March 19, 2021
Radio Wave

Why Motherly?

Why Motherly? [Podcast] – A Friend of Medjugorje explains Our Lady coming to us in Medjugorje as “mother” and what it means for the world – why it’s important, how it heals, and how we respond to it. Beware: it’s more challenging than you think.

Episode Transcript



It gives us a great joy to be able to share with you tonight a Friend of Medjugorje speaking about this message that we received earlier today through Mirjana. Now, this is the first message that Mirjana has received in the last year since Our Lady abruptly stopped the second of the month apparitions the last March 18th in 2020. These are the words that we have anticipated for the last twelve months.


And for those of you who are not aware, we have a Caritas Pilgrimage group here at Caritas in Alabama praying at all the sacred sites here that Our Lady blessed by Her presence. And so, a Friend of Medjugorje speaking to this Caritas Pilgrimage group about the message that we receive earlier today through Mirjana.


And so, this is a Friend of Medjugorje at Caritas of Birmingham, March 18, 2021.




Our Lady said, today,


“Dear children! In a motherly way I am calling you to return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel, to return to the love of my Son – because He is waiting for you with open arms; that everything you do in life you do with my Son, with love; that it may be blessed for you; so that your spirituality may be internal, and not just external. Only in that way will you be humble, generous, filled with love and joyful; and my motherly heart will rejoice with you. Thank you.”


Simple message, right? No. There’s a lot of things in this message, and we’ll try to uncover those things.


Our Lady’s speaking to us in a special way. There’s a story of a young couple who got married, and on the way to their honeymoon, in the horse and buggee—this is in the old days.


“…a black cat ran across the road in front of them. And the horse became startled. The new groom said, ‘That’s one.’ A little further down the road, they came to a black stump beside the road. Again, the horse shied away. The groom said, ‘That’s two.’ Further down the road, a black dog ran across the front of the buggee, and again, the startled horse jumped around. The new groom got out of the buggee, went up beside the horse, pulled his pistol out, and shot the horse. The new bride immediately began to give the groom a chewing out about shooting the horse. The groom looked at her and said, ‘That’s one.’


[LAUGHTER] Our Lady said,


“Dear children! In a motherly way I am calling you to return…”


To return to what?


“…to the joy and the truth of the Gospel…”


If you’re not living that, you’re not going to be happy. You’re not going to experience joy. And many people and many couples and many families don’t have joy in their marriage in the way it is today, because satan has rearranged the whole situation.


Did Our Lady say, “Dear children, in a fatherly way, I am calling you to return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel”? She’s here for God the Father. Why does She not say that? Why is that “motherly”? Why is it a motherly way, that, “…I am calling you to return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel…”? You’re supposed to be going to the Gospel with a motherly way, not a fatherly way. “He who rocks the cradle rules the world”? Or is it, “She who rocks the cradle rules the world”? Which one is it? Which one?












She? Why is she this way? Why is this proverbial saying dictating this this way? Think about that. Who’s got the power? The father or the woman? The woman’s got it. She dictates everything. And God the Father couldn’t come down and do what the Mother’s doing today, even though He’s God.


“…In a motherly way I am calling you to return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel…”


Many people don’t want to see that. The culture doesn’t accept it. They reversed everything. Our Lady has told us in 1982,


“…I am your Mother, you must obey me.”


July 2, 2011

“…My children, obey me, set out with me…”


She didn’t say go to God the Father. “You follow Me. You look at Me as a Mother.” What is a mother? A mother’s a wife. And only a queen can give birth to a king. There’s no king without a queen. It doesn’t exist. All kings come from a queen. And all those people want to reject Our Lady, Who She is? She is the Queen of Heaven. The Protestants don’t accept that. Well, then, we don’t have a King, so don’t accept Jesus, because He’s not King anymore. He’s begotten by the Mother, the Queen Mother.


So, Our Lady, when She says, “I, the Queen, am calling you back to the Gospel,” what does the Gospel tell us? Many, many things.


In Ephesians, it states,


“As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands…”


Nobody wants to talk about this. I love watching the priests get on the homily that day, when this is read in the Scriptures, and they skip this whole thing. Why do they do that? Our Lady said don’t skip it. She says, “…return to the joy and the truth…” But it’s a caustic word to say that today.


