June 14, 2016 A.D.
In 1531, the World was Not Fast-Paced Nor Interconnected
A Few Apparitions of the Virgin Mary
A Simple Image Converts 8 Million Pagans in 2 Years
The World is Interconnected
Daily Apparitions of the Virgin Mary
A Live Active Grace of Heaven
How Many Can Be Converted by an Image?
The miraculous image of Guadalupe was placed on Juan Diego’s shirt by the Virgin Mary in 1531. It followed that 8 million pagans converted to Christianity upon seeing the image. Others who had attempted to convert the pagans met with minimal success, yet, this one simple image, touched by grace from Heaven produced conversions beyond anyone’s expectations.
Now in 2016, we have a live grace in the daily apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje. The world is interconnected today. While in Juan Diego’s time, a person may have gone an entire lifetime meeting less than a hundred people, today, a visit to the grocery store can bring us in contact with hundreds of people. A visit to an airport can bring us in contact with thousands of people.
Become active in living Our Lady’s message of June 2, 2016:
“…I am smiling as I look at you: how you are coming to me, how you are gathering around me, how you are seeking me…”
The This is My Time T-shirt, offered at a special price of only $16.95, plus shipping, is a way to be actively bringing the “smile” of Our Lady to people wherever you go. A great conversation starter, each T-shirt comes with 20 cards that you can hand out to people explaining the meaning of the shirt, and Our Lady’s role as the Mother. Because of the high quality of the print, delivery will be in 3-4 weeks. Many people are already ordering and wanting to become active evangelizers of Medjugorje. Be sure to join them and order online here, or call Caritas in the U.S. 205-672-2000
This is My Time, T-shirts are a favorite of the youth. These youth, at the Consecration with Visionary Marija in Key Biscayne, Florida, which a Friend of Medjugorje spearheaded and promoted, were among thousands that day seeking Our Lady’s blessing. Our Lady of Medjugorje said August 5, 2011:
“…I desire to call you, and to call all the youth, to participate in the evangelization today of the world…”
Order This is My Time T-shirts online here, or by calling Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000
See also, Is She Your Mother? – visit here