Shocking Apparition Today to Marija… Our Lady did not give a message… it was Jesus who gave the message… and it wasn’t only Jesus, it was the Infant Jesus Who spoke
Updated December 26, 2012 A.D.
Shocking Apparition Today to Marija… Our Lady did not give a message… it was Jesus who gave the message… and it wasn’t only Jesus, it was the Infant Jesus Who spoke.
Tune into Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje, as he discusses this incredible happening, the content of a message which he has cited often throughout his writings and talks over the past two decades. To listen to the December 26, 2012 Radio WAVE show titled, Take the Oath, visit here.
Following is the description and message of today’s appariton to Marija:
Our Lady came with little Jesus in Her arms and She did not give a message, but little Jesus began to speak and said :
“I am your peace, live My Commandments.”
With a Sign of the Cross, Our Lady and little Jesus blessed us together.
Gospa je došla sa malim Isusom u naručju i nije dala poruku, ali je mali Isus progovorio i rekao:
„Ja sam vaš mir, živite moje zapovijedi.“
Znakom križa Gospa i mali Isus zajedno su nas blagoslovili.
La Madonna è venuta con Gesù bambino tra le braccia e non ha dato messaggio, ma Gesù bambino ha iniziato a parlare e ha detto:
“Io sono la vostra pace, vivete i miei comandamenti.”
La Madonna e Gesù bambino, insieme, ci hanno benedetto con il segno della croce.
La Gospa est arrivée avec le Petit Jésus dans les bras et elle n’a pas donné de message ; mais le Petit Jésus s’est mis à parler et il a dit :
«Je suis votre paix. Vivez mes commandements.»
Du signe de la croix, la Gospa et le Petit Jésus nous ont bénis ensemble.
Die Muttergottes ist mit dem kleinen Jesus im Arm gekommen und Sie hat keine Botschaft gegeben, aber der kleine Jesus hat begonnen zu sprechen und sagte:
„Ich bin euer Friede, lebt meine Gebote!“
Mit dem Zeichen des Kreuzes haben uns die Muttergottes und der kleine Jesus gemeinsam gesegnet.
La Virgen vino con el Niño Jesús en brazos y no dio ningún mensaje, pero el Niño Jesús comenzó a hablar y dijo:
“Yo soy vuestra paz, vivan mis mandamientos.”
Con la señal de la Cruz, la Virgen y el Niño Jesús, juntos, nos bendijeron.
Matka Boża przyszła z Dzieciątkiem Jezus i nie przekazała żadnego orędzia, ale Dziecię Jezus powiedziało:
„Jestem waszym pokojem, żyjcie wg. moich przykazań.”
Matka Boża i Dziecię Jezus wspólnie pobłogosławili nas znakiem krzyża.