“As the Church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her…”


How’s a man going to sanctify his wife? How does that work? Did you know this verse is in three different places in the Bible of the New Testament? It must be important. There must be something to it. There must be some truth. “Oh, Our Lady said that today.” “…return to…the truth of the Gospel…” I’ve seen priests skip this about the submission. Totally skip it. It makes me want to stand up and say, “Father, read the rest of it.” Don’t you have any guts? Is everybody scared to say it? Nobody’s got the guts to say this anymore today. But Our Lady does. She says it in a way.


“In a fatherly way”? No. “In a motherly way, I’m telling you to go into the Bible as a Mother, as a wife, so that you can return to what the Bible say to do, and that’s how everything will correct.”


“…to return to the love of my Son…”


That reinforces the mother there. “And I’m going to raise my son in the right way.”


“…love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her and having cleansed her by washing of water with the Word.”


What is the word? Oh, it’s the Gospel. You don’t like to hear that? You don’t want to be talking about it? Nobody discusses this because they’re scared, that everybody’s equal. Everybody’s soul is equal, but the attributes…I can’t get up to nurse that baby at night, and I ain’t going to do it, and it ain’t going to try it neither.


When I was building my business, I would get up at four o’clock in the morning. I worked, a lot of times, till ten, eleven o’clock, hard labor, and when my kids are crying, I wasn’t going walking around the room, because I heard that crying twenty years later or ten years later. I had to provide for them. But my wife would get up because she heard them then. I blocked the sound out, because I knew I had to work the next day. I’m not going to sit there and do her duty, and I don’t expect her to do my duty. So, I didn’t hear the baby crying. But instantly, she did. And she knew I needed to get sleep for the next day because she knew how hard I was working.


So, what’s wrong with that? A protector and provider is supposed to do that. A nurturer, a gentle woman, makes out of a man, a gentle man. Return to these things. You say there are many bad men. Well, who rocked the cradle? Who was teaching that? Who was giving example of that?


The Bible says,


“…her by the washing of the water of the Word…”


So, the Bible says sanctifies her and gives her the Word. I’m giving you the Word now. Some of the mothers here and the women, whatever, may not like this. And there’s a lot of men out there that think…They’re so sissified they’re scared to stand up and say, “Hey, I’m the spiritual leader to the family.” You say, “Well, he’s not spiritual. I’m more spiritual.” Well, maybe his mother didn’t give him what he needed. But it doesn’t excuse to wash this away, that it doesn’t exist.


So, the first thing I read today in this message, not looking for this, not thinking of me talking about this…I didn’t plan this. I saw the secret in the message.


“Dear children! In a motherly way I am calling you to return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel…”


Where is real joy? Where is real joy in the motherhood? Oh, it may be beautiful nursing the baby, having a baby and all these things, but your kids grow up a certain way. And yet, it’s Our Lady who says, “…you…obey me.”


“…I am your Mother, you must obey me.”


“…My children, obey me, set out with me…”


Motherly, the way. That’s what She said today. “Set out with me,” means you’ve got to go a certain way. The mother’s influence is tremendous, tremendous, far more than the father. She paints the picture of everything, even of the father, no matter whether he’s bad or good. She gives the perspective, and we’ve forgotten this, and we’ve got to return to this so society can come back to normalcy of what we used to have.


We have people looking for the Son, Jesus, but it’s not so much about the weather if we say looking for the sun. We have so many demons chasing us. The devil has affected us in every way and every perspective. We’re tainted, and it’s getting worse. You can’t even reason with certain people. And it’s even in the Church. Look at what our bishops, they don’t even give us any moral bearings for us now. You have to start standing up when you hear this Bible verse is being gloated over, disappearing, the meaning of it, because the Bible is the Bible. The truth is truth. Joy comes only from that. And we’ve got an upside down Church now, and it’s very dangerous and damaging to a lot of people, because our structure’s not right, and obedience is not understood.


So, we have people running around. They’re really always escaping. But it’s good to hear the words of the Mother, even if they get a washing from it, even if we’ve got mentality opposite of it. We have to go to what She says to go to. So, you follow Her.



Hello mother. It’s good to hear your voice. Yeah I’m fine, better than I’ve been.


Oh, mother, one more day of thirty-nine. Can’t believe it. Sure wish I didn’t feel it.


