The Mocking of Our Lady’s Revealed Private Revelation: Elements that are to be Ignored?
Part II, by a Friend of Medjugorje
In the Document “The Queen of Peace: Note About the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje,” Cardinal Fernandez states in #29:
“There are expressions (messages) that run the risk of being misinterpreted.”
He continues:
“Our Lady seems to want to exercise control over the details of the parish spirituality and pastoral journey that She wants to take the place of the parish structure.”
At #30, the Cardinal gives an example:
“Our Lady telling the visionaries that Her birthday is on August 5th.”
Concerning the above statement, the Cardinal states, “…express about the messages (August 5) (is) problematic…”. He says in #30 of the Document, what the visionaries sometimes see and some of the messages they receive are “solely from the personal desire of the alleged vision.” The Document contains:
“The following is a clear example of these misleading messages:
“The August 5 will mark the celebration of the second millennium of my birth […] I ask you to prepare yourselves intensely over three days …Do not work on these days.” August 1, 1984
Then Cardinal Fernandez states:
“It is reasonable for the faithful using prudence and common sense, NOT to take these details seriously, NOR HEED THEM.”
Also, the August 5 messages, in which Our Lady affirmed that this is Her millennial birthday, that is to be ignored.
The First Public Birthday Celebration for Our Lady Formally ORGANIZED in the World was August 1-5, 2005. Thousands of people flew or drove from all across the United States and other countries. Marija and her family came to Alabama at Caritas. What happened was supernatural to everyone present. Not one of those present would say what happened was not supernatural signs. The whole event of itself was a message.
A one-hour audio documentary broadcast about what happened on August 5, 2005. You can visit here to hear it online. It is worth the hour to listen. I have published this supernatural event without ecclesiastical approval from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
Remember When it Rained
The Witness’ Statements
In regard to the mocking of Our Lady’s revealed private revelation, from Our Lady, concerning Her birthdate, the Document says “edifying elements are mixed with other elements.” Our Lady’s birthdate changing from September 8th to August 5th, is one of those types of “other” elements. These types of “elements that are to be ignored.”
Am I disobedient to Cardinal Fernandez? His document states at #29, “There are expressions (messages) that run the risk of being misinterpreted.”
The Scripture from the Bible is simple and can be read repeatedly and it gives you new insight each time. Our Lady’s messages are for the world’s guidance. How long? Until Jesus comes back. As there is an Old Testament and a New Testament. NOW the whole world needs direction because we live in a radical and different world. From the beginning of the world, the Old Testament to the New Testament. Of course, God is not giving a third testament, but God is giving Our Lady something profound.
I wrote below about Our Lady’s messages after my fifth trip to the cave on Patmos Island in Greece, where St. John was exiled and wrote about the Woman of Revelations. The following is a part of what I titled, Never in History, written in 2018:
Never in History
Third Proclamation:
Belittled, ignored, scorned and rejected in the present, Our Lady’s words will be viewed in the future, not on the same level or category of private revelation, but rather the highest exalted place of private revelation; a new classification. Our Lady’s messages will be placed in the proper category, surpassing all of history’s private revelation combined. A sacred position. Our Lady’s messages of Medjugorje will hold the place of:
The Preface to the Bible.[1]
All the angels and all the saints in Heaven combined, do not equal the depth of sanctity Our Lady achieved, yet, She is beneath God and leads us to Him. Likewise, all the secular and holy books filled with words throughout history combined do not equal the depth of wisdom and power within Our Lady’s messages. Therefore, Our Lady’s words are above all writings throughout history, yet, beneath the Scriptures. Our Lady’s words lead us to the Bible, just as Our Lady leads us to Her Son. Our Lady said to Marija:
“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…” April 4, 1985
“…Pray that you may comprehend the greatness of this message.” October 25, 1988
– The end of the Never in History Section-
Wisdom’s Wisdom of Living
This is from a clip from my Radio WAVE broadcast. The messages are so in my heart, it is easy to freelance the broadcast with no script. Our Lady wants the same for you.
