
Thousands Line Up to See a Miracle at Vicka’s Old Home Site in Medjugorje

Thousands Line Up to See a Miracle at Vicka’s Old Home Site in Medjugorje


September 25, 2013 A.D.

On Monday evening, at approximately 9:00 p.m., September 23, 2013, a small group of Italians were praying in the childhood home of Medjugorje visionary, Vicka. The home is located at the foot of Apparition Mountain, just a few feet from the path that pilgrims take to go up the mountain to the site of Our Lady’s first apparitions. Ending their prayer, the Italians went to leave, turning off the light but were surprised to see a light still glowing in the room. Turning towards the light, they saw it was coming from the statue of Our Lady they had just prayed in front of, a 40-year-old statue owned by Vicka’s family. Immediately upon seeing the light, they became very excited and called to neighbors nearby, who came to see what was causing such commotion. Vicka’s sister also came to see. Having no explanation for the illumination of the statue, word quickly spread about the strange light to many of the villagers of Medjugorje. Immediately people began arriving at Vicka’s house to see the statue for themselves.


Three members of the Caritas Community learned of the event from their taxi cab driver as they drove from Split to Medjugorje the following day, September 24. Their driver, Vlado, told them about the phenomenon. He said that two of his sons had gone there and seen the statue themselves along with hundreds of others that night, and were amazed to see the illuminated statue themselves. As Vlado was speaking, a report from Radio Mir, Medjugorje’s radio station, began reporting the story as well. Arriving that evening in Medjugorje, the host family of the Caritas members also began relaying to them the story. They also had been informed shortly after the statue became illuminated and were among the first of the villagers to arrive at Vicka’s family home. The Caritas members were told that when pictures were taken of the illuminated statue, the lighted statue could be seen on the photos, but when videos were taken, nothing could be seen on the videos. Apparently, the statue’s glow diminished much later that first night.

Glowing Statue at Vicka's house

An image of the glowing statue taken at Vicka’s old home in Medjugorje.

The night of September 24, Tuesday, the statue again became illuminated around 8:00 p.m., and a line of villagers again began to form along the road leading to Vicka’s home. Though having been traveling for the past 24 hours, from the United States to Medjugorje, the Caritas members decided to walk to the home and see if it was possible to view the statue themselves. It was 8:30 p.m. when they arrived at the house and a long line of mostly Croatian villagers filed down the road. They were told that the wait would be at least an hour, and with each passing minute more people joined the line. What impressed them the most was that it was the villagers of Medjugorje themselves who were present to see this miracle—the young and the old, men and women, little children, whole families walking up hand in hand, and young people from teenagers to early 20’s and 30’s. The word about the statue was just slowly getting around to the pilgrims visiting Medjugorje, but the villagers had been spreading the news among themselves from those who had been the first to witness the phenomenon themselves.

As there were hundreds who had come that first night to see the statue, the second night there were several thousand which made it impossible to spend any length of time in the room where the illuminated statue was located. Most everyone had just a minute or two within the room. People were escorted into the room that was lit up by the overhead light, but once the room was filled to capacity, the door was closed and the overhead light turned out. The room was then completely dark except for the illuminated statue, and completely silent. Some people knelt, while others stood, but everyone gazed at the beautifully lit up statue. The light primarily lit up the mantle and head covering of Our Lady, while Her face and hands did not light up but could be seen in the shadows of the lighted portion. There was the presence of a deep peace within the room, but having only a moment to be present before it was time to leave for the next group’s arrival did not give much opportunity than being able to say a quick prayer. And so what was most impressive of that experience of the Caritas community members was the reverence shown to this event of the villagers themselves. That so many of them came to see the statue, bringing all their family, and their excitement and awe in sharing the event with others was touching.

Speaking the next day with Paolo Lunetti, husband of Medjugorje visionary Marija, the Caritas members shared with him how it had touched them to see so many of the villagers of Medjugorje coming to see the statue. He said that this, in fact, was important because as Medjugorje was chosen by God as the village of Our Lady’s apparitions, that the villagers have a heightened sense of God’s presence. There have been many reported supernatural happenings throughout the years in Medjugorje, outside of the apparitions themselves, but not all of them are taken seriously by the villagers. When an event happens that draws the villagers to it collectively, it gives credence to the event as being supernatural. Before the end of the night, there were many pilgrims joining the line, mixing in with the villagers. The house was finally closed at around 3:00 A.M. No one knows why the strange light has appeared or how long it will last. One villager told us that Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, after praying before the statue herself, said that it was a good sign from Our Lady.

