July 4, 2020 A.D.
Twelve years ago, on July 3, 2008, Our Lady appeared in the Field of Apparitions to Medjugorje visionary Marija. Thousands of people joined a Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community in prayer this evening, Consecrating the United States of America, to Our Lady, in Her presence. Marija said after the apparition, that Our Lady accepted the Consecration. But, this apparition, was another step, in a long trail of prayers which led to this point.
A Friend of Medjugorje is working on a special project right now for the United States and its Consecration, which we hope to release soon. In speaking with someone who is helping on the project, the person, who is not Catholic, expressed how they felt everything happening right now is encouraging to them, because they can see that God is doing something, even though it appears not good. This is encouraging for all who do not have hope. What follows, is a short timeline of the Consecrations, and it shows the trail of prayers, which is evidence showing how the United States has arrived where it is, at this moment in history.
1977 – A Friend of Medjugorje moves out to the Valley where Caritas is located now, and begins praying that his place would be used by God, for the healing of the Nation. In the years intervening, a Friend of Medjugorje spends many days up on the mountains, praying with his arms outstretched, that this Valley would serve God’s interests.
July 4, 1986 – A Friend of Medjugorje is in Medjugorje for the very first time. He “accidentially” is pushed into the apparition room in the rectory. Here, in Fr. Slavko’s bedroom, where the apparition will take place, 30 priests lay hands on him and “give” him to Our Lady. The date of July 4, will one day be understood as not a coincidence.
August 1988 – A Friend of Medjugorje is in Medjugorje. Fr. Slavko Barbaric, who is being transferred, gives a Friend of Medjugorje the Crucifix from his bedroom, which hung in the place where Our Lady had been appearing. A Friend of Medjugorje is reluctant to accept the gift, but at Fr. Slavko’s insistence, takes the Crucifix. A Friend of Medjugorje takes the Crucifix to Medjugorje visionary Marija, and asks that she pray over it, so that it can be used as a tool for our nation’s conversion. Marija cradles the Crucifix in her arms, and prays a deep prayer for this intention for our nation.
November 19, 1988 to January 26, 1989 – Through a miraculous set of circumstances, Medjugorje visionary Marija ends up in the home of a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife. Our Lady, Who was giving messages only once a month, begins to give messages every day. During this time, Our Lady asks for a Community to be started.
June 1993 – A Friend of Medjugorje, releases, American History You Never Learned, which shows not only the Christian founding of the United States, but also, how Our Lady Herself was directly involved. This newsletter begins to inspire many people to pray for Our Lady’s plans for this nation.
December 8-12, 1993 – The first Five Days of Prayer, for the Reconciling of Ourselves, our Families and our Nation, Back to God, taking place at Caritas, and which was preceded by the first Seven Novenas, beginning on June 25, 1993.
1995 – A Friend of Medjugorje, while praying at Independence Hall in Philidelphia, was inspired to create the Patriotic Rosary. The entire layout of the prayers, the whole concept of the songs and quotes in the Patriotic Rosary come to him while he is praying at Independence Hall. The Patriotic Rosary is released publicly through the Caritas Newsletter.
December 8-12, 1999 – Medjugorje visionary Marija joins a Friend of Medjugorje, the Caritas Community and thousands of others for the Five Days of Prayer for the Reconciling of Ourselves, our Families and our Nation Back to God. Our Lady appears each day, blessing all those gathered.
December 8-14, 2001 – After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, a Friend of Medjugorje is speaking to Medjugorje visionary Marija. He asks her to come to Caritas in Alabama for the Five Days of Prayer. Marija said, “Yes. I come. Your country needs this.”
Summer 2003 – A Friend of Medjugorje writes, A Miracle from the Field for Our Nation, which shares the role that the United States is to play in the coming years. Many who are caught in only the political debate, are beginning to look at the national events with a more spiritual outlook.
2004-2007 – A Friend of Medjugorje puts out several important writings about the transformation happening in the United States. These include, Two Americas, Why So Many Disasters?, Quietism, and the national bestseller, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. Again, these writings not only enlighten the “religious” to Our Lady’s plans in the secular world, but also, exposing many non-religious people to Our Lady’s plans in Medjugorje.
November 11, 2006 – The U.S. Bishops renew the Consecration of the United States to Our Lady. An announcement was read from the pulpit in Medjugorje and pilgrims come by the Caritas Mission House to get the Patriotic Rosary to pray in union.
July 1-5, 2008 – A Friend of Medjugorje invites Medjugorje visionary Marija to join us at Caritas for five days, praying for our nation. On July 3, 2008, we present The Solemn Act of Consecration of Our Nation, which a Friend of Medjugorje wrote a few days before, while in Medjugorje. Marija tells us after the apparition of July 3, 2008, that Our Lady accepted the Consecration.
