With Medjugorje, there is one essential aspect to the apparitions…
July 6, 2015 A.D.
With the Medjugorje apparitions, there is one essential aspect: the visionaries. Without them, Our Lady’s plan could not have been brought into reality. They are important in Her plan.
Mirjana, with face raised towards Our Lady, while behind her and to the right, is Mirjana’s husband, head bowed, hands spread in supplication and prayer. A faithful man and woman, servants of Our Lady, walking a difficult path in living out a special calling to be witnesses of Our Lady for the sake of the world’s salvation.
“…Looking at you with tenderness, I feel immeasurable love which strengthens me in my desire to bring you to a firm faith…”
Our Lady asked the six visionaries to offer their lives for the salvation of the world—for your and my salvation and the whole world. They have spent their lives interceding and sacrificing for millions of souls to find the pathway to Heaven. Yet, how much do we remember to pray for them, for their spouses and their children? We should be praying everyday for the visionaries and their families—for strength to carry out their calling, for perseverance in the difficulties they face, for protection against the evil one, and for all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill all that Our Lady desires of them. We ask you to pause right now and ask Our Lady’s protection and grace for all the visionaries, their marriages and their families.
P.S. The new website, about Medjugorje, Church approval, and what you need to know, is a wealth of wisdom that a Friend of Medjugorje has offered to you for your spiritual nourishment. The site, though only a partial release is already shaping hearts towards a deeper understanding of Our Lady and Her apparitions in Medjugorje. Take the time to read through all the materials several times, learn them and make them a part of your mentality. To visit the new site, click here…
P.P.S. The new site and many other projects being worked on have required alot of resources to bring to fruition. Your prayers and donations are what keeps everything operating and offered free to the world’s population. If you have already given to support this work, we thank you. We ask you to continue, and if possible, to make another one-time donation to help cover the costs that went into building and launching the new site. Visit here to make your donation to Our Lady’s work…