This below schedule is tentative for June 24 – 25, 2011. Other events may be scheduled throughout, as each day progresses.
For Immediate Release June 10, 2011 A.D.
This below schedule is tentative for June 24 – 25, 2011. Other events may be scheduled throughout, as each day progresses.
Friday June 24
5:00 AM – Silent Prayer in the Field
6:30 AM – Holy Mass – Local Church To Be Announced
8:30 AM – Morning Prayer
10:50 AM – Rosary in the Field (Two Mysteries)
12:00 PM – Walk thru the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages
3:00 PM – Divine Mercy Chaplet (Wherever you are on the grounds)
8:00 PM – Vigil Rosary in the Field
(Everyone is invited to spend the night in the Field of Apparitions)
Saturday June 25 – 30th Anniversary
5:00 AM – Silent Prayer in the Field
6:30 AM – Holy Mass – Local Church To Be Announced
8:30 AM – Morning Prayer
10:50 AM – Rosary in the Field (Two Mysteries)
1:00 PM – Bedroom of Apparitions Open
7:00 PM – Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje (A Friend of Medjugorje will be in Medjugorje, but will broadcast from Medjugorje back to Caritas)
Sunday June 26
No events are planned for Sunday, June 26. However, everyone is welcome to spend the weekend at Caritas so as to not have to travel on Sunday.
11 thoughts on “Schedule of Events at Caritas June 24-25, 2011”
Be careful of what you ask for.
This reminds me of my 5th Grade year when my siblings and I prayed for a heavy snowstorm the last day of Christmas vacation, and that night a blizzard roared in that lasted for three days and dumped several feet of snow over Indiana plus three inches of freezing rain, thus extending our vacation by two weeks. Watch out for the prayers of those little ones. God seems to have a soft spot for them. Keep up the good work for Our Lady!
This reminds me of my 5th Grade year when my siblings and I prayed for a heavy snowstorm the last day of Christmas vacation, and that night a blizzard roared in that lasted for three days and dumped several feet of snow over Indiana plus three inches of freezing rain, thus extending our vacation by two weeks. Watch out for the prayers of those little ones. God seems to have a soft spot for them. Keep up the good work for Our Lady!
Barrett, means “Bear Power,” a Sign of Efficacy & Love. A New SCOTUS Justice through Prayers, Fasting, & Teachings of Caritas, Uniting Prayers Alongside, the Queen of Peace. Recognize satan’s deceptive use of the Coronavirus , BLM, Antifa, & those with Deep Pockets & Others in the Deep State. Yet We Appear to Still be Caught On Our Heels, instead of Advancing in Victory. Is this what’s happening, or is there more to all of this, than meets the eye? Can we hold up Mose’s Arms, to Claim Certain Victory? Of course Not, But We Bring into Battle, the Fulfillment of God’s Covenant With Man, by Carrying the Living Ark in Our Hearts. We Carry A Love Unto & Like, She, Whom Carried the Son of God, & was the True Golden Pot holding the Manna, & just like Aaron’s Rod, New Life, Buds from Christ’s Resurrection. She Birthed Living Word of this New Covenant, Now Etched as Love upon Our Hearts. All is Gain, God’s Power Rises As We Appear Weak, Miracles Await to Call Sinners Back. “Be Sun Flowers”
Barrett, means “Bear Power,” a Sign of Efficacy & Love. A New SCOTUS Justice through Prayers, Fasting, & Teachings of Caritas, Uniting Prayers Alongside, the Queen of Peace. Recognize satan’s deceptive use of the Coronavirus , BLM, Antifa, & those with Deep Pockets & Others in the Deep State. Yet We Appear to Still be Caught On Our Heels, instead of Advancing in Victory. Is this what’s happening, or is there more to all of this, than meets the eye? Can we hold up Mose’s Arms, to Claim Certain Victory? Of course Not, But We Bring into Battle, the Fulfillment of God’s Covenant With Man, by Carrying the Living Ark in Our Hearts. We Carry A Love Unto & Like, She, Whom Carried the Son of God, & was the True Golden Pot holding the Manna, & just like Aaron’s Rod, New Life, Buds from Christ’s Resurrection. She Birthed Living Word of this New Covenant, Now Etched as Love upon Our Hearts. All is Gain, God’s Power Rises As We Appear Weak, Miracles Await to Call Sinners Back. “Be Sun Flowers”
The ONLY hope I have left in this very dark time is what Mirjana once said. She said just when satan thinks he has total victory is when it will be taken away. I can only hope that this is something that will happen very soon since this summer marks the 40th anniversary of the Medjugorje apparitions. This is a VERY depressing time.
It’s the complicity of the lamestream that’s really an outrage. They are being used to usurp the Will of We The People. They are enablers of massive corruption because they are a big part of it. The left cares less for the American voter. They’re elitists. They’re the Soros’, and the various apparatuses looking for absolute CONTROL of the populace. Satans minions’ time is short. They are sifting but The Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart is at hand. We need only trust in Gods plan through her defeating every evil that we encounter. Continue to pray for our own and others’ continuing conversion that they may finally gain some understanding of this time of GRACE.
I’ve been meditating deeply on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. In “The Poem of the Man God” Our Sorrowful Mother entered deeply into seclusion and prayer as all the apostles and faithful believed that Christ had been defeated. They were confused, frightened, filled with anguish and sorrow. For us, looking back 2,000 years it’s easy to say, “Where was their faith? Didn’t they believe Jesus when he said he’d rise on the 3rd day?” Our Lady alone believed and waited in prayer. Now is OUR TIME to enter deeply into prayer with Our Blessed Mother and look to the horizon for our Easter Sunday. The deeper we go into Good Friday and Holy Saturday, the closer the triumph is at hand. We know who wins this. We know the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphs. Keep your eyes, and your mind, and your heart on the victory that is about to take place! These are exciting times!
This election is hugely important, even for those of us who are not American. America holds such a powerful position in the world that the world cannot afford for it to descend into anarchy. If this election is not seen as fair or if people feel disenfranchised there will be anarchy on the streets of America and a second civil war will follow. Frankly, I do not like Mr Trump’s un-presidential style but he stands for something that is more important than anything else – he stands for life. I have Catholic friends in America who are Democrats!!? The time is upon us where each of us needs to make a decision: we are either for Christ or we are against him, there is no third option. I am praying for a Trump victory for the sake of the lives of those unborn children and peace in America but so often Our Lord allows the evil to occur! Why? I don’t know but let’s pray that he will turn this evil to good. Hail Mary, full of Grace, Pray for us!!
Love this thank you I have been trying to send this to Rudy Giuliani and President Trump I cannot figure out how to do it Rudy was going to be a priest and I think he needs to know about this can that be done
Thank you. These are the words I needed to hear. There was so much fear and negativity swirling around yesterday, but your broadcast gave me that second wind that I needed to redouble my efforts in prayer and fasting. God bless you!