
Would You Like to Give Our Lady a Christmas Present?

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Another Special Feature for You

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We must raise $389,865 to reach the $4 million dollar goal to save the Cross and surrounding lands.

Mail your donation to:

Caritas of Birmingham, c/o The Queen of Peace Land Endowment – 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive – Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA



OCTOBER 20, 2021

by a Friend of Medjugorje

CROSS PICTURE: The morning after Medjugorje visionary, Marija, arrived, on June 29, 2013, our founder led her up the mountain with her husband and family to reveal the Cross to them for the first time. They had no knowledge of anything about the Cross being built beforehand. It came as a big, big surprise. Marija told our founder it is the Cross that unites the village of Medjugorje. It is the Cross that brings unity. Marija said, “This is beautiful, this is very good,” for our nation.

When Marija and her husband, Paolo, came to the top of the mountain, they were met by many members of the Community who had been working at the site since daybreak gathering rocks that God spread across the mountain for the stonemason who was laying stone around the foundation of the Cross. It can be seen to the right of Marija kneeling by the wall surrounding the Cross.

Cross on Penitentiary Mountain, Caritas, Alabama
Conversion Triangle - Caritas, Alabama

Our Lady has created a “Conversion Trinity”



by a Friend of Medjugorje

The prize is:
The darkness strives for “THE SOUL OF AMERICA.”
The Light strives for “THE SOUL OF AMERICA.”
There are not two souls.
There is only one Soul.
Biden’s side calls for it.
Our Lady’s side calls for it.
The battle is over the same Soul.
A battle to destroy the United States and then to domino all the nations of the world
or to save the United States and the world.
Whatever side seizes The Soul of America, wins the world.
This battle occupies two locations:
1. The battleground, for “Ground Zero,” for darkness
is the swamp on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
in the battle “For the Soul of America.”
2. The battleground for “Ground Zero” for the Light
is a crystal clear spring of grace flowing from the “Conversion Triangle,”
crowned by the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain,
“For The Soul of America.”

Our Lady’s “Conversion Triangle,” or better said, “Conversion Trinity,” has produced conversions for both those who have and those who have not made a pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham. Just having knowledge of what Our Lady has done, people experience conversion. The precedence of so many conversions gives assurance that if the Oasis is preserved and protected in its present state, there will be millions of conversions until Jesus’ Second Coming. How can that be said? The release of the Secrets and the appearance of the Lasting Sign on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje will explode the number of conversions into, at least, over a billion. Is that an exaggeration? That is a very conservative number. One billion is only one-seventh of 7.5 billion people on earth. Those who convert will seek everything Our Lady said and did. It is inevitable. Hoards of people will seek out the materials that you sought from Caritas, as well as pilgrimage to Medjugorje and to Caritas.


People convert here at Caritas when they pilgrimage here. Many have testified they have conversion in their lives by only reading about or learning of what Our Lady has established through 204 apparitions in the Valley and on the mountains. Do you have a major part in the cause of conversion? Yes, your donation is saving souls. The Cross is imbued with grace by Our Lady’s apparitions at the Cross when Marija said Our Lady embraced it. Testimony after testimony gives witness of grace and miracles that come from the Cross.

The Cross is incredible. I can’t stop looking at it in awe. I know and feel it is miraculous. It exudes power. I am so thankful for the Cross! When I look at that Cross, I see hope for our nation.

L.D., Texas
July 2013 Caritas Pilgrim

What type of miracles of conversion are granted? The experience of the “Conversion” Trinity” proves itself by those who have experienced it. The Cross is alive with grace for any heart that goes there, entering the Conversion Trinity. A fresh testimony sent to Caritas on October 12, 2021, states:

I still have a scar on my knee from climbing the rugged hills of Birmingham 11 years ago. Every time I see it I think of my trip and Our Lady. After visiting my life changed! I was a drug addict going through a divorce who just lost a son to cancer. Upon witnessing the great love and forgiveness at Caritas my soul was revived. I have been sober ever since, found a wonderful husband and had three beautiful children…I keep my children close to Him [God]…Please keep these readings coming and thanks a million. May God Bless and keep you all.

October 2021 Caritas Pilgrim

Anybody and everybody who climbs the mountain to the Cross and seeks what Our Lady wants for you, you will receive powerful graces.

The most impacting event for me was climbing the mountain and to be before the Cross to pray and open my heart was so powerful. I felt I was able to present myself who is nothing, but I received the gift of pure love.

July 2013 Caritas Pilgrim

It is important for you to reflect on what you are purchasing with your gift. What is it? Your gift is conversion. Can you really buy conversion? Yes, by proxy, your donation preserves the Oasis. The Oasis preserves a prayerful setting of the Valley and mountains for grace to flow into the heart. The heart receives grace because the presence of Our Lady has sanctified the Valley and mountains with Her essence and made of it a place of conversion. Our Lady’s essence will always be here, at Caritas, if it will always remain an Oasis. A perpetual perfume. A fragrance of which will not fade away. The scent of Our Lady is in the walls of the Bedroom, the Field, the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain, The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, and anywhere you go, because She was and is here.

