
What Happened on July 28, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 28, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

July 28, 2005, Thursday


Before the apparition today, the community gathered in the Bedroom and sang hymns for 30 minutes before starting the Rosary in anticipation of Our Lady’s coming. Though yesterday’s apparition was shorter than normal, today’s was longer than normal. It’s always a surprise to have Our Lady stay longer than what you are expecting. There is always the desire when with Our Lady to bring to Her not only your own needs, but the needs of your loved ones, and those you have promised to pray for. It is a privilege to be before Our Lady, but with that privilege there is a responsibility to use this gift not only for self, but for others. To make all these intentions known to Our Lady usually takes up all the time in a normal apparition. So when Our Lady stays a minute or two longer, it gives one the opportunity to really enter more deeply into an awareness of our Mother before us. We are able to drink in Her presence and open our hearts to share our love with Her.

Marija’s description of the apparition of July 28, 2005: “Our Lady pray over us and She blessed us. She prayed for a long time. For tomorrow: Same time, same place.”

Another special grace was given in the apparition today. Our Lady looked at everyone, scanned everyone’s faces in the room during the apparition. Our Lady does this only occasionally, not often. It is a sign that She sees us individually, knows our faces—our identity, that we are not just a face in a crowd. She has done this quite a few times while visiting the community at Caritas, not only in the intimate meetings with just the community, but also at the large gatherings of pilgrims as well. To ponder that Our Lady takes the time to look at each face in an apparition fills the heart with joy and wonder.


kids with horses

Whatever animals are present at the Rosary, they all go up with the children to Our Lady’s statue as we seek Her blessing over them at the time She is appearing on the earth. It also teaches our children to seek the blessing of God upon everything and to be grateful for all the gifts God gives. The horses are used to herd up the cows, to inspect the fence line, as well as for Sunday afternoon rides in these Southern mountains. In 1994, when the community gave up television, the children approached our founder and asked if they could get horses. He had horses before and trained them for years, but when he married, he got out of it because of the expense. He told the children we had no money for horses but that they could begin praying for this intention every day. However, he told them that they would have to be responsible for remembering to do this themselves. They diligently prayed for an entire year without having any sign from God that He was hearing their prayers. We would see them go off and pray, or at times, see them kneeling by the edge of the Field praying their Hail Mary’s. After a year went by, they met a man who said he wanted to give them a horse. After that, horses began arriving at Caritas in various ways. Finally, the founder gathered the children together and told them to stop praying for horses, and start praying for how we were going to feed them! The children were amazed not only that God answered their prayer, but how he answered their prayer—with more abundance than what they could ever have dreamed.

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5 thoughts on “What Happened on July 28, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Santos B Gonzales

        Thank you friend of Medjugorje for your blessing from GOD with wisdom. I have read the bible 11 times but does mean  i know all but I have noticed thru out history and in the old testament that people get too comfortable and forget GOD’s  blessings and GOD punishes us with his wrath which I see happening today. I have never, in all my years of watching each administration, seen such corruption as in this biden’s administration. We need much prayers.      I have notice a new trend in the Catholic church that has brought many people closer to GOD and that’s the ACTS retreats  for laymen and in the prisons. I have seen miracles in the prisons in Dallas Texas where the HOLY SPIRIT brings together mexican gangs,  black gangs and white supremist together as brothers.  Santos Gonzales Sr

  2. Santos B Gonzales

        Thank you friend of Medjugorje for your blessing from GOD with wisdom. I have read the bible 11 times but does mean  i know all but I have noticed thru out history and in the old testament that people get too comfortable and forget GOD’s  blessings and GOD punishes us with his wrath which I see happening today. I have never, in all my years of watching each administration, seen such corruption as in this biden’s administration. We need much prayers.      I have notice a new trend in the Catholic church that has brought many people closer to GOD and that’s the ACTS retreats  for laymen and in the prisons. I have seen miracles in the prisons in Dallas Texas where the HOLY SPIRIT brings together mexican gangs,  black gangs and white supremist together as brothers.  Santos Gonzales Sr

  3. Sheldeen Yiftheg

    Thank you so much for the adding the story on the horses! Actually, I love all the additional stories added! Thank you Caritas and God Bless you all! Please pray for us to have money for my family and I to go to Medjugorje!! If I had the money I’d be flying there all the time!

