiles.  People are saying that we are on the brink of World War III.  That is how close we are.


And we have China, testing missiles without warnings.  When they do these testing’s, they tell the other countries, ‘it’s a test.”  They said nothing.  They just fired towards Taiwan and dropping them in the ocean.  Did they do this to provoke them?  So that Taiwan will shoot missiles back to China to give them an excuse to start a war.  Why else would they do this?


On September 8th, Our Lady’s Birthday, the day the Church recognizes it – we know now it is August 5, from Our Lady.  However, Trump, he tweeted a beautiful picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It is a pretty big sign.  Why is Trump doing that?  And he tweeted, “Happy Birthday Mary!”  It is pretty strong.


A few days ago, September 29, Trump did another tweet.  What did he do?  He put out a beautiful picture of St. Michael with a sword, killing the dragon.  That is not all he did.  This is what he put above the picture:


The Prayer of St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our defense against the wickedness and the snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.


You can look up Trump’s September 29 tweet.  Why is he doing that?  Is it a sign?  The Left, they though it was a sign.  They went crazy.  One person, who worked for Clinton, said:


“Trump increasingly suggests that he is God’s chosen instrument of wrath and that his opponents are evil spirits to be cast into hell.  If you don’t find this terrifying, you are not paying attention”


Why do you think they are so scared?  Because they know this is the people we are fighting.  I will give a little intel.  Trump is being given some spiritual direction and he is opening and opening more towards that.  That is all I can say. Trust me, I know about this.


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All these things that are happening are tied to Our Lady and why She is here, to heal the world before it destroys itself.  All this is just a small glimmer. Is this a political battle or is it a spiritual battle?  For tonight, a Special World Report, what you are about to hear is a solution.  We have been going for 43 years and we have had a solution right in our face.  You are going to have to listen to this more than once.  You need to learn it, repeat it.


Here we are right now, we have the Doctrine of the Faith, this one little thing I wrote [what you are about to hear]. What you are going to hear, short thing, vetoes what the Cardinal, with the document about Medjugorje and the messages, it very simple.  They through this thing over and over and all these things means nothing.  The visionaries, the messages, what Our Lady has done is infallible.



Empirically Proven, by a Friend of Medjugorje


FIRST:  The Medjugorje apparitions are proven authentic without doubt by empirical evidence; approved through empirical scientific methods.  What is empirical evidence?  Empirical evidence is the information obtained through observation and documentation of certain behavior and patterns or through an experiment.  Empirical evidence is a quintessential part of the scientific method of research that is applicable in many disciplines.  In the scientific method, the pieces of empirical evidence are used to validate or disprove a stated hypothesis, statement, or claim.  In the scientific world, a hypothesis can be accepted by the community by the evidence.  If the empirical evidence validates what is studied, all of the community can accept its truths.  On the other hand, if empirical evidence fails, disproving what is tested and studied, the community can accept the disproving evidence.


One is free to ignore the happenings of the phenomenon of Medjugorje, but in doing so, one would be choosing to ignore the 22 years of scientific testing that took place from 1983 to 2005 conducted by over 20 scientists and doctors.  The comprehensive studies utilized the most modern means of testing available from the scientific world.  That, along with the collected empirical evidence, gives infallibility to the conclusion that the “community of believers” can accept that the apparitions are valid. While science cannot affirm that it is the Virgin Mary appearing, the final statement and verdict of the scientists and doctors both scientifically and empirically affirm that the six visionaries are, quote:




In other words, teams of scientists have determined that these apparitions are of supernatural origin.  Twenty-two years of testing, evaluation, and the proof of changed lives are a testament to the reality that God is speaking to the world today in the village of Medjugorje through the Virgin Mary.  What will manifest from the reality of these apparitions is Biblical.  The Virgin Mary is the “Woman of Revelation.” Revelation chapter 12 verse 1 states:


“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”


The six Medjugorje visionaries see exactly what is described in the Bible.  Our Lady of Medjugorje is the Woman of Revelation. The Bible verses of Revelation tells us what She is here to do.  She is here to crush the serpent’s head.


Tragically, the Church has not always embraced what is scientific and empirical; yet, at the top of the Church they embrace things like the climate change agenda, that empirical and scientific research has disproved.