July 1-5, 2009 – A Friend of Medjugorje again invites Medjugorje visionary Marija to join us at Caritas for another five days, praying for our nation. On July 3, 2009, the vigil of our nation’s birthday, we again presented The Solemn Act of Consecration of Our Nation, which a Friend of Medjugorje wrote the year before. Marija said after the apparition of July 3, 2009, that when she present the prayer for our nation to come back to God, Our Lady said: “Thank you. I need your prayers. I need, dear children, everyone in this world to be my extended hands.”
February – August 2012 – A Friend of Medjugorje writes, They Fired the First Shot 2012, which exposes a diabolical plan to destroy the United States of America, while at the same time, showing how Our Lady was uncovering what was happening behind the scenes. The book becomes an international bestseller.
July 1-5, 2012 – Once again, Medjugorje visionary Marija joined a Friend of Medjugorje, the Caritas Community, and thousands of pilgrims for another five days of prayer for our nation. As we mentioned above, a Friend of Medjugorje wrote a Solemn Act of Consecration for our Nation, while in Medjugorje, just a few days before returning to the United States with Marija, June 2008. This very same Consecration was presented to Our Lady, in Her presence, on the vigil of Independence Day, July 3, 2012. Marija said after the apparition of July 3, 2012, that Our Lady gave us a message. She said: “Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.” Marija said that Our Lady then prayed over us for our healing and the healing of this Nation. But what is remarkable in this message, is that Our Lady was responding directly to a Friend of Medjugorje’s prayer intentions, which he wrote in 1993 for the first of the Seven Novenas for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Nation Back to God, for our Nation’s healing. The intention stated: “Mary, we give you this novena…to reconcile ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God.” And in the Prayer to Heal Our Land, also from the Seven Novenas, he wrote: “Mary, we call You as You have called us. Please, intercede before God to forgive us, to heal us, to heal our families, and to heal our nation.” Our Lady’s response through Marija on July 3, 2012: “…your healing… the healing of this nation… closer to God…”
June 29 – July 5, 2013 – After 20 years of praying and sacrificing, a Friend of Medjugorje was able to build an exact replica of the Cross on Mt. Krizevac in Medjugorje. The exact replica was built on the mountain overlooking the Field of Apparitions. The Cross was a surprise for the pilgrims joining us for another five days of prayer for our nation. Medjugorje visionary Marija and her family were also here during these five days. When the Cross was being built, a Friend of Medjugorje wrote in the concrete footer, “For the Soul of America.” The Cross, therefore, was consecrated for the United States. On June 29, 2013, when Medjugorje visionary Marija asked Our Lady to bless this Cross, Our Lady responded by saying that She would instead appear there, the following day.
October 15, 2016 – Just a few weeks before the 2016 Presidential Elections in the United States, a Friend of Medjugorje arranges a public Patriotic Rosary at Independence Hall. Prior to the November 2016 elections, a novena of Patriotic Rosaries were prayed, leading up to the elections.
March 2018 – A Friend of Medjugorje writes and releases the book, Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm, which exposes how the plan taking place in the spiritual realm, is manifesting in the physical realm. The United States of America, is the epicenter of this spiritual/physical battle.
In the years since, several Patriotic Rosary novenas have been organized with thousands praying across the nation. Again, this is a short timeline, not intended to be comprehensive, but simply to show that we have many years of prayers behind us at this moment. It is not a cause for relaxing, but a cause for being even more active in prayer. If we respond to Our Lady, live Her messages, and pray, pray, pray, She will obtain the salvation of our Nation, returning it back to God. Be sure to join in prayer for the Patriotic Rosary novena today.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
3 thoughts on “The Trail of Prayers”
City: Puebla
State: Puebla
Country: Maxico
Please, when posible, share with us the writing “A MIRACLE FROM THE FIELD FOR OUR NATION” Thank You.
City: Greencastle
State: PA
Country: USA
Thank you for sharing this trail of prayers! It is good to remember those times of prayer at Caritas as well. The many trials our nation has suffered is only lessened by Our Lady’s presence and words to us. Thank you for preserving Her history with and for us these last 40 years!! May we live and grow through Her messages …
Dear Medjugorje Friends, I’m about to head out of my house to go to work, after being accused wrongly of Racism, by a Co-worker. At present, I’ve tried to explain this mistake, without my managers allowing me to do it directly to my accusers or the person, they say I harmed. Right now, they don’t know my family includes, a diverse cultural background, but I did show, some evidence of my diverse freindships to managers, having lived in Hawaii, a number of years. My Boss has instituted a separation of persons between myself and the claimed, harmed person, after my request to explain this misunderstanding directly, was denied, creating a bias against me. Our Mass this weekend was about remaining in God’s Yoke, neither moving to fast or too slow, something Our Lady has been showing me for some time. I’ve been wronged, similarly by other corrupt businesses, surprisingly around the 4th of July, & resolved w/o court action. I’m confident, & willing to lose everything, for God if required.