I’m on my way to California. I just need to see the sun. Ain’t so much about the weather, but the demons I just can’t outrun.


I don’t mean for you to worry. It’s nowhere I ain’t seen before. I just had to say, ain’t no one else to blame, if I don’t make it out this storm.


Mother, ain’t nothing that you did, nothing that you said, just all I’ve ever known.


I’m on my way to California. I just need to see the sun. Ain’t so much about the weather, but the demons I just can’t outrun.


I don’t mean for you to worry. It’s nowhere I ain’t seen before. I just had to say, ain’t no one else to blame, if I don’t make it out this storm.


Oh, mother


I’m on my way to California. I just need to see the sun. Ain’t so much about the weather, but the demons I just can’t outrun.


I don’t mean for you to worry. It’s nowhere I ain’t seen before. I just had to say, ain’t no one else to blame, if I don’t make it out this storm.


Oh, mother, it’s good to hear your voice. Yeah I’m fine, better than I’ve been.



We live in the moment of the Mother. The awaited time for two thousand years. Reflect on that, and don’t think She’s not calling us back to what She did. She never questioned Joseph. “Wake up, Mary,” in the middle of the night.


“Where are you going, Joseph?”


“We’re going to Egypt.”


“We don’t have any money?”


“We’ve got money from the kings.”


“Are you sure you’re right? Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. Can we wait till in the morning?”


“No, Mary. We have to go now.”


What did Mary do? One word. What did She say? “Yes. Yes.”


The song says, “…ain’t no one else to blame, if I don’t make it out of this storm…” The Mother teaches kids, children, little boys, little girls who get older into adult life how to get out of the storms. How does she teach that? By her witness. “Yes, Joseph. Let’s go.” Reflect on these things.


We found out recently that the cells of the baby remain in the mother. Wow. We’re not talking about a human being only. She had the cells of God Himself in Her the rest of Her life. And She didn’t question the man who didn’t have those cells in him. “Joseph, I gave birth to Jesus.” She was obedient when She wasn’t under Joseph. She heard the angel. How could that be? Gabriel didn’t go to Joseph. But after betrothal, the angel went to Joseph. Why? Because that was the authority he had to go through to move her. Think about that.


“…return to the joy and the truth of the Gospel…return to the love of my Son…”


We’ve got kids raising up, just going looking at the sun, at the weather. Not the S-O-N. S-U-N, represented by the world, the universe and everything else. We’ve lost our way because the cradle is not being rocked. Everybody’s off the track, really, and we can’t fix these things.


“…Mother, ain’t nothing that you did, nothing that you said, just all I’ve ever known…”


Whatever your children, whatever you’ve raised, is everything they’ve known, through the mother. Well, what about the father? The child defines a father by the perspective of the mother. You’ve heard people say, “My dad was a drunk. He was sorry. He was bad. He was this way.” Well, how is it that she could have made him be loved and respected and looked to the father and a wonderful man? What do you think about Ronald Reagan? His father moved them, like, ten, fifteen times in twenty-four months, one house to the next, get one job to the next. He was a drunk, but he greatly respected his father. Why? Because his mother respected the father. Not the man, but the role of the father. I’m telling you, the Virgin Mary is here because the fatherhood of God the Father is not understood, and that’s why so many people don’t believe today. If the husband has a picture on the wall put up there by the mother, and he’s dead, and she’s going by that picture every time the kid goes by and says, “Your father would never accept that for you,” he still lives in them through her. And if she says, “Well, your father wasn’t that good,” you damage the kids.


What kind of lady do you want to be? What kind of mother do you want to be? All your children, for the women who have children, have some of their cells in them. There’s studies done that, if you’re angry, your emotions, actually chemically affects the baby. They’re seeing this now. These are painful things to hear because you can’t reverse that. And that’s what Our Lady says, “You have to return.”


Our Lady said five years ago today,


March 18, 2016

“…I desire for you to learn…”


That means She’s going to teach something.


“…learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will…”


Where does it come from? Through Her words, through Her messages. “I want to show you how to find God’s will and to listen to His will so that you can do it.” What did She say to do? Return to the Gospel. Rock the cradle. Motherly. Read the Scriptures. Motherly. To learn what God the Father’s will is.