The villages of Medjugorje themselves having for years taking care of pilgrims need a good awakening to strengthen their spirit as to why the pilgrims come. Much has been lost in Medjugorje, and such a happening is a welcome help to strengthen and heighten the faith of those who live there. We are not purporting any statement about the statue, rather this is more about the effect it is having on the villagers.


Praying for the Holy Village,
A Friend of Medjugoerje


Glowing Statue at Vicka's house

A larger image of the glowing statue of Our Lady that was taken at Vicka’s old home in Medjugorje.

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45 thoughts on “Thousands Line Up to See a Miracle at Vicka’s Old Home Site in Medjugorje”

  1. Jacqueline Fernandez

    My Queen and my Mother thank you for showing us that you love and care for us even though we are sinners. Help me to pray more fervently to Your Beloved Son to bring back many in our family to the feet of the Lord. Thank You also for the many graces received over the years and continue to bless us till we reach our heavenly goal of being with you and Jesus.

  2. Thank you Mother of God and Mother of us for those messages and signs that you give to the world. Those are all for the salvation of our souls. Thanks Mother! Please pray for us and for the hole world. Thanks Queen of Peace

  3. Our Blessed Mother is always with all her children. SHE loves us very much and will send the angels to help us. Thank you Jesus for giving us your Holy Mother.

  4. Carol Ann Dominiak


  5. Dear Heavenly Mother, thank you for showing us your great love and mercy, I pray that I may be worthy of such unfathomable love. Have mercy on all those innocent people who are suffering through the evil deeds of the dark forces. Thank you dear Heavenly Mother Mary for always being with us and especially in times of need.

  6. Thank you Dear Mother for your gracious presence amongst us. You send a message to the world that even in this crisis of corruption and evil in the world you are still assuring us your presence is evident among us and that you are praying & interceding for us. We shall pray, pray as many rosaries possible to thank you for your glorious presence. We love you darling mother Mary. I heart is filled with joy, peace & courage while seeing you in this picture. I believe you will give us the grace to be present in Medjugorje at least once before I leave this world.

  7. It is a true miracle captured for the world to see. I believe with all my heart that the Blessed Mother watches over us all as we are her children.

  8. Dear Mother Mary, thank you for all the believers. Thank you for again, reminding us of your presence and for taking all of our prayers to our Father. Please grant us the graces we need. Amen. Sharon Gordon

  9. Mother Mary: You give me joy and hope in my weary and tired life where I see so much evil all around me. When I see the miracle you are giving us I feel renewed and so thankful beyond words. I know you are near and thank you and my Lord Jesus for not giving up on us. Thank you dear Glorious Mother Mary. I am forever grateful and thankful and I feel so much joy in my heart. I know now that I can go on knowing that you are near protecting us in this dark world.

  10. Jennifer W. Robbins

    Mama, darling Mama Mary, thank you for your presence in this world. Thank you for the assurances you give us through your plea that we pray, pray, pray. Help us to pray with sincerity, Mama – I long for that joyful day when I shall see you and your Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

  11. After visiting You last year with my wife, thank You dear Mother for your lovely message showing your constant presence there and everywhere. We love You.

  12. Mother Mary. Thank you for all the graces that Our Lord and Brother are showering on us through You. Thank you for coming again , by so doing at least the world will know that you are still alive with us.

  13. Mother, Your constant presence is a sure support for us . Thank You for letting us know that You are there with us, in our daily walk. We Love You!

  14. The LOVE of Our Lady of Peace is incomprehendable for us to understand here in this physical world we live in. We are all her children whom she loves unconditionaly and guiding us all to her SON, JESUS CHRIST with the tenderness of a Mother. Thank You Our Mother of PEACE. We all love you back!!!!!!!!!

  15. I thank God for giving us Mother Mary as our Mother and guide. Thank you Mother Mary for being with us every day and preparing us for heaven. We pray for those who do not belive in the power of Mother Mary. Mary our Mother we love you.

  16. Thanks Mother for your love and concern! Thanks and May God Bless you all my dear friends! This is a soothing light to the entire world. Praise be to lord Jesus! May thy kingdom come!

  17. Thank you Jesus for sending us your Mother Mary, thank you for the signs for those who doubt and thank you for loving us. Please forgive us for doubting and increase your love and peace in all of us. We love you Lord and Mother!

  18. I believe. I believe that Mary Mama is showing us how to live, believing in Her Beloved Son Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ. He is God and Son of the Living Father, living with us in the Most Blessed Sacrament in the alter. She is telling us to believe. She is telling the whole wide world to believe. She is the beloved daughter of the Eternal Father, Mother of the Son of God and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit who gives Life to you and me and the whole world. Thank you Mother.

