
We Are Under Judgement

We Are Under Judgement

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2015 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, I am always with you because my Son entrusted you to me. And you, my children, you need me, you are seeking me, you are coming to me, and you are bringing joy to my motherly heart. I have, and always will have, love for you; for you who suffer and who offer your pains and sufferings to my Son and to me. My love seeks the love of all of my children, and my children seek my love. Through love, Jesus seeks unity between Heaven and earth; between the Heavenly Father and you, my children – His Church. Therefore, it is necessary to pray much, to pray and love the Church to which you belong. Now, the Church is suffering and needs apostles who by loving unity, by witnessing and giving, show the ways of God. The Church needs apostles who by living the Eucharist with the heart, do great works; it needs you, my apostles of love. My children, from the very beginning, the Church was persecuted and betrayed, but day by day it grew. It is indestructible because My Son gave it a heart – the Eucharist, and the light of His resurrection shone and will continue to shine upon it. Therefore, do not be afraid. Pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength and the love to be bridges of salvation. Thank you!”


Updated December 12, 2015

We Are Under Judgement

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Something very profound happened, nay beyond profound, beyond our ability to comprehend of what happened in Medjugorje when Our Lady appeared. All make a mistake to think Medjugorje is another Fatima. John Paul II and many others have stated that Fatima is the most significant event and apparition of the 20th century. They are wrong. John Paul II is not being criticized here. He, while alive, was called John Paul the Great. This was fully accepted, along with the belief that he was a saint while alive, long before he was canonized. Having met him personally and having received three separate blessings from him after speaking to him of Medjugorje, he remains greatly respected and loved by us. However, it is his statement concerning Fatima and others which are not correct, of which must be corrected to grasp the significance of what God is doing in this time. It is an error to think one cannot share a truth to correct what is not accurate. After Peter was raised to the position as the Pontiff, did not St. Paul disagree with Peter and made a public correction? One may respond, “That was St. Paul.” It does not matter if a peasant told Peter what Paul told Peter. Paul or a peasant’s statement still would be truth.

Pope Benedict XVI stated:

“There may be a legitimate difference of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not…with regard to abortion and euthanasia.”

John Paul II’s statement on Fatima was not a Church Dogmatic statement, like abortion and euthanasia. Benedict also said at a German University that, “you do not have to agree with me on everything.” For those who have a problem, disagreeing with the statement that John Paul II was wrong in stating that, “Fatima is the most significant apparition of the 20th century, reveals that one does not understand God’s plans today. This statement is not to make a contest between Fatima vs. Medjugorje. This, in no way, is what is being implied. For those who interpret these writings as such, it is stated this is not the intent, but rather to fester out a truth that many do not or do not want to understand.

Medjugorje crossed heavily over from the 20th century into the 21st century, covering 19 years of the previous century. John Paul II, many Church leaders and much of the laity around the world were very aware of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje, yet persisted in their insistence that Fatima is the most important apparition of the century. As stated, this is not about competition, as Our Lady does not compete with Herself, but rather it is recognizing that Medjugorje goes beyond any past apparition. Yet, all previous apparitions prepared and led to this moment when God would send Our Lady to Medjugorje. Let it be stated before reading the following, that we are not seeking or advocating for Medjugorje to be approved. It is not God’s Will that Medjugorje be approved or disapproved, as it must fully unfold first. Why? Medjugorje’s approval would destroy Our Lady’s plans. Many will not understand this statement nor see beyond the mentality that would give understanding of this statement. Nevertheless, it is stated clearly, “It is not God’s Will for Medjugorje to be approved until Our Lady implements most of Her plans and when the fulfillment of Her plans are in plain sight. Medjugorje will not be approved or condemned. History will prove these words, while many of the present will scoff at these words.