Today, Our Lady said,


March 18, 2021

“…that everything you do in [your] life…that it may be blessed for you; so that your spirituality may be internal, and not just external…”


Five years ago,


“…internal gaze and internal listening…”


It’s not by chance that this March 18th message is today, and then five years ago. What is She saying, “internal,” “spirituality,” “internal,” is the spiritual realm. “…and not just external…” the physical realm.


We have people always say, “Well, Our Lady told me this,” or “This, this, such and such.” It’s better to have your internal communication with Our Lady to be kept secret, not to be go saying this, or Our Lady did this, because it will expose itself by the fruit of those internal communications with Her and your prayer. The fruit of your life will speak that into the physical realm. That’s the external.


So, listen internal, gaze internal, today, spirituality internal, “…and not just external…” If it’s not in the heart, it can’t be faked out. And that’s what we have today, a shallow Christianity. No depth to it, no conviction.


We’ve repeatedly kicked people off our mail list, or whatever. They don’t want to do it. That’s okay. Go fund somebody else. You’ve got to be convicting Christians, and you can only do that if you’re following the Gospel.


So, returning to joy, returning to truth, means internal and external changes. So, your five days here, you have to make a commitment to that, and it’s not going to fix tomorrow—everything’s going to be a bed of roses. I used to tell people all the time that, a story in Scotland, I was talking to a lady after a talk, and she says,

“I’ve got three kids from my first husband. We’re divorced. I’ve got two more kids from my second marriage. Now he wants to divorce. What do I need to do?”

I said, “Just stop. I’m not Jesus Christ. But I’m going to give you an answer,” because she said, “What do I do?” It’s very simple. Our Lady says in Her messages, “Dear children, today…” And I told her,

“Everything that message says today, you begin to live that, because the fruit you’re picking right now with fruit trees you planted twenty years ago, ten years ago, and they’re producing bad fruit. So, you start immediately adapting and putting in your life the messages. That plants a seed.”

It’s not going to be producing fruit right there. What it does at that point, what it goes growing, one year, two years, five years, ten years, you start getting good fruit. The bad fruit starts being diminishing. That’s why Our Lady says the third word. “Dear children, today…” That word is very, very important. Today, here on your place, you have to start putting everything, no matter how difficult it is, into life, internally and externally—in the spiritual realm and turning it into physical actions. Not anything because we’ve got a lot of things and a lot of difficulties. And I told this lady in Scotland, the other thing Our Lady said was to give all your problems to Jesus. Just those two things. You don’t have to do anything. You can’t fix it! That’s why Our Lady’s here. If we could fix it, Our Lady wouldn’t be appearing every day. The world is so messed up that it can never be fixed until we do what She says to do and apply this message today into what I’m talking about. And then, why would you want to try to fix it? Because you can’t.


So, give all your problems to Jesus, and He takes care of it. And we’ve done this, and we’ve seen people talk about it, “Oh, this is happening now. It’s getting better and better,” and now, they want to start helping Jesus. No, you’ve done made the mess. He doesn’t need you. Just keep giving it to Him. You don’t hold your problem. All you’re going to do is make it a wreck again. And people want to help Jesus when they get so excited. Maybe they want to convert their husband or their children. They see these changes. Stay away from it. Every day, “Mary, he’s your problem. He want to go to California. He’s running from his demons. I give you to him. There’s nothing I can do. I can love. I’ve got prayer, sacrifice, fast, etc.” living the messages.


So, how do we make things change? Not through man, or men, M-E-N, the male. It’s not going to change through him. It changes through the woman. Salvation came through the Woman. Fallenness came through the woman. It’s threaded to the core of everything. You’ve heard me say it. I’m in New York. I get in with the taxicab driver. He’s an illegal, probably, but he can speak broken English. I say, “How’s it going in New York?” It was profound. His answer was, literally, profound. He said, “It depends on how short the girls’ skirts are.” That’s all he said. I said, “Wow.” The longer, the better it is in New York. The shorter, the worse it is. Because woman leads the direction, and if we’re in a wrong direction in the world, it is on the woman. “Well, what about Adam?” In The Poem of the Man-God, and the mystics tell us, had Adam stood up to Eve and not follow her, Jesus would have forgiven her. So, you’ve got to raise boys that way. You’ve got to repent for everything we messed up.


