What Happened on August 1, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee

What Happened on August 1, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee


August 1, 2005, Monday


pilgrims praying

Marija, with her oldest son, Michele, is amongst the pilgrims in the Field after the apparition of Our Lady on this day, August 1, 2005


Since Our Lady’s July 25, 2005, message given in the Bedroom, the community had been praying a 9-hour novena each day for Our Lady’s intentions for Her birthday. With this being the first day of the five days of prayer with Our Lady, the community invited all the pilgrims to join them in praying these novenas each day, which involved praying three Hail Mary’s on the top of each hour beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. Our Lady’s apparition was in the evening in the Field in the presence of several thousand people.

Marija’s Description: “The moment Our Lady come, I recommend all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. And I ask also for blessing for letters that we have here, intentions, and objects for blessing and Our Lady smiling while She blessed and She said, “Go in peace.”

Marija said that Our Lady, when asked about the apparition tomorrow, August 2, said: “Same time. Same place.”



medjugorje visionary marija in extacy

This is the moment of Our Lady’s apparition on August 1, 2005. Marija’s husband, Paolo, kneels directly beside Marija—but what he sees while looking up is not what Marija sees. All of us who do not see Our Lady in apparitions use pictures, statues and images of Our Lady to try to imagine Her as Marija sees Her. We all have our favorite, the one that makes us feel closer to Our Lady’s heart, Her presence more felt. But Marija has often commented how she has never seen a statue or picture of Our Lady that does justice to Our Lady’s beauty. Every painting, even the classics, is disappointing next to the beautiful face of Our Lady filled with a love not of this world. All the visionaries say Our Lady’s beauty cannot be described. Our best effort to imagine Our Lady’s beauty would not come even close to what is reality of what the visionaries see.

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2 thoughts on “What Happened on August 1, 2005: Caritas Silver Jubilee”

  1. This message spoke to my heart and soul.  I had a knee scope surgery today and I felt the love of Mary ,while listening to this broadcast a few minutes at the time from 10 am to almost 11 pm CST.   My husband who is usually not open to listening listened  in the hour long car trip to the surgery center.  While in pre op waiting I prayed the 911 prayer , part of the 54 day rosary and even prayed an impromptu prayer with my surgeon.  My surgeon found less damage than he expected.  He said I had no cartilage but when he went in I had 90 to 95  percent left , so knee replacement is highly unlikely.   We have 4 children , 3 out of high school and living away from home , when my youngest son  called he said “guess what I did last night?” I jokingly said went to mass.  He said no I opened my Bible which I haven’t opened in almost a year and I  just flipped to the same readings from Sunday’s gospel father read     He  said “isn’t that strange. I said no that’s the Holy Spirit.    Thank you for all that you do and the sacrifices you make and all that you share.  I pray that you continue to recover from you heart attack and God renews you everyday  .  Please pray for me too, the enemy for a week had me in a cloud of despair and depression that lifted this morning. I slept in for a week,neglected my prayers , neglected my diet, etc  but today  I prayed 3 Hail Mary’s opened randomly the messages and it mentioned holy mass(see below- father sadly did not respond Lord hear our prayers. – but he hasn’t  thrown out my MEJ materials yet )  and so I went at 8 am and had communion on the tongue and prayed aloud during the petitions that the Virgin Mary’s messages of Mejugorje will be accepted and read every day”. ( see above I put in wrong place)  I wasn’t supposed to eat anything after 12 am.  I wasn’t to drink either but I drank water but miraculously the anathesiologist didn’t postpone my surgery    Again God bless you all at Caritas  Love,  Mary Elizabeth Boyce Eufaula, AL

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