Tonight an Important Call, an Important Message

Tonight an Important Call, an Important Message

October 28, 2016 A.D.

Our Lady broke from Her normal routine in Her apparition tonight to Medjugorje visionary Ivan, October 28, 2016, at the Blue Cross. Normally, after praying the Rosary, Ivan begins to prepare the gathered crowd for Our Lady’s apparition, asking them to take no photographs, that this is the time of Our Lady’s apparition and to enter into prayer with Our Lady. The pilgrims normally respond to this announcement with silence and deeper prayer. However, tonight, during the middle of the 5th Joyful Mystery, Ivan suddenly went into ecstasy. He had not expected Our Lady to arrive sooner than normal. It took a minute or more for everyone to realize that the apparition had started. Silence then settled over the crowd of villagers and pilgrims. It was a long apparition, lasting 12 minutes. When the apparition ended, Ivan had one of the prayer group members continue to pray the rest of the last decade of the Rosary followed by the Hail Holy Queen.


When Caritas Community members went to the home of the translator in order to have Ivan’s message from tonight translated into English, the translator relayed a story that visionary Vicka once told of similar circumstances that happened in one of her apparitions. In this apparition, Our Lady came earlier than expected, but She actually told Vicka that the reason for this was because of one particular person who had prepared himself so deeply to receive Our Lady in the apparition, that Our Lady felt compelled to come to this soul without delay. Everyone present was blessed by having Our Lady come early because of this one soul who had prepared his heart thoroughly to receive Her.


Ivan did not give an explanation tonight as to why Our Lady came early. But the above story moves the heart to reflect on something that is out of the ordinary. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

As every time after the meeting with Our Lady, I would like to also bring closer to you and describe tonight’s meeting. Also today Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and She greeted all of us at the beginning with Her motherly greeting: ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ Then, She prayed here especially over those of you who are sick and then with Her arms extended, She prayed over all of us. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today in a special way, I desire to call you to open your hearts. Open your hearts to my messages, which I am giving to you so that I can give you new (other) messages. Live my messages. Especially, dear children, through this time, I am calling you: pray for peace. May there be peace, dear children. The Mother prays for all of you and intercedes for all of you before Her Son. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”

Then Our Lady blessed all of us with her motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought for blessing. I recommended also all of you – your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way the sick. Then Our Lady continued to pray and left in that prayer in an illuminated sign of the Cross with a greeting: ‘Go in peace, my dear children.’”

The Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje

The Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain, taken tonight, Friday, October 28, 2016, about an hour before Our Lady appeared.

The statue of Our Lady at the Blue Cross taken well after dark. Our Lady and the Cross are visible, though it is dark all around. In a world of darkness, Our Lady is the guiding light towards the Cross, Her Son. They are the landmarks, the sign-posts that we look to in order to find our way when we cannot see clearly.

During yesterday’s Radio WAVE Mejanomics, More Than the Standard Lie?, a Friend of Medjugorje warned, that during the recent prayer group meeting with Our Lady one week ago on October 21, 2016, that Our Lady called us to pray for peace during this time. In light of Our Lady appearing early tonight, which is something that catches our attention, and in light of Her message tonight, this prayer for peace is an important call to spread everywhere.

As a Friend of Medjugorje told yesterday during the broadcast, Our Lady calls us to pray for peace, where there is a real threat against peace. No doubt, with the elections taking place in America and in Europe, the balance of world power between light and darkness are teetering back and forth. What will happen will depend on our prayers. During this time, pray especially the Patriotic Rosary for peace, and be sure to spread yesterday’s Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje, titled, More Than the Standard Lie? This broadcast is an important clarity for discernment. Be in prayer, be in prayer for peace.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

To listen to yesterday’s Mejanomics broadcast, More Than the Standard Lie?, visit here…

For the Patriotic Rosary Prayers, visit here…


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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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