Below are some of the talks given by A Friend of Medjugorje during his missionary trip to Guam:
Below are some of the talks given by A Friend of Medjugorje during his missionary trip to Guam:
Medjugorje: the Plan, the Need, the Time…
The first in a series of talks in Guam, A Friend of Medjugorje speaks of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s plan, what the plan is, why we need to respond to Her, and why Our Lady could not have appeared at a more perfect time, than the time She chose in Medjugorje to deliver this plan. Recorded May 19, 2010 in Guam.
Medjugorje: the Plan, the Need, the Time…
Medjugorje: The Youth Are Important
A Friend of Medjugorje speaks at a Catholic school in Guam and of Our Lady’s plan for the youth, and how the youth play an important role in Our Lady’s plan in Medjugorje. Recorded May 20, 2010 at Santa Barbara Catholic School.
Medjugorje: The Youth Are Important
Medjugorje: Our Lady, Our Last Hope, Our Last Chance
A Friend of Medjugorje continues the series of talks in Guam. Here he speaks of Our Lady, and what the importance of Her apparitions mean for the world today and how current issues facing the world are remedied in the messages, through Her apparitions.What to think of the worldwide economic situation? What to think of all the events that make cause one to lose hope? Is God going to act? Recorded May 22, 2010 in Guam.
Medjugorje: Our Lady, Our Last Hope, Our Last Chance
38 thoughts on “Talks of A Friend of Medjugorje in Guam”
Was at the apparition on 2nd June 2012. My second time there what a life changing time. I will be back soon feel so peaceful on blue mountain and Apparition hill. Thank you God Our Lady and all the angels and saints
Thanks for this wonderful website. Its refreshing to learn our Mother is ever ready to intercede for our shortcomings and to let us realise we are only chasing the wind in this world. The true treasures are in HEAVEN. Thank you Mother.
Thank you very much MAMA MARY for always reminding us to be good and follow your son JESUS CHRIST inspite of this earthly world that controls and suffocates us. Forgive us and pls continue blessing us. Help us to serve you through others. I desire you to come in our lives…amen.
Thank you Mother Mary for always being with us.
How are we to be schooled? Apprenticeship. (Nothing cannot be taught through apprenticeship)? It is the best teacher. It is how Joseph taught Jesus need to edit this sentence it makes no sense ,You need a proof reader.
I believe it’s important to correct the faulty interpretation of Our Lady’s last message, to wit: “. . Our Lady is very clever is Her use of the word “shepherds,” not singling out only priests, for there are many other shepherds in positions of authority.”This is a complete twisting of the message. No where does she even hint that she’s talking about anyone other than priests. She specifically speaks of the grace they convey to the faithful. No one, whether it’s a policeman, judge, father, or government leader, can mediate God’s grace except an ordained priest.This is in no way lessens the importance of such people, but they cannot convey God’s grace in blessings, Sacraments, Eucharist and preaching. Also, Biblically and throughout Church history, the word shepherd has always connoted God himself, a priest, or the actual occupation of shepherd.Also, “interpreting” the Virgin’s messages is totally unnecessay. They speak for themselves, simply and clearly.
Interesting post.Knowledge can be mis-directed and used as propaganda but knowledge of itself is not a vanity. When I go for an operation I want the best and most knowledgeable surgeon to operate on me! But knowledge is meant to be a servant of the truth and of wisdom therefore knowledge and humility are bed-fellows. Jesus is the incarnate Word of God therefore authentic knowledge is a reflection of the incarnate word of God. There a ‘knowledge’ that is to be avoided at all costs and that is the knowledge of sin and evil.
I just love to read all of Our Blessed Mother’s message’s, they are so inspirational and so beautiful. I learn something new from every message. Thank you our Lovely Lady for your intercession and your message’s. We love you Lopez Family.
