Of all those we were present in the Field to celebrate Our Lady’s 2021st birthday on August 5, 2005, no one could have anticipated, imagined or predicted what transpired the moment Our Lady came to the earth, to the Field, on the celebration of the day of Her Birth. No one present doubted it was a miracle. Pilgrims who experienced this moment were left speechless. Those who tried to put it into words said that it was a scene right out of the Bible, a moment when the presence of God was felt as if often seen in the Bible. Others compared it to the miracle of the sun experienced at Fatima. James Collignon from Covington, Louisiana wrote, “Wow! God really knows how to throw a Birthday party!”
Whether you were there or not on August 5, 2005, each of you can experience what happened that incredible day on Our Lady’s 2021st birthday by tuning into Radio Wave on mej.com at 7:00 p.m. CST on Saturday, September 8, 2007. Please join us and call us during the following two hours to share your own experiences or thoughts. Call us at 888-672-WAVE, a number that will only be activated during the times of the programs on Radio Wave. Here is a letter from one pilgrim who was in the Field on August 5, 2005:
Labor Day, 2005
My Dear Caritas Friends,
I find “Labor Day” a significant day to write and share my experience in Birmingham. I am positive the blessings will not be complete for many years to come or maybe until I am in Heaven. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find adequate words to describe the incredible experience I have had between July 29 and August 20. Maybe Heaven IS the word, an experience of Heaven spread out over time. “Caritas” perhaps is another word which might come close to the tremendous “words from Heaven” I have received. I did expect, as always, many beautiful moments and hours with Our Mother but even now cannot get my mind around the reality of Our Lady’s love for each of Her children.
Fifteen years I’ve prayed that I would one day visit Medjugorje where Mary was. Two different years I came to Alabama. Somehow, Marija’s translator found me after an apparition when I was still in ‘awe’ and said, “But She is here everyday.” I prayed to be totally convinced of this and have the grace to really respect that moment of each day. My prayers to go to Medjugorje to really find out continued. Never did I expect this grace would actually come to me right here in Birmingham, Alabama instead; to find miracles in your own backyard.
God in all His forces came Himself to show this little nobody He is very serious with His Love and graces. As the dark clouds of the east and the faint thunder, which was quite different than any thunder I had ever heard before. I’m originally from Kansas. I know what mean storms sound like. This was different, like it was trying to tell us something or ”Someone“ was coming. It was a bit like the sound of Indian drums sending a messages. I had even moved closer to my husband and asked him what that sound was. He said, ”thunder.“ I was not convinced. I had not heard thunder like that before. I wondered if it was something wrong with a truck somewhere. The darkness approached almost suddenly from the east and the excitement in my heart was forced to tears down my cheeks. When it started to sprinkle I knew Heaven was just as excited as I was. Something unheard of was about to happen. ”But She comes everyday,“ was heard in my heart again and I whispered, “Now I totally believe.” What a surprise was still in store. We so much wanted to surprise Our Lady with our prayers, novenas, our sinless day and the sweet little home of Her parents filled to overflowing with birthday candles for Her. But the Father had an even greater surprise for His beloved Mary when He re-enacted the very time of Her birth.
As cold wind came, from the east, to cool us from days of sacrificing heat, something only a Mother would do for Her children who so anticipated Her arrival, I trembled with indescribable joy and knew this was a sign of Hers. It would be totally impossible to describe what happened next. The thunder sounded deafening as the Gift approached. Then the torrents of rain came soaking all with the Gift. I noticed that we all moved closer to one another, not at all in fear but because we had become one. We were shouting praise to Our Mother as one voice. I could hear in people’s voices that they were all experiencing exactly what I was experiencing, a joy beyond all joy. Some of us were almost laughing and found it hard to say the words of the prayers. I noticed also that little children near to us did not seem at all afraid amid the lightning that ripped through the sky and thunder that actually shook the earth we stood on; this Holy Ground. This is a miracle, I thought. God celebrating with His Mary and all the forces of Heaven thundering in joy. I wished I could say, with all the earth also. I actually thought that all of Birmingham was at that moment experiencing something of Heaven that would also change their lives forever.
One more thing: as it began to rain and hail, I believe everyone rose to their feet. It’s pretty hard to dance while on your knees. I was with a woman from Africa. She raised her face to the sky, her whole body praising God and consumed in joy! I suppose that I could talk about this much more but time has sped away. I should be praying, or maybe in a way, I am. What better prayer than to sing His praises.
She Comes Everyday!!! I Love Rain!
Alvin, Texas
The sun shining above the Pine Tree in the Field where the miracle of August 5, 2005 took place.
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