  4. What a wonderful Father we all have.  A Father who has raised up a Beautiful Community,  built on the hard work of Our Mother’s Children, and the Generosity of others.  Splendid is Our Creator, who brought the Israelite’s through an empty dessert,  made water Spring Forth from a Rock, and Manna appear every morning. “What is it,” the Jews called this wonderful sustenance, but, “what was it,” the lesson God wanted to teach them, with this Manna?   God showed them, they had to rely upon Him.  He did this by making any extra Manna, they tried to store, go bad and become worm infested instead. When the Israelite’s complained of not having any meat to eat, God brought forth so many Quail, the Israelite’s got sick and tired of eating it. God did this, for the entire nation of Israel, and just like FOM said a few weeks ago about how no one can possibly plan for every conceivable need or situation, be assured Your Heavenly Father, knows, You Need Them All. If you’ve sought first, & continue now to seek, the Kingdom of God, what worry do you possibly want to keep with you, as we now come out of our own Personal Dessert. The Israelite’s roamed the Dessert, together as a nation, we’ve all been roaming the Dessert as Our Mother’s Children,  Separate, Yet United. Our Lady has told us many times,  the Dessert Lays, just beyond Her Oasis. Reside within Her Maternal Care, and Fear Not, even if you die, for you won’t feel the passage from here to Heaven and into Her Wonderful, Waiting Arms. Anyone with  knowledge of a dessert, recognizes travelers relied on a Trail of Oases, to get them from one to the next, until they were on the other side.  Today, we’ll need to rely on God and a Mosaic of Oases, and Our Mother to help us to travel through the real Dessert, outside Her Oases, which we’ve been preparing within this Dessert, which this world has spiritually become. This Dessert of the world,  has been one of a lack of faith, immorality,  decadence and hate.  Even still we’ll reside, only in our own separate Oasis, as this Dessert becomes one of limited resources,  increased treachery and deceit. Never forget though, Our Heavenly Father,  has done much more than just, “Surprise,” those in the past.  Don’t forget, God, “MADE,” the entire nation of Israel to be,”Reliant,” upon Him.  He had to do this in order to get, “Egypt and their bad practices, out of the Israelite’s, ” even though He’d already gotten, “Israel out of Egypt.” Should we then also forget, how God put it into Pharaohs heart, for Israel to receive all of Egypt’s Gold, into the dessert, only to be later turned into the Idol, showing Egypt,  still remained within the Jews? What other, “Worry,” was there, for which the Jews had, and God was still displeased with? It was their Fear, that they were going to have to fight Giants, within the Promised Land and doubted their success, even though God said they would take the land. What did God do with those fearful Jews? God condemns them to death in the wilderness until a new generation could grow up and carry out the task. If you’re Fearful of What you will Eat, or Worried about What you will Wear. How will You Have any of the Strength in Faith, needed to do, what God will call upon us to do, as we come out of Our Own Personal Dessert Now? Everything we’ve done and gone through, has been an exercise to build Our Faith in God. FOM has called it, “Construction from Destruction, and if you’ve been through this, you’ve been getting ready, not to have wealth, but to be like a Schindler,  from the movie “Schindler’s List.” Your test will be to see how you use your Mammon, to save ever more souls through these days, rather now, than later, as the repentant Schindler realized, only in the end. The Bible tells us,  there is Strength in numbers,, when one falls, the other can lift the other up, and a cord of three is hard to break.  When no one can prepare for everything, we must rely instead for each to do their own part and for those with much to do the,  “More,” they are called to do. If those given much,  don’t believe the need to spend on the things to grow a separate economy from the world now, you’ve missed how satan is doing this very thing, in a most devious manner, taking from some to unjustly give to others, all as a shade of what True Christians are called to actually do,  that being to help others instead, from the Heart. If you’ve had faith and received,  without faith now to give, you are in danger of making  Mammon your god. It does no good to know what is Right, Without Doing it. This is why the man who Jesus said, was close to Heaven,  in all but one way, went away sad, because he had many things.  In the end, the man didn’t follow Jesus, after giving everything he had to the poor, did he? Better to make a string of Oases, as a String of Pearl’s, for Our Lady, than to have a single real pearl in your possession, or rely on a single well or field. If you make it,  they will come, if you don’t,  others will come seeking your wealth,  who won’t have Christ within them. Even if your land lies fallow today, your tractors, rest in barns, God, through Our Mother will lead those you will need, to you in FAITH. THEY WILL NEED YOU AS WELL…..God will provide, as He’s done for you already.  For those whom receive much, much will be Required.  God Bless All of You Wonderful Schindler’s…….Your Reward will be Great in Heaven. 

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