Your generosity will change individuals for all Eternity. Think and contemplate how the economy of salvation pays dividends forever. The economy of the world and its investments are fleeting and are a speck compared to Eternity.

No place in the United States is more sacred than Caritas’ Paradise Valley. Hundreds of millions will be reborn here through the ages. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1990

“…As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness…”

Many have been baptized by the water of Her essence, an incomprehensible gift for the world, covering two locations upon the earth: Medjugorje and the “place” of Caritas. They are the sites of Our Lady’s last apparitions:

May 2, 1982

“…I will not appear any more on this earth.”

In the Love of Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorje

Fourth Cross Update

October 20, 2021 AD

Between the Third Plea sent out in February 2021 to October 12, 2021, you have gifted $715,685.00 for the Cross. With matching funds doubling your gifts means we add $1,431,370.00 to the first and second pleas for a total raised of $3,220,270.00 (as of October 12, 2021). For this Fourth Plea, this means we need $389,865.00 gifted to Our Lady’s Cross that She embraced. The amount of $389,865.00 matched then doubles to $779,730.00 to reach four million dollars. Please with your gift for conversion, add prayers for everyone to give what they can. Thank you!!

The Last Lap!!

To the

$4,000,000.00 goal!

This is the last strong push, with Our Lady’s intercession, to acquire the Cross and surroundings. The danger, is it is still on the market and is open to developers who have looked at it. We, therefore, want to make moves A.S.A.P. The goal of a final amount of $389,865.00 doubling to $779,730.00 reaches the goal. The final last mile in a marathon is the hardest and some give up. Now is the time for all to do what they can to cross the finish line for the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain.


One hurdle before crossing the finish line is coming to a realistic price. The land is still priced well over the market price. Now, more than ever, with your gifts, we ask you to couple your donation with daily prayers to change the mentalities of the owners of the property to accept a fair market price.

Making 2 Million Into 4 Million Dollars
For Our Nation’s Conversion

Total Gifts Plus Matching Funds $3,330,270

Please pray every day
throughout the day

Prayer to Our Lady

by a Friend of Medjugorje


O’ Queen, You appeared on February 3, 1994, in the Field of Apparitions, for 10 minutes with Your arms stretched out, during the whole apparition. You gave two blessings over the Valley and Mountains. We now give You this prayer, asking Your help to keep our arms raised as You did here during this special apparition. We ask for all the graces, of all Your apparitions here will merit this valley and mountain will be preserved as no other place You have consecrated by Your presence.

O’ Queen, as Moses’ arms grew weary and needed to be held up for the battle that Joshua was engaged in, in order for Joshua to be victorious, we need Your help to do the same for us. Please acquire these lands for Your Oasis of Peace “here,” a place of conversion, until the time Your Son comes back. Thank you for Your constant intercession for us. Amen.

 * Feb. 3, 1994 – Medjugorje visionary, Marija, described this apparition as a long apparition and Marija said that Our Lady prayed very seriously. We all felt something; a sense of mystery was felt in our hearts. Our founder felt it was some kind of seal that Our Lady was placing over the Valley for the future.

You can mail your donation:

Caritas of Birmingham
c/o Saving the Cross
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA

Please make checks payable to: The Queen of Peace Land Endowment

Or call in the United States:

+1 (205) 672-2000
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Central Time USA

After hours dial to extension: 383

Federal Tax ID: 63-1219612 – Your donations are tax-deductible in the United States

3 thoughts on “Would You Like to Give Our Lady a Christmas Present?”

  1. City: Cypress
    State: California
    Country: United States
    Thank you for posting these videos on your website! My heart and soul are so moved! I know many are there right now for the December 8-12 invitation. How I wish I could have been one of them, but daily responsibilities kept me away. I pray for all of you during this holy time with Our Lady! And I unite my heart and soul with you and beg for some of that grace and peace you are experiencing to wash over me and spill out onto my family and community! May God’s blessings, rain down upon you through the pure, all-loving Immaculate Heart of Mary!!

  2. City: London
    Country: UK
    To ever may read this, this morning I woke early to check the news reports on the storm,”Barra” as I live here and my family in Ireland it’s a feeling of complete no control that in the event of something going wrong during the storm for my family yes my wife and I are divorced some years I try to help my family as much as I can I have my own shrine to our Lady in my bedroom and she watches over me every nite my health is not the best but with Our Ladys help I get bye So anyone who maybe reading this do know Our Lady is always there to help as she does me.

  3. Would You Like to Give Our Lady a Christmas Present?
    Maria Teresa Panman

    City: San Marcos
    State: CA
    Country: USA
    To see this… brought tears to my eyes, because i imagine that i was there between that crowd of people.
    Also because one the last worda my Mother in-law Viola Panman+ (1935-2019) said to me is her plans to visit Caritas!!! (She had leukemia), but i believe one day i will be there, if God’s allows me.
    Thanks for all what Caritas Community been doing: Working and praying.
    A sinner: Jesus i trust in Thee.
    Hail Mary most pure conceived with out sin.
    GOODNESS and Peace

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