To Know a Visionary is to Know Love

To Know a Visionary is to Know Love

What are the visionaries really like? What do they do when they are away from the public? How do they act? The following description by a friend of Marija’s about an event involving her may give you some insights into the above questions.

Our family and Marija’s are as family so we were staying with Marija. One day, while waiting to take Marija home after her encounter with Our Lady in the Choir Loft, a woman who knew Marija approached me and said she had spoken to Marija and asked her to go to another city two hours away from Medjugorje. She told me that Marija said she would go if my family and I would go. I did not really want to go, so I said, “I’ll talk to Marija.” The woman said she would see us at the house. When I saw Marija, I told her I did not want to go. She said that the woman told her, “Your friend said he and his family would go if you would go.” We both looked at each other and smiled, realizing we were getting two different stories in order to get us to go. We both agreed we would not go.

Upon arriving home, Marija went into the house and five minutes later I went up the steps to enter the house. This same woman was coming down. She said Marija was going to go if I was. I said we decided that we would not. The woman said, “No, Marija just changed her mind and now she wants to go if you will go.” I went in and whispered, “Why did you change your mind?” She said, “I didn’t but was told by this woman that you changed your mind.” I went out and said we would not be going and returned to Marija.

I went back inside and Marija then taught me an extraordinary lesson that showed me how deeply the Virgin Mary has schooled her. I then proceeded to tell Marija how badly this woman had acted, trying to manipulate us in that way. Marija turned to me and astoundingly said, “No!” I retorted back, “This woman was up to no good.” Marija then emphatically said, “It was love! Love!” I retorted, “No! That is not love.” Marija said, “Yes!” She then grabbed me by the neck, symbolically choking me, and continued, “It’s this kind of love.” Immediately I realized she meant forced love. I saw “the bad” in it. Marija saw “the Jesus” in it. The woman loved Marija and wanted her to come with her. It really amazed me how much Marija truly lives the Gospel. She sees “the Jesus” in everyone.

This incident taught me that no matter what bad someone has done or is doing, there resides within him part of God, a soul, and even though he may have defiled his own soul, it’s still from God and I have to see God in him because He is. To speak ill of someone is to speak ill of God no matter what the justification might be. It was a profound lesson for me.

medjugorje visionary Marija Lunetti

The Medjugorje visionary, Marija Lunetti, speaking to a large group of pilgrims gathered on the grounds at Caritas of Birmingham during the Five Days of Prayer, July 1-5, 2009.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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