So, yes, man’s got responsibility. I just heard a military guy, a general, saying that all the women in the military, none of them are meeting the minimum requirements to be in the Marines. None of them. He said they don’t make it. And he said they were given directives, lower the standards. Yeah. Lower the standards to get in there, which, really, lowers all the standards. No, make the bar even higher. A woman is a woman, and a man is a man, and it’s decided in the womb, nowhere else. Speak it out. Condemn it, the behavior, not the person because they’re messed up. Parents are going directions and saying, “Oh, okay.” We’ve got people really, really messed up. We don’t want to go much on that subject, but you know what I’m talking about.


So, Our Lady is here to show us from birth is where we change the world. I’m telling you, if you, as a mother, a wife, tell your husband to shut up one time, one time, even saying be quiet, you damage your children. Our Lady says, “obey me,” “obey me,” over and over and over, because She always obeyed. She was never disobedient on the authority that was over Her, and what resulted from that, we can take that example, that the child would never tell the mother to shut up. Who’s teaching authority today? There’s nobody teaching authority. Nobody’s respecting the police. Nobody’s respecting the law. Nobody’s respecting each other. There’s nobody in the family, in the structure, the infrastructure of society, teaching obedience. “No, you can’t go swimming today, son,” the father says. Then, he goes to the mother, “Well, it’s okay. You can go. I’ll let you go.” You just contradicted authority, even if you heard that. We’ve heard stories like that. The mother let him do it; the father didn’t. Or the father says no and the mother says yes. No. “What did your father say?” “He said no.” “No. You better not do that.” We don’t have any obedience being practiced and authority practiced in the family because authority, for the man, is contradicted over and over and over. Well, you may be smarter than your husband. Doesn’t matter. It’s not how smart. It’s not even the right decision. The right decision is obedience brings fruit for whatever decision it is. If you’re doing something pure and holy, and you want to, and you’re trying to do right, God can bring grace through a decision that’s not perfect. But if it’s disobedient, and your decision is perfect, no fruit. Actually, somebody in the Community told me a few months back, they were reading that a saint said that anybody in any convent or monastery, wherever they are, that how they become a saint is, always be obedient, because all authority is from God. Return to authority. And if you have to apologize for what you did, then you do it. You may be angry with your husband, angry at your husband. You may be angry with your wife. You have to forgive. But authority, even imperfect, just like Ronald Reagan’s father, has to be respected, because he sits in a position of fatherhood, and that’s why so many people can’t have a belief in God the Father. It’s damaged.


So, how do you make a lady? You never say harsh words to your husband. Go in the room and pray somewhere else. He was in the cradle and maybe wasn’t rocked right. So, you have to realize the damage has to be checked by your saintliness and the truth of the Gospel. So, you can never say something to your kids or in front of your kids to any authority. If you stop by a policeman to get a ticket, and then after he give you a ticket for your speeding, and then after he leave, you say, “That stupid policeman. That was bad he did that.” My Mother takes care of that, and my wife gets crazy every time I get stopped by a cop for speeding. I just got stopped not long ago, for going 65 in a 40 mile an hour zone at nighttime, raining. She just looked at me. The cop let me off. And I’ve got a record of eighteen writes off. Because I obey Our Lady, She writes these things off. She can take care of that man. Ask my wife. She gets mad. She says, “How do you do that?” because she gets tickets. [LAUGHTER] But it works. Obedience comes to your favor. I want to be obedient to whatever Our Lady shows me what to do. And a lot of times, it’s not good for me and it’s hurtful, but it produces good fruit. And I’m not exaggerating about this eighteen. I’ve been keeping track of it. And I look at it and say…I’m usually saying the Rosary or whatever. I’ll give you a hint how to do it. If you get stopped, grab your insurance papers, grab your drivers license, roll down all the windows real quick, put your hands out with all that stuff like that and say, “I’m praying for you blue man.” That helps a lot right there. [LAUGHTER] Be obedient.


So, we’ve forgotten how to be a lady, and you want your man, your husband, your children getting married, the boy they married, you want him to know, and you want him to believe, “I want you to be just like your mama, and I want to be like her.” It’s up to you.



I remember when I first heard your heartbeat. It had only been eight weeks. Standing there, starin’ at that screen was the first time you ever scared me.