The more we pray, pray, pray, the more we will see, the more we will understand and the more you’ll see this activity of the devil to diminish Our Lady, make Her not so important; use a truth to cancel another truth—you’ve got to be led to Jesus, but not to Our Lady. It’s Jesus and Mary. The Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Jesus wants that and Our Lady wants that but many people don’t. That’s why Our Lady said on June 25, 1991:
“…There are many people who do not desire to understand my messages and to accept with seriousness what I am saying…”
Our Lady said another time, “…accept me, dear children, that it might go well with you…” “…Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted…”
Well, you may say the Word of God is Scripture. Well, Our Lady said on December 25, 1996, “…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel…” Okay, you think, that’s the Scriptures. Do you think that is what Our Lady is talking about? Our Lady’s messages, Marija said, are for today’s man to help him understand the Gospel. So, when Our Lady says, “…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel…” is Our Lady talking about the Bible itself and the Words in the Bible or is Our Lady talking about Her messages about the Bible? You think, oh Our Lady wouldn’t say that. Well, listen to what Our Lady says with rest of the sentence: “…joyfully live the messages of the Gospel, which I am repeating in the time since I am with you…” Why is She having to do that? Why can’t we just read the Bible? So, when Our Lady says messages of the Gospel, She’s talking about the messages, Her words from Heaven She is bringing to us about the Gospel because man no longer understands the Gospel. Man no longer understands the Bible. I’m not advocating not to read the Bible. Our Lady said, “You must read the Bible.” Our Lady’s messages, Mary’s Gospel, is the preface for the Bible. Because man no longer understands the Bible, man no longer desires the love of God because he doesn’t understand it anymore. Just as Our Lady says, “…you even imagine God Himself according to yourselves, and not such as He really is in His love…” And so, we don’t understand who Mary is. We don’t understand the greatness of the role She’s been given, the perfect Creation, the Craft of God’s hand, made after everything in nature that He sculptured. The beauty that Our Lady holds within Her being that is unsurpassed by anything in creation. God has just made a rough draft in man. Mary is above all that, far superior in Who Our Lady is; God’s masterpiece. We are to model Her as Christians.
The National Catholic Register’s Headline:
Rome Doesn’t Endorse Supernatural
Origins of the Messages
I claim the messages are supernatural and origin from Our Lady. I also claim conscientious objector. The mandate from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith is null. I will not stop propagating the messages, even with mandates to approve with the ecclesiastical approval. Why? Because if we give in to mandates, that the messages “that are labeled not supernatural,” I cannot obey to what is against my conscience. Therefore, I’m not disobedient and I call for the millions of Medjugorje believers to read Her supernatural messages that they say are not supernatural. Mark a line. We, Peasants in the Pew, invoke: “We approve that Our Lady’s messages are supernatural. We are obedient to Our Lady’s direction not a prelate that is against God’s plans.”
As St. Thomas Aquinas Teaches:
“It sometimes happens that the commands issued by prelates are against God. Therefore, not in all things are prelates to be obeyed. For those under them are bound to do so only in those matters in which they are subject to their superiors, and, in which those same superiors do not oppose the command of a Power higher than themselves.” (Summa II-II, Q. 104, Art. 5).
Part III of V will be posted tomorrow.
[1] Definition of “Preface”: something spoken as introductory to a discourse or written as introductory to a book or essay, intended to inform the hearer or reader of the main design, or in general, of whatever is necessary to the understanding of the discourse, book or essay.
13 thoughts on “PART 2 of 6 – The Mocking of Our Lady’s Revealed Private Revelation: Elements that are to be Ignored?”
City: Nederland
State: TX
Country: USA
Many conversions and miracles have happened in regards to Medjugorie. We must believe through the eyes of Faith,…the Faith God has given to us at our birth. I never went to Medjugorie, however, Medjugorie came to me!
The evil one seeks to destroy, and the evil that crept into the Vatican has spread. Our Lady will
Crush the head of the serpent in Time when God calls it. The fruit of Medjugorie is ripe, and thousands of Christians are praying the Rosary more than ever!! Let not any alterations or elimination of Mary’s messages confuse or disillusion you, pray to the Holy Spirit to help you hear the messages with the ears of your spirit so you will understand what is being conveyed to you.