In the beginning of the 1900’s, Fatima had only six apparitions in a period of six months, while in Medjugorje Our Lady appeared 6,765 times at the end of the 1900’s over a period of 19 years. This number does not count Our Lady appearing in the prayer group apparitions or other occasions when She appeared more than once a day in Medjugorje. And there were many times Our Lady appeared to a visionary individually when they were not altogether. Fatima, while very significant, was clearly not even close to the significance of God’s intentions and purposes for sending Our Lady to Medjugorje. Fatima can be compared to an advertisement for a show that would be broadcast in an upcoming series of releases, a ‘trailer’ for advertising to build interest and momentum for the big appearance, the grand appearance that shows the whole story Just as what John the Baptist was for Jesus, Fatima is for Medjugorje. Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest of all prophets. John the Baptist said, “I will decrease. He (Jesus) will increase.” Fatima is the greatest of all prophetic apparitions for the new time of Our Lady’s presence and ‘Her time’ in Medjugorje. Our Lady clearly distinguished Medjugorje from all other places:

March 21, 1985

“…in a special way I have chosen this parish, one more dear to me than the others, in which I have gladly remained when the Almighty sent me…”

Our Lady also shows that Medjugorje is “the” big plan and “the” great plan.

January 25, 1987

“…I want you to comprehend that God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind…”

If you still do not understand that John Paul II’s statement and others like it, both in the hierarchy of the Church and laity, are wrong, not the person, it is because you do not want to understand. Such statements will certainly offend some, even many. Truth offends, especially when people cling to their own personal dogmas of truth.

This is exactly what happened with Jesus. All the Jews, without division of belief, looked for the Messiah to come. Yet, when He did come, they did not recognize Him. Some doubted, some were indifferent, still more rejected Him as it did not match the Grand appearance of all the other advertisements that come through the prophets for centuries had foretold for the grand finale of the appearance in the world of the Messiah. Those who did believe and accept Jesus as the Messiah were the fewest in number of any of the above groups. And now, just as the prophets preceded the Messiah’s coming, there have been apparitions of Our Lady over the past centuries leading to and preparing for the finality of Mary’s last apparitions on earth, which we are now living in this moment. But people, like they did with Jesus, do not recognize Her, others doubt, some are indifferent, still most reject, while the fewest accept Her Grand appearance. Is it because She comes not as ‘royal’ as in Fatima? Is it because She comes in an unexpected way? Is it because of a hundred other reasons? Or is it because She shows up like a maid whose duty is to be here every day, cleaning house? Does this not meet people’s expectations of their Queen as She appeared in other apparitions, just as it did not meet the people’s expectations of Jesus who came poor, was born in a stable, was not “royaled” up, did not sit on a throne, who humbled Himself before the humblest of peasants? Or are people not happy that Our Lady is empowering Her children who have no power in the Church, who have no authority? Yet, through Her authority She is granting authority to Her children to change the Church. She speaks of “my apostles,” separating them (Our Lady’s apostles) from those who She refers to as shepherds, or Her Son’s apostles.

June 2, 2015

“…Pray for your shepherds. They belong to my Son. He called them…”

Now, Our Lady calls us, Her children, “to be my (Her) apostles,” of which She says:

June 2, 2015

“…I desire to work through you — my children, my apostles…”

Yes, all this is a problem until you understand the work Our Lady has come to do. You can better understand why Our Lady comes not “royaled” up, but rather comes dressed in gray. As Marija has stated, gray is a statement in that it is the color of a servant’s dress who comes to work. There are no days off in cleaning up the mess the world is in. For 34 years we have been in a period of work. Six days shall you work, the seventh day you shall rest. The number “7” is biblical. There are 7 days in a week, 7 sorrows of Mary. In Medjugorje Our Lady taught the visionaries the 7-7-7: seven Our Father’s, seven Hail Mary’s and seven Glory Be’s. But Our Lady did not choose seven visionaries because 7 means completion. She chose six. This is a significant sign. Our Lady is here to put them to work. Six days shall you work. The six visionaries, and those yoked with them, have had no time off in this ‘34 year week;’ they have worked without a 7th day of rest. Our Lady made a sign, choosing six because seven would have signified a completion of work. Far from completion, these apparitions are “roll up your sleeves time” because the “May” Queen is here for a spring cleaning. What will be the results? Hedges cut, weeding, clutter cleaned up, everything worn out and useless will be cast away. All will be swept clean and/or thrown away. What will be left when the May Queen finishes Her work on each individual? Only what will glorify God. Everything broken will be repaired and if unrepairable, discarded. It was, it is Our Lady who has made this clear. What She has come for is to clear the way for a stairway to Heaven. Any steps broken will be torn out, the damaged ones that are repairable will be repaired. What will remain will be polished to shine in glory. Our Lady made this clear by saying:

September 2, 2011

“…Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains…”

Our Lady is with us for a spiritual renaissance. Our Lady wants us to understand that man’s highest happiness can only be found in God. This is what She teaches us and this is what the saints show us – how to have happy, contented hearts. Are you content? Are you happy? Our Lady gives you an experience of feeling holiness. It is a feeling of sweetness. It is a desire She has for you, despite the stench of the world that seeps out from your life. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1994

“…I desire, little children, that all of you who have felt the fragrance of holiness, through these messages which I am giving you, to carry it in this world…”

Carry it in this world, why? Because a renaissance cannot happen in an odor of stench. It needs cleaning. Does your life reek with the bad odor of wrong choices? Have hope to change, that even a stink bug can fly. Our Lady said:

August 25, 2015

“…May prayer be for you the wings for an encounter with God…”

Today, the Church places Fatima over Medjugorje and even regards Medjugorje as not so important. These souls in the Church structure and those not part of the Church structure, but who are of the same mindset, were here 2,000 years ago with the same mentalities when Jesus came. They did not recognize or want to recognize Him, just as today they do not recognize or want to recognize, much less understand, Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions. They are entrenched in their own personal opinioned dogmatic views of Church dogmas. In the same spirit of how the original Renaissance came about because of many people, like Leonardo da Vinci who became independent thinkers and broke away from the restrictive and even oppressive ways of that time, we are in the midst of a shift in the way we will be living in the very near future. Today “entrenched personal opinioned dogmas” will not allow a spiritual renaissance. But Our Lady is here to inspire a new spring, a new renaissance where a new spirit of God will enter many new fields opening up a time where God will be glorified through our lives and the works we will be inspired to perform. The glory of God, through this renaissance, will even be manifested through many physical changes in the world, in our surroundings, and even how we will be using creation—a host of new things and developments of old, of which will glorify God.

You, therefore, cannot just accept to sit on Medjugorje, or not spread Medjugorje. If your life, your job, your work, your school, your things, your authority, how you are living your state in life, if anything that you are doing is not glorifying God, it is going away. It will fall apart. What will remain is that which glorifies God. No one, even the highest in the Church down to the peasant, has sway or authority to stop what is a judgment of God. The world is now under indictment. You, of course, can reject it as a judgment, but you cannot escape it. Judgment is upon us. You can rise and fly from the stench of so many personal, individual dogmas and enter into the spiritual renaissance that will remain when all falls apart or you can fall apart with what is passing away.

In these last times of Our Lady’s apparitions, no one has authority to stop you from spreading, promoting, propagating, and living Her messages. No one is in a position that can stop us. It is Our Lady who repeatedly tells us not to wait. Time is running out for the world as we know it, and you are going to let someone tell you to “low key” Medjugorje? You are going to be timid? You think you are being obedient? It is the authority of Christ Himself who has sent the Virgin Mary for:

November 29, 1981

“…the world to be saved while there is still time…” November 29, 1981

You must go full time spreading Our Lady’s messages. There is no more time.

