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Part 3 of 6: The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom and Embracing the god of Intellectualism

Part 3 of 6: The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom and Embracing the god of Intellectualism

October 2, 2024 A.D.


Part 3 of 6

The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom
and Embracing the god of Intellectualism


By a Friend of Medjugorje


An invasion of intellectualism has spread its tentacles through the whole Roman Catholic Church—its seminaries, its colleges, religious orders and on and on.


Example: A new document from the Vatican was released by the head of the Doctrine of the Faith, on April 8, 2024, named “Infinite Dignity.” At the press conference it was stated quote: “the main “novelty” of the document is the fruit of five years of work”!! It is a declaration about LGBT, poverty, dignity, etc. Five years of work for what a common sense peasant in the pew already knows. This 20 page document took five years!!!  Jesus was never intellectual. Wisdom is brief and simple.  The Scripture and the saints tell us Jesus couldn’t teach the Pharisees because they were indoctrinated.


The Vatican rolled this document out in a press conference saying first that abominables should be treated with dignity. Then it acknowledged that while the lifestyle is “intrinsically disordered,” the draft felt this language was too strong. It was changed in this new document, toning “intrinsically disordered” down and stating that it would be better said “that it is for a husband and wife to create life.” Really? That’s gonna really convert abominables?


Everything must be changed. That is why Our Lady is here. This is what Our Lady is sent for. Our Lady’s messages propagated to the world will heal the world.


Friend of Medjugorje



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Part 4 of 6 will be posted tomorrow.


To read Part 2 of 6, titled The Mocking of Our Lady’s Revealed Private Revelation: Elements that are to be Ignored?, visit here.


To read Part 1 of 6, titled The Suppression of Medjugorje:  Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot, visit here.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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4 thoughts on “Part 3 of 6: The Church is Leaving Holy Wisdom and Embracing the god of Intellectualism”

  1. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NEW MEXICO
    Thank you our friend of Medjugorje I have talked to church members and they believe the apparitions have been approved. When I explain what Vatican is doing, they say they can’t stop the messages or from people believing our Lady is here. There would be no devotion to Medjugorje if Mary had not opened the hearts of many though the visionaries. We keep hoping for that Spark of the Holy Spirit to help our church leaders realize that it is through the Holy Spirit that Jesus came through Mary and it is now through Mary that many will be lead back to Jesus. Praying for the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of hardened hearts. God’s wisdom to take root.

    1. City: Queen Creek
      State: AZ
      Country: United States
      To my knowledge the Medjugorje apparitions, for whatever reason, have never been approved by the Vatican.

      Our Lady’s 1846 La Salette apparition in France message to the two children, “That the hand of her Son was so heavy and strong that she could no longer sustain it. It would only change if people would do penance and obey the laws of God. If they did not, they would have to suffer much.”
      Mary’s tears at La Salette also warned that the Vatican would become the seat of the anti-Christ.
      So, It’s no surprise that the Medjugorje apparitions has met opposition from Rome.

      Pray, be strong, and may God bless you and your church members

  2. Country: USA
    Please keep these coming! People like me, well sometimes this is my only way of getting the real information.Thank you

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