Updated April 28, 2020 A.D.
Originally Published January 30, 2008 A.D.
The following from a Friend of Medjugorje, was originally published on Wednesday, January 30, 2008. It followed Our Lady of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2008, message in which She said:
“Your heart is like ploughed soil and it is ready to receive the fruit which will grow into what is good…”
We present this again, 12 years later for your spiritual nourishment.
– Medjugorje.com
We have had an overflowing cup of God’s future plans being revealed through Our Lady’s messages of Medjugorje. For us, in community, we can see the new life Our Lady is bringing us toward. Adam was told by God to cultivate and to care for the Garden of Eden, to plant seeds of every seed-bearing plant. After he sinned, God still held him to the ground and said, “By the sweat of your brow, you shall eat.” Farming is the only occupation ordained directly by God. Any place known as the country, as it advances toward birthing a city, takes man further and further from the grip of the land. By doing so, he relies more and more upon man to sustain him. God can become more remote. Cities eventually give way to degradation. We, in community, ourselves see this when traveling to spread Our Lady’s messages. The most fervent places where God is alive in His people are areas more remote, in the country or small villages and towns far removed from the world’s cities.
So much can be learned from this small simple village of Medjugorje, in which Our Lady chose to begin appearing at, in 1981. Our Lady continues to call all of us to a simpler life, which is our protection.
Our Lady’s latest monthly message of January 25, 2008, is a direct call to look at our lives and whether or not we are moving towards a simpler life. We encourage you to listen to the Radio WAVE broadcast with A Friend of Medjugorje about this January 25, 2008 monthly message, where he discusses in detail solid answers on how you can begin to walk this simpler path. Visit Here to listen to the January 25, 2008 broadcast.
If you feel our efforts are worthy of your support, consider making a small tax-deductible gift to help us continue.
More For Your Spiritual Nourishment…
The Corona Vision – The new Medjugorje book, by a Friend of Medugorje, available to read here…
Living the Corona Vision – A glimpse of just one day, one hour of living the Corona Vision…
3 thoughts on “The Simple Life, It is Our Protection”
These nine days of brief messages are exactly what we needed to help us prepare for the Birth of Jesus through Mary. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
These nine days of brief messages are exactly what we needed to help us prepare for the Birth of Jesus through Mary. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Jesus and Mary, we Love You.Save SoulsSave the ConsecratedSave Families