June 2, 2011

“…Look around you, my children, and see where the world is going…”

And you are waiting for the Pope to say something, waiting for a Cardinal to rescind a statement that we cannot attend or host a Medjugorje conference and the likes, waiting for your bishop to say it is okay, waiting for your priests to say it is okay. It is Our Lady, by Heaven’s radical intervention, saying it is okay, go forth now. The messages all relate to activity – now, in implementing Our Lady’s plans. Our Lady said on October 30, 1986:

“…today again I desire to call you to take seriously and carry out the messages which I am giving you…”

Does that sound like we are suppose to wait? Look at the date – ‘ 1986’. And you think we should listen to those who do not have authority to stop us when we are the ones who are being given authority from Our Lady? Our Lady continues this ‘long ago 1986 message,’ conveying now, do not wait:

October 30, 1986

“…it is for your sake that I have stayed this long (This is only 5 years, we now are 34 years!) so I could help you to fulfill all the messages which I am giving you… carry out all the messages which I am giving you…”

“Carry out.” When? When the Church approves Medjugorje? When your bishop blesses you? It will be too late then. The messages are “now,” in 1986— and the “now” in 2015. And you are trying to find out what God is calling you for with your life, what you should do with your future? This is the future. We are to change the prevailing path the Church and the world are on towards a new direction. We will prevail if we walk and do what Our Lady asks. We have the confidence of Heaven and the answer, when many, and we should say most, in the Church do not. Yet, we remain faithful to our faith. The Church will become Medjugorje and when it does, there will be a renaissance, spiritual in nature, recognized as divine, through physical realities seen upon the earth that will encompass our lives, structures and norms.

You cannot stop it. If you remain in its way, you will be crushed by “it.” You can join “it.” It is what? Our Lady’s way of life in a new time. You will learn it through the messages when you put them into every part of your life. You will learn it from the Community of Caritas, a window of the future, of which Our Lady asked in 1988 to be established. “A Way of Life in a New Time” that will not fall apart.

All of the above came from the inspiration from the first line of today’s message of December 2, 2015:

“I am always with you because my Son entrusted you to me.”

What the rest of today’s December 2, 2015 message says, I testify before God, has not been read nor even a word looked upon, except the first sentence when all the above was written. This is told to you to show you what only one sentence of twelve words of Our Lady can inspire. Every word of Our Lady’s messages has power and meaning because Our Lady said Her messages are “conveyed from God” Himself! Being unaware of what the rest of the December 2, 2015 message says, I will finish with a last insight on these first 12 words:

“…I am always with you because my Son entrusted you to me…”

Jesus, at the foot of the Cross, entrusted the:

“Woman behold thy son.”
“Son behold thy Mother.”

In the Garden of Eden, God says to the serpent:

Woman will crush your head.

Jesus says to His Mother at Cana:

Woman, my time has not come.

Jesus says to His Mother at the Cross:

Woman behold thy son.

John writes in Revelation:

A Woman…and on her head a crown of 12 Stars.

The Woman

If not now, when? This is Her time. When Jesus gave Our Lady to John at the Cross, calling Her “Woman,” He was looking into the future to the book of Revelation when She would be fully and completely “the Woman,” given as Mother to the whole world to guide and save the world, crushing the serpent through Her Offspring.

If not now, when? “I am always with you…” The Woman, Our Lady, when these apparitions end, will always be with us. She has come and has been given a new efficacy , a new power of presence that will not diminish. “Always” means perpetually. Our Lady is here to walk us all the way to Her Son’s Second Coming because without Her, most would go to perdition. She is here for when that time comes of the antichrist. Through this increased power and efficacy Our Lady has been given upon the earth and through Her messages, the scales will be balanced, countering the antichrist.

If not now, when? “My Son entrusted you to me,” from the foot of the Cross to now.

Scripture today is being fulfilled in your hearing!

How serious is it to act now?

March 25, 1994

“…become an instrument in my hands, FOR THE SALVATION OF THE WORLD…”

1986 – “Today I desire to call you to take seriously and carry out my messages.”