Dear Friend of MedjugojeI am a little concerned about your thoughts on Vanities and the ‘God of Vanities’ being education.I am studying with the hope to raise the profile for Ageing and Ageing issues Globally. I would be surprised if God and our Lady thought the University system or any Recognised Training Organisation was a vanity. Could you please submit this concern when Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje will be present July 1%u20135, 2012, at Caritas, Alabama, apparitions. I trust you will endeavour to obtain this Grace
I am privileged to have access to Medjugorje web site, and may the Good Lord continue to manifest to His people so that, we will all get to know Him (God) and to serve Him at all times.
Thank You dear Mother for coming to Medjugorje, and giving your Love and concern to the world. Thanks Caritas for sending Her messages to us. We want to pray, confess, and fast for your intentions. Please pray for us and strengthen us dear Mother, as we are so week. We feel that the time is so near Mother please show us the Gate of Heaven!
Thank you dearest Mother, please continue to intercede for us
Thanks and after reading your article on Vanity I realise how Material our way of thinking has strayed. The Website brings me back to Medjugorie.
How wonderful that you bring the thoughts closest to the heart of Our Blessed Mother, to all of us. How could we ever thank you enough! This I believe is our life-line especially during these days. Thankyou and thankyou is all I can say!
What a great joy, i still feel that am in Medjugorje . Thanks a lot for sharing the good news with the world.God bless
Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Thank you for your motherly care for us poor sinners. What nice messages you send us from Medjugorje; messages of love and hope. Pray for us and shelter us from all evil, Wipe away our tears and help us forget our past sins. You, through thje merits of your Son Jesus, are the real door of heaven wide open for humanity,
Wiith this, I felt the joy, warmth, peace of heaven openi to me, today, with the cradling mantle of Our Lady, the wondrous opening of His most Sacred Heart, both hearts liistening to me today. I am elated, touched, enamored with flooding graces! Today, I was quenched of my thirst from last year, I wanted to know, start a Novena in honor of Our Lady of Medjugorje, bought a book and her statue. With 3 friends, I started the Divine Mercy + Marian Prayer Group and promised to start Novena to Our Lady of Medjugorje 3 weeks from now, groping for I lacked knowledge about Our Lady, but just my passion, devotion. Thanks for TODAY’s message, it came at the right time. I was an atheist astray, returning prodigal daughter to Catholic faith. TODAY, strengthen my resolve, my commitment in the path of the Lord, embrace the mission to be His instrument. I wish to be physically in Alabama on July 1-5. But surely, spiritually, the Prayer Group, my family and I will be there spiritually. Amen.
Thank you again, this website brings me back to Medjugorje.
How grateful we continue to be for all of you who share and spread these beautiful messages and images of holy Medjugorje and the angels who receive Our Lady’s apparitions. I was so struck by this latest message specifically, Our Lady’s use of the word “Salvific”. Yesterday, at beautiful St. Patrick Cathedral in downtown Fort Worth, I attended daily mass, said by the Very Rev. Father Pemberton. Saying my prayers before mass and imploring the Holy Spirit to come into my heart, I added “please give our priest an extra “Power Shot” (from the book “Heaven is for Real”) today in his homily for us. Father spoke of martrydom in honor of St. Justin and though we are not all called to be martrys for Our Lord, we can give our sufferings, sorrows and adversities up to Jesus on the cross in union with His sufferings as a SALVIFIC offering. FR. used that word over and over again in his very meaningful homily. I had not heard nor seen that word written. Thanks for instructing me always Mother!
FYI It seems the pictures are interchanged with the accompanying description. I know your eagerness, maybe just a little bit, to get this message to the whole world. In the love of Our Lady,Babes
Thank you for your updates on Our Lady’s messages given every second of the month. After I have read them a number of times, I feel so close to Our Lady and Heaven, that I do not know what I must do to please Our Lady even more, I realize that I must shed so much of my likes and worldly ways and pleasures, and start offering more prayers and sacrifices to help Our Lady to complete Her missionary work successfully. I love Her and Her beloved Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit whose feast we celebrate today. I want so badly to change myself but I am afraid my old habits will not leave me however I am going to trust in my Mother. God bless you for all that you are doing for us fellow Christians and the world at large. Rita.