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The Church rejected and condemned astronomer, Galileo, and his research. Finally, after 350 years, Pope, Saint John Paul the Second, declared that Galileo had been right all along.  So too will the Church be humbled because of refusing to take seriously the scientific research of the six Medjugorje visionaries and ignoring the seriousness of Our Lady’s visitations and Her messages, messages that were given for the healing of the nations. Our Lady has given 441 messages on the 25th of each month beginning on January 25, 1987, to September 25, 2024.


There are going to be those who will be wailing and lamenting because they not only did not believe and accept empirical proof, but they ignored or rejected God’s answer to heal mankind and the Church.  How will they know that they have failed to accept the greatest spiritual event since Jesus’ time on earth?


Our Lady has given 10 Secrets to the six visionaries.  Three of the secrets will be announced to the world before they take place.  Among the secrets there are warnings or admonitions to encourage mankind to reconcile with God.


Ten days before the first secret is to be released, Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, will give the priest of her choice the secret and they will begin to pray and fast together.


Three days before the admonition to the world happens, the priest will announce it to the world.  After a short time for conversion, the second secret will be revealed to the priest 10 days before the event and announced to the world three days before it happens, just as the first.  The third secret will be announced the same way.


The visionaries have relayed that the third secret will be a supernatural sign that will appear on the spot of the first apparition on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje.  It will last until the end of time.  It will be indestructible.  No armament will be able to destroy it.  It will call the whole world to conversion and to return back to the Heavenly Father, and the Virgin Mary’s Son, the Christ.


Despair and lamentation will fall like rain across the entire world when the Secrets begin, especially so within the Church.  Men will strike their chests when they finally realize after 43 years what has passed them by.  Our Lady said:


August 25, 1997


“…now you do not comprehend this grace, but soon a time will come when you will lament for these messages…”


With Gratitude and Love, a Friend of Medjugorje. Originally written, July 13, 2022

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[Friend of Medjugorje]

What you just heard, I’ve been with some of the scientists talking in different countries, especially France – crisscrossing, everywhere. France has 6 provinces. I’ve been in all six of them. We had a large gathering in Paris. I spoke there with a scientist. And the audience was the upper, upper class, of the people you might want to say, doctors, psychiatrists, wealthy people.


When I got through talking, between the scientist and me, then knelt down, 500 people, and prayed. The one who sponsored it came out to me afterwards, “Never would I believe all these people would down on their knees  [in prayer].”


If that’s the case, why doesn’t the Doctrine of the Faith just look at this one little clip you just heard. It proves it. Not 70%, not 80, not 90, not even 100; 110% that this is real.


Science has proved the visionaries “absent of deceit.”


There are lying voices all over the world, in the government, the church, literally everywhere. Just these little words, “absent of deceit.” This is the solution that you can trust. Not the document, “alleging the visionaries,” that what they (the visionaries) say, the words [the visionaries] have, is from Our Lady.


“Absent of deceit.”


This is the solution you need to spread to everyone. Call the talk shows. Call the newspaper, everywhere – this is the solution. There always talking about the news, they want this, or that…


Medjugorje is the #1 news story! It’s suppressed by the press too.


I’ve been writing for the last several days, six parts. Today, we release part 4. People are me asking to keep going. It takes a lot of work to do that continuous, but we are going to try to do something at least every day, some kind of statement.


We need your donations. None of us gets paid. We’re very efficient for every dollar that comes in here. But the dollars that’s coming in now, is not keeping up with the expansion of the demand that people need this food.


When you go the grocery store, you have to pay for food. If you to call to Caritas to get materials, for what we do, it has to be paid for. We have no debt, but we’re struggle for the donations to keep our doors open.


We pray for you and we thank you for all that you’ve done. We wish you Our Lady, we love you. Good night.


[End Theme]


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Part 5 of 6 will be posted Monday.


To read Part 3 of 6, titled The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom and Embracing the god of Intellectualism visit here.


To read Part 2 of 6, titled The Mocking of Our Lady’s Revealed Private Revelation: Elements that are to be Ignored?, visit here.


To read Part 1 of 6, titled The Suppression of Medjugorje:  Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot, visit here.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “Part 4 of 6 – Empirically Proven: “Absent of Deceit””

  1. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NM
    There is no doubt in my mind or heart that our Lady is with us. It feels as if the time of the secrets are upon us. God knows when and our Lady will give the go…

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1 thought on “Part 4 of 6 – Empirically Proven: “Absent of Deceit””

  1. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NM
    There is no doubt in my mind or heart that our Lady is with us. It feels as if the time of the secrets are upon us. God knows when and our Lady will give the go…

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