2015 — “The Church needs [a rising up of new] apostles.”

Become a Believer, Now – Act – Implement,

Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

P.S. To be explicitly clear: In this time of man’s history, it is not up to the Church to approve or disapprove Medjugorje. God has prevented both judgments. There should be no effort to have Medjugorje approved, for it is not God’s will. It will happen when the Church is sufficiently purified. This is so as not to stop Medjugorje through approval. Without serious prayer and wisdom, one cannot understand that Church approval would damage, even end Medjugorje and Our Lady’s plans.

1. For more information, download, “Medjugorje, The Fulfillment of all Marian Apparitions, available here.
2. For a profound learning experience, download “May Queen” Radio Wave Broadcast available here.   “May Queen” is something you do not want to miss. Or order the CD directly from Caritas of Birmingham. Call 24 hr, 205-672-2000, ext. 315.
3. Efficacy means the power to produce effects

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14 thoughts on “We Are Under Judgement”

  1. Patrick and Monica Roe

    Your insights are heaven driven, it is wonderful to be here at this time in history. May the good Lord contiue to give you His Wisdom, Greetings from Wexford Ireland

  2. Wonderful insights from Friend of Medjugorje. He is a blessing too. Our Lady is definitely hugging our planet earth everyday.

  3. carlos montero

    Great writings. I always enjoyed them. It happened the other day I was talking to some Catecumens about the Mary’s role on the salvation of the world and I mentioned the same words of WOMAN…as you mentioned in this writings… The Holy Ghost spoke thru me I think!

  4. Richard Northrop

    Hi; I love your writings about Our Lady’s messages. It helps me understand them better. I also try to use the 5 stones Our Lady gave us to defeat Satan. Your writings about Dec 2, 2015 really has me thinking. Your random message is one of my favorites especially when Our Lady stated there will not be a World War III. AS a U S vet of over 30 years, I was blessed to visit Medjugorje twice while stationed in Europe.

  5. Yes we will persist and spread Our Lady’s messages despite “glassy stares” and those who just get up and walk away!No one leaves me without Our Lady’s blessing though! Got ya! Reading got me started Thanks to Wayne Weible ,but Visiting Caritas in Alabama I received an abundance of grace as soon as I stepped foot on that ground! Medjugorje with Caritas continued the process and conversion continues 7 years later! I am unstoppable because my experiences at Caritas were my saving grace ..Thank you for “A Day in The Life”! So many familiar faces I love to see and all those new little ones too! Honestly I remember you prayerfully every day!I wouldn’t change “this new me” for anything! I want to be like Father Slavko and just work for Our lady until I drop!

  6. I believe all those who got near to Our Lady in Medjugorje, visited for a time of prayer or purely out of curiosity is a witness. I believe we are the new apostles. We are her crew. We have to get united and pray, find a time an hour and get all our forces united. We can do this. We are the survivors. We heard Her call for Medjugorje, and we have to witness up to the last. With our Friend of Medjugorje, I wish to add and to speak about saints and to look upon them. St Teresa of Avila speaks of contemplation which is an art of prayer, and often Our Lady speaks of holiness and saints. Yes, the way of holiness can be a start on earth and accomplished in heaven. Get to know the saints together with St Peter of Alcantra, St John of the Cross and be amazed. Sinners like us, chosen to guide us, saints now.

  7. The time is near! This is the Advent of our King who will be coming again, not just in the season of Christmas as a baby, but for His second coming to redeem the world! So many of our shepherds fail to bring that message to a hungry people. So many people are living as though time will continue to march forward and all will be well. No! There are so many signs showing us that we need to change our lives and leave the past behind so as to be “ready” for what is coming! Advent, the season of joyful hope and expectation of Christ coming to fulfill the Scriptures is speaking to us if we would only open our ears and hearts and listen! But only through the grace of the Holy Spirit will those be touched and understand this message through the Word and Mary’s messages to us. I pray daily for my children and the children of the world for their hearts to see the truth. We are living what is in Revelation and the time is drawing near. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now to be ready!