City: Blantyre
State: Southern
Country: Malawi
In so deep, GOD’s Love is upon us always and with The Messages of Our Blessed Mother Virgo MARIA, we are very blessed.
May we open our hearts to our Heavenly Mother for She Cries for us until we meet in His Divine Son’s Glory.
Not only Medjugorje but in all Places of Her Apparitions.
Indeed even if we can combine the love of all mothers that ever existed to their childrens into one heart can’t even be half of The Love of Our Lady Our Queen ever Blessed Mother, Mother MARY Virgine to us all. Thank you so much.
“Pray for us Oh Mother MARY that we may be made worthy of The Promises of CHRIST, Amen.
In The Name of The FATHER, and Of The SON and Of The HOLY SPIRIT. Amen
State: Minnesota
Country: United States
Where would we be if you, FOM, were not here to interpret the messages? I would be insecure enough that I would not be able to pass on the “gold” that is contained in the messages to 8 of my children’s families. I thank God for you and the whole Community there that are so dedicated! It seems Cardinal Hernandez and the Pope could use some Special Motherly Blessings.
City: Whittemore
State: MI
Country: USA
The quote from Aquinas at the end is stellar! 🎯
City: Denham Springs
State: LA
Country: United States
Good for you!! Thanks for continuing Mother Mary’s work and for not giving in! I love the quote from Aquinas, btw…
City: New Deal
State: TX
Country: United States
In our hearts, my wife and I do firmly believe that our Heavenly Mother has been appearing to the Medjugorje visionaries since 1981. To this date, the Madonna still comes to earth to be with us. The fact that our Catholic Pope and all the bishops, Archbishop, Cardinals, or other priests around the world have never been blessed or graced to see Her face to face, it does say something to millions of Catholics all over the world. Is it jealousy or envy? If Cardinal Fernández wants to see our Heavenly Mother, maybe he should pray, pray, pray for the chance to see her for at least one second before his time on earth is over. We stand with the visionaries to stand firm and allow the messages across this entire earth before they are edited or canceled.
City: Mays Landing
State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Amen to your comment. My husband & I visited Medjugore in September 2017. We believe that the apparitions and daily messages are real. Has Pope Frances visited Medjugore? If not, maybe he should. Then he would not question the authenticity of what is happening there.
City: Rio Rancho
State: New Mexico
Country: United States
Thank you FOM for continuing to give the messages of our Lady to all who believe She is with us.
State: MN
Country: United States
I look so forward to Our Lady’s messages and I thank God I have your community to post them. As long as you post the messages I will read them and listen to your audio messages every Thursday.
Thank you again for your YES.
Julia Montgomery
City: Dryden
State: MI
Country: United States
Thank you for bringing clarity and common sense to this crazy world we live in. We are reminded to cling to Jesus and Mary, and to pray for the strength of faith to properly discern words and events.
State: Florida
Country: Usa
I was there in 2005…and still remember praying with my mother while the storm was all around us. At the time I was unaware of what was happening…standing under a tree with hail, thunder, lightening and rain. No one was injured…during this time. It was truly amazing.
The year prior to this in May 2004 was my first visit to Caritas and during the 1st day of the apparitions I experienced the love of God…it changed my life.
I never got to Medjugorje and I doubt I ever will get there but it’s okay, for me Medjugorje came to Alabama thru Out Lady for me. I am forever grateful.
City: Moscow
State: Idaho
Country: USA
Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje, for standing up for Our Lady, Queen of Peace, against these attacks against Mary’s messages. I stand with you!
May all of the priests, bishops and cardinals and Pope Francis be converted.
City: Harvey’s lake
State: Pa
Country: USA
🙏🙏🙏 Our Lady will change the darkness in the Vatican and with the bishops cardinals priests in her time and May God Bless You for your hard work and true Faith Please don’t stop until Our Lady wi nuns over Satan 🙏🌹🌹🌹🙏