The church of St. James in Medjugorje, and what we can learn from it…
July 19, 2011 A.D.
Saint James Church in Medjugorje, July 15, 2011
What have these two steeples witnessed for the past 30 years, and what do they teach us?
It was here in this church that the villagers began to gather after the Medjugorje apparitions started and soon, through Our Lady’s guidance, an evening service was started with the Rosary at 6:00 PM, Our Lady’s apparition at 6:40 PM, then followed by Croatian Mass. Our Lady guided the visionaries and villagers in this schedule which She has asked to be kept permanent. More importantly, Our Lady gave direction to the visionaries and villagers in the spiritual life so that they could be witnesses of Her messages and of Her presence here. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on December 13, 1984:
“…So first of all, begin to love your own family, everyone in the parish, and then you’ll be able to love and accept all who are coming over here…”
Understanding Our Lady’s Messages
September 25, 1990
“…satan wishes to destroy my plans and hinder the desires which the Heavenly Father wants realized ‘here’ [in Medjugorje]…”
This is why Our Lady thanked those who remain firm to Her plan “here” and who do not betray Her presence.
January 25, 1991
“…Thank you that you will not betray my presence ‘here’ [Medjugorje]…”
Except for the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the death of the last apostle, the messages and apparitions of Medjugorje are the most important event in history in nearly 2,000 years for the following three reasons:
1. They are the most frequent apparitions ever.
2. Our Lady will give messages from Medjugorje as never in history since the beginning of the world.
3. They are the last apparitions on earth.
The plan of Medjugorje is beyond our total comprehension but through prayer, we can receive glimpses of its magnitude.
5 thoughts on “What Do These Steeples Teach Us?”
Do you by chance have any sound resources you can steer us to in helping guide us toward “stocking up” our pantries? I love how that was all put. I know The Lord does not want us to fear, and I know he wants us to be prudent and preparing to take care of our family of course, and to not be hoarders! Thank you for this
Thank you so much for the April 8th Radio Wave. You have helped me and my to family to know what we are supposed to be doing. Only by the grace of God and our sweet Blessed Mother am i lucky enough to have a husband who has listened to you and your warnings. We will not take the second shot or any shot again. God bless you all.
Because the satanists are trying hard to keep doing their rituals. I remember when a priest at my childhood church talked about an instance when the host was found hidden in a church pamphlet and it was figured out what was planned for it and stopped. This occured quite a few years ago, if ya ever heard of how they do that or sent kids to get it for them and how they like using holy items, expecially eurchrist and tried with the lance which you know curses them as well, blessings given to the good and if used in bad then curses the holder, in their rituals the more Holy powerful the more they aim for it, and euchrist is the bread temple highest sacrifice besides being Jesus’s body and blood. Sadly, that sounds like one of those instances.
I’m only half way through, and I’m lifted up, because we pray St. Joseph’s prayer! This Easter Sunday, we witnessed 2 abominations to Our Eucharistic Lord while we were refused reception by mouth.! One of those instisances involved a 20 some girl with purple hair, who raised the Host to her mouth/mask, and then hid it in her hand and walked away! You might ask why I would allow this?….two of my sons witnessed it and only told me after she had apparently left. This was preceeded by a young girl, who twirling, through out her hand, received, and walked away with Host in hand! The priest, saw, and sent someone to receive Our Lord. ( but I do question why he would have given her Our Lord to begin with…poor judgment!) I’d like to say, that during Communion, my family restrained and we prayed a spiritual Communion. What we witnessed followed. As the situation with the younger girl took fold, we witnessed on the screen from the hall. As the priest questioned the mother, “Has she received her first holy communion???” , mutiple times, he then instructed someone to retrieve the Host. Then.. whomever was in charge of the live stream to the hall, cut the mic and focused camera on the crucifix. Why didn’t they want this event to be seen??????!!!!! I did…Holy Spirit inspired….go to the front of the hall and poured forth from my mouth, everything spirit lead, to the usher who denied us, and to the Eucharistic minister! If I put all those words here…it would be too much. So to shorten a long story….I am done playing the covid game in our church!!!! While my now 9 y/o can’t make his first Holy Communion, while our family has not received Our Lord in over 6 months…the abominations are allowed to continue under the LIE of covid! Our bishops are responsible for this! But, we as individuals and families, need to resist and DEMAND our right as Catholics, to receive Our Lord by mouth AND to demand measures to protect Our Eucharistic Lord be put in place!!
Impeccable timing that this Special World Report was issued today. I have no doubt Our Lady was behind this as nothing is by chance. Thank you Friend of Medjugorje. In Australia there is this article today about Vaccines being dropped with all these others taking it’s place. Todays broadcast has helped me see right through this – it is all a scam. I knew it was a scam but it is hidden in plain sight right now. Here is the story that makes it seem like the Vaccine is really important [url=][/url]