
What Happened on July 23 & July 24, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on July 23 & July 24, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee


What happened on July 23, 2005?


medjugorje visionary marija
 crucifix over bed

The apparition was in the Bedroom at 6:40 p.m. The whole community was present. The founder of Caritas, again, in a long prayer before the Rosary began asked Our Lady for great conversions to take place during the Five Days of Prayer. He then encouraged the community, once again, that during the apparition we each, in the silence of our hearts, ask Our Lady to take possession of us, that we may belong completely to Her. In the apparition, Our Lady blessed us and prayed over us.

In the apparition today, Marija’s three-year-old son, Giovanni was fussing a little. When the 8-year-old daughter of our founder tried to take him out of the room since it was exactly at apparition time, he grabbed hold of Marija’s arm trying to stay. Marija was oblivious to all this, even though her body was being pulled in two different directions at the time. It was an amazing scene to watch, with Marija in ecstasy. After the apparition ended, our founder explained to Marija what had been happening while she was seeing Our Lady. She smiled shaking her head at her young son as she listened to the story.


What happened on July 24, 2005?


These days, Our Lady’s apparitions took on a similar daily routine normal to Medjugorje visionary Marija’s everyday life. Our Lady came at a regularly set time that She chose, and always blessed and prayed over everyone present. The apparition of July 24, 2005 took place in the Bedroom, in the evening at 6:40 p.m.

Every morning in the Field at Caritas where Our Lady has appeared to Marija more than 30 times over the years (in the Field), the Rosary is prayed when the whole Community is gathered together. This time corresponds with the Rosary being said in Medjugorje leading up to the evening apparition time of the Medjugorje visionaries. In Medjugorje, during the summer, the time is 6:40 p.m., which is 11:40 a.m., Alabama time. Marija, of course, is not here except when she is attending a special prayer retreat at Caritas. However, our community always honors this time of Our Lady’s apparition all year round. When in Medjugorje, Marija’s daily apparitions are held primarily in her private chapel next to her home, Ivan’s take place in his private chapel and on Apparition Mountain, and Vicka’s take place in her home. With the other visionaries, Mirjana’s apparitions on the second of the month take place at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountian, and Ivanka’s and Jakov’s take place in their private homes.


At the moment of the time of apparition in Medjugorje, there is silent prayer in the Field, here at Caritas, where everyone offers their heart and private intentions to Our Lady. At that time, the children of the community go before Our Lady’s statue in the Field and honor this time as well. Even the little babies are brought up at that time. From the beginning of their lives they are taught to acknowledge this special moment in the day when Our Lady comes down to visit the Earth, to pray over us and to bless us that we might have the strength to live what She is telling us in Her messages.


Since September, 1989, a prayer has been prayed in the Field consecrating the land, the mountains, even the trees and animals to Our Lady. This prayer was written by our founder in 1989. He had always prayed for this valley to be used for God’s purposes since the time he and his wife first purchased this land in 1977, and then, especially when they began to build their home in 1981—the same year Our Lady began appearing in Medjugorje. We have experienced the power of consecrations through the years, and in a particular way, have seen how God uses even the wild forest animals, consecrated to Him in this prayer each day, to bring conversion to people’s hearts—even our own.

deer and rebel

The deer in the pictures was separated from its mother in the first days of its life. It was raised from a bottle in our founder’s home and at a young age began to come to the Field at Rosary time. Once grown, she was free to come and go—but at the sound of the Rosary bells, she always came bounding into the Field, happy to be reunited to her dog friend, Rebel, and all the community. There were times that she came to the Field panting heavily and we realized she had heard the bells from a far off distance, and ran from a long ways to come to the Field where she knew everyone was gathering.

deer and rebel

It was always a beautiful scene for the community to see our deer running side by side Rebel, making us think of the Scripture passage, “The lion will lie down with the lamb.”


Marija with her son, Giovanni.


After the apparition in the Bedroom, June 24, 2005, Marija, seen at the bottom right corner, tells stories to the community as they gather in the living room.

