Take the universe
with all its power, its might and vastness…
Take the cell,
its preciseness, its flawless production and
its two trillion actions a second…
Take the order and harmony among all creation…
Place it as a template over man’s power, energy and might,
his precision in production, multiple actions,
his order and harmony,
speed and vastness of travel…
Place them on a graph to compare…
Man’s would not even be measured enough to see,
while Creation’s would take miles of paper to graph.
Man has grown godless while comparing himself with himself,
a false idea of development
convincing him he’s making great strides,
His ego bloated by his own forms of measurement of self.
But it is Our Lady who gives the formulation of measurement.
It is the Queen who says:
Look to the Creator. Look to Creation. Go out into nature.
Man, by doing so, will then change his corrupt scale
and its worthlessness of comparing self to self-achievement,
to the worthiness of comparing himself to Creation.
It is then when man will see his nothingness,
his achievements, his progress as insignificant,
in comparison to what the Great Creator has done.
Man, in his smallness, will then learn the secret
of what he has never attained by man to man measurement…
He will have power over all Creation because
its Author has shown it through She,
who became small and lowly
Who is at Creation’s center.
Man will peer into Her eyes, Her heart,
studying and learning Her ways
and will then know…
Man is nothing without God.
Science is nothing without God.
For God is science
and because God is the only Good,
good science can only be where God is the center of it.
In this way, man, through a close relationship with the Creator
has the ability to discover what he does not now have.
For to be a close friend of the Creator
and to learn from the Queen,
man discovers what he’s never been able to achieve;
to do what science has never and will never be able to do…
to suspend the great, powerful, laws of nature,
to alter any law naturally governing the universe.
to avert and even stop wars.
The Mathematical Equation:
Prayer + Fasting = Suspension of the Laws of Nature
A Friend of Medjugorje
©2008, 2009 SJP Lic COB
13 thoughts on “X + Y = Z”
Dearest FOM: As A Friend Of A Friend Of Medjugorje – And In My Lifes History WAS Once A Member Of The Church Of Scientology While On My Lifes Journey Searching For God;And Back To Our Lord Jesus Christ And The Catholic Church!!!;Observant Of These False Prophets Like L. Ron Hubbard’s Church And His Dianetic’s Books And Spiritual Philosophy That People Who Invalidate Others Were Anti Social Personalities And To Be AVOIDED. Some Of What I Learned Is Useful;But Much Is Disagreeable Like Recall Of Past Lives And Atheist Beliefs!Every 13 Seconds Points About Silver Made In Broadcast Does NOT Confront All EFFECTS. Silver Investments Will NOT Bestow WEALTHY;As Silver Prices WILL Be Fluctuating Like OPEC Oil; Based On Demand;With Silver Mining Exploding In Future When Prices Also Explode;And Prices Will Again IMPLODE! SIL-PEC WILL BE There! An ETERNAL Investment IN Holiness;Purity Of Heart;And Mind;Virtues;And The Beatitudal Way;Are[THE] Best INVESTMENTS;Lasting ETERNALLY.! F.A. – Br. Raymond
Agreeing completely with your views on National Debt, China’s Hidden Agenda, is further exposed, while huge Disasters, hit China, as well as new laws & actions in Hong Kong & Taiwan, reveal the Talons of the Dragon. Gilded Copper, found fraudulently in place of Gold, reveal 4% of China’s reserves, don’t really exist. This, exposed while Trump, threatens to disconnect China from “Swift”, the transaction system, used for $ based, worldwide trade. Disasters include, Massive flooding, a Plague of Locusts destroying crops, a new Swine Flu, another outbreak of COVID19, not to mention, isolated incidents of Dengue Fever & the Plague. As Australia, India, China, US & other parts of the world come to realize, China’s rise for the threat it is, we mustn’t forget Bible Prophecy, tells us: Revelation 12:17 “And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God.” We must stop, “Dragon from giving his Authority to the Beast.
March 18, 2018 even more powerful than you are letting on. Please speak more on it.
Amen brother.
Agreeing completely with your views on National Debt, China’s Hidden Agenda, is further exposed, while huge Disasters, hit China, as well as new laws & actions in Hong Kong & Taiwan, reveal the Talons of the Dragon. Gilded Copper, found fraudulently in place of Gold, reveal 4% of China’s reserves, don’t really exist. This, exposed while Trump, threatens to disconnect China fromSwift’, the transaction system, used for $ based, worldwide trade. Disasters include, Massive flooding, a Plague of Locusts destroying crops, a new Swine Flu, another outbreak of COVID19, not to mention, isolated incidents of Dengue Fever & the Plague. As Australia, India, China, US & other parts of the world come to realize, China’s rise for the threat it is, we mustn’t forget Bible Prophecy, tells us: Revelation 12:17And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God.’ We must stop,Dragon from giving his Authority to the Beast.
We should all know…it’s diabolical! satan knows about the silver Medjugorje Miraculous Medal too!Supplies low?? Banks saying Century silver not reputable??? People who buy miraculous medals at their local Catholic store…saying…Oh! But! It’s not to be “bought!”!! Really??!! And you follow Medjugorje, but…you defame Her Community! Yes! My name is as noted above! You know who you are….If Our Lady has asked for this community, WHY DO SO MANY OF YOU WHO CLAIM TO BE WITH HER…reject what She is doing…through…honestly….the only community I know She has asked for??!!