God knows I don’t know exactly what I’m doin’, but good news, we got her to get through it.


I hope you look just like your mama and love her like I do. You’ll see close to perfect patience if you watch her every move. You can always run to daddy. You’ll always be my baby, but look at her, baby girl, and you’ll learn how to be a lady. Just how to be a lady. Mm-mm.


I can make ya laugh ’til you cry, but she can make your tears dry, and when you get your heart broke by the wrong guy, she can make it right.


I hope you look just like your mama and love her like I do. You’ll see close to perfect patience if you watch her every move. You can always run to daddy. You’ll always be my baby, but look at her, baby girl, and you’ll learn how to be a lady. Hm-mm. Just how to be a lady. Oh-oh.


She’ll hear you. She’ll hold you. She’ll help you through. She’ll fix you, and me too.


I hope you look just like your mama and love her like I do (love her like I do). You’ll see close to perfect patience if you watch her every move (every move). You can always run to daddy. You’ll always be my baby, but look at her, baby girl, and you’ll learn how to be a lady. Just how to be a lady.



Just walk on the streets and just see how women are, how they dress. Are they ladylike? Do they have a poise? Do they have a style that speaks to you to be admirable? We don’t have that today. Just go to the coffee shops, the girls sitting in gym shorts, their legs hiked up, just filthy. A man is incited visually, a woman by touch. God made it that way. And they’re committing sins by committing sins in men’s hearts. If they’re not fasting, they’re not praying, the natural thing takes over, and a lot of women are going to be surprised how many times they’ve committed a sin by another man’s sin.


You hear on the radio, or you hear these attorneys and all this stuff, you know, “You deserve this,” the husband, wife, all this. If your husband is a tiger, you’ve got the qualities to tame him or to incite him. We had a situation where a husband said he was fussing with his wife, and she got on 911, screaming, and said he was beating her. They took him to jail. He didn’t do anything, never touched her. After that, he probably wanted to. [LAUGHTER] 


December 25, 1987

“…I call you…with great seriousness…”


Great seriousness,


“…to obey me and to do as I am calling you…”


Not some of it. All of it. The message today, everything said in the Gospel, read it. Do it. “I am calling you to do that.”


February 25, 1988

“…I want you to obey me…”


That’s one. [LAUGHTER]


[TO PILGRIM] You’re guilty. You’re laughing the most. [LAUGHTER] Watch out.


That little joke, though, tells the truth it used to be. When the husband said you do it, you better do it. Not that I’m justifying him killing her, but a lot of women kill themselves by poking their husband. And that’s true. If they had a different disposition, it’d be completely different. I’m not justifying the husband, but that happens.


I wrote in How to Change Your Husband,


The respect for authority the mother teaches the children comes back to her even when the father is away traveling, or dies…”


Another quote I got out of the book I wrote,


“…A mother undermines her future ability to govern if she lets her children do things while the father is not around, things that are not permitted by the father while he is home…”


You know, “He’s too strict,” or he’s too, whatever. You’re teaching them to disobey that.


“…Also, a mother who places her children, through words and actions, equal or above the husband does great harm to him and her children…”


You’ve got helicopter moms. You’ve got moms and wives putting their children above their father. Big, big mistake.


There was a family here that adopted a wolf. They had six kids in there. And the wolf used to be raised up in a pack, and he started growling at the kids and what they were doing. And the two or three older ones, he wouldn’t mess with. The younger ones, he did. He placed himself between those three and three and in the pack. And they realized what they had to do is to make those younger kids hit the wolf as he rose up, and that taught him he was where his place was, at the bottom of the food chain. Your kids are not ever to be over their husband. “We’re cooking dinner because this is what he likes.” “We’re going to this restaurant because that’s what he wants to do.” Then, the father can give the opportunity, “Well, where do y’all want to go?” The first thing goes to the father. The first thing goes to God the Father. Our Lady, here, is about the Father, the good Father in Heaven. Society’s forgotten these things completely.


So, I want to read that again.


“…Also, a mother who places her children, through words and actions, equal or above the husband does great harm to him and her children…”


Another quote out of the book,


“…Her children will challenge her and treat her as their equal or place themselves above her…”


How powerful the woman is. In my book, How to Change Your Husband, I quoted a book called Pathway of Life, and in that book, it says,


“A good marriage is the healing of the world…”


So, if you want to start living the messages, heal your marriage now, whatever you have to do. Repent. Apologize.