  8. May God Bless you all and The Blessings our Mother! My experience also the same, as I am promoting these precious messages, so many do not like to listen. In our prayer meetings, I used to read the messages. They just keep quiet or try to discourage me that still this is not approved by Vatican. But I believe and never stop posting in F.B and other channels. Have mercy on them Mother! And please pray for me!

  9. Let us pray with love for our priests. Our priest does not believe and yet Our Lady is loving Him and I feel Mary very close to Him. I pray for Him and give Him Mary’s special blessing at every Mass. I am not angry He ignores me though He can not stop me from living and giving the messages in word and deeds of love. Rejection has a sweetness when we offer them to Jesus and Mary. I feel so undeserving of this grace given to me. Our priest is more worthy, good and deserving to have His eyes opened to see, and yet I, a nobody, with no authority or education have been called to be Mary’s apostle of love. Today Father prayed over my very ill daughter in church with blessed oil for the sick. Mass was at 11:00. Without Him knowing or I planning my daughter and I knelt in front of the alter at 11:40. This is when Our Lady comes our time each day. She was with us. Through prayer and fasting, She comes and blesses, even when Her priests are unaware, They still become Her extended hands.

  10. Yes you are so right it is time for us to act. The action must capture the wisdom, the peace and the love of God. When I write Christ’s ideas come flowing of the end of my pen. They are there to enhance our message pouring out graces on us to match our feeble attempts. We must respond. Your beautiful expose on Medjugorje America was enhanced by those wonderful children who have the spirit of Our Lady running in their veins. Perhaps this community living is Our Ladies answer to the isolated family homes that are bombarded with twisted media pronouncements and their casualties. Keep up Our Ladies work, Paul Star Australia

  11. Dear Friend of Medjugorje, I honestly shiver to think where I would be without your insight on these messages. I’m afraid I would be one of those who is just so so. Thank you-and tears come to my eyes when I say thank you because you have enlightened me so much and your talks guide me so so much.Thank you, all of you, for your faithfulness to our Blessed Mother.

  12. eugenia Florez mazzini

    It is blessing that our Friend from Medugorje acts like an APOSTLE, that it was as Our Lady is asking. I have been blessed, worth no merits at all with unbelievable experiences that need to be answered, now I decide to be an Apostle to her. I witnessed the dancing of the sun, the multicolored skies the intense white light pouring from heaven. etc. etc. miraculously my helpers at home saw it as well. I%u2019m sent to Medjugorje, this happened at my garden house in 1986. In 2012 I went to Medjugorje and I cried of Joy before I knew that Our Lady said so. Now I feel I need to prepare to change my lifestyle. Thank you. In the Love Of Jesus and Mary

  13. carmel Herbert

    We are so priveledged to have Our Blessed Mother to guide us especially with regards our Prayer life. You article is inspiring. I have an image of Our Lady of Medjugorje on my simple website. I purchased the statue at Medjugorje in 2000.

  14. I hear your rallying call and I thank you dear friend of Medjugorje. I see your inspiration emanating from our Blessed Mother beneath the Cross of Christ (her son) when Jesus gave His Mother to be our mother; mother of all. What an awesome gift God gave us at the Crucifixion;Salvation for All in spite of our sinfulness, waywardness and death; the Giving of Our Lady to be our Mother; Heaven & Earth reunited to God the Father; our Church born from the side of the pierced Christ with the graces of the blood and water administered by the Church in the Sacraments so we are always united to Christ, we are His Body and He is our Head (that is why the Church is Holy because God is Holy and He is our Head)and of course Our Lady as mother, carried the body of Jesus within her womb, so, since the birth of the Church (the Mystical Body of Christ), she carries each of us in the Church (Title – Mother of the Church) who receive the Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Christ. Her role in redemption key.

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