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

15 thoughts on “What Happened on July 23 & July 24, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. Our prayers have been with you throughout your illness and recovery. You mean so much to the world it is such a blessing God spared your life for the good of the world. The Blessed Mother is not finished with you! Love Maria and Bill

  2. Richard Robert

    Thanks for the frank & courageous message you gave to all of us & your kind acknowledgement through Radio wave of our prayers & moral support for your speedy recovery. Mother Mary & her Son Jesus never forsaken us in this difficult times because of this Evil Pandemic we are facing now. In the end the Immaculate Heart of Mary & Sacred Heart of Jesus will triumph over all the lies & deceptions of Satan. We all pray that believers & Non Believers will accept the divine truth Our Blessed Mother revealed in Her messages coming this 40th anniversary for the Salvation of humanity.

  3. we all need your payer I want to be a saint for Mary I believe that Mary appearing Medjugore and I want to obey Her Messages and I want spread Her Message to all kind of people 

  4. Praise God for His mercy for your swift recovery!Hearing your voice again in this new broadcast, brought joy to know you remain strong in doing Our Lady’s work. We continue to pray the plans and projects of Our Lady to be realized, for your continued recovery and unveiling Our Lady’s words in a deeper way to the world, the community, the visionaries, the land surrounding the valley and the mountains for an oasis of peace, and for the conversion of the whole world. Through the intercession of Our Lady Queen of Peace and in reconciliation. Pray for us!

  5. Celine Rivard

    It so nice to have you back to encourage us along to follow our Lady!  Thanking God for giving you a new life!  Our prayers goes out to you and the community!  God Bless!

  6. Bernardo Sanchez

    A new life, with new plans and new strength. A life in holiness, as an example for us all over the world. Thanks for taking it with such indifference to whether you get acceptance or not from it.

  7. I am so happy to hear this now thanks to Jacinta!!!!! I thought this was airing tonight, Wednesday, 26 May but as Our Lady says, “nothing happens by chance.” I had my own encounter with satan on Monday (the 24th) as I was preparing my heart for Our Lady’s 25th of the month message. The phone experience on Monday was so diobolical but gratefully I could pray for the person (using such vulgar threats) in my Adoration Hour early Tuesday morning. I am beginning to understand when Our Lady says to do EVERYTHING with LOVE. I am so happy about the NEW life in the our Friend of Medjugorje!!!!

  8. I am so glad you are back to help interpret our lady’s messages. I look forward to listening to you. I am glad you are healing so well, and look forward to listening to your next broadcast. Thank you.

  9. Joseph Jannetta

    Oh Mary my Mother my Queen I offer you this day from my heart to your heart to His heart , all for you , all for your SON our SAVIOR and King . Ave Maria – Viva Cristo Rey  Pax et Bonum to all at  Caritas . Thank you all for your yes. Pray pray PRAY!

  10. Thank you Terry for living Love !!! For helping us in a practical way to be saints- apostles of Our Lady in this Her time!  We love you all – Caritas- Terry- Our Lady’s family.   Your Florida friends 

  11. Barbara Bernier

    God Bless you. Thank you for all you have given me. Thank you for sharing Our Lady’s words and for breaking them down for us to understand. Bless you and your family.wishes for a complete recovery for you.  Amen 

  12. Dear Friend of Medjugoje, it is so good to hear you are recovering from your bypass opperation. I truly believe Our Lady and Almighty God have more work for you to do in spreading Our Lady’s messages and a new way of life based on serving Almighty God. May God bless you, your family and all at Caritas who work so hard for the salvation of souls.


    To live as a child of Mother Mary is good and sweet. Carry on, nothing can hot you. Do the work Our Lady ask you to do for her. We are ready to read her heavenly messages everyday through you. God bless you.

  14. What a courageous and beautiful testimony.  So thankful that you decided to give your life to Our Blessed Mother. So many have and will benefit from your testimony. May God Bless you abundantly. 

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