“A good marriage is the healing of the world. Marriage is the mother of the world, and preserves kingdoms and fills cities and churches and heaven itself.”


My quote in relating to this statement,


“Because marriage is the ‘mother’ of the world of life, satan…wants the ‘center,’ the working structure of marriages; that is, submission and obedience destroyed. In this way, he has during our time gained eternal power over multitudes, and will continue to do so.”


So, the family, the break of it, is a lot of the problems of what we have. In essence, Our Lady is here and saying for us to do like your Father. But do you have the example in your family that you can do that? Is he Godlike? And no man is going to be perfect, and yet, if the wife always has respect and always looking to him, then that makes it easy for the children to look at God the Father and be like Him.



I knew God had blessed my life from the sound of your first cry. You made us a family, and I ain’t ever gonna leave. Felt it then, I feel it now, through every single up and down. So, when the world says you’re nothing, oh let me tell you something.


Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you, love you like your father does. Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you, love you like your father does.


Yeah, time won’t slow down, and I won’t always be around to listen to your worries and hold you when you’re hurting. So, let me point you to the One Who’s with you till it’s done. Take His hand. He won’t let go. Gave His life to bring you home.


Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you, love you like your Father does. Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you, love you like your Father does.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I want you to know there’s nothing to prove. I’ve always, always loved you, and I always, always will.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I want you to know there’s nothing to prove. He’s always, always loved you. Oh, He always, always will


Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you like your Father does. Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you, love you like your Father does. Ain’t nobody gonna, ain’t nobody gonna love you like your Father does.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I want you to know there’s nothing to prove. I’ve always, always loved you, and I always, always will.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I want you to know there’s nothing to prove. He’s always, always loved you, and He always, always will.


Ain’t nobody gonna love you, hmmm, like your Father does.



When you retreat here…Actually, it’s not a retreat. This is a pilgrimage. Pilgrimage requires sacrifice, getting on the trails. Still, you’ve got time to invest. Again, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. So, this isn’t retreat time. It’s pilgrimage. You do that to come to conversion.


So, you women, you get a magnet for your refrigerator that says, “That’s one,” [LAUGHTER] every time you do something wrong, and put an “X” there. May be a hundred times before you change. Thank God he doesn’t have a pistol. [LAUGHTER]


Go home. Read the Scriptures, and if you read something, you lose your thoughts, go back and say, “Is that truth?” because Our Lady just said it’s truth. Read Ephesians. Read that. Read everything in the Gospel. It’s either true or not. And if you’re not living that truth, then you’re not going to have joy in your life. No consolation, no fruit, and we have to return to this. We get nothing from the pulpit except a duplicate of what was read. They read the readings, the Gospel, and they reread them, telling us the same thing. I just heard this! I’m not in kindergarten, father. Tell me some stories. Tell me “one, two, three.” “That’s one.” Tell me things like that. I want food! I’m only here because I’m sick of not getting food. This place came from a cow pasture. Why are people paying? Why are there people who pay for this building? Why would we put a ten-million-dollar print shop downstairs? Where did that come from? It came from grace, the grace of the Gospel, the grace of the messages. You can’t explain this place. I’m amazed with it. But the grace is here.




And that was a Friend of Medjugorje speaking about Our Lady’s message. A lot of impact. A lot of hard words, but a lot of truth in his words. And we invite you to take those words to heart, put them into your life, wherever it is that you are in your life at this moment, live these words and see the fruit that they will bear out.


And so, a Friend of Medjugorje gives us some final words as we conclude tonight’s broadcast.




But the woman has the burden, and it’s not without reason. It’s not that we’re saying that we’re happy about that but Our Lady is here to reverse that. She didn’t say in Her message, right before Christmas,


“…I wish in a special way on Christmas Day to give mothers my own Special Motherly blessing and Jesus will bless the rest with His own blessing…”


That, in itself, is a statement by Our Lady. Why would She segregate that? Contemplate that. The power is in the woman. She actually is more powerful than the man. She’s got it, and She’s got the direction.


And so, you have the ability to make these little boys, your grandkids, the kids you teach, the people who cross, to become real men and change the world.





This ends the Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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