April 24, 2014 A.D.
As children of Mary, and believers in Medjugorje, Her messages need to have a prominent place in each of our lives. Why is this necessary? Because Our Lady desires to speak to us intimately in everything we do. The Easter season reminds us of the new creation we are transformed into, after being broken by sin, saved through Jesus’ passion and death on the Cross. Our Lady has been sent to Medjugorje to remind us of this hope through Her words and daily presence, urging us to conquer sin in our life through living Her messages. When you live Her messages, you will experience the joy and hope of having Her as part of your daily life. You will see your life transformed, as A Friend of Medjugorje testifies in his short book, “Some Remarkable Things About Our Lady’s Messages,” written in 1993:
“As children of Mary, Her messages need to have a prominent place in each of our lives. Why is this necessary? Because Our Lady speaks strongly to us through Her messages to help us find God’s way in everything we do as individuals, as families, as parish churches. Her messages are living messages. They can speak to us today, tomorrow, next year, ten years down the road. Our Lady, Herself, is offering the world spiritual direction through Her messages, and if we go to Her with our prayers, petitions, and concerns, She very often gives us direct answers that can transform our lives.”
A boot from one “little one” in the foreground, the tiny hand of another, as the children circled close to one another around pieces of stone watching a transformation take place before their eyes, as each took a turn adding their stone into a beautiful work of art, carefully choosing where to lay each one. There was a spirit of discovery, as the children silently looked on, captivated by the unfolding creation they were part of.
As the children were silently gathered around their piece of art, the adults in the Community knelt down, preparing to receive Our Lady’s words, picked at random, for our day’s walk with the messages. Silence fell as a Community member began to read Our Lady’s words:
November 25, 1989
“…Little children, by means of the messages I wish to make a very beautiful mosaic in your heart so I may be able to present each one of you to God like the original image…”
There was awed silence as the entire Community broke out into smiles of joy, as our founder and all gathered knew they had experienced, once again, the close presence of Our Lady in their daily life. Our founder had literally said the word “mosaic” to the children, not five minutes before the message, picked at random by another Community member, was read.
“…Little children, by means of the messages I wish to make a very beautiful mosaic in your heart…”
Little children,” busy making “mosaics” from broken pieces of stone. Our Lady tells us that it is sin that makes our hearts like stone, cold and hard to the love of God and the joy of life. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on June 2, 2008: “…You whose heart has been made hard as a stone by sin and guilt…” However, through the sacrament of confession Our Lady encourages “you” toward Her Son, Who triumphed over sin for us through the Cross as She said last month on March 25, 2014:
“…I am calling you anew: begin the battle against sin as in the first days, go to confession and decide for holiness…”
Experience Our Lady’s closeness in your life. Begin today to live Her messages. Order Words From Heaven and pick at random one message to live each day, or if you do not have a copy of Words From Heaven, you can use the “Random Message” feature on this site available here. Our Lady wants to be part of your life. Transform Her messages into life and when you do, Our Lady will show you how closely She is with you in your every step of conversion. We see Our Lady speak to us everyday. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on November 25, 2000:
“…Today when Heaven is near to you in a special way…”
If you do this Our Lady will speak to you, and you will see miracles in your everyday life.
In the joy of the Resurrection,
we wish you the experience of Our Lady of Medjugorje
in your life today and everyday,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Words From Heaven is available by calling Caritas directly at 205-672-2000.
*Further reading – Small Book – “Some Remarkable Things About Our Lady’s Messages” available by calling Caritas in the US at 205-672-2000
Come to the “How To” New Communities Convention, April 29 – May 1, 2014, to hear from nationally recognized leaders and others in the move to save our nation. Find a CSPG*. Be strengthened by others who think and believe like you do. Know what to do.
April 29 – May 1, 2014
“How To” New Communities Convention List of Speakers:
A Friend of Medjugorje
Sheriff Richard Mack
Kris Anne Hall
Michael Peroutka
Project Appleseed
Mike Tuttle
Gregg Juster
and more…
They Fired the First Shot 2012 – Now Available on Audio!
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100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
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*Those who have read They Fired the First Shot 2012 will understand what a CSPG is. Visit theyfiredthefirstshot.com for more information.