  19. carol ann dominiak

    How beautiful it is when through a photograph one can be a witness to the heavenly powers presented to people from all walks of life. Young and old. Our mother continues to show us children of the world the wonders of Her love and Her Son, and we give it right back through prayer. Praised be Jesus and praised be our blessed Mother. To those who believe no explanation is necessary. Amen.

  20. Sharon Jane Theresa Hahn Pisa-

    Thank You Jesus and Mother Mary, “my Darling”, as Kibeho visionary Alphonsine, I think, would address You!!! Thank you for encouraging and strengthening us all to carry out and carry forth your messages to us. We need You and thank You, Holy Trinity, for Your great gift of giving us Your tender Mother of Holiness, as our tender Mother of Mercy. Please, continue to Embrace us, Holy Mother. Bring us completely close to Your Divine Son, and bring all of our families completely close to Your Loving, Merciful, and Forgiving Jesus—Who wants us to be with Him with You. Thank You Mother. I love You!!! Make my love to be holy love from now and throughout Eternity!!!

  21. Thank you Blessed Virgin Mary for constantly reinforcing our faith. Let Your shining light shine on us all and may it be effective in converting us sinners of the world, especially those of us that offend our Lord the most. Mary, Mother of God, shed Your blessing on us all and strenghten us to do the will of God.

  22. pancheswari (stella)

    Thank you Our Lady, for coming to us, thank You for Your messages. Thank you for letting us know that you are always with us. I love you , everything that I ask I receive no matter how I love you mother.

  23. Thank you Jesus through Mary, Queen of Peace for this sign of your great love for us to encourage and strengthen our faith.

  24. felicity Harrison


  25. Linda Lind Bowman

    Thank you, My lady for your messages, which I look forward to receiving. I love you, My lady, and all that you do to bring us closer to your son, Jesus. I believe. I trust.

  26. Thank you so very much Mama Mary for all your concern to us all. Please, pray for two adult boys, to come back to Church. Specially the youngest one. He does not practice his Catholic faith anymore, together with his live in woman. Now have three kids, of their own. A mother who is always begging the Lord to bring them back to Catholic Church. Thank you for your prayers, very worried mom.

  27. Blessed Mother, we know that you are real and hear our prayers. Thank you for interceding for us when we pray to you. I could feel the love when I did look at your picture. Thank you for that.

  28. Thank you Blessed Mother for letting us know you are close to us, and thank you for all the help you have given us for so many years. Please continue to help. We need you so much. We Love you more than words can say, and we thank our heavenly Father for allowing you to stay with us so long.

  29. Thank you Our Lady, for coming to us, thank You for Your messages. Thank you for letting us know that you are always with us. I love you Mother. Praise be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

  30. I was impressed with the lit up statue of Our Blessed Mother and looking forward to go visit again next end of March early April. Will visit with a grandaughter who needs much prayer. Thanks for sharing. AA

  31. Oh just Praised be to God that we live to see such beauty… As Vicka has said it is a good sign, I thank God that He allow us to witness such.

  32. evelyn puglisi

    Dear Blessed Mother, I think how much I would want to see your miracles blessed by your Son…as a mother you displayed so much faith as your son was crucified …I love you and your beloved Jesus… I thank you for my many blessing and all the favor that has been poured over me and my loved ones..bless all…sinners included, addiction drive the enemy out…….I love you blessed Mary and sweet Jesus. Please bring my family closer together to your son…I believe with all my heart Lord about EVERY miracle…

  33. Dear Mother Mother Mary. I thank you for showing us that you are always with us. Please strengthen our faith, and love of your Divine Son. I thank you for everything, and for us all to witness such a glowing sign. PRAISE THE LORD. I LOVE YOU DEAR MOTHER.

  34. Amelia Theresa Dias

    Mama you have shown us the light so there is no darkness within us. So true for a mother to know her child, Mama only you can lead us to Jesus with pure heart so that He can dwell within us and help us to walk the way of our pilgrimage with belief, rooted in faith and trust that will never die. Guard and guide us, our Holy Father Pope Francis, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and lay people to evangelize the Word to all mankind.

  35. I just got a Rosary made from stones from the apparition site. I will pray it to the Lady of Peace. I strongly believe in Her and Love Her very much. I hope to visit the site soon. Thanks, John

  36. Regina H Rodrigues

    All praise,glory,worship,love and adoration to the Most Holy Trinity and Mama Mary for blessings on my children and me. May me and my children and every child praise and glorify your name until the end of time and to the ends of the earth. May all feedbacks enable us to give